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" Ah." Josh said as he looked at them. He then turned his head backwards Miridia you have some company." He said as he motioned them in. Josh laid back on his bed

" Very happy." Catherine said as she kissed her love multiple times.
Alya giggled and she ran past Josh and she looked at Miridia and she purred " Hey Miridia" she said sitting at her bed and she smiled happily, she always loved the witch even when she didn't know her that much.

Alta blushed deeply and she nodded "So am i....Hey Catherine ....i was gonna ask do you think we will ever become a married couple" she asked pressing their noses together and they kissed again.
"It's to early," the witch complained but walked towards the door. She ran a hand through her hair and straightened her back to be more polite. She forced herself into w poised stance with a smile, "hello"?
Alya groaned " ...its Almost 1 in the afternoon" she said and she moved close sitting beside her "Hey i was gonna try and become your friend " she said smiling a little, 'dang she so cute when she looks like she's a bedhead' she thought and she giggled " I'm Alya ...you probably don't remember me" she said
"Perhaps? I've been busy and the shadows haven't been jerks lately with the constant chatter," Miridia shook her head and shot her a relaxed smile. She looked at Josh and waved him over, "thanks for the food, Josh"
Alya nodded and she laid back beside her and she groaned "I was attacked this morning but my friends helped me...i was gonna ask...can you huh" she said pointing to her broken horn "i don't have any healing abilities so it won't heal" she said looking at her " What have you been doing ?" she asked
" Any time Miridia." Josh was as he walked over to them. He leaned on the wall as he looked at the new comers. " So lazy bones are you finally up." He said the witch. He then looked at the horned girl and immediately knew what she was trying to do. As much as he wanted to stop her he knew he wasn't Miridia so he couldn't intervene not yet anyway.

He then looked at the demon girl again. " Hold still." He said as he placed his arm on her horn as it healed. "There you go." He said.
Alya looked at her horn and she frowned, she had wanted Miridia to fix it but it was ok " thanks " she said , slightly frowning. she then looked around, she was getting worried, josh was staring at her like he thought she was evil or something.
Josh noticed her and looked at her. Was he looking at her the wrong way? He meant no offense by anything all he did was help her out. He sighed and looked away.
Alya looked at Miridia and she got close before she closed her eyes and she began to think, ' i can't do this if i tell her that i like her...i'm just gonna be shut out and thrown outside ...'she thought worried that she would be broken.
Adam raised an eyebrow at the Girl, and crossed his arms. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" He narrowed his eyes, studying her. Just in case she tried anything funny, he grabbed a hold on her nervous system strings, ready to pull at any moment.
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Johan saw what was going on. He looked at Alya and closed his eyes. trying to connect to Alya's mind. ' If you want to try and be with her back off and take it slow.' He said as he looked at his friend.
Alya in her head felt like crap " Johan...but....how i'm so scared that i'm gonna get pushed away' she said as she looked at him and she shivered ' what do i say...i don't know what to do' she almost cried a little.
" Calm down." He telepathically said as he looked at her. " For starters don't go up to her and act like you want her like you're doing right now." He said. "It's pretty damn obvious." He said. He might of like Alya but he wanted her to be happy. " Okay next let her speak and try and find things you both like. Then just talk to her about it." He said. He smiled a little bit. " And you better hurry up. I'm pretty sure Romeo over here is in love with her."
Alya nodded and she laid back away from Miridia and she looked at mirdia "hey Miridia what kind of things do you like to do?" she asked smiling at her before she tilted her to make herself a little cuter. she smiled happily as she tried to talk to her.
"Yes I'm up and you don't have any right to call me a lazy bones! I manage mana, the shadows and keep you alive so shush. And yes, let me take a look at the horn," Miridia rolled her eyes and conjured a healing spell to her hand. She pulled Alya's chin to look at her, "stay still".
Alya looked at her and she nodded " OK..." she said and she stared at her , a small smile appeared up on her lips before she waited for her horn to be finished healing.
" Alright." Johan said telepathically. " You're doing great. Keep it up." He said as he leaned on the door. He kept a close eye on Ayla wondering what Miridia might be thinking at the moment.
Miridia shot a glacé to the telepath in warning, baring her mind down incase he tried to peer in. She pushed the healing spell into the horn and hummed as she watched it start to reform, "I don't want you doing anything that can break this again for a while. It needs time for the nerve to reform".
Alya smiled at Miridia, she wanted to hug her but she didn't "So Miridia what do you do for fun?" she asked wanting to get know her " I really want to know you Miridia" she said. 'and maybe date you if i can' she said in her head
"I garden. It's a good use of time," Miridia pulled away and examined the horn once more before taking a cup of tea into her hands. She drank it as a shadow formed into a seat once more.
Alya smiled and she nodded "really i heard it's quite fun but i never had the time to do it..hey wanna go garden today?" she asked smiling at her "What else do you like to do..i like to go on walks around this place its the only thing fun around here. and maybe just explore" she said.
"Traveling through dimensions is cool," Miridia thought as she started to float about the room. She hummed and summoned a book to her free hand, flipping to her page. The shadows were prying at her again, whispering excitedly into her brain.
"Huh?" she asked , even thought she could hear her thoughts for some reason and she looked at the book "Whats that book?" she asked and she drooped slightly before she smiled happily " Through Dimensions?....Oh can i come!?" she said smiling.
"After the tournament," Miridia looked at Alya and raised an eyebrow. Her eyes curious about why she was standing so close. The witch snapped her book shut and it disappeared before she stood up, "well I should go check on my gardens".
Matt's clone walked over to Adam and Taylor, "Well, what do we have here." Matt said as he looked over toward Taylor. The fifteen year old scanned the girl, he didn't notice anything of great suspicion on her. "So, who are you?" Matt asked, adding on the Adam's question. He got ready to activate his visual powers at any moment.
"I don't. I could use the extra hands," Miridia nodded and opened a portal to her private space. She stepped through the portal before getting to work with her large floating island. She pulled her hair back into a small pony tail.
Josh quickly went in after her. He pulled his sleeves up before looking around. "This place looks beautiful." He said as he walked towards Miridia. "So what do you need help with?" he asked. as he stood beside the woman he loved even if he screwed up admitting it.
"I need to plant some hybrids, prune some things, water," the witch list off as she gently pushed a basket into his hand, "also harvesting the fruits that have ripened. So let's get to work"!
Alright." Josh said as he picked up some clippers and started to prune the plants. " You did realize she was hitting on you right." He asked as he continued to work. " Anyways other than gardening what are some things you like to do?" he asked.
Alya drooped and she got up and she looked at the portal and she stuck her head in and she looked around "Wow this is amazing" she whispered before she went out of the place and she frowned.
"I realized that but you know how I react to flirting. I get defensive," the witch mumbled the last part as she started to collect a set of ripe peaches from the orchard. She filled her first basket and started on her second.
"Yeah." he said as he looked looked at her before he finished pruning the first plant. "So what other hobbies do you have." He said. " I want to get to know you better Miridia. I know I fucked up yesterday with how I told you but I want to try and make it right." He said as he worked on the second plant cutting of the dead and withered areas.
"I meditate, enjoy horror movies even with the cheesy ones, I adore cats and snakes.
I will also simply turn into a snake to move around out of sheer boredom," Miridia moved through the radio is around him, collecting all that she could and scolding the shadows when she went back to see the they had ate all of the peaches.
"Horror movies seriously." He laughed a little bit. " I didn't take you for a horror junkie. I've been a fan of Horror films for most of my life. So who do you like more Freddy, Jason, or Michael." He said. He couldn't believe they had that in common.
"Those chumps? What about Carrie is where it's at," Miridia smirked as she finished up her gathering of the fruit. She put it down and went to start with the other trees. A yelp escaped her as the shadows suddenly picked her up to collect the higher plants.
" Please." Josh said. " If I wanted to see a telepathic scary little girl I would just have to walk around the camp. because sooner or later some one like that will show up." He said jokingly. " Okay do you prefer old or new horror films."
"Old are classic put newer day have better affects so I'm torn," she shrugged and continued to collect the food she had grown. When her feet touched the ground she smiled, patting her shadowy friend before slipping over to send the collected fruits to a safe zone.