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"Seth is it? Hmm, Akki would you be able to split his Dna from darcel for me? So I can used him as a test subject," Lyric grinned and a small glyph crested in her hand. She took a step forward, trying to intimadate the possesser.
The demon smirked, " I would love to... What is your name? Let me go through his brain for a second...." His facial expression became blank until he smiled once more " Angelic Amazon? No offense but i'm sorry your parents named you that." the demon spoke.
Ashley watched, fighting the urge to stand in front of Darcel and tackle him at the same time. This thing that was possessing him needed to stop, but she didn't want to harm her friend. The blue jay perched on the girl's shoulder, evidently tired of flapping its wings. "Hang on, can we like throw this guy into a pit of death with no food or water whatsoever so he dies a slow and terrible death for trying to hurt my friend?"
"My name is Lyric. Lyric Mays. Does he really call that in his head," Lyric raised and eyebrow and shook her head with a laugh. She chipped away at the crystals on her shoulder and soon got them down to nothing.
"Oh, don't tell the boy I said that, and yes stranger, we can kill this man." 'Darcel's' body began to shake, "YoU CaNT kILl mE! I WILL DeStROY yOU!" he roared .
Akki unsheathed his blade and pointed it at Darcel's body. "I know how to keep your from not possessing your 'son', i'm so sorry Darcy." he whispered as he drove his blade into Darcel's torso.
Ashley screamed. "WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!" But it was too late. Ashley's eyes widened with shock. Darcel was dead, or dying. She stood in shocked silence for a second, then whispered, "Someone get me a knife, I'm tracking this motherf- - - - - down. Oh wait, I've got fire and my own Swiss Army knife."
Lyric froze and her face fell. She took a step back and then caught herself. She destroyed all crystals she had created, including the ones keeping Thomas in, she expanded her glyph and waited for Akki to split the Dna so she could pull him. Her arm crystals started to generate as she focus on the glyph and slowly expanded it and made sure it didn't collapse.
Akki climbed back into Darcel's back, as the boy fell to the ground. Darcel let out a loud grunt of agony. He held onto his stomach and began to look at his shredded apart arms. "What happened to me?!" the boy cried out. He glanced upwards to see his friends, his family more like it in battle stances. "P-please don't hurt me I don't know w-whats happening!" Darcel flinched backwards.
Winter sighed her weapon disappearing "your father is what's happening Darcy Andi nearly killed you because of him, if been after him for a very, very long time and trust me I will find him and I will end him" she growled
Ashley's glare turned into a look of concern as she rushed to her friend's aid. "I don't fully understand it, but I think you were...Possessed is how the demon worded it I think..." Her humorous side decided to come out inside of her head. You could say...his inner demon came out, She thought.
Lyric collapsed her glyph and sighed. Her arm was almost entirely covered in crystals and she could not move it. She looked at him and smiled, "one of you guys are gonna need to patch him up. My arm isn't going to be working until I get these crystals off".
"M-my father?" Darcel questioned as he suddenly started to cry. He stood up and clenched his fist, "Track" he whispered out loud. "H-he's noting getting away this time." Darcel spoke as he attempted to heal himself.
She was so confused as to why He was acting like this but did so anyways as she went up she wondered why any of this happened in the first place
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He suggested for the rest of the group to follow for he knew that he would definitely need backup. He peered into the starry night sky, trying to find the brightest star. "There's the star, my mother's star; the brightest of them all" he thought to himself
Ashley followed after Darcel, the blue jay still on her shoulder. She looked at the bird as she walked. What should I call it, She wondered, Jay? Nah, too cliche. Feathers? Too cheesy. I've got it! "Wings," She said aloud. The blue jay turned its head towards Ashley. It then chirped happily.
Kiba was on winters shoulder yipping in glee as winter watched Darcy and looked to the sky seeing the north star and smiled softly as she looked at the others
Ken appeared in front of darcel with crossed arms leaning against a tree. "If you're going to get your father, I'm going with you. I have already missed much action, and I can be really useful to you if you need to travel unnoticed." Said Ken.
"I'm stay here. My arm isn't going to help and I want to get things done around here. Maybe when you return you'll have more space and other houses. Not to mention a farm," Lyric shook her head and still was trimming the crystals. She looked at them sadly and yawned, stretching both her frozen arm and normal one above her head.
Ken appeared beside Lyric. "Oh I forgot to tell you sooner, that poacher guy, I saw him run out of the bunker and at that direction." Ken point at a direction. "You should get a group and get him." Ken said as he walked back to Darcel's group.
Lyric sighed and nodded her head. Her arm was still frozen and she had to get it back to normal before the crystals started growing again. She nodded and sat against a wall, "that would be very helpful. My arm is starting to hurt and I gotta cut thaws things off".
Ken appeared beside Lyric. "Let me help you with that." He vibrated his hand and swiped a chunk of crystals off her arm. "Ow, I never realized how hard those thing were." He than looked down and said to Lyric with a sincere voice. "If you do go after the poacher, and if he did call for backup, promise me you'll be careful, The base will not be the same if you were gone." He then went back to normal. "You be careful too midnight, you're currently the weakest one of us." Ken laughed and disappeared back to the surface wo meet up with Darcel.
"I'm going too," Ashley said, "I would like to personally cause the person behind harming him some serious pain." She was really serious about this, hurting her friends was not the brightest choice this man had ever made.
Lyric shook jar head at her friends behavior. She trimmed them off slowly and flinched every so often. When one particular crystal caused bleeding she dropped her knife and groaned loudly. There were short enough that they would stop growing and she had access to her arm again but it was uncomfortable to have, "night? You think you can catch him? I think I can go know but I'll have to be careful with my power".
Dasken continued his training relentlessly. He began to focus his explosions into a kind of ray or rial gun thta he could summon at his fingertips. The explosions intensified, and by the time he was done training, his shirt was destroyed, his pants tattered and ripped, and his hair stood up on end. He was glistening with sweat, and as he flew back to the base in record time, he couldn't help but sense a disturbance. He regrettedly looked down, and saw one of the few things no man should see.
A fully-grown mountain lion lunging up at him.
Lyric grumbled and switched the bloody pelts for cleaner ones. She wondered and nodded, cursing to herself when she forgot to ask the adventure party to grab things if they could like medicine, clothing, cooking stuff etc. she finished her job and started to boil some water. Moving into the now non jail cell, she crested and glyph and started carving out the floor into a nice sized bath. Once she got her portal glyph operational she could place it in a source of water and make a tap of sorts. Not to mention a heated bathe would be nice but she would have to work on a warming glyph for that to work.
Winter was floating in the air a scythe made up of ice under her keeping her aloft in the air, one thing she liked was that she could us it if her wings where injured, broken, or she was unable to use her ice abilities at the time she also liked it cause it never melted and it was useful for so many things at the same time. Kiba sat on the blade his tongue out and licking the blade as winter laughed at that wishing She had her phone to take a video of that.
Kia sighed, she was exploring around in the woods ,not knowing of what could be in their and she didn't want to go anywhere people could see her powers and her abilities but that was ok. " hmm i wonder where i could go" she said quietly then she frowned and she saw a mountain near a stream "hmm maybe someone is over their" she said then she walked over to the mountain and she frowned " Dang i still don't see any one...maybe i'm not in the right place" she whispered then she sat down on a large rock then she sighed and waited for something to happen.
She finished sculpting the bath and made some tea. She then walked out of the bunker and drank some of her tea as she walked around. She saw a girl sitting on the Rock and waved, "hello"?
Kia gasped then she fell off the rock and she drooped "oww...." she said then she smiled "oh hello..." she said then she walked over to her "hmm where did you come from?" she asked little confused