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Dasken shook his head. "If I truly had a mental breakdown and all is normal, then I shouldn't feel this way. That man..." Dasken looked Akron directly in the eyes, his own steely grey sharing his full, immense mental force. "I think he may have done something to me. Something very good." Dask looked down again. "I don't know how, but it feels like I'm having the power of my breakdown without being in my breakdown..."
Dasken glanced up briefly. "There was an odd man... It was fuzzy, and I can't remember what he looked like... all I know is that it was completely black, and next thing I know I wake up here, feeling weird."
Slyer yawned as he stood up. He walked over to the explosive boy. " Good to see you awake." He said. " I'm Slyer." He had on a calm smile as he looked at the boy.
Ken walked up to Darcel. "Hey Darcel, seems like Winter won't be joining us. I did a quick run back to the base and saw a suspicious man named Slyer in the bunker, I don't trust that guy. On a side note, I also ran past a cliff and heard that Josh and Lyric have become a couple." He paused for a second and sighed, then went back to his goofy voice. "I did all that in 10 seconds and no one saw me, I'm that good."
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Winter walked out and saw the hole "um why is there a hole in the wall, what did I sleep through this time" she muttered as she walked into the room as she looked at everyone
Darcel sat up, cunfusion filled his face. "A new man? Is he a member or just a strange passerby? Also, A couple? How did that happen....? Especially in the woods when we are trying to survive.." Darcel sighed, "Let's continue Ken... But where is Ash?" he spoke.
Lyric laughed and nodded, squeezing Joshua's hand. Her face wasn't as red as it was but there still was blush. She let him go and started to clean dinner up, "thank you".
Darcel looked towards the road, he could escape and go home right now and leave the others. Or he could assassinate his father and come back and survive with his 'new family' but constantly be targeted by the government or evil people in general. He crossed the road looking backwards, "Ill make my decision later, Either way I must take out my Dad." he thought to himself. "Track", the boy spoke as his eyesight became gray. "There you are, your blood is rushing, your heart is pounding. Your are afraid." the boy chuckled like an insane person as he pushed himself forward following the endless road.
Ken saw Darcel rush off without warning. "Hey Darcel! Wait up!" Ken then ran over to where Ashley was. "Hey, try to keep up so you don't lose Darcel." Ken the ran toward Darcel."
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Lyric gathered the pelt from outside and crested a glyph when she walked back into the bunker. She saw the explosion and her shoulders slumped, shaking her head. Cresting a glyph she slowly started pulling the pieces back in place and using the crystals to hold everything in place. She then moved into the small hallway that led into the storeroom and the bathroom she had created. She used the glyph she had used to carve the bathtub, forming two rooms. She carved four bunk beds into the sides of eachroom and two into the backs, "bedrooms have been made"!
Darcel stared off into the distance, glancing at the setting sun. The boy suddenly came to a realization, he has been here before. The foggy outline of the houses in the distance began to sparkle inside his mind, he could see his front yard.
Darcel glanced back at Ken, "No, she is capable to catching up herself, we might as well leave a trail." he spoke as he began to run towards the foggy outlined houses.
"A little bit ago," Lyric smiled at winter and motioned for her to claim a bunk, "you'd be surprised by what certain glyphs can do. Of course more powerful glyphs cause worse crystals but let's not dwell on that. Everyone! Come claim the bunk you want before it's gone"!
"I got bottom!" Akron raced to the bottom bunk in the 2nd left. He sat down and stretched. "Ah, that feels nice. It's been a while since I slept on anything but the ground." Akron laughed.
13 minutes of none stop running later, Darcel collapsed onto his front lawn. The boy was about to climb up his front steps when he heard a sudden voice ring into his ears from behind him. "Darcy? Is that you?" the voice sobbed. He turned around to see a girl with long brown hair laced with flowers reaching out her hand. His neighbor, his only friend.
Ken heard Darcel's tone and started to get concerned. "When did Darcel get so serious. Might as well leave a trail behind so Ashley can catch up." He then created small holes in the ground using his vibration kicks and ran toward Darcel. When he arrived, he saw the girl calling out to Darcel. "Hey Darcel who's this?" Ken asked Darcel.
Danny was asleep on the floor with gis ear buds in. He woke up and relized noone was there. Where are they, Danny thought, I don't particularly give a damn. He closed his eyes and started to fall back asleep.
Darcel ignored Ken and walked over towards the girl. Their hands locked together and they hugged. "Where were you? I was so.. so afraid.." the girl spoke during their embrace.
Lyric smiled and retreaved blankets for everyone. She cursed under her breath when she remembered she had forgotten to tell the hunting party to gather supplies that they couldn't get in the wild. Blankets and pillows, things to help make life easier. She undid her hair and stretched, pulling the pile of pelts and blankets she had amassed I to the room, "come grab something".
"A-amara.. I have to go... I'll tell you later.." Darcel stuttered as he held tighter onto the girl. "Darcel, you can't leave me again.. It's been so hard without you." Amara cried out. Darcel let go of his grip and began to walk up his old home's steps as he looked back at the girl."I love you" he worded as he walked into the house gesturing Ken to follow him.
" Suite yourself." Joshua said in a joking tone. He moved his right arm as a pillow and blanket floated towards him. The pillow landed right underneath his head. An the blanket covered him.
Lyri took a pillow and pelt and curled up in a bunk closer to the door. Yawning and hiding under the blankets as she dicided that it was time for bed. She said a quick good night to everyone and quickly fell asleep.
Darcel walked into the house and glanced around. His eyes began to fill up with tears, everything was the same way as he remembered it. He walked up the carpeted stairs towards his father's office room. He creaked the door open to see Seth in a computer chair in front of 3 white-screened monitors staring into his eyes.
Danny woke up to go on what he liked to call Danny's fun Hunting adventure. He snuck past Lyric and Josh to leave the hideout. He played an action playlist he made as he went through the door to go on a nightly fly.
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Ken followed Darcel into the house and to the room were his father was, he suddenly had a banana in hand because he got bored and ran somewhere where he found a fruit market. "Hey Darcel, that man is your dad right?" Ken asked Darcel as he finished his banana.
Lyric rolled over in her sleep and turned her back to the rest of the room. She was dreaming and mumbled quietly in her sleep. She was standing in a feild and there was a large farm infront of her and some people walking around infront of it. She smiled and just sat down, a tree growing out of nowhere to offer shade and something to lean against.
Slyer slowly moved threw the forest watching Danny. He made sure to stay hidden behind the neuromas amount of tree's as he watched the man. He wondered how long he would wait until he was finally able to eat. But first thing first. He must study them and make sure he knows their schedules so it'll be easier to take care of them.