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"No idea but darcel start eating," Lyric passed the food to darcel and looked at winter. She sat down and made a motion for people to move away from him, "I'm sorry I pushed you but i was trying to help. Who are you talking about, darcel. Also no one is going fighting for the next few days, I want no battle wounds. You can all start helping me build an actual settlement for this place so we actually have a place for everybody and a medical hut"!
Thomas called down the hallway asking what was happening.
A single black tear found a path and slid down Darcel's face, "He blames me for the death of my mother. He has strong possession magic. He wanted you to kill me." Darcel whispered in a monotone voice.
"We can do that in the morning. I just want everyone to relax and try and calm down," Lyric sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She looked at darcel and pushed the food closer to him and gave a soft look, "breath in and out, eat up because I want you to try and get your blood sugar and pressure up".
Yeah well the worst that would happen would be I pass out for a few days nothing more nothing less and besides you weren't pushing me I was pushing myself lyric" she said laughing darkly
Lyric growled and placed herself infront of him. She put a hand to his chest and crested a glyph in warning, "you will go lay down, eat and rest. Can your dad hear us at all by the way"?
Dasken siged. It had been around two hours of skulking, and he was pretty much done with it. He stood up, and decided to take his shirt off.
With this kind of training, he wanted to preserve as much of his clothing as possible while still keeping his pants on. He grew silent; became focused. His mind, normally swirling like a hungry vortex, now stood still. He gently raised his arms. Took a deep breath.
He then began, as quickly as possible, to make as many explosions as he could, as fast as he could. Wherever his arms moved, earth and water flew into the air. If a tree was in the way, it became charred and crashed to the ground. He enveloped himself in concentration, allowing all of the energy to flow through him. The explosions were each large enough to take down a five-story building, and thye only began to intensify. He didn't bother to mute the deadening noise, since it was one of the things that he used to keep his mind empty.
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I will freeze you if you try it Darcy Even kiba well go after you and trust me you don't want that" winter growled as Lina did the same his fur standing on ending warning
Lyric glared at him then her face melted into a friendly smile, eyes brightening up. She used her other hand to crest the colour changing glyph, "like right now? Yes we can darcel. We are worried and arnt letting you out".
She created a crystal wall infornt of the door.
"No! If your dad is really who you say he is, then have some sense!" Akrohn snapped. "This isn't you talking, it's him! You need to kick him out of your head! Fight back!"
Lyric pushed him back into the main room and looked at the earth bender, "if he tries to leave before I clear him, stop him".
She then grabbed some of the berries and looked at darcel with a raised eyebrow, "yes you are darcel. No one can control you, can hurt you like that, can be called a father and hurt his child. Now your going to eat these berries or I will feed you like a child".
Akrohn's eyes narrowed. He leaned in toward the consumed kid. "Listen up here," he growled. "Release him. Or I will hunt you down. He's not the reason your wife died; are you really that dense?"
"He's not your son. A father doesn't hurt his son. And if you do that to him again well! Let's just say I'm working on a teleportation glyph and as long as I have a piece of you dna, which your son has, you can be my first test subject and let me tell you it won't be pretty," Lyric hissed and her body generated crystal again. Spiking up and sharp, she informed them to loom over 'darcel'.
Winter stared in shock at what was just said from Darcy "can someone tell me what that was and what just happened....wait never mind I know and trust me I don't like it at all"
'Darcel' began to cough, "Akki" he whispered as his back began to rip apart. Darcel's eyes turned back to blue,"ARGH" he screamed before his eyes turned pure black.
Using a skill he had picked up earlier, Akrohn closed his eyes and reached into the mind of Darcel. What he saw there was a man with crazed eyes and messed up hair. When Akrohn looked closer, he realized that the eyes weren't filled with insanity, but of grief and sorrow. Akrohn walked to the man. "Look. Everyone dies sooner or later. Your wife would have rather died than watching her son's life end. Be thankful that your entire family's not gone." With that Akrohn left Darcel's mind and returned to his own.
Winter growled As her weapon formed showing it to be a scythe made of obsidian and diamond as it formed her eyes glowed an eerie yellow almost white "oh I love being me" Shea's as her wings reformed to there full lanth and the feathers being made of snow as it fell around her "remember me buddy boy" she said laughing darkly
"I'm not tryin to hurt him! If he doesn't get his blood pressure up then he might pass out and fall into coma," Lyric argued and dropped the glyphs. She kept the wall up and looked at the demon, "you want to talk about hurt darcel! Talk to his dad! Who almost killed him if it wasn't for us"!
"Are you trying to fool me minor human? I do not like to be tricked." Akki spoke. "WHAT THEY'RE SAYING ARE LIES. THEY TRIED TO KILL ME, LOOK AT MY CUTS, KILL THEM!" 'Darcel' yelled. "Darcy, you do not like the thought of killing, what happened to you?" the demon spoke towards him, fully unleashing his blade into the air
Akrohn casually leaned against a boulder. Once he made contact, he immediately lurched forward, willing the rock to do the same. The boulder wrapped around Akrohn creating a solid suit of armor.
"His dad is possessing him! Can't you see that! Have you and darcel never talked about this! You share the same head by the looks of it," Lyric roared and waved her arms around. She was angry and just wanting to go to bed for the night.
Pulling out his Crescent Moon Scythe, Midnight cautiously edged backwards. "Thats not Darcel" he said quietly "Look around for a second" he said, waving his hand around the room "all this stuff here, the Berries and Fruit, the ice and water? If we were trying to kill him why would we need half a packet of M&Ms?"
Akki's face began to become stern, he began to think. He sheathed his blade and closed his eyes. "Track" he whispered out loud. "You're right humans, I trust you for right now. Send me back Seth, because I know where you are." the demon's voice rippled
"Where did you get them anyway," Lyric looked at him and then at the stances everyone was taking. She let her stance relax and took a deep breath in, "nevermind, you two drop your stances and calm down. I'm going to drop my crystal wall and pull a knife out, I'm just going to chop the crystals on my arm off".