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Sky started to fall out of the air, not being able to keep himself aloft. After trying to get away from a bunch of men following him and flying away, one of them shot some sort of net at his legs. He could fly, but barely, and had run out of energy. Managing to cushion his fall, he landed sprawled, in a head, near a river, and fell unconscious
Darcel parted his eyes and glanced around. "No one's here?" he thought to himself as he began to walk around. "Better go outside then" he spoke. The boy climbed up the latter and sat on the empty plain. "Any one here?" He yelled as he laid back staring into the sky.
Lyric finished setting up her trap and walked back into the feild that was outside the bunker. She saw darcel and walked over to him, crossing her arms, "what's up? No blood bending today? If your bored you came come with me and Ken and whoever else is coming to try and chase some poachers away".
"No, just going to chase them off," Lyric crouched down and patted him on the back. She offered her had to help him up and didn't say anything about the shaking. There was another gun shot and Lyric flinched as she realized the poachers were gaining ground to their home. She didn't want to draw blood but would if it meant protecting everyone, "come on".
"Sure but remember no killing and I want you to stay back and they have weapons so I want you to stay out of the line of fire. Stay behind trees," Lyric checked to make sure she had everything needed and nodded to darcel. She started towards the wood, leaving her jacket at the base.
Darcel's face became firm and he closed his eyes. "Stalk" the boy whispered out loud. His vision became gray, besides blotches of red, the poacher's blood. "That way!" Darcel yelled as he pointed North.
"They avoided the camp? Well we don't need them sneaking up on us, let's go," Lyric nodded and motioned for him to lead the way. She grinned at him, "want to get there quick? I know away but you can't freak out, okay"?
"Here." Joshua said handing her his attempt at a clay Jar. It was a little off at parts but it did look like jar. " What do you think." he said.
"Glyph acceleration," Lyric laughed and lept, a glyph crest under her feet and she shot forward. She zoomed around trees then back to darcel. She smiled at him, "so"?
Joshua looked over his shoulder and saw a boy fall to the ground. " Dear God." He said as he ran over to the boy. He splashed some water on his face wondering whether or not that'll wake him.
Lyric nodded and created a glyph under his feet. She kept a part of her wind tracking the crystal growth in her arm. She nodded her head, "just jump up now. Warning if you run into anything the glyph stops and I have to make a new one, also if you stop then it stops".
Dasken smiled. He grabbed a glob of clay, then proceeded to take a full ten minutes to form it into a perfectly symmetrical pot with handles. He held it out after hardening it like he did the sticks. "It helps to be a perfectionist." He said, laughing half-heartedly.
Darcel smiled and jumped onto the glyph. " Ok , i'll try my best to not crash and die." the boy joked. "They're moving fast, they might be on an animal or in a vehicle of some sort. They're now just entering the Eastern territory"
Ashley grinned and heated the pot and jar up. "Alright, then," She said, handing Dask his pot and ran over to Joshua, who was splashing an unconscious person with water. "What the heck?" She asked, looking down. "Who's that?"
Dasken ran up to the body but, before he could inspect it, he heard howling.
He heard two things howling.
A scowl shrouded his face, and he said quietly and all too gently and calmly, "Get down. They're back."
"Let's go, we don't want them hitting the river and getting the jump on our friends," Lyric nodded and lept on t another glyph and zooming off. She moved between trees, keeping her track of her crystals.
Ashley instantly lit her hand on fire. She laughed nervously. "It's a good thing there's a river nearby." The girl looked around. "Let's form a circle around this guy. We might not know him, but it just wouldn't be right to just abandon him." And with that, she turned to face the opposite way, out into the woods.
Joshua stood his back towards Ashley's back He started to twitch his hand as he readied himself for combat. " Hey Dask are you going to be able to keep a cool head this time?" He asked.
Darcel shakily followed Lyric as they began to head towards the river. " Have you dealt with poachers before? Are you used to fighting and or scaring them off?" The boy questioned.
Dasken twitched from a chill that went down his spine. "I think I can. I should be able to, aince there's nothing to trigger-" before he could finish his sentence, a hound leapt upon him, pinning him to the ground. He released a barbaric scream, blasted the dog off of him, and stood up. His arm had a gash in it, and he was struggling to stay under control. "On second... thought... may be harder than... anticipated..." he said through gritted teeth. He refused to release himself again, and it took all of his willpwer to try and maintain control. The hound lunged at him again.
Kai ran through the maze of trees, trying to catch up with the poachers while avoiding bullets. Every second he grew inches closer, until he finally got close enough to- BANG! A bullet went right through Kai's chest, throwing him into the river. Kai floated in the water for a while until finally losing consciousness.
Joshua stopped the hell hound and flung it into one of the tree's breaking the tree. " Just remember we care about you." Joshua said. " And If you go berserk again I at least know how to stop you." Withen seconds Joshua heard aloud bang. He looked and saw a body going towards them. " You got to be kidding me." He ran towards the body and pulled it out of the water. He checked the boys pulse feeling a faint beat. he stuck his hand over the bullet wound as it glowed healing the boy. Joshua than ran back to the others.
Darcel's grey vision blurred and his ears began to ring. "I sense bloodshed. The poachers could of shot a something, or umm.. A monster?." He spoke as he nearly fell off the glyph.
"We have had our fair share of scuffles. yes. I've dealt with them before," Lyric nodded and stopped when they got close enough. She stopped and growled, a poacher had stopped and was lining up a shot to the river. She threw up wall to block any more shots from hitting them. She tackled the poacher and threw a punch, "get home now"!
Dasken shivered. He was torn; he desperately wanted to save his friends, and he knew that his power would be able to do that, should he unleash it. Then again, his friends could get hurt by it, and the hound didn't seem the least bit injured. He caught something out of the corner of his eye, and tackled the second hound just before it took down Joshua from behind. The first one lunged at Ashley, and Dasken blasted it away, while hitting Ashley a little bit, as well. He swore under his breath, and tried to get up, but the hound bit his left shoulder, trying to seemingly pry his arm off.
Joshua noticed the hell hound on Dask's arm. He punched the beast in the stomach as it let go of Dask. He proceeded to fling it straight into a tree. He put his and on Dask's arm and healed it. he felt a little out of it afterwards.
Ashley was knocked off her feet. The hound lunged at her while she was down. It roared, its white teeth glistening, while it had her pinned. Ashley put her hand on its leg and used her power. Instantly, the creature yelped and jumped back. Its forepaw was on fire. With its enhanced intelligence, it leapt into the river to extinguish the flames. Ashley got up and used her power to keep it submerged, unable to reach the oxygen that it so desperately needed.
"Lyric, SOMEONE IS INJURED!" the boy yelled as he turned away on the glyph following the river's flow. He whispered to himself once more, "Stalk" his eye sight became grey and he began to follow the patches of red. " Why is there six in one area? 4 seem human like but the other two?" Darcel thought to himself as he jumped off the glyph while he got close to the blotches. "One seems very familiar... Wait. My one time puppet Joshua.He better be safe! I hope Lyric is ok, should I have left her there?" the boy's thoughts began to crash around his mind as he became closer.
Dasken grabbed his arm, expecting blood on his hands but only getting clogs of dirt. "Thanks," he said, yet again cut off by a hound leaping towards him. "YOU," he bellowed at the hound in midair, "WILL DIE!" He shot out a large beam that could have very well been a signal flare, had it not completely blackened and killed the first hellhound. The second wryly escaped her trap and leapt towards Ashley. "ASHLEY, LOOK OUT!" He shouted.
Lyric knocked out the poacher and rolled out of the way when a bullet. She launched herself forward and unsheathed her knife. She twirled it around and punched the poacher in the gut as he was reloading. She hissed in pain when he finished, shooting her in the shoulder. She stumbled back again and glared, tired of them. She cut the man's throat and turned to the other. Smarled at the last man and he shot at her and she blocked it with a well placed crystal. She made a jabbing motion and a spike launched from the earth and into the man's chest. She took a deep breath in and looked around, collapsing the wall. She checked them and growled under her breathe, collecting their supplies, "well this was fun".
Darcel heard the commotion and ran faster, he finally got to them. He noticed Ashley,Josh,Dask, A stranger, and one black hound. The black hound jumped towards Ashley. He held out his hand in desperation, closing his eyes. He accidentally puppeted the creature, causing it to float above Ashley. He parted his eyes and clenched his fist. The beast insides began to shatter and shoot out the sides of the creature's body.
"Pretty gory Darcel" Ken said suddenly appearing beside Darcel with his arms crossed. He then disappeared to where Lyric was. " I thought you said you were just going to chase them away." Ken then looked around, disappointed that he missed the fun.
"They shot first," Lyric argue and grabbed her knife. She pressed it to the top of her tattoos and sliced off the crystals. She looked at the person she had impaled and sighed, "guess it was overkill".
Joshua looked as the hound or what was left of the hound. He looked over at Darcy and nodded. " Thanks Darcy." He said. He looked and saw one sneak up right behind Darcy. Joshua Levitated it upwards Then dropped it to the ground killing it instantly.
"Are... you... ok?" Darcel stuttered as his body began to shake. He looked down at his torso. Suddenly, wounds began to form making him bleed onto the floor. He collapsed onto the ground as blood began to poor from his mouth.
Ashley whipped around just barely in time to see the hound midair, hurtling towards her. Acting purely on adrenaline and instinct, she punched the creature across the muzzle. It fell to the ground, unconscious. Ashley pulled her Swiss Army knife out.