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"Winter. You can't just walk out of here like that," Lyric sighed and tried to catch the other girls shoulder. She frowned and looked confused, "we can't just turn him away because we don't trust him. We are here to help shelter and give community to people like us and we would like the people who sent us here if we started turning people away and alienating".
I'm not turning him away lyric, I'm just saying to watch your back OK I-.... out of everyone here I'v gotten to know you the most, your like a sister to me ly I just don't want you to get hurt or worse because of him OK" she said turning to her with a worried look on her face
"You just sounds like that. Now let's go get some dinner," Lyric smiled and hugged her, pulling her into the main room. She let her hair out of its pony tail and shook her head, "after I'm going for a run so if anyone wants to join me they can".
" I guess I'll come with." Joshua said. " I need the exercise anyway." He ate his salad. " Besides Lyric I think I need to talk to you about something anyways. might as well work out at the same time."
Lyric raised an eyebrow at him but didn't say anything. She bit into her venison, taking notes to try and add some other flavor to it. She offered some to Slyer and added some wood to the fire to make sure the bunker was a comfortable warmth. She finished her food and stretched, "I'll be outside waiting".
Lyric exited the bunker and was welcomed by the slowly darkening sky. She stretched and formed a crystal to place her jacket on. She ran a hand through her hair, tieing the strip of leather she used to put her hair into a ponytail to her wrist. She checked on her pelt and quickly skimmed of anything that was troubling.
Joshua finished eating his venison. He proceeded to walk out of the bunker. He looked around until he found Lyric. " Are you ready." He asked.
"Yep," Lyric smiled and smirked at him. She ruffled his hair before laughing and booking it toward the cliff she had lept off earlier that day. She leapt over obstacles and looked over her shoulder, "keep up"!
He ran after her. He jumped over the obstacles and quickly catched up to her. " Who's expose to keep up with who again?" he said as he passed her.
She rolled her eyes and smirked, paying herself to pass him and move around a corner that led the rocks that she used to climb. There was a log leaning against a bolder and she slid under it, slowing her pace and keeping track of her breath.
Lyric stopped at the top of the cliff. Bracing herself on her knees, she caught her breath. She stretched and smiled brightly as she looked over the area that she called home. She sat on the edge, dangling her feet over.
"Yeah. I usual try to make it up here every so often," Lyric smiled at him and patted the ground beside her. She looked at the sky and sighed happily, the stars starting appear one by one, "you said you had something to talk about"?
Joshua looked at her. He didn't know what to say. " I'm going to do something okay." He said looking at her. " Afterwards we'll talk." He let out a breath as he gently touched her face and kissed her on the lips.
Lyric blushed and she felt her heart flutter. She kissed him back and closed her eyes, pulling away after abit. Her face was beat red and she looked at Joshua, "wow".
She bit her lip and smiled at him.
Lyric looked back over everything and smiled. She rested a hand on her heart and if her blush could warm up an ode then it would. Her heart was beating quickly and The hand on her heart moved she created a moving crystal fox, "so are we gonna talk about it"?
" Yeah." Joshua said. "Yeah." He said again. He couldn't belive that he went through with it. His face was as red as a tomato. For some reason this was harder than fighting the hounds or trying to bring Dask back from the brink. " So uh..." He couldn't find the right words. " Will you be my girlfriend." he asked her.
"Sure, I mean yeah I would like that," Lyric looked at him and shook her head, grinning happily at him. She kissed his cheek and laughed, flopping backwards and staring upward, "I gonna tell you right now. I have never been in a romantic relationships. Yeah so this is kinda new to me".
" Me too." Joshua said as he laid down and looked the sky. " I've been in self exile because of my powers. So I was never able to become romantically involved with anyone. So..." He said as he gently grabbed her hand. " Let's figure this out together."
Lyric squeezed his hand back and looked at him with a small laugh, "that was so cheesy. I really hope you know that Romeo. We should probably head back at some point before people start getting worried. Don't want them pulling their hair out or hurting themselves".
Dasken awoke to the inside of the bunker again. He felt... different, somehow. He tried to use his powers inside, to create a sphere of an explosion.
He ended up making one five times as big as he intended, and blew a hole into the inside of the bunker.
"I, uh... I'm up..?" He yelled nervously.
"Yeah we should head back." He said. He kissed her cheek. He stood up. He offer her his hand. " My Amazon Beauty." He said. " Let's..." He heard a big explosion. " We should hurry." He said.
"Really?" Midnight asked from the next room "For one thing how are we going to fix that, for another thing I'm pretty sure Lyric and Josh are having a moment they would probably want quiet for"
He shrugged "But whatever, I'm not in charge here, but when they come back..."
Lyric rolled her eyes and nodded toward the cliff with a grin. She took a step forward and rolled her shoulders, "well then my Greek warrior. How about we take a short cut"?
She crested a glyph behind her and it spun ready to be used.
Joshua walked towards the crystal. " For the record. The Amazons where powerful women. who could hold their own in combat. Which you definitely can." He said. " So it's a fitting name for you. Plus your beautiful."
"You do realize that I'm going to leap off this cliff and use this acceleration glyph to catch myself. Want to try," Lyric smiled and her face renewed its warm red colour. She kissed his cheek, "darcel told me about them and your really making me blush".
Joshua took a deep breath. " Alright." He said. He lowered his breathing rate as he looked at the cliff. " So on the count three?" He asked.
"Yep," Lyric smiled and stood beside him. She squeezed his hand and looked at him, smiling and closing her eyes to comfort him, "one... Two..."
Dasken put a hand on his forehead. "I... I feel weird. Different, somehow. Like I could move a mountai-" recalling the events of yesterday, realization spread on his face.
"Did that man somehow... give me the power from my breakdowns without having to go through them?"
Joshua released the breath he was holding. " three." He said as he started to run towards the cliff. ' It'll be alright.' He thought. ' You jumped from a moving scythe earlier today. So this can't be that bad.' He ran off the cliff. ' besides Lyric is with you.'
Akron had a worried expression on his face. "Look. You had a huge mental breakdown causing your powers to go completely haywire. I think that now you have yourself under control, you can also retain the extra power. That's probably why you feel that way now."
Lyric followed him and grinned. She dove with a practiced grace after following Joshua. She spun in the air and let out a laugh, "don't worry I'll catch you"!
Thomas watched the two talk, munching on food in the corner. He just sat there, not doing much.