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Lyric glared at him when he tried to get up. She grabbed a pelt and threw it over josh with a scolding look. Looking down at herself she sighed and grumbled, "I'm going to go make sure my pelts ok and wash up so don't freak if you don't see me for a bit".
She got out of the bunker and checked on her pelt and nodded to herself when she saw it was tanning well. She slipped away to a pond that was very cold but enough to bath quickly.
Winter soon found pond and saw a girl there hiding she watched what she was doing seeing as she was covered in food she figured the girl was going to bathe she lept up into a tree and went the wayside had come hoping there where others in the direction she was going her wings and tail hidden both looking as if they where made of pure ice
" Your bedside manners are terrible." Joshua yelled as the amazon left the room. He laid back. He gripped onto the pelt as he tried to sleep and failed. ' Just my luck.' He thought. "I'm Bed ridden. Now everyone else is going to have to step up their work ethic because of me and fact that I wanted to take on that hound with my bear hands instead of beating it easily with my powers. I'm a freaking idiot.'
Lyric cleaned up quickly before heading back to bunker. She ran a hand through her hair and went in. Her shoulder was stinging but she could walk through it. She head the last part of what Joshua had said and laughed, "an idiot you are. Even if you didn't use your powers, you have the knife I gave you. Maybe if your feeling better in the morning you can help me with the farm, I'm going to start planting".
Ashley sat down on a separate bed and began eating hungrily. Fending off two different hound-things could be tiring. "Don't feel bad, if there wasn't a river nearby that one time I'd've started a forest fire," She told Josh. Then she looked at the unconscious person on the bed.

(OOC: @Sky5372 you gonna reply???)
Joshua felt even more like an idiot as he just remembered she gave him a knife. " Yeah I'll help with the farm Amazon." he said. " It's the least I can do for you continually bringing me to safety." He then smiled a little bit. " I guess we've all messed up at one point and time here. I'll keep you from messing up again if you do the same for me." he said to Ash.
Lyric nodded and waved to them. She made it back to the make shift holding cell, carrying two pelts. She passed one to Thomas, who threw it away, then curled up herself. She decided that she needed sleep and passed out quickly.
Ashley grinned. "It's a deal," She said jokingly. She could definitely use the help, considering that she literally had barely been able to grasp control of her powers. Playing with fire could be dangerous for sure.
Joshua looked and could of sworn he saw an angle. He shook his head and barley saw a girl with snow white hair gazing at them. " It's okay." He whispered. " Don't be afraid."
She frowned her wings showing through her jacket as she looked at Joshua she tilted her head not trusting him in the least as she Moved to flee she felt a sheering pain in her wing she opened her mouth to scream only to fall unconscious from the pain
He definitely saw her that time. He moved his good arm and pulled the unconscious body towards him. he touched her slightly on the forhead healing her body of all pains. "it's okay." He said to her. " Your among friends." he gently levitated her to an empty bunk.
It had been long since Akrohn became lost. He spent hours looking for a way to reunite with the ones he had met in the truck. Suddenly, he had an idea. He sent a shock wave along the earth with a simple stomp of his foot. The shock would travel through the ground and find the group of people with powers and also let them know where he was. He just prayed that they were looking for him as well.
She lay on the bunk her tail looking like a scarf and her wings spread out so as to not cause her discomfort in any way As she lay there ice started to spread around her
Ashley watched the ice begin to freeze the mattress. "Well, that's-Whoa!" Ashley exclaimed as she felt the shockwave. It caused the table to tremble. Fortunately, Ashley had put the clay items somewhere safe so they didn't shatter. "Did anyone else just feel a small earthquake?" She asked, just to check that she wasn't going insane.
"Yeah I did." He said. He looked around first at the Ice angle, Then to Ash. " I wonder what that was." Part of him doubted that they were in an earthquake area.
Danny finished looking through all of the lockers. He found an I pod shuffle with a charger, a lighter, a pocket knife, and a loaded handgun with some extra bullets. He looked around and found a cooler. He shoved as much stuff as he could in the cooler and took off. He arrived back at the base.Danny looked at the I Pod Shuffle and said ,"Sweet, The Beatles!"
Dasken rattled Danny's shoulders. "My god, you're a cocky son of a..." he sighed. "Let's just kick some serious tailpipe." He walked over to the nearest guard, then created an explosive sphere in his hand. "Now," Dasken declared, "Why don't you just go ahead and tell me where the boss is?" He grinned, his eyes darkening slightly. "Else, you may not see tomorrow."
Darcel opened his eyes, realizing he was laying in the corner of the bunker. "How the heck did I get here? I must of fallen asleep or something." he thought to himself. He stood up, when he suddenly felt a strange shake beneath him. "Uhh... what's that?" he asked the group members around him.
Danny, stoped before he lefy and lookes Dasken," I mean, all I wanted was some Beatles music." He stared at the guard with a certain fire in his eyes that would intimidate even the strongest men.
After a couple minutes, Akrohn began to grow impatient. They should have gotten the shock by now. Having no other option, Akrohn constructed a huge tower out of rock standing as a beacon. There was no way the group couldn't do something about this, because the construction of the tower also sent a few shock waves as it emerged from the ground.
Dasken sighed. He turned to the guard and sent him hurtling into a wall. "Now," Dasken said, "Why don't you tell me what I want to know?" His cheshire grin came back, 20-fold.
"Or... We could play cat and mouse. You'd be the mouse." His grin expanded wildly, and a spark appeared in his eyes.
Darcel glanced downwards as he felt a sharp pain scratch at his side. "Why am I still shirtless?" he thought to himself as he rubbed his finger tips along the gashes.
His stomach began to rumble, "What is this weird feeling?" he thought once more. He examined the gashes, absorbing the dried blood patches back into his system.
Lyric was woken by the shockwave. Thomas was aswell of course and yelled at her when she went to the main room to see what everyone was doing. She looked around and stood tall, "was I the only one to feel the shock wave"?
Danny looked at thw sky. He felt a powerful shockwave. He wondered if he accidently discharged his electricity. He looked at Dask and said," I'm heading back." He cluthed his coolers handle and flew back to the base.
"Should we investigate? Also how are your wounds healing up," Lyric looked over at him and examined the wounds from afar. She crossed her arms and examined them, "still better keep bandages close. Don't need you bleeding out".
"Whelp, I wonder what that was," he looked around and pulled out his I pod. He played the song Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. He entered the base and looked around.
" I've done that enough" Darcel smiled. " And yeah, I think we should go investigate it, it was so strong and sudden, unlike most earthquakes. Something has to be going on." he suggested towards Lyric
Winter opened her eyes groaning she Zoe put a wing over her eyes to sheld them from the lights as she looked around at where she was. "Um where am I and who are you all?" She asked sitting up.
"Lyric is my name and I suggest you stay down for a bit. You might have a head injury if by the way your laying. Let's go Darcel, see what we can find," Lyric nodded to him and walked outside, waving to the tow that came back. She created to acceleration glyphs and waited.
The way I'm layi-what that makes no sense what so ever" she said as she crossed her legs and looked around the room she wasn't seeing it was full of beds she figured it was the sleeping corders of the place
Lyric waited for darcel and in the mean time messed around with another glyph. This one was still under experimentation and was very interest to her. Unlike the other glyphs which usually stuck to one colour, this one moved between many if not all.