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Darcel kept thinking to himself, "What is a faster way to travel back home? I could use blood marionette but..." "I'm gonna do it" He thought out loud. "Blood Marionette" he whispered as his legs collapsed. "Forward" he spoke inside his head. Darcel's body was being flung forward at surprising speeds. It may not be as fast as Ken, but it was something.
Aha, he had made it to the forest in 8 minutes, But he had no clue where the base was. "Damn it" he whispered under his breath. "There is some dear nearby, maybe I could make a signal? Whatever I'll try my best." He thought to himself. On that note, he gently set Ken down and killed a deer. He absorbed the creatures blood and shot it into the air, almost like a flare, but more gruesome. He picked Ken up and waited to see if anyone could find him, or would he have to look himself.
"Hmm?" Akron heard a sound similar to a flare being shot. He looked up to see a deep red cloud hovering over some trees. "Must be a signal," Akron thought aloud. He went into the forest to investigate.
The blood fell back downwards and splashed him in the face. "Gross... But that's what I get for being a blood bender..." he chuckled. Darcel picked up the small deer he had killed and put it over his other shoulder. At this point, Darcel had barely any energy left, he used too much of his powers at this point. "Never doing that again" he laughed under his breath.
Lyric heard the burst and saw the blood cloud. She used an acceleration glyph to try and get there as fast as possible. She moved between trees, hoping for the best but reading herself for the worst.
Akron finally reached the clearing where the flare had been shot and saw Darcel leaning over Ken. "Whoa. What happened? Ken's unconscious, you have blood all over your face, and there's a half eaten deer over there."
Darcel glanced upwards at Akron. He struggled to stand up, a giant gash visible on his stomach. "Oh... S-Seth tried to control Ken, and he kinda went crazy and fazed through a wall and passed out. The 'small' cut on my stomach was a result of Akki helping me from my posses ion. Oh, I also finished my father off, so.. You get the blood part. Oh yeah, the flare kinda dropped back onto my face and I need to stop passing out.." he spoke before his legs collapsed and fell onto the floor. "I'm fine... Just a little bit of blood los-" he chuckled before his eyes suddenly closed.
"Whoa!" Akron barely managed to catch Darcel as he fell. Summoning two beds of stone, he set Darcel and Ken on them, and with a stomp of his foot, the beds carried the two back to base. "Please let Lyric be there," Akron muttered.
Joshua watched the reunion from a distance. He just couldn't bring himself to go towards them. He doesn't remember much of that night but he can't help but feel useless for not doing anything to help out Darcy. It'll be best for him to leave the boy be for awhile.

Slyer walked right up to Darcel. " hello there. I'm Slyer." He said. ' Soon.' He thought.
Darcel opened his eyes and looked up at Slyer. "Ughh.. Bad timing much? I kinda have a hole in my stomach... But I'm Darcel you are?" he whispered as he closed his eyes trying to tolerate the sudden pain after the adrenaline had worn off.
Lyric almost ran into Akron. She stopped and hovered over them like a mother hen. She started looking at wounds and looked at Akron, "what happened I want to know. We have to pick up the pace I have zero of my medical supplies on me right now"!
Dasken arrived at the cave, where his final putburst took place. He touched the walls gingerly, as if any disturbance may trigger the horrid activity again. He hung his head. "How..?" He looked up at the ceiling, where scorch marks made the stone pitch black and smooth. He turned to the entrance, and considered trapping himself in the cave. Instead, he merely sat cross-legged in the middle of it, his head hung, tears streaming.
Darcel glanced at winter "Thanks... I would try to heal myself but... I'm tired I guess.." he felt guilty, the boy always seemed to somehow get everyone to care for him, but he never did anything for anyone else. "Oh... Sorry for being selfish, is Ken ok?" He attempted to sit up as he tried to look for him. "He kinda fell onto the ground into my fath-...Seth's backyard."
"Yes," Lyric nodded and used an acceleration glyph to zoom ahead of everyone and start prepping. She pulled out her medical supplies and clean water. She grabbed bandages and cloths to clean off the blood and washed her hands after tieing her hair back to sanitize the best she could.
Ashley ran to where she had seen Darcel's blood signal, and saw the group. Darcel looked like he was dying. Shame was eating at the girl's heart. If he dies because of me, I'm done, She thought. Ashley ran to them, using a trick she had learned to accelerate; her wind powers were helping to propel her forwards. When she got to the group, she stopped and was panting. "I got...lost," Ashley said between gulps of air, "Is Darcel okay?"
He struggled to open his eyes, they started to become swollen. "I.. I'm fine..." he whispered. "ARGH WINTER! STOP" he insisted. His heart began to race, you could see his veins slowly turning purple.
Ken finally woke up with his head still hurting a little. "Oh, my head." He then saw Ashley. "Hey Ashley, where did you go? Did you not see the trail of holes I made in the road for you?" Ken said weakly.
Lyric waited for everyone to get back to base. She had set up a make do surgical room and just need her patients. She tried to keep her mind off things and waited, humming to try and calm herself down.
"I don't," Ashley said, "But we have these leaves. They can act as bandages and stop the bleeding until we can get actual bandages." She pulled the leaves off of a nearby tree. "And I kinda...got a little lost. Sorry, guys. Did you beat Darcel's dad to a pulp?"
Akron saw Lyric's makeshift surgical room and thought fast. "Sorry Darcel, Ken," He muttered, drawing his fist back. "Time to go nap-nap." He slammed his fist into their noses, knocking them out cold. He once again placed them on a rock bed and sent them to Lyric across the earth.
Wha- but I'm not doing anything I'm not even touching yo- oh my god lead poisoning, oh god, oh god, oh god" she said as she recinise the symptoms of it "you come with me now, we need to find plants to make it stop spreading" she said dragging slyer off with her to find what she needed
Lyric immediately got to work diagnosing the wounds and starting to fix them. She patched up the wound on Darcel's stomach after making sure it missed vital organs, sewing it back up after washing the blood away. She then quickly turned to Ken and started to work on him, switching between the two.
"I don't know, his dad tried to control me which caused me to run around a lot and pass out. I also discovered a new ability, I can show you after I heal." He raised his arm to find out that the medium sized cut was already healing. "What?" He then saw Arkhon throwing a punch at him. "No wai..." He got knocked out before he could finish.
Ashley grimaced, then began to back up. "Don't punch me, I'm not dying. I can make it home with a scraped knee," She said, remembering when she had made the kindergarten mistake of tripping over a tree root and breaking the skin.
"I could also use some help. I need to make sure you didn't just break their noses, give them concussions or possibly killed them. A punch to the nose can do that," Lyric looked at akron and then at Ashely, "still grab a cloth and wash it. I don't want infection".
Ashley nodded and grabbed a damp rag, knowing that Lyric wasn't one to loose an argument. It was pretty much either wash your own cut, or get knocked out and have Lyric forcefully scrub every last little bit of grit out of it. She rolled up her pant leg and began to clean the abrasion.
years ago
" So how does the other guy look." Brandon Moreland said as he handed Joshua a bag of peas.
Joshua grabbed the peas and pressed it against his lip. " They called mom a whore." Joshua a young curly blonde haired boy. " I just couldn't stand it anymore."
"Hey you tried to defend her honor." Brandon said. He was a good ten years older than Joshua. He had short blonde hair. he wore a pair of glasses. " Though next time I recommend actually learning how to fight."
"Yeah." Joshua said. " But I have you with me big brother. Always."
" Hey some day I won't be around." Brandon said. " On that day your going to have to step it up little man." He tussled Joshua's hair. " But I'll always be here for you." He walked back to the fridge " I'll get you another bag of peas." He said He opened the friedge door. as he did it the peas flew into Joshua's Hands. " What the." He said as he looked at Joshua. " Did you just do that?"
" Yeah I'm not normal. Mom says I shouldn't show off." Joshua said.
" I can see why." Brandon said. " Can you show it to me again." He said.
Joshua walked back to the bunker. He kept his distance from everyone. He still felt so damn useless. He wondered if it would be better if the others went on without him.
"If the nose is broken reset it. They might wake up but hold them down if they do. Ken is healing faster then darcel so he should be better off but I don't think he wants to wake up with a crooked nose. Darcel's blood is being weird and the injuries like the one on his stomach is pretty bad. I want everyone to make sure he doesn't leave the base for a couple days, he can go outside but nothing to bad. He's going to kill himself if he reopens these wounds. Am I understood," Lyric motioned for Akron to wash to blood away of their noses bled and clean any other wounds as she wrapped bandages and sewed stuff shut.
Winter soon came back with many plants in her arms "lyric do we have a bowl I can use to crush these up in? It's for Darcel's lead poisoning" she said turning to look at the two in worry
Lyric started to freak out when this happened. All of her brittle calm that she was trying to keep, breaking gin this one moment. Her crystals started to grow quickly but she powered through it. She crested a small glyph over his to calm his blood pressure but small random glyphs were creating and disappearing around the room in her panick. She wiped the blood away and finished up his wounds, having to hold him still a few times. Her eyes were wild with different emotions. She looked at winter and snarled, pointing at darcel, "does that look like lead poisoning to you! His hair is turning silver and he's bleed black blood from his eyes"!
Ashley stared in horror at Darcel's transformation. "I don't think that a few leaves are gonna fix him right now," She said with a hushed, scared voice.