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"There is a bunker not to far away. Are you cold? Injured," Lyric. Sipped her tea and looked over at the girl on the rock. She smiled and motioned for Kia to follow her, starting off toward the bunker she called home.
Kia nodded then she followed her then she ran up to her and she smiled "nice to meet you..I'm Kia...whats your name" she said then she drooped "would you happen to have powers?"she asked
"I do," Lyric hummed and stepped into the base. She got another glass of tea ready and placed it down for Kia. She laid down on her bunk and yawned.
Winter saw the girl and lyric as kiba jumped off her floating scythe And ran towards the two, a collar made of vines and ice around his neck a tag made of ice on the collar reading his name and hers on the back so they knew he belonged to her and didn't hurt him by accident, or think he was wild wolf.
Kia nodded then she sat down and she smiled "thank you" she said then she took a sip of tea then she smiled at her. "...well have a nice sleep" she smiled
"What the hell?" Joshua thought as he stood up. Last thing he remembered was trying to hit Darcy then he blacked out. He shook off his apparent amnesia. He decided to go for a walk. He really didn't need to use his shoulder to do that so he figured it'll be alright. He walked about a mile till he ended up in the Hounds area again. He sat down in the grassy area while the hounds surrounded him. The alpha walked up to him. Both of them looked each other in the eyes.
Winter was going after Joshua kiba back at her side when she got there she saw the hounds surrounding him as kiba started to bark and howl running up to the ahlpa, of all of them winter let herself be seen by them her face calm, but cautouis and ready to flee at the same time just as she always was
Dasken barely had time to dodge the lion's assault, and sent it flying away with an explosion. He had gained a few shallow scars, and half of his pants were ripped off.
He, sadly, didn't notice.
He finally arrived, practically naked, at the bunker. He stumbled down the stairs, and slumped against the wall. "Anyone hoooomee?" He asked, dazed.
Lyric rested and dreamt of different glyphs and things she could do with her ability. She shuffled in her sleep a bit but didn't wake, pulling a pelt over her head as if to hide from the world. Her dreams slowly corrupted into monstrous nightmares but her body and face gave no clues to what she was thinking.
Kia saw the man and she blushed then she nodded "i'm here..." she said covering her eyes then she looked down "Um sir would you put some clothes on....it would make everyones life better" she said with a small pout
Joshua stood up slowly and walked to the Alpha. He looked at Winter and gave her an Every things alright look. He moved closer to the alpha who was studying him carefully. Joshua opened his palm and the Alpha sniffed it then got closer to Joshua. " Good boy." Joshua said as he petted the hound. "Okay boy, stop going after my friends. I promise we won't do any harm against you guys okay." The hound nodded then barked at his pack. The Pack left. Joshua stood there for a few seconds before walking up to Winter. " Hey Winter." He said.
Dasken, with a lazy look in his eye, looked down at himself, then nearly jumped out of his skin. He looked around frantically, and settled on a nearby towel.
"I, uh..." he stumbled over himself. "There was a cougar and training and... uh..." his face was bright red. "Sorry!" He yelled, running into a nearby room. He scrounged around for clothes as quickly as humanly possible.
Kia giggled then she sat down and glad that she didn't see anything " Hey its ok " she said snapping her finger then ice formed around her arms and moved up to her head as a set of armor and she smiled at it "awesome i finally did it" she smiled then she made the armor disappear.
Dasken sighed as he put on a new pair of black sweatpants and a dark cyan shirt. He walked back out of the room, just in time to see the girl put on and take off ice armor with a thought.
"Ice, huh?" Dasken asked. "I'm assuming you have Cryokinesis, then." He smiled. "Or Glaciokinesis." He held up a sphere of explosion. "I have been blessed with Fragokinesis, which is why my clothes were, uh... gone."
Hey Joshua im surprised Stewart just happened and the kiba ran up there alpha like that speaking of which whitefish kiba run off to anyways,meh anyways I came to see if you where all right and possibly give you ride back to the bunker if you wanted" she said shrugging her shoulders
Joshua looked at her for a few seconds. He could of sworn she just said stewart and whitefish in a sentence. " yeah he said. I guess I could use a ride back." He said.
She chuckled and lowered the scythe so he could get on Easier as she did so kiba ran back and jumped into her lap a box in his jaws confused she took it and opened it finding a necklace she thought long gone one that allowed her to us her Cryokinesis longer and easier than before "thanks for finding it kiba" she said putting it on and petting him
Kia smirked then she nodded "well i also have this" she said then she snapped her right finger and a fire ball appeared "cool huh " she said with a smile then she smirked "so what does Fragokinesis? mean" she asked
"Odd combination of kinetic abilities," Dasken said, "But Fragokinesis is the manipulation and generation of explosions." He rubbed the back of his neck. "It can get... dangerous."
" So Winter." Joshua asked. " I'm sorry for how first acted around you. I might of come of as a bit of a creeper." He said. " So anyways where are you from?"
"Yeah," Akrohn agreed. "But he has to have been able to control it, what with him living with this power his whole life. Me?" He snapped his fingers and a slab of hard stone wrapped itself around Akrohn, creating a suit of armor.
Lyric opened one of her eyes and sat up. She stretched and rolled out of her bunk, almost face planting the floor. She sat on the ground and yawned before generating a crystal sphere in the palm of her hand. She looked at it and hummed in thought.
Kia nodded then she drooped "ph that seems dangerous..i'm glad i don't have that " she smiled then she got up and she walked backward but she fell down and she hit her head on the floor and she groaned "i'm so stupid" she whispered
Kia smiled then she got up and she sighed "I'm Kia....Sorry i'm not used to seeing a lot of other people with powers" she smiled then she drooped " Nice to meet you " she smiled at him.
Akrohn threw a friendly smile back. "Don't worry. We're all pretty much a family here. You'll fit right in. Oh, and by the way..." Akrohn took out a packet of m&m's. "I found this somewhere, but didn't want it. You can take it." He offered it to her.
Kia looked at the bag of m&m's and she drooped "hmm thanks?" she said then she took them "hmm why are you trying to be nice sir" she smirked then she had an idea "are you trying to flirt?" she laughed then she smiled "Are they good btw?" she asked again
"Whoa, let's not go there just yet. I'm just trying to socialize with people so I don't feel lonely. And yeah, they're still good. I found them just a couple hours ago." Akrohn laughed. "Maybe let's just be friends for now, huh?"
Kia smiled then she nodded "hmm sure ...but i'm watching you" she said teasingly then she opened the bag and she smiled "Hey Akron...what do you wanna do now?" she asked him then she smiled .
"Yeah, I'm getting a little drowsy," Akrohn agreed. "Here. Let me make a small house for you." Akrohn flexed his arms, and a rock shelter emerged from the ground. "There. That should keep you safe. If you need me, just give me a shout, okay?" He smiled and went into his own shelter. Organizing the blankets, he finally laid down and drifted to sleep. For some reason, his mind was mostly on Kia.
Kia smiled then she waved then she laid down then she yawned" hmm that boy seemed a little cool" she whispered then she started to eat her m&ms "yummy...thank you Akron" she smiled
Akrohn woke up and stretched, yawning. He snapped his fingers and the makeshift house retreated back into the ground. He fixed himself some food and sat on a rock, eating. He looked around. The group had been making good progress. He took small bites, ready for whatever came next.
Huh oh I'm from Texas I live out in the country area through so being here is like being at home mostly but it's fun, and a challenge at the same time if you get what I mean oh and I would hang on it I where you" she said as she took off quickly as it was hard to get in the air if she went slow
When Akron snapped his fingers , her house came down as well but she used her Ice and she created a shell of ice around her so she wasn't crushed. "well i'm ok.." she whispered
"Hmm?" Akrohn looked at the direction a rumbling sound came in. Oh no! It was the shelter he made for Kia! When he snapped his fingers, her shelter must have come down as well. Akrohn mentally kicked himself. Snapping his fingers again, he summoned another shelter around Kia's ice house. "Sorry about that!" he called.
Kia got up and she was wearing her ice armor and she shivered "my head still hurts.." she said then she ran at him then she growled "turn around " she said then she made a snow ball "take this" she said throwing snow at him.
PIFF! Akrohn tried to block the snowball but failed. The snowball exploded in his face and he stumbled back, spluttering snow. He laughed. "Whoa, whoa, I'm sorry. Is your head okay?"