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" Dask." Joshua said hearing Dask speak total nonsenses. " Please forgive me for what I'm about to do." Joshua stood up and moved his hand upwards levitating Dask. He slowly turned his hand into a fist. If he was right he should be chocking Dask. He had to do it enough that it won't kill him but simply knock him out.
"Josh, we have to knock him out. He's going to blow up the mountain if we don't," Lyric looked at her companions, cresting glyphs to keep the cave's roof from collapsing on them. She made crystal spires to hold the roof and dropped her glyphs. Her crystals starting to grow again.
Joshua looked at her. " That's what I'm doing at the moment." He said as he was slowly closing his hand. He wondered how much longer it'll take.
Dasken's eyes sparked orange, his aura flickering similarly. The explosions suddenly doubled in power, and dasken's look of fear began to shift into a look of rage. His arm raised, and his hand in the shape of a gun was aimed directly at Josh.
" You know Dask." Joshua said. " I tried being nice and calming you that way. I'm trying to be aggressive now." He said. " Most of all I am tired your shit Now I'm going to make you snap out of this or kill you in the process." He said. He lifted Dask higher then pushed his straight to the ground creating a little crater. If Joshua was right it wouldn't have killed definitely broke a few bones though.
Dasken released a primal bellow, his orange aura crackling to life and, just before his impact, he turned in a way that would protect all but his non-diminant arm. He created a massive explosion to minimize the speed at which he fell.
Shortly after he hit the ground, he stood. His left arm was broken, and shards of bone jutted out from it in random places. His right arm aimed at Joshua yet again, and this time, Dasken released a barrage of lasers that went faster than the human eye could see. They came at Joshua from every direction.
Winter soon arrived at the campsite that Darcy had set up "hey Darcy you here, hello?" She asked frowning at not getting anwser her ice scythe floating beside her, ready to strike at a moment's notice "I still want to know how you can float much less fly" she said to the scythe beside her
Joshua fell to the ground. " The fuck was that." He said was barley able to stand up. Joshua walked up to Dask. " I'm sorry Dask but it's for your own good. I'll heal you when your unconscious." Before Joshua could do anything he heard clapping. He looked behind to see a new face. " Now this looks fun." the man said as he walked towards them.
Slyer looked at the explosive boy. ' Soon.' he thought. ' But for now they have to think i'm on their side.' He walked up to the explosive boy completely non chalante like. He tapped the boys head disconeting his body from his Spirit. He remember the man he took this power from how greatly it felt when he killed the man.
" Explosive boy." He said to the spirit. " You should really calm down." He said.
Kiba growled at slyer in warning knowing he ment bad news, as kiba stood beside Joshua protectively. Having left winter to see what the explosions where, only to see the man that traped him in this form, not that he minded at all
Dasken's spirit was voiceless and swirling pitch black and red-orange.
However, Dasken had two spirits.
The other was pure white with hints of cyan, and it, too, was voiceless. The spirits both looked at the new man.
The black one gave him the evil eye.
The white one gave him a sad look.
Lyric watched everything happen. She was confused to who the new man was. She slowly stood and walked to stand beside Joshua, grasping her injured arm. She looked between everyone, trying to catch what was happening, "who are you? What are you doing to him"?
Joshua was completely dumbfounded with what he just saw. This man literally walked up to Dask and stopped his with a touch to the head.
Slyer looked at the woman who was interrupting his conversation with the explosive boy's spirit. " I'm saving your friend." He said. He then looked at the white spirit as he talked to it.
" Look I don't know who you are and frankly I don't care." Slyer said being blunt about it. " But your friends are trying to bring you back. Hell I think that telekenitic was going to rip your arms off. Look this demon over here will go away if you allow it. All you have to do is fight back."
Dasken's white spirit shook his head. While the black one watched, the shite one gestured to the orange and red swirling around within the black one, then pointed to itself and interlocked it's hands. It gestured to the explosion marks, then nodded. The black one was taken aback, and shook it's head.
Lyric watch everything that was happening and looked at Joshua. Her crystals gave her a surge of pain and she flinched. Taking out her knife, she backed away a little bit and slowly started to chip away at them.
Joshua limped towards Lyric and put his hand on her healing her wounds. " You okay." He said weakly.
Slyer put his hand off of The explosive boy's head. " You okay." He said to the explosive boy.
Lyric nodded and smiled at him. She finished clearing off her crystals and picked one up, looking at it curiously. Looked back at him and shaped the crystal so it looked like a fox, "what do you think"?
"Hey, Dask, if you die, we can't go around blow up bigger stuff..." Danny muttered as he pulled out his ear buds. He sheathed his weapons and walked towards the group.
Lyric saw him collapse and rushed over to help. She sped off him and looked at Joshua, "I want to get him back to base! I need to treat his wound and whatever other injuries we might have sustained".
She looked at slyer and nodded her head, still a little suspicious, "thank you for your help".
"Don't mention it." Slyer said looking at the black haired girl. " I'm Slyer by the way." He said to the group. He smiled a little ' All's going according to plan.' he thought.
" Come on buddy." Joshua said as he picked up Dask. He winced a little bit as his shoulder wasn't at a hundred percent yet. " Hopefully you'll get better." He said as he started to walk towards the base. When he made it to the base he put Dask on one of the beds.
Lyric leaned back against the wall and sighed. She collected her medical supplies and got to work on resetting the bone and making a cast. She looked at Joshua, "go find slyer and offer him a place to stay and food. He has helped us greatly today and it's the least we can do".
"Alright." Joshua said. He started to walk but stopped. " Hey I didn't answer this earlier, but your fox crystal was cute." and with that he left. He walked until he found Slyer. " Hey." He said to him
Slayer looked at Joshua.
" Hey." He said. " What do you need."
" Come with us." Joshua said. " You've more than proved yourself today."
"Thank you." Slyer said as he fallowed Joshua back to the bunker.
Lyric was just finishing up wrapping and splinting the wound. She sat back on her heels and pulled a pelt to cover dasken. She pulled out a pan and a bowl, grabbing some meat from the store room and throwing it on the fire place. She formed a hot plate for the pan to sit on and slowly started to cook it. She placed the fox off to the side and made any of the other crystals that she had created, the cave collapsing because of it. She smiled and hummed, not noticing the world around herself.
" So this is your place." Slyer said as he entered the bunker. " It's kind of crowded." He said. he procceded to go near one of the walls and looked over everything. " So it's just the four of you?" He asked.
"No." Joshua said. He looked 'Something must have happened last night.' He thought not remembering much. "Anyways Lyric can you check on my shoulder when you're done with what your doing." Joshua asked her. He wondered if his shoulder was getting better or with everything that happened recently it was getting worse.
Lyric leapt alittle and tried to hide it by turning to look at them.
She stood up after making sure that the food wouldn't burn and nodded, "as long as I keep an eye on it I can look now. Why is it hurting"?
She looked at Slyer and nodded in welcome to him, a smile gracing her face, "sorry about the space limitations. As you saw uptop I'm working on other buildings but it will take a while since I'm the only on here in good enough shape to actual build".
" a little bit." Joshua said. " But with the current events I think it would be good for you too look at it." He said looking at her. He couldn't help but keep his eyes on her. Somehow this amazon became more attractive than any of the girls he looked at in high school.
Winter came back to the bunker as she's not needed with the hunting party "why does it look like someone decided to go ham on the mountain a little ways off?" She asked frowning as she looked at the new comer, sitting on her scythe so as to not be in the way as she floated above all of them
"Ok sit still," Lyric smiled and tugged on his shirt to get him to take it off so she could get a better look at the injury. Her eyes flickered over to the cooking meat and she moved over to take it off the stove using a small glyph. She hummed and put it off the side to let it cool alittle, "let's see what if you've ripped my stitches".
Joshua took of his shirt. He looked at winter. " Dasken went insane." He said. " By the way Winter meet Syler." He said.
" Nice to meet you." Syler said.
" So Lyric." Joshua said. " How does it look?"
Lyric touched around the wound and inspected it. She hummed and smoked happily. She stood up and ruffled his hair with her hands, "it's fine. You agitated it but it's fine, just need to lay off the fights like I told you. Slyer where did you come from anyway? Was there another shipment, are there any others"?
" I'm all alone there aren't any others. they must be running thin on us abnormals " Slyer said. He looked at Lyric then at Joshua. He noticed earlier how Joshua was looking at her and how she messed with his hair " So are you too dating or something?" He asked.
" Hell no." Joshua said immediately. though the red blush on his face didn't hide anything
Lyric laughed and shook her head. She was grabbing plates and utensils for everyone. Her face heated up but she was ignoring it to the best of her abilities, "nope. Josh, can you grab some cups and vegetables from the store room, I'm going to make a salad. Slyer, will you be joining us for dinner or have you found a place to say. I can probably glyph a new room if you are and staging here make you uncomfortable".
" Okay." Joshua said as he stood up and went into the storage room. " I'll stay." He said. " I have nowhere else to go."
' Good.' Syler thought. ' I've got these people right where I want them. now all I have to do is wait for the others to show up, and I'll have my feast.' He licked his bottom lip.
Lyri started cooking and Thomas walked in to see everyone was here. He pointed at slyer and raised an eyebrow, "where did the guy that looks like he's gonna eat us all come from? Like seriously he is very creepy".
"Be nice please also dinner is ready," Lyric hummed and kept her back turned to the two. She looked over her shoulder and put her hands on her hips, "besides. Everyone isn't here and won't be back for a couple weeks because they went hunting for a friend of darcel".
Hey lyric can I talk to you for a minute alone please" she asked as she went into another room, still frowning as her scythe disappeared from under her, as she landed on her feet her wings having reformed fully much to her joy
Ken saw Winter go back toward the direction of the bunker. "Hey Darcel, Winter flew off again. Do you want me to go get her or is the three of us enough to catch your dad?" Ken asked Darcel.
Lyric nodded and patted the two men on the shoulders as she passed by. Thomas shrugged and grabbed some food, plopping down on the floor. Lyric smiled and looked at winter when she walked into the room, "yes? What can I do for you"?
Lyric I'm going to be blunt with you, i don't trust that man something, something is not right with him its just I don't know how to explain it so, please just watch your backs OK please , you all are the only family I have left, so just be careful" she said as she turned to leave