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Lyric heard shuffling and peaked her eye open. She saw Joshua and Midnight, rolling into her back and off the bed. She stood up and poked midnight with an amused look, "where have you been? Also not going to say hello to our guests, your not being the best host".
Ken awoke to the sound of someone shouting." Oh hey midnight your back too, well your bed is currently occupied by and injured, so why don't you use that mattress I brought back." He looked at the mattress." Sure it has a big claw mark on it but it will do."
Midnight looked at the Mattress and blinked twice, before lying down onto it, no thanks given or anything. He closed his eyes, and felt sleep overtake him.
Lyric rolled her eyes at him and crawled back into her bunk. She waved to Ken and Joshua before passing out. One arm off the bed while the other covered her eyes. She rolled so her back faced everyone.
Morning came and Ken woke up before everyone else." Ah, time to go scavenge the lab for stuff." He carefully walked around everyone and climbed up the ladder and started running toward his usual scavenging ground." I wonder when Jack will come back, he's been gone for awhile now. But I wouldn't worry about him, he's tough." He tough to himself while running a 120 M/H.
Lyric grumbled as she fell out of bed and woke up. She slowly got up and walked over to the deer. She started cutting it into easier pieces and soon had it finished. She wrapped the meat in some tanned pelts and placed them farther back in the bunker where it was cooler. To help it along she crested a glyph that would chill the air around the food. She then grabbed her rope, the pelt and one of her knives. She climbed to the surface and got to work making a drying wrack. The placed the pelt in the sun and stretched, cleaning it up.
Ashley woke up. She yawned and got out of bed. Ashley did her ponytail up and put on her jacket. She went outside, where someone she didn't know was doing something with an animal pelt. Eyes still low, since she just woke up, she said, "Hi, are you one of Ken's friends?"
Lyric stood to her full height and looked back at the girl over her shoulder. She turned and crossed her arms over her chest, already ready for the day, "you were the girl who was passed out last night right? Yeah I got back while you were still awake. You hungry there is some fresh venison further in the bunker".
"Why can't we look at night," Danny grianed as he got up. He looked at his hands."being seole can only get you so far," Danny sat up and walked to the ladder. He porceeded to follow the others.
Lyric got back to tanning the hide. She whistled to herself and smiled as she finished. She stood up and wiped the excess stuff on a nearby rock and sheathed her weapon. Standing back, inspected the small field, "this could be turned into quite the nice farm".
Ashley looked over to Josh. "Morning. Try not to die, I guess. I think there was a river near where they dropped us off, I could go get water if we need any."
"I'm gonna build a few traps and start clearing for a farm. By the way be careful if you go down south, I saw poachers and wanted to warn Ken but haven't seen him," Lyric looked over at him and waved. She surveyed the area and started plannig a small garden, "Joshua, I'll try to get you some rabbits. Smaller animals are harder to skin so".
" The water is drinkable." He said to Ashley. Taken the fact that he has yet to crap liquid or be extremely thirsty. " so it might be a good idea to get some. Also there's a vine with Berries on it not that far past the River. Get some their edible." He then looked at Lyric. " Thanks" he said to her. "I guess I'll walk five miles each way and try to map the area. Anyone want to come?" He asked.
"I think we were supposed to search a Lab but I'm not sure," Danny said as he cleaned his blood off of his sword. He stood up and sheathed and stood ready to go.
"Watch the red berries. Most red berries are bad," Lyric offered and picked up a few sticks. She started to mark a farm area, making plans in her head. She hummed and looked at the small group, "if their just gonna keep sending people up here why don't we make a settlement? A place that we call home and don't have to worry about them".
Dasken straightened. "I'd like to head out with you." He had that determined look on his face again, and anyone could tell he wouldn't take no for an answer. "I have to reprieve myself somehow."
"I was thinking of taking the quicker way, Y'know, flying. To try and get a little more familiar with my power," Ashley told Dask, "But we could walk if you wanted to come with.
He shook his head at Dasken. "Alright Explosive. Anyone else want to come with?" He asked. He then looked at Lyric. "I agree. There's what eight of us now? We can't stay in that shelter forever."
"You think I can't fly?" He smirked. He became enveloped in a white, dim light, and began floating in the air. "Think about it; explosions make things fly, so why not use it to make me fly?"
"We need a steady food supply first so I'm gonna start on the farm," Lyric hummed at a though and broke of a large branch and carved it into a spear. She passed it to Joshua, "incase you guys see something and want to tanned".
She then got to work building something that might help with her clearing stones and grass. She got to work clearing her area and changed the stick markers out for crystal spikes.
Ashley lifted her eyebrows. "How the heck are you generating enough force to keep yourself off the ground without causing anything and everything underneath you from flying everywhere?"
Dasken eyed the staff. "One thing you forgot, Lyric," he said, snatching the stick, "Is to strengthen it." He released several explosions around it, and it began to condense. By the time Dask was done, the stick was black, warm to the touch, extremely hard, and unbelievably sharp. He handed it back to Joshua. "Little trick I picked up from being homeless." He turned to Ashley. "As for your question, it's simple; just use force towards me and towards me alone."
" Alright." Joshua said to his two traveling Companions. " First let's head to the river and get some water. Afterwards well head east first." He then looked at Lyric. " Good luck with the garden." and with that he started heading east towards the river.
Dasken hovered behind him, making sure to leave a short enough distance for Ashley to catch up. He ripped the branch of another tree and made a similar spear to Joshua's, then tossed it to Ashley. "Here you go," he said, "In case it comes down to it."
Lyric waved to them in goodbye and cleared more brush and weed again. She crested glyphs to start turning the land over so that seed could be planted and worked the small feild. She tried to remember if there was any close plants that she could transplant and sat back on her heels. She wiped her forehead and hummed, wishing that her sister was with her so that the two could finish this faster.
Ken suddenly jumped over a ledge and fell, he then pulled a rope to reveal he was carrying a fridge." Hey Lyric look at what I found over at the lab place, they just threw out a perfectly working fridge." He opened the fridge door and a handful of snow flew to his face." Yeah maybe that's why it was thrown out. Oh well I can fix that." He then pushed it toward the stump and realized it was a little too big." Umm Lyric, a little help? By the way, did anybody leave when I was gone?"
"They went exploring. Clean water, I'm working on a farm," Lyric stood up and wiped the sweat off of her forehead with back of her hand. She started to crest a small shrinking glyph and placed it under the fridge. Her spikes were starting to sharpen and grow larger as she focused on the cooling glyph, the turning glyph and the shrinking glyph but she powered through it, "we should start thinking about making a better entrance or some above ground shelters".
"well, I can make everyone fly... at night," Danny muttered," and I'm coming too." Danny followed the group saddened by the fact it as day. HE stood up straight and thought, You'll never get more hot chocolate if you complain!
" Oh thanks Lyric, you can resize it once its inside." Ken then tough about what Lyric said about finding clean water." Are they headed toward the river? Because I saw a well made metal house on it, it could it be a problem if the person living isn't friendly, and he seem like someone who has metal powers since that house is really well made and came out of nowhere."
"That could be troublesome," Lyric nodded and helped lower the thing down before resizing it. She immediately grabbed her knife and started to shave off the crystals that were growning, glinching when she felt the pain of stiffness they brought when like this. She got them off, not her cleanest cut as she had nicked herself one or two times, "I'm gonna get back to the farm. Anything you want planted"?
"cocoa beans and sugar cane," Danny said as he sprinted past to chase Ashley, Dask, and Joshua. He sprinted all they way to them and then stopped to catch his breath.
"I'm going to need a green house then. Meaning Sand and someone who can hear it up to correct temperature," Lyric sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She patted Ken on the back, "if you find any glass panes or Windows, try and bring them back safely, it sounds like I'm building a green house".
She climbed back up and got back to work on her farm, clearing a decent portion of land for plantation. She looked up at the sky when birds flew over head and a gun shot rang out from the south. She growled and stood up, "Ken! I spotted poachers down south. They seem to be makin their way closer. What are we going to do"?
Ken heard Lyric's shout and jumped in excitement." All right! Lets hide in the forest and knock them out they get too close to the base." As Ken swiftly climbed the ladder he said. "Hey midnight care to join us?"
Lyric dusted herself off and rolled her shoulders. She made sure her weapons were in working order and nodded at the stretch of farm land she had constructed, "If you see any wild carrots, rhubarb, Wild patatoes, anything that I can plant would be great to collect. Raspberry and even mushrooms, both poison and not. I can make some traps and it would be a good teaching guide for new comers".
After he made it to the River. Drew looked back at the three people who fallowed him. He shook as he stared at the water. " Hey do any of you have a way to store water?" He asked.
"Crap, WAIT, I have the cup my Hot chocolate was in," Danny said as he reached in his pocket, He pulled out the small plastic cup,"Here," He handed the cup to Joshua. "That's the best I've got,"
Lyric played with a dagger in her hands. It was one of her first tried of making a knife for throwing and no matter how crude it was she couldn't give it up. She wondered if the water party had remembered to bring or even ask to use a bowl for their little journey. She lept into the ladder hole and grabbed the blood bowl, bring it up to the surface, "I'll be right back. I'm going to go set a trap, I might be able to fix a nice fur jacket for one of us who doesn't have cold clothes".
Diana slowly woke up. She realized she dozed off last night while sitting. Diana stood up. Only then did she realize that there was another person there.
"Hi, you're Ken's friend, right?" Diana asked. She was sure she was his friend without an answer, because no one else would be out here if they weren't Outcasts.
Ashley looked around. "Let's see...Hey, that looks like clay!" She said, and ran to the riverbank. In the water, clearly visible, was a bunch of reddish-brown clay. Ashley scooped some up in her hands. "Okay, I've got a plan," She announced, "We can make things to carry the water in out of the clay. I'll heat it up so it's hardened." And with that, Ashley began to mold the clay into a pot. Not an entirely great pot, but a pot nonetheless. Then she heated the clay until her creation was done. "Alright, anyone got another ready?"