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"your welcome Lyric." Joshua said. He then looked at her. "I'm glad I met you Lyric." He said. " And thanks for bandaging me up even if I wasn't the most cooperative patient, but I really do respect you Amazon beauty." he said before sleep finally overtook him.
She and went to do so putting them in there separate piles as she went back to get the rest she saw a wolf cub and frowned as she walked up to it, it looked up at her and yiped in fear "there is no never to fear little one I won't hurt you are you hungry" she said holding a small bit of meat in her hand a, smile on her face as the white wolf cub started to eat from her hand his crystal blue eyes alight in joy at being able to eat something after a while of starving
Lyric chuckled and rolled her eyes at the nickname. She finished cleaning stuff up and rearranging other things. She grabbed one of her pelts and curled up in a corner, her eyes slowly closing to get some rest.
Winter soon can in the rest of the meat in her hands the pup following her every step, she chuckled at him "I can see you like little cub ..no kiba little kiba" she said smiling
After Darcel fell asleep for a while, he forced himself up and began to glance around. He looked over and saw a new stranger, "S-she looks f-familiar" he slowly began to tear up. Suddenly, his ebony colored tears began to pour down his face as he climbed out of the bunker. He walked over looking up at the sky, "You're haunting me huh? It's not my fault d-dad.." he stuttered as he began to lay back, clenching his fist. He reached his hand into his pants pocket, pulling out a small container.
Ashley had gone for a fly. Actually, she had gone to the cave to try out her powers. The rock wouldn't start a forest fire, or at least she hoped it wouldn't, and it was far enough away from the base that no one would get hurt. She lit her hand on fire again. "If I really have control over fire, I should be able to chuck fireballs," She said to herself, "Right?" Then Ashley turned around to face a stack of rocks. She swung her hand. Nothing. She tried moving her fingers. Nothing. Finally, she tried to pretend that she was actually throwing something. A small flame flitted through the air, then died. Ashley grinned. It might not be much, but it was something.
Lyric woke up and wrapped her pelt into a bundle. She added more wood the the fire and looked toward the entrance. She stretched and threw on her jacket, climbing outside to get some fresh air. She stood by the door and raised an eyebrow when she saw darcel.
Darcel curled into a ball, covered in his own tears. He stuttered and continuously whispered "m-ma-mo". he clenched onto the the bottle in his hand and began to shake.
Lyric strode forward, concern starting to take over. She stood over him and crouched down to pat his shoulder, "darcel? You ok there? What's going on and who are you talking too"?
Darcel shivered, "He- he hates me... He left me a-alone." he whispered. Gashes began to form all of his body, spilling blood onto the grass. He was hurting himself.
Lyric cursed under her breath and picked the guy up. She rushed back into the bunker. She placed him on a pelt and looked over at Joshua, "josh! I need your help right now. Something is going on with darcel! He's bleeding and wounds are opening up! He's also talking about someone and I don't understand"!
Joshua's eyes snapped open as he looked at Darcy. " Shit." He said. He got up and walked to the boy. "I can't heal him. last time I tired to fell unconscious and I wasn't injured then." He knelt beside Darcy. " Alright look at me Darcy. Everything will be alright. we all care about you. You don't have to worry about whoever your talking about."
Dasken had been flying back, but got distracted. "What the hell happens if I turn savage like that?" He he asked himself aloud. "They may actually need to kill me." He grew concerned. "I may actually kill one of them." Rather than be in despair, he became entranced in thought, completely missing the base and, instead, going back to the river. When he looked down out of his trance, he sighed. Without fail, he thought to himself. He landed next to the riverbed and sighed. He made sure to stay away from any structures. He curled himself up into a ball.
"I wish someone understood," he said.
Cuts began to from all over his body once more, he struggled to breath. "I'm going to end it... He would want me to...." Darcel chocked as he gasped for air. "I-i've only caused pain...." he stuttered
Lyric ran and grabbed the supplies. She grabbed a water jar and started cleaning the deeper wounds. She then pushed a needle and thread to Joshua, checking and cleaning the newer ones, "start sewing him up. I might have to knock him out. Keep him out while we try and patch him up".
Out of anger Joshua slaps Darcy across the face. " Look at me!" He yelled. " He might of wanted you too. But we don't! We've lost what family we once had wether they were loving or not as soon as the men in black took us away. Now we have to survive Together. You think I'm all here. I'm not hell I literally tried to kill myself earlier today. Why else do you think I have this injury. but I can't. You might not think of this but each of us are apart of a new family. And we'll have each others backs no matter what. Now I am going to save your life you're dumbass." he threaded the needle and started to sew up Darcy.
"L-let.. me.. die.." Darcel whispered. His eyes began to flash white, the blood-loss began to make him dizzy. He reached out his hand and revealed his jar he had kept in his fist. The jar contained red blood, with patches of black in it. "If I die... I want you to keep this forever.. If you can't stand to look at it, pour it onto my corpse, it will-" his own scream began to cut himself off. "ARGH!" the boy cried out. "HELP ME I DON'T WANNA DIE! HE USED ME!" he screeched before completely passing out.
I agree as the saying goes we fight together, we die together and besides you have all of use me, lyric, joshua, and everyone else so your not alone Darcy OK, just know if you ever needed talk just ask me or someone else here....alright" she said smiling softly her white hair falling into her eyes which she pulled back behind her ear and kiba bark to say he was there " hahaha right you to you fuzz ball" she rubbing kibas head

((OOC:This was meant to go above the black cats just so you know))
Lyric moved the jar away and cleaned the blood off. She was trying to keep her breathing steady and grabbed another needle. She helped him patch the bloodmage up. She sat back on her heals and washed the wounds again, brushing her hair out of her face.
Winter started to help cooling areas to stop blood flow to allow lyric to Stitch up the more urgent wounds and cooling the ones she was unable to get to or having trouble with "lyric if you can see if you can see the source in the jar or heck if you cn see the being in his eyes"
Akrohn was alerted to a loud screech of pain, definitely human. He dashed to where the sound had been heard to find people crouched over a kid with blood flowing out of deep gashes. Grief pierced his heart. His earth powers couldn't help him. He was useless here. "What happened?" He asked in a worried tone.
Darcel's eyes began to change colors, from blue to black to a blue almost black. " Just let me die..." he whispered softly. "I WILL KILL YOU, YOU MONSTER I HATE YOU!" he screeched as he glanced up to the ceiling. A giant gash sliced through his back, then it suddenly healed itself. He appeared to be fighting his own actions.
"He's fighting his inner demon." Ken said suddenly appearing, he was chasing after Dask but realized he had already left, then felt the explosion and found his way back to the bunker only to find Darcel bleeding all over.
Midnight stared at the scene with surprise and even a slight bit of concern, even his normally insensitive self knew that it would be a bad time to speak. Instead he just watched
Lyric looked up at winter and Ken. She had at some point smeared blood on her cheek and was still working on sewing up his wounds, "Ken I'm going to need more water. Go get it. You keep the freezing going, let's try and limit his pain".
On it"she said as she crossed over the table to reach her left side better she was feeling weak as it was using her ice to mishandled it was starting to drain get greatly even her wing where disappearing to make up for the drain in power
Lyric took it and started cleaning the blood away. She looked away alittle, eyes catching sight of midnight, "night! Go grab any berries, fruit, high sugar foods from the store room. He's going to need something to help boost that. If we new what his blood type was we could do a transfusion but we don't know"!
Akrohn thought fast. He made tight binders that clamped on the kid's wrists and legs and one for his torso. "There. If he wakes up, he'll be kept in place for the operation."
Moving swiftly to the storeroom, he grabbed a basket of berries, and a basket of other fruit, then he moved to a section of the storeroom, and sighed as he pulled aside some food to reveal a locked box behind, unlocking it, he opened it up to reveal a packet of M&Ms, he smiled fondly at it, and took a handful.

It was just before Midnight, Midnight's favourite time. Moving stealthily through the shadows, he eyed a group of campers, too close to the base for comfort, they needed to be scared off
"Have you ever heard of the Grim Reaper" one of the campers asked another while trying and failing to open a packet of M&Ms, "They say he has a massive Scythe and brings souls to the dead"

Smiling, Midnight devised a plan. Using a Crudely fashioned Scythe he had made earlier as a weapon, he waited until Midnight, which happened to be a full moon that night. He felt himself begin to glow, and covered his body in a black cloth so the light couldn't be seen, then he flew behind the camper telling the story

The campers behind him started pointing, and ran away in fear
"And they say that on the night of a full moon- what? Its just a story" the Camper said, turning around "AHHHHHHHH! ITS THE GRIM REAPER!"
The campers all fled in fear.

Looking down on the ground, Midnight began to search the camp for anything of use, deciding most of the stuff was too heavy to carry normally, and that he didn't really need any, he eyed the packet of M&Ms, picking it up, he left
(Flashback End)

Midnight shook his head, "Stop daydreaming" he told himself "that man needs help"
Counting the days left until the next full moon, Midnight sighed as he realised how long he would have to wait to do anything like that again

"Got the stuff" he said as he left the storeroom and put everything next to Lyric
Ashley stood in the center of the cave, panting. The walls of the cavern had scorch marks on them, each varying in size. Ashley could now create fireballs the size of her hand. They wouldn't fly very far, but they could definitely help in the occasion of a hound encounter. She was satisfied with her achievement, and headed out of the cave for the base.
While she was flying back to the base, a small bird decided to fly near her. It was a blue jay. The bird fluttered by Ashley's shoulder all the way to the base. Even as Ashley touched down, the feathered creature stayed by her. She walked in and saw Darcel. "Oh my gosh, is he dead?!" She exclaimed, and ran to his bedside. The bird fluttered after, chirping urgently as if it could sense that something was wrong.
"You can stop, catch your breat and deal with your pup," Lyric told winter and continued her work. She nodded to midnight. She sighed happily when darcel finally snapped out of it. She finished up the sewing and sat back, panting from the stress. She looked at Akrohn and motioned for him to undo the binds, "we need to get him to eat".
Akrohn complied and released the binds into the ground. He looked at the girl. "Before he passed out, he said, 'Is he gone yet?' It didn't seem to be any of us, so who could it be?"
You have no idea how much that hurts keep going but....I know if I stopped......he would have probably......probably died" she said out of breath As she petted kiba