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Thomas run in away from the freaks that had captured him. He was booking it toward where his group had left their cars. The man panicking and heard something, looking back. He saw the scythe and screamed, tripping and falling on his face.
Joshua limped over to Thomas a knelt down beside him. " Hey buddy." He said to the poacher. " You know I'm willing to look past this transgression and give you a second chance."
She slammed the scythe into the ground next to his head "maybe next time you'll think about poaching her again where we live I see you again next time I won't miss"
Thomas looked between the two, confused about both of them and their conflicting talks. He blabber led nonsense about not killing him and turned into a large baby, "don't kill me please! I'm to young to die"!

Lyric started clearing trees. She manipulated crystals to cut down trees. She only took a few and moved them off to the side. She cut them into planks and started to sort them, planning on making a foundation for a medical hut.
" Then take my hand." Joshua said. giving the man his hand " Don't try and run away and we'll attempt to treat you like one of us. You have my word that no harm will come to you."
Kill you in no I washstand going to make you live in total fear for thereat of you life oh who I love making people fearful of themselves" she said grinning
No one sees my humor at all do they meh what ever " she muttered and took her scythe out of the ground as it started to float "still want to know why it does that" she said as she looked at the sycthe
Thomas nodded and stood up. He was still freakin up and patting his chest as he tried to calm down his heart. He looked at them and nodded, "ok. Lead the way".
"A brother," Thomas grumbled after he calmed down. He kept his head down and his eyes narrowed. He looked at the way infront of them and sighed, "you should say had".

Using glyphs she she started to set the foundations. Lyric had to take many breaks to trim her crystals and catch her breath. She set the eight posts and move logs in between them.
Ken suddenly ran up to Winter. "Hey Winter, we already arrive at the road out of the forest. If you still want to come, this is your last chance." Ken then ran back to where the others were.
Darcel began to set up camp, as he waited for the others to catch up with him. He climbed into the small tent and began to close his eyes. As he slept he saw something, he saw someone. A woman in white walked up to him and put her hand on his cheek, in a soft comforting voice she whispered "You are such a handsome young man now, I wish I could still hold you in my arms my precious son." Darcel began to shake, the image disappeared , his mother had disappeared.
Winter soon made it to the hunting party "Hey sorry about that there was a poacher near the base so we had to take care of that" said said as she walked beside the others
"Had..." Joshua said. " I take it he was one of the men Lyric killed?" he asked. He kept walking past the trees in hope of finding the bunker before nightfall.
"Yeah stabbed him right through the heart. Monstrous bitch," Thomas snarled and crossed his arms. He stood up straight and got his cockiness back. His from turned him to his usual confident smile and he huffed, "I don't get what you see in her. Seriously you must be insane".
Joshua looked at the poacher. " I don't see anything in her." Joshua said. " Trust me She isn't my type. I prefer women who act feminine, Show wear dresses and need protecting. not some damn tomboy who let's face it could probably kick both of our asses at once." he tried not to think about her. but he couldn't help but think she was beautiful. " Anyways." Joshua said doing his best not to continue that train of thought. " I'm truly sorry about your brother. So why where you guys poaching?"
"Sport. Fun, the thrill can be quite addicting. We were supposed to go sky diving next week," Thomas shrugged his shoulders and raised an eyebrow at the other guy. He let out a small chuckled and patted his shoulder, "ok. Soooo what else should we talk about"?
Dasken slumped against the wall. His face was frozen with a look of pure terror and anxiety, and he slumped against the wall. On the inside, his power struggle rekindled itself tenfold. He sat there as explosions rocked the very mountain itself, all around the base. His mind was lost, his heart absent; the base of the mountain took several explosions, making it appear as an enormous arrowhead. The large explosions themselves made much noise, yet the rock ripping and flying apart definitely contributed to it.
Lyric heard and saw the explosions. She crested a glyph and shot off. Moving quickly and looking around, panic swelling her chest as she tried to find the cause of them, "dasken? Is that you? What's going on"?
She yelled and looked around. She zoomed closer to the base and kept looking.
The rock over the entrance was blasted away. Within the cave, Dasken was leaning against the wall, a look of anxiety and horror still plastered to his face. The explosions intensified when he heard Lyric's voice; anxious thoughts ran through his head.
Will I hurt her? Should I hurt her? What if I did? What if I don't? How is she going to react? Does she care? Can she understand? Can she help? Who can help?
Dasken began twitching, the spark of insanity disappearing and reappearing constantly.
Lyric saw the rock go flying and zoomed over with her glyphs. She caught site of him and slowly walked forward. She showed him her hands, acting as non threatening as possible. She got close but not too close, "dasken? Are you ok? Are you hurt, I need you to tell me so I can help you".
Joshua felt the ground rumble. He looked and saw one of the mountains get destroyed. " not this shit again." He said. " We'll talk later Thomas. " He yelled as he ran towards the explosion. " Dask!" He yelled.
Akrohn finally started hearing the rumbling blasts. Then he knew. He ran to the sound of the explosions. "Dasken!" He caught up with Lyric and Joshua. "What's going on with him?!"
Thomas took shelter in the bunker and looked at the stump confused.
He went back to where his cell had been only to find what looked to be a hot tub carved out. He sat down in the corner kinda of confused.
Lyric shuffled a little closer and offered her hands to him, "let's get back home. I can make us some food and warm tea. I even made a bath so if you wanted to you could have a warm bath. Everyone lets just stay calm".
" Hey Dask buddy." Joshua said. Within a few seconds he pulled Dask Into a hug. " It'll be alright man. You know we're here for you."
Lyric watched them, making sure that nothing was feign to happen. She was smiling softly and nodded back to the entrance, "come on. I'm taking suggestions for dinner and you can have first dibs".
She was trying to calm Dasken down and ran a hand through her hair. She was relaxed in her stance.
Dasken had no sense of anything around him. Explosions went off in every which direction, with random intensities and sizes. There was no control, and had it not been for their superior reflexes, he may very well have severely injured one of his friends. He began to mumble things that were and were not words. His mind was a silent roil, his face void of emotion. He did not move, and explosions continued to go off around him. He was tapped in his own mind, and it was a nightmare.
Lyric noticed the blank look that dasken had. She let a cry when an explosion happened to her right, flinging her into the rocky wall. Scratches and cuts opened up on her left side. She whimpered softly and slowly sat up.
Danny came running from a distance with a confused look on his face as if he had slept through everything that was happening. He shuddered and put his ear buds in trying to drown out any noises he heard. To protect himself, He drew his sword and his handgun
"Lyric!" Akrohn ran to her and gently helped her up. "Are you okay?" He noticed the cuts on her left side. "Oh, jeez. Here." Akrohn took out some bandages and began wrapping them around her wounds.
Dasken, at this point, was locked in place. His body was stiff as a board, and his eyes were flashing rapidly with the light. In his head, his mind was an utter mess. His body began to spasm sporadically. His heart rate increased, as did the rate of the explosions.
Lyric smiled and waved him off.
She nodded to Akrohn and smiled gently before shooing him away and making her way toward dasken, "we many have up knock him out. That or try and get into his head but I'm guessing no one has that power".
Joshua saw Danny coming their way. " Danny stay back." he said. " Last time you got involved in this you tried to kill yourself remember."
Joshua procceded to kneel down and held Dask pulling close to Joshua. He looked into Dask's hallow eyes and started to speak. " Dask I know your there." He said. " You know we care about you. Come back to us. And if you don't well you'll have to kill me."
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Lyric sat beside him, flinching at the pain in her left side. She carefully rubbed dasken a back and tried to snap him out of it. She hummed a lullaby as she comforted her friend, trying to keep even herself calm as the explosions still rang.
Dasken's spasms intensified, and he began muttering random phrases. A small, orange aura crackled unsurely, switching from orange to white to off and back. His face darkened a little bit, then returned to hollow. His position was similar to a car that didn't want to start.