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Darcel began to luagh, "Haven't felt that in a while" he thought to himself. " This is what a family should feel like, huh?" he thought to himself once more. Darcel glanced over to see the poacher and socked him in the face. "Oops my hand slipped." he luaghed
Drew looked at Lyric and grinned. " You haven't seen me in fight before." he said. " It's a lot easier than skinning a dear." He then noticed Darcy punch the man. " Hey sleeping beauty... Welcome to your new life."
The poacher swore and glared at darcel before turning his attention to Joshua, "what the hell do you mean"?
Lyric promptly dropped him on the floor and showed not emotion when he let out a pained sound. Getting a better look at the woman who had been holding him, the poacher froze and backed away, "you"!
"Yes me. What happened no longer an angel," Lyric rolled her eyes and leaned against a wall. She was ready take out the guy's legs if he even moved wrong.
"I can kill you from the inside out sir, don't try anything funny." Darcel glared at the man. "That's a lie, I only kill when it puts other people in danger. especially not people anyway." he thought to himself
Ashley chuckled. "Believe me, we're by no stretch of reality angels," She told the man. "And we're trying to survive out here. You and your buddies aren't exactly upping our chances, if you know what I mean."
Joshua looked at the Poacher. " Here's the deal buddy. We can't have you telling people about us." He said. " So you're going to stay here with us. We'll feed you and well I'll try and treat like a guest. in return you can never leave this place. If you try to run You will die." Joshua said. " What's your name?"
"And how do I not know your cannibals," the poacher panicked and Lyric chuckled darkly, stepping forward to loom over him, "o-ok, I'm fine with uh staying here. My name is Thomas, thomas Randof".
Lyric rolled her eyes and grinned at the rest of them, crossing her arms and wandering off into another room. She retreated a large deer pelt and opened it up, medical supplies sorted, "we need to go back and grab their stuff. It will be useful no matter how small. Ash? Can you by chance generate heat hot enough to make glass"?
Thomas stared right back and sneered at him. With a sour laugh be looked at the group, "you are those freaks the government is gettin rid of, arnt yah? Aww what wrong mommy and daddy think you were freaks and send you away? How sad".
Lyric snapped her head to look over at him and leapt to her feet. She delivered a sharp kick to his ribs and stepped on his hand, growling lowly, "talk like that again and I'll cut your tongue out".
Thomas nodded and whined about her hand. She grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and dragged him further into the base, throwing him into an empty room and barring it. Crystals started to sprout from her tattoos and when she reached the group again they were quite large and starting to envelope her arm.
"Be careful Lyric, your arms.." Darcel motioned towards her. "If that guy every tries to talk like that again, I call absorbing his blood. Just saying" he whispered under his breath. "Stop trying to be a man, but his blood flow is nice to be honest....But you almost freaked out when you killed that hound thing.. But a person?" he thought to himself.
Lyric sighed and walked over to her bunk. She pulled her knife out slowly started to chip away at the shards, flinching every so often. The crystals had grown large and thick enough to merge with her nerves system so it felt like a slice to the skin whenever she cut them.
Thomas called after her, screaming and threatening as he tried to get attention.
"It's a side effect to my abilities," she winced when her blade slipped and cut a clean line into her skin. She looked back at darcel and pulled him into the bunk while standing. She grabbed a needle and thread, along with some leather bandages and a rag of leather. She pulled on of the water filled pots and laughed, "did you guys have an art day"?
She then looked at darcel and crossed her arms, "show me your wounds now".
"Heyyy I can heal them myself now, no need to pull out the needles..." he winced as he slowly began to realize he barely had any magic to spare. He smiled stupidly at Lyric while his face turned red from embarrassment. "Way to sell yourself out stupid. I hope she doesn't take my stupid strawberry face the wrong way and punches me or something." he thought to himself.
"Now," Lyric huffed and organized her stuff. She looked back at Joshua and looked him over quickly. There were still crystals on her arm but it wasn't as bad as it was originally and there were no longer slowly creeping up them. She looked at darcel and raised an eyebrow, deciding to tease him a bit, "somebody scared of a little needle"?
He now looked like a tomato "NO! I, It's.... You're sO mEaN tO mE" His voice cracked as he stuttered. "Good going Darce, way to be smooth with the ladies. Does she even count though? Just kidding. I sound like psycho talking to myself in my head." he thought to himself.
Lyric got tired of waiting and got close to darcel, trying to pull his shirt off over his head so she could start cleaning up the blood and patch up the wounds. She noticed his blushing face and smirked, gigglig softly. She looked at the wounds and her grin fell, turning into a glare, "yeah I'm fixing those up right now".
"You don't have too, i'm all good..." he strained as his cheeks became hot. "She's trying to take my shirt off! She's laughing at me? MIXED SIGNALS. I know she trying to heal me, stop being a child. A super awkward child. " He thought inside his head.
"I'm doing it. You can't rely on your powers for everything," Lyric grumbled and tugged the shirt off, laying it on the ground. She dipped the rag in the water and cleaned around the wounds and the wounds to see what she was having to deal with. She looked up at him, "you can stop blushing, I'm not going to do anything".
"Oh no. My stupid face gave myself away. I'm going to die." he thought to himself. He leaned forward, explaining his wounds. " If I puppet something with my blood magic, aka control their movements, if they die all the damage done to them happens to me. I crushed the beast from the inside, but becuase of Josh's quick healing he manged to heal the damage in my organs, but I still have these minor gashes. So it's not the worst thing to deal with I guess." he spoke.
"What about that leg of yours? I saw you limping," Lyric hummed as she ginished clearig up the blood. Seeing that not stitches were needed, she grabbed the bandages and wrapped them around his middle. She had to lean in close to moved the bundle around his back and made sure they were tight but not to tight. She made sure they wouldn't come loose and nodded, "there. Don't go doing anything that could be to harmful. And by the way your still blushing do you need someone to kiss the boo boo better"?
She laughed and stood up, packing her things away. She pulled the knife again and started to hack at her crystals agian, a noise of pain exscaping her throat as she hit a pretcularly stuborn one.
Dasken awoke in a cold sweat to find himself, yet again, unexpectedly alive. He punded the ground with his fist. "I... I almost had control! I ALMOST HAD CONTROL!" He screamed aloud, but fell short due to a searing pain in his chest. He looked down. He took off his shirt, only to find thta there were gashes and scratches all ove rhis chest and back. He felt a bit of internal damage, too. Both emotional and physical.
"Why do you keep saving me? I'm going to go berserk one of these days and seriously hurt one of you." He looked down, concentrating on the floor. "Why? I... I don't understand any of this..."
"Are you ok?! Do you need any assistance?" He questioned as he stood concerned. "Did she just ask if someone would kiss my "boo boo" better? This woman... is something special. I like it though.She's pretty scary though. Be quiet you have blood magic, you like creepy" He thought to himself.
"What happened this time?" Midnight sighed from behind Lyric and Darcel "I don't join you on one short 'Trip' and all of a sudden your body is covered with Crystals and surrounded by injured people..."
Dasken pondered this. "I believe... it may be within this area, but I'm not sure. It's made of a non-flammable compound of titanium that collects heat, and it's a dark cyan color. The handles are scarlet and black, and it's about four and a half feet long."
"Don't worry. It's not the first time one has refused to break," Lyric smiled to show she was ok. She got it come loose and soon cleared her arm off, tattoos visible. She looked at midnight and shrugged, "you've seen how these things grow. The injured people arnt my fault. Their the poachers fault but the way we got one and he's looked in one of the extra rooms".
As if to proved her point, Thomas screamed down the hall and started shouting profanities at them. Lyric smiled sheepishly, "his name is Thomas and he won't be leaving for a while".
"So you let some stranger, let alone a killer and poacher, into the house..." Midnight sighed "Anyways, welcome, I guess, I'm going to talk to this Poacher of yours"
He walked towards the room where the Poacher was "You will be quiet if you know what is good for you" he growled "You attacked so many of us today, and while the other may be content with letting you live, if you make one wrong move, and try to escape, I will not hesitate to..." He decided to leave it at that
Dasken, form the other room, created a small explosion right where he had heard the noise coming from. He snickered aloud, and completely broke down into laughter upon the, "OW, MOTHER-", followed by a string of slurs.
Thomas lept away from the bars that Lyric had formed. He nodded his head and stuttered an apology. Lyric followed midnight and heard him talk. She tapped in his shoulder and motioned for him to follow her, eyes sharp.
"Nah, I've had my enjoyment today, I'm just sad I missed out on alot of the action rying to make one of those damn pots," Danny looked at Dasken and said," The day is stupid, why can't we just always go at night."
Lyric led him into a room where she was keeping the meat and rest of the food. She leaned on the wall and looked at him, "we are keeping him alive. We shouldn't even have killed the others but we did and now we have to keep this guy from running his mouth off".
Dask shrugged. "I guess it' s because we aren't all nocturnal." He eyed the electricity popping between Danny's fingers. "Say, how would you like to try something..?"