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"Let's." She said as she looked through the menu. She found something that looked good and ordered it. "Want to talk about anything." she asked.
Alta looked at Catherine and she smiled happily " Sure..." she said smiling as she ordered her food and she smiled happily " So wanna know anything about me?" she asked
"Sure." She said as she looked at her. She smiled brightly. "So, what's your favorite color?" she asked as she looked at her. She knew it was a trivial question but at the same time a good opener for a conversation."
Alta thought for a while then she smiled "Blue" she whispered and she looked at her and she smiled "whats yours Cat" she asked smiling and she looked down at her feet.
Alta looked at her and she shivered " I guess....steak...its good and tasty but Spaghetti is good as well...hey do you ever miss your old home...earth is ok but i miss home so much" she said taking a sip of water, she looked a little sadder than normal then she looked up , she began to smile when she started to look at Cat.
"I've never seen Quzac." She said. " I was raised on Earth and spent my whole life there." She said. She smiled at her before taking another drink. " What did you like most about you're home?" she asked.
Alta looked at Catherine and she sighed " Nothing much...just family there" she said and she grabbed Cat's hand and she looked down " Hey so we are a couple?" she whispered before her slimily hand turned smily and held her hand close. " I'm just glad i meet someone like you" she said "your the only reason i wouldn't leave this planet"
Alta blushed and she smiled at her " Me too" she whispered before she hugged her , their food arrived and Alta smiled at the hot rice and chicken "yum can i have some ...ekk Sauce " she said when the man poured sweet and sour sauce on her rice and chicken. "thanks" she whispered and she looked at Catherine "what i love this...its like one of the few things i can even eat...other than sweets and fruit" she said smiling "and liquids" she whispered
Alta began to think before she shook her head "yeah private ones but i'll ask later in a more private area" she blushed, wanted to leave more about her past. she smiled as she ate.
Adam found himself sitting on the Couch in Miridia's Cabin, completely alone, and with a feeling of... loss. He feels useless, and helpless. Vex is out there, the Master is... somewhere... and it seems Adam's been forgotten yet again. This time, by his new Family. It was a mistake, trying to delve into a relationship so quickly with Alya, he could see that now. He sighed as he rubbed his face in his hands. Everyone was at the Tournament it seemed, leaving him alone. He chuckled quietly. "Guess that makes me Earth's only defense right now, huh?" He said out loud, bitterness in his voice. He had so much power... but his own power scared even him. He pushed himself from the Couch and stood, stretching. "A walk will do me some good..." Maybe he likes hearing his own voice.
As he stepped outside, he heard a familiar chirp as Kelly fluttered onto his Shoulder. He grinned as he stroked her Chest. "At least you didn't forget about me..."
Alta looked at her and she sighed " Accident " she whispered and she drooped " I took a ship to leave my home to see the worlds with a crew " she said looking at her and she looked down " But then something attacked us, killing everyone but me ...i was dropped to earth from a pod and look at me now, show her burnt marks on her face and arms "i hide them with my layers of liquid " she whispered and she laid her head down "i hate my life...well not any more " she said blushing.
Matt got up and walked into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, he looked like a total mess. "Hmph, I didn't think a mental battle like that would take a tole on my body." Matt grumbled to his face as he washed the streak of blood off that had came from his right eye. Matt deactivated his visual powers the red in his eye faded back to blue, his right eye flashed purple when he deactivated them. "Strange, It even happens after I deactivate them..." Matt mumbled as he turned on the hot water and began to shower.
Alta looked at her and she nodded ,playing the waitress and she bowed before she held Catherine's hands and she smiled happily "cmon " she said walking with her "wanna go home?" she asked blushing "I mean back to the room" she said smiling.
The Journey had been long, and Taylor had not found what she was looking for.
The World knew it. The Outcasts had retreated into these very woods. Strange sightings, Power so strong as to shake the Earth. Unimaginable surges of energy, it was no secret. The 'Enhanced Individuals' lived here... theoretically.
Taylor wasn't in search of these people to try and take them in, or kill them, or anything negative. She desires their help.
For the past eight Months, Taylor had been performing some rather questionable things. Talking to Animals, and making them do as she pleases, bending and manipulating light, even allowing herself to go invisible. She needed help, answers, and maybe more, if they were willing to take her in.
She groaned as she shifted the Hiking Pack. She was too far in, and was beginning to believe it was all fake, and head back, when she saw it.
The Cabin.
Just outside it, a young Man walked slowly from the Building, a tiny Animal on his Shoulder. It appears to be a Bat or something. He had to be an Outcast. She quickly gets behind a Tree, and peers out at the Boy, watching him intently.
The fifteen year old got out of the shower and dried off and put his regular clothes back on. Matt looked into the mirror and looked into his eyes, there was now a certain darkness in them sort of like a bit of bitterness and distrust. Matt walked into the room, "I'm going for a walk real quick." Matt said to Darcel as he opened the door and went outside. Matt walked behind the hotel and activated his visual power, his right eye glowed a bright purple as he closed his left eye and somehow managed to open a small hole in dimensions and shot a bolt of lightning through it from his finger. Matt sat against the building out of breath as the small hole closed.
On the other side the lightning bolt flashed across the land until it landed in front of Adam. The bolt manifested into a clone of Matt, "Hey, I don't have much time here. I pretty much used all my strength to get this here." The clone of Matt said as it looked at Adam. "Can you please somehow take a look at the strings of my memories and see if you can find any memories maybe of my childhood?" The clone asked, hoping to get more information on just what Vex was talking about.
Adam raised his eyebrows. "Um... oh... actually... I can't do that." He crossed his arms and shifted on his feet. "Memories is something beyond my realm of expertise. See, if I even tried to somehow access your memories... It could shut down your Brain. Permanently."
Catharaine smiled before kissing her love's cheeks. " Lets" She said as they walked back to their room. She kissed Alta again when they arrived.
Alta blushed when they kissed, after a moment of kissing she broke the kiss and she smiled "that was fun..." she whispered and she looked at her before she grabbed her hands "what now?"
" Well." Cathrian said. " We could put a do not disturb sign on the door and spend a decent amount of time here doing things." She said before kissing her again. It might be going fast but she had a feeling that Alta wouldn't leave her.
Alta purred in agreement , she held her hand and she drooped "so i guess the child will be ours?" she asked tilting her head before she put a do not disturb sign on their door and she smirked when she locked the door " So what did you have in mind?" she said smiling and she held her hands and she kissed her again.
"Yes." She said. "The child is ours." She said before pulling Alta onto the bed. She looked at her as she kissed her passionately. " I think you know what I have in mind." She said
Alta blushed, she tilted her head and she winked "really?..." she licked her girlfriend's lips and she smiled " hmm i think i'm gonna enjoy this" she whispered before she looked into her eyes and she kissed her softly and passionately.
After a while after there little fun time, she heard a knock on the door "huh who could that be?" she asked ,looking at Catherine "wanna answer it?" she asked. Behide the door stood Alya..., she was a mess, her clothes looked ripped and her hair was in a mess, she looked like someone horrible happened to her. "Hey ....guys....can i please come in" she whispered
Alya saw Catherine and she hugged her, "i was walking around exploring and...i got jumped, i was robbed of everything then...they beat me and raped me..." she whispered and she shivered "i may be a demon but i'm weak from behide" she cried and she looked up and she drooped down on the floor crying.
"Where did this happen." Catharine asked as she looked at the poor girl. Her mind went to assult mode wanting revenge for this girl. " Tell me and I'll make sure you get everything back and that they pay for it." She said.
Alya stared at Catherine and she shivered "Ok...." she said holding Catherine's hand and she send her a memory of her being raped and beat up by the men on a alley way near an old store. "ekk " She said and she looked at her "see..." she said hugging her "help me please" she said drooping. Alta walked up "Cmon Cat lets punish those evil guys" she said kissing her cheek.
Cathraine nodded her head and walked towards the old store. " So." Catherine said as she looked around. "think we should just wait her and wait for one of them to show up." She asked as she leaned against a wall.
One of the men saw Catherine and he walked up "dang someone looks likes she be having a baby soon" he chuckled her reached out, he had a knife in his hands " Give your money or i'll call my boys and we beat the fuck out of you" he said. Alta wasn't that far so she could keep an eye on cat , she looked at the man.
Catherine looked at the man and smiled. She quickly moved disarming the man. She hit the man's chest fallowed by multiple parts of his body in a blink of an eye. She looked at him and smiled waiting for the move to take affect.
The man groaned, he fell down, blood started to leak out of his wounds and he looked at her "ok....what do you want" he said groaning. Alya walked up and she bent down " My money , and my stuff they you took...and my left horn" she said pouting. the man growled "Fine" he said and his men came out giving the stuff back then dragging their boss away. Alya drooped and she looked up " can we go back home"she said. Alta walked up and she smiled and nodded "sure lets go"
"Alright." Catherine said as she held Alta's hand and gently put her arm around Alya. She stopped as she felt a familiar warm presence she look and saw a man struggling to walk up to them. 'Johan.' she thought. She let go of the two girls and quickly went over to the man as he fell down. His face was burned. his body had multiple wounds on it. She looked at her best friend and smiled. " Can you both help?" she asked.