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Hehehe thanks dask I needed to hear that" she said turning to glare at slyer blue wisps coming off her winters eyes in anger as frost started to spread across the ground around her and along her wings in her anger "we let you in our home gave a place to stay , and what do you do you watch us like pray learn our routine our daily life in order to betray us or even worse kill us that is just sad and deserves nothing more then death" she growled sounding like a wolf or even a dragon
Looking in from a distance, midnight silently took out his Scythe "I've got a bad feeling about this" he muttered, preparing to break up a fight if anything happened
Lyric got out of the bunker knowing that she wasn't going to get any more sleep. She stretched and decided that maybe she could tire herself out by working on the medical hut. She cut up some of the logs and placed them where they needed to go.
Akki smirked, "Goodbye." as he climbed into Darcel's back

Darcel glanced upwards, holding onto his stomach wound. "You.. can't.. hurt him..." he whispered as he began to crawl over towards Seth.

Seth stared into Ken's eyes. "Well, I guess you'll have to kill this boy, or witness him die before you. Stupid choice." he laughed as he kicked Darcel in his stomach. "Time to die boy." he smiled.
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I'v had my suspicions about him I know not his powers but know this, it's is bad if he accomplishs what he came here to do" she said coldly her voice holding promise of pain
"Well then..." Midnight said, before turning around and going to find Lyric
"Uh Lyric" he said when he found her "Some guy went to watch Dasken and Winter train and now they are trying to kill him..."
Lyric sighed and stood up to follow midnight. She dusted herself off and looked at her friend with an unamused face, "lead me to them! We really don't need any drama right now. People are still hearing, I have a farms and things to finish".
She pulled her hair back and her shoulders slouched.
Dasken hunkered down into a defensive and offensive position that he had learned from an old trainer. He summoned forth multiple more spheres at the ready, and glanced at Akron and Winter in turn, before returning his line of sight to Sylar.
Akron turned around. "Lyric! Midnight! We caught this kid trying to spy on us." He flexed his fingers, and immediately extremely sharp knives made of rock shot out of his wrists.
Lyric grinned and stood inbetween the two. She raised her hands and two glyphs crested, she looked at everyone with a from and narrowed eyes, "would someone like to explain why you are all threatening eachother? What happened to me saying we should lay low for a few days? You know relax and not cause injuries"!
Seth held onto his bruised face, tripping over his own legs. "Good one boy..." he whispered as he walked over towards the two

Darcel stuttered,"Obviously n-not... but I can manage..." he stuttered while he attempted to stand.

"Well,well, speedy. I can see you care about this monster here, so you will have the duty to finish him off." Seth chuckled evilly. He held out his hand and attempted to posses Ken.

Darcel stared up at Ken as His father attempted to posses him. Darcel mouthed the word "Please" towards him, trying to make him fight the possession.
Winter said nothing knowing her words would be useless in the situation, so she remained silent for the time being and watched slyer, if he so much shade a wing move he was dead
"Tell me why you all want to hurt him! Right now all of you look like the bad guys! He was watching you train so what? Would I not be able to watch you train? Has he explicitly threatened any of you, do you have proof," Lyric growled at them and slowly her glyphs grew large to acts as sheilds between everyone.
Akron thought for a moment, then dropped his guard. "You're right. We can't assume any shady people are guilty without proof." He stepped back and nodded to Slyer. "Sorry for the trouble we caused. I'm heading back to camp." With that he walked back to the camp to relax and calm his thoughts.
"Why do you dislike him? Has he done something to warrant this or has he just been trying to see what everyone is like? What will you all do when the next people arrive here, hmm? Are you gonna threaten them to! This place is a sanctuary, a home for those who don't have one, a place where everyone is welcomed. We welcomed you and now your acting like wolves! Feeling threatened because of territory," Lyric hissed back at her. She met the other girl's gave and glared. She was tired and worried about the hunting party. She wanted everyone to get along and fighting amongst themselves wasn't going to help. She dropped her glyphs and looked at everyone in the group still here, "I'm going back to the bunker. If your pathway down your thrones don't be afraid to visit".
Ken's eyes opened wide and held his hands on his head. "Ahhh!!!" Ken yelled as he fell to his knees. He then got up and dashes around the room hitting everything then suddenly started to vibrate his entire body and fazed through a wall, a power he did not know he had, and fell into the backyard. While in the backyard, he started to hit the ground. "The pain!" He yelled. After struggling awhile, he passed out from exhaustion, one hand bleeding from hitting the ground to much.
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Nether do I we will watch him make sure he doesn't do anything to anyone, if nothing else let's atleast one of us be with him at all times,does that sound good to you two?" She said from above them
"I'm not saying I trust him, I didn't trust any of you when you came to the camp, but if I can live in constant fear of Dasken blowing up the camp, can you atleast get over your paranoia?" Midnight asked "and what would it do to the reputation of the camp if someone came here for help and died brutally?"
Darcel stood up, "WhAt DId YoU dO tO HiM.." Darcel began to shake as his eyes turned red.
Seth smiled down at the boy. "You're getting anger my boy? Why don't I ju-"
Darcel suddenly interupted, "ShUT uP, YoUR'rE DeAd tO mE." The boy whispered as he stood regarding the gash in his stomach. Darcel marched over towards his father, a giant orb of red blood formed above his head.
Seth's eyes began to fill with fear, as he stared at the monster infront of him.
Darcel sprinted at his father full speed, punching him repeatedly. Seth began to split out blood, Darcel wipped his father's blood and smudged it on Seth. "I'm sick of being the weak one." Darcel whispered as the orb above him turned into a spike and shot into Seth's blood stream shattering his veins. "Goodbye." Darcel said as he spit on him.
"Go to he-" Seth struggled to speak until he died from the blood loss.
Darcel walked out of the room, travelling to the backyard to receive Ken. He grabbed Ken and held him over his shoulder, leaving the house.
Lyric made her way back to the bunker. She was growling under her breath and was forced to trim her crystals every so often. She picked up one of the larger ones and looked it over, she lifted a brow and hummed. She thought of ways that she would be able to use them, maybe every sell them to buy things here. She had a pretty much endless supply so she didn't have to worry. Stoppin infront of the medical hut to be she stretched and got back to work.
Slyer walked back to the base. ' Atleast these guys are sensible." He thought. He moved his left hand and looked as a small fire like ball appeared in it. ' Next time they try and attack me they won't live to talk about it." He said as a sinister smile crept over his face.
We walked until he reached his old campsite. He saw Joshua reading a news paper. "interesting isn't it." Syler said.
Joshua looked at him. " Yeah." He said. " At least the Rockies beated the Royals." Joshua said. Syler sat down beside the boy. " Hey you kind of look Familiar." Syler said. Joshua looked at the man " Your that teenage Boxer that got outed aren't you?" Syler said. " Me and my brothers all love boxing."
" Yeah Ironic it's the only person I barely know that knows that." Joshua said.
Syler looked at Joshua. " That's a shame." He said. " So what do you think of your group?"
" All the damn in fighting. Suicide attempts and what not." Joshua said. " We'll going to end up killing each other." He said. " I fear for my group."
Joshua looked around the campsite. For some reason it was more peaceful here than anywhere else.
" Well." Syler said. " That's a shame."
Dasken's face turned darker. A chill ran down his spine, and a familiar orange aura flared around him, yet he stood dumbfounded. He hadn't lost control. He willed it to go away and got it to return. He grinned. "Clap on," he said, clapping twice with the aura bursting to life again, "Clap off," he giggled, the aura dissipating. He turned to the group.
"I, uh... have mixed emotions towards that guy."
Winter soon returned to the base after calming down "hey slyer I wanted to say sorry for trying to attack you iv just been very stressed lately and its getting to me big time, between poachers and the hunting party having yet to return it's just getting to me , so sorry" she said looking at him in the eyes regret and sorrow in her yellow eyes her goggles on her forehead
Darcel walked outside, with Ken safely resting over his shoulder. On his way out, he was called out for once more. "Darcel! You're injured!" she reached out her hand and placed it on Darcel's gut. "I wish I could help you... But I... I'm just a human." she whispered. "Don't worry Amara... But I have to go. I shall not stay." Darcel struggled as he looked downwards. "Please just take me with you! My family won't care! They never did!" Amara began to shake. "I'm sorry, I currently am living in a underground bunker with a bunch of magic users... It's going to be hard to get everyone on a bed.. also we would need a larger food supply.... I've gotta go, my friend here is injured." With that, Darcel looked away from her and began forward travelling back to the forest. As he walked, he heard the quiet whispers of the girl's sorrows gently skip through the air, each one stabbing him.
Dasken soon achieved a sense of danger about himself. "Why do you keep me npso near you?" Dasken asked. "Even when I am sane, I still have the same chance of injuring you..." Dasken began to cry. He turned to walk to the cave.