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Alya gasped and she helped him up "yeah we can help" she said and she smiling before she helped him into her arms . Alta helped as well as she held him up "man what happened to you?" she asked confused.
The man wasn't responding. " Sorin." Catharine said as she helped him to their room. " He some how escaped and came here." She said. She smiled a little bit. " His name is Johan Morriland he's a good friend." She said. She put her hand on his chest as his wounds started to heal. " He should be fine in a few hours." She said.
Alta nodded and she smiled happily as she went inside their room and she laid him down on the bed "I hope he will be ok...since he's a friend of yours" she said and she sat down " Is he from ?"she asked.
Catherin looked at her. "Yes he is." She said as she kissed her love. "Still I wonder how he got here. He must of escaped Sorin somehow. Catherin then looked at Alya. " I don't think we've met. I'm Catherin." She said.
Alya smiled at her and she hugged her, she had healed her horn and she looked at her " I'm Alya.." she whispered. Alta giggled and she sat down " Hmm i wonder" she said and she put a hand on their backs and hugged them close to her making both girls touch.
Taylor saw her chance open up. As the Outcast appeared from the Lightning and began talking to the one with the Bat, she used this opportunity to slip through the Tree Line and make a quick dash to the Shed. Leaning against the wall, she snuck off, in search of any other Outcasts, keeping her eyes open for any more. There surely had to be more than two.
Johan woke up a little grogy. He didn't have the faintest idea of how he got here. Last thing he remember was barley escaping Sorin and jumping threw a portal. He winced as he sat up. He saw three girls hugging. He wondered if there was more to this than what meets the eye. He thought about his Fiancé and how she was probably dead now. He cried a little bit before he noticed one of the girls. " Catherine." He said in disbelief.
Catherine broke her hug with the two girls and walked over to Johan slapping him hard. " That's what you get for leaving me you bastard." She said before pulling him into a hug. She was glad that her best friend was still alive.

" I did what I could to protect you." He said. as he looked at the other girls. "Mind introducing me to you're friends." He asked
Catherine nodded and pointed. " She is Alya." She said pointing at the demonic looking girl." She then pointed to the other one. " And she's Alta.... My girlfriend."

Johan looked at her. " I can't say I'm surprised." Catherine slapped him again. " It's nice to meet both of you." He said.
Alya waved when she was introduced and she sat down on the bed , she smiled a little. Alta blushed and she walked to Johan and she bent down " Yeah it is nice to meet you" she smiled and she helped him up before she looked at Catherine. Alya drooped and she looked down at her feet. "hmm so anyone wanna have some fun....i'm bored" she said.
"Nice to meet you too." He said as he looked at Alta. "Make sure to take care of her." He said as he looked at them all. " Well what's there to do around here?" he asked. as he looked at the ladies.
"Not much." Catherine said.
Alya nodded "yeah nothing much really" she said and she looked at Catherine and she had an idea " Catherine" she whispered and she told her what if they played a prank on him. Alta smiled "I will...." she said smiling and she hugged Catherine as well.
"I see." Matt's clone said as it looked toward the ground. The clone then looked around, "Man, I haven't been away for long but I already miss it here." Matt said as he breathed in the fresh air, it seemed much cleaner than the air in the main universe. "Well, anyway me and Vex fought within his outskirts and he kept mention things about my childhood that I don't even know about." The fifteen year explained to Adam. Matt glanced behind Adam for a second, Someone is close by.. Matt thought to himself as he looked back toward Adam.

The real Matt got up after passing out from straining his eyes to much. "Hopefully the clone got there safely." Matt muttered as he brushed off his pants and ran back into the hotel.
Alta smirked "what if we ...hmm the way he's staring at us makes me...feel weird..oh i know dress him up in a pink dress and make him go outside for a day" she said giggling. Alya groaned "what no...when he goes in the bath room , let me produce a flame and make it look like the place is burning' she said smiling,, she almost held Catherine's hand as well as Alta's.
" Or how about you both realize that I was being respectful to you both." Johan said as he looked at them. " Good friends you have there Catherine." He said before laying down.
Alya laughed and she put a arm around Johan " I was just kidding...we like you..." she said sitting down in a chair. Alta looked at Catherine and she smiled " Catherine ...." she whispered before she hugged her close.
" What Alta." Catherine said softly as she held her love close to her. Johan looked at Catherine and Alta. he turned back to the demon girl. " Hey Alya do you want to get out of here for awhile?" he asked

Josh looked at Miridia. " Come on lazy bones." Josh said as he walked over to Miridia's bed. "We should do something."
"But I'm comfy," the witch whined and hid under the blankets. She grumbled and curled into a ball, not wanting to do anything and being over all lazy. She had a few patches of scales but let them be, keeping warmth close to her body.
" Fine." He said. He grabbed the remote and turned on the closest thing to C-Span that this universe had. He looked at her wondering what her response might be.
Alta blushed and she looked at her belly and she rubbed it " I can't wait for our child" she whispered before she looked up and kissed her love and she giggled happily before she smiled. Alya looked over " Huh?" she asked before she smiled "sure...hey wanna Meet Miridia ...shes really cool" she whispered and a small blush appeared on her face as she thought of the witch.
Alya looked at Him and she stood up " Just asking you know i'm a demon...? right man when i got here i thought people would kill me " she said and she started to walk around till she made it to Mirada's room and she knocked on the door " Mirada?" she asked and she drooped "its me the demon girl Alya" she said wanting in.
"Really you're a demon?" Johan said as he looked her up and down. " I wouldn't have guessed." He said sarcasticly. "Still you seem like a good person no matter what you are it's how you act that defines you." He said as he looked at her. "not to mention that you are beautiful. horns and all."
Alya blushed and she looked at him "Thanks...." she said ,kind of not used to someone being nice to her " hehe yeah i know you would find out someway" she laughed and she looked down.
"I'm only saying the truth." He said. He leaned against the wall and looked at her. He was smiling. " So where did you grow up?" he asked trying to get to know her a bit better.
"I heard what he said. I might not have been ale to break into the Outskirts that time, but that doesn't mean I couldn't eavesdrop." Adam replies. He narrows his eyes as Matt looks behind him, so Adam turns his Head. "Uh, something wrong?" He asks Matt.
Alya groaned and she sat down "were all demons are born" she drooped and she looked up "But when i was 10 i escaped and lived on earth in the woods" she said and she smiled at him.
"Ah." He said as he took in the information. " So anything you want to ask." He said as he looked at her. He couldn't help but like this girl.
" I was born on the planet of Quzac but I grew up in Columbus Georgia." He said as he looked at her. " I grew up on the streets until I was ten and an older Quzacion took me in and told me about my destiny. Which I failed." He said as he looked at her. " So what's this witch like?" he asked.
Alya looked at the door "Oh She's nice...and ...well i don't know i wanted to get to know her a bit " she said and she looked at Him and she frowned " so what was your destiny?" she asked
" Protect Catherine and defeat a warlord that ruined Quzac and now my earth." He said as he looked at her. " While I did get Catherine out of there I failed to defeat him. He captured the woman I loved and killed her right in front of me." He said. "Then after torturing me he let me go and that's when I somehow got here." He said as he looked at her. " You probably didn't want to know any of that.
Alya started to think "You don't think he let you escape ......so he could follow you to our world...?" she asked worried and she looked at him " Were you surprised when you saw Alta and Catherine in love?" she asked
He thought for a second and cursed. " You might be right. I might of just led the guy to Catharine." He said. He then leaned on the wall. "a little bit." He said as he looked at the demon girl. " but I'm happy for her. She found someone after Orion's passing." He then looked at Alya. " So do you prefer men or women?" he asked.
Alya stood up and she sighed " I'm Bi..." she whispered and she looked at her before she walked over to him " I kind of want to meet Miridia and see if i like her" she whispered before she yawned. Alta looked at her wife " So....wanna hmm play again" she said pushing her knee into her legs to mess with her.
"Ah." Johan said as he looked at Alya. " Well I hope you like her. if not would you consider having dinner with me?" He said. He knew it was a little early but he liked the demon girl.

Catherine smiled and kissed Alta as if saying yes before pulling her onto the bed. They both spent a lot of time together.

Josh walked to the knocking door and opened it. He saw a man with abnormally white hair and a girl with horns. "Can I help you?" he asked them.

Brandon woke up and held grace in his arms he smiled a little bit before kissing her and heading to the small kitchen area.
"I could have sworn I saw something or someone run closer to us out of the corner of my eye." Matt said as he looked at Adam, he said this a bit more quietly. "Every since my right eye began to flash purple my perception has been the best its ever been." Matt explained as his right eye flashed purple for a split second. It was strange, he didn't even have his visual powers activated.
Taylor took notice of the approach, and backed into the wall, refracting light particles off of herself to give off the illusion that she's invisible. As long as she doesn't move, the trick is full proof. There's no 'seeing through' it, because it's light itself. It's not really an illusion, as It's reality. She held her breath as he approached, hoping he didn't have some way to see through this somehow...
As a matter of fact, he can.
Adam glanced at the wall absent mindedly, and approached the door, when he stopped, and looked curiously back at the spot on the wall. Nothing seemed different, except the random strings controlling body parts coming out of the wall. "Um... excuse me?" He asked, tilting his Head slightly.
Alya giggled and she nodded "sure Man" she said and she looked at Josh " Oh yes i wanted to meet Miridia " she whispered and she smiled a little, sure her skin was not as pale as she wanted it to be the sun from this place was starting to make her have color again.

Alta blushed as she kissed Catherine " So...are you happy" she said between kisses.