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Dasken's hand found a nearby tree, and he held onto it for dear life. His eyes grew wide, and his legs collapsed in on themselves. He attempted to hold in the screams, but they still came through clenched teeth and gasps of pain. "Some assistance... AHHHHHHHH... would be... helpful..." he muttered.
Lyric sighed and disolved the crystals. She laid the men that she had killed under a tree and turned to the unconscious on. She picked him like a deer and sighed, "what should we do with him. Also grab the stuff, we can use it".
Darcel attempted to crawl towards Dask to help him, but he could barely help himself at the moment. "I'm... sorry guys" Darcel softly whispered as he fell unconscious.
Ashley stabbed the beast in the throat, then tossed the corpse behind a bush. She turned her attention to Darcel. "Alright, we've got water. Let's clean his wounds up first, before they start to scab and possibly lock in infection. Can someone go get me some kind of leaf to use as a bandage or something?"
Joshua just shook his head and knelt beside Dacel. " hey Darcy everything will be fine.." He said as he put his hand on Darcy's body healing the wounds. Within seconds Joshua fell to the ground unconscious. Blood was pouring out of his nose.
Dasken's eyes widened further, gaining the smile oh so familiar. He merely said, "Stay away.", then he shot away going at insane speeds. A sonic boom rattled the area, and all the others could see was a large beam, not two seconds later, shooting through the trees and sky.
Lyric started to the river, still carrying the man. She saw everyone and dropped the man she was carrying. She ran over to the group and checked everyone over. Her bullet wound bleeding. She braced herself when the sonic boom happened, skidding a ways away. She slowly stood up and her ears rung, lifting herself. She looked to the injured and made her way to them, creating glyphs to help carry them back to the bunker.
Dasken pounded his fist into the surrounding trees. He could no longer tell if he was screaming. He weakly meandered around, fighting the maelstrom in his head. Without realizing it, he wound up flying back through the battlefield, slowly enough for all to see him, but too quickly for him to realize where he was going.
Back to the camp.
Ashley looked over at the person, who still seemed unconscious. She wondered if maybe she could carry him and the pottery. Hm...Yep...Almost...There! She got everything situated, then saw Dask fly by. He'll be alright.
Dasken crashed through a few branches on the way there, and crashed right past the base. He hit a tree, his mind roiling. It was as though the past him, a different him who had wanted to kill those people, and the him who wanted to bring them back to life. "Help..." he whispered, before crying in the fetile position. He leaned against a tree, which was god knows where. With a parting thought of despair before drifting to sleep from exhaustion, one last tear fell from his eye.
Danny chased the group. He struggled to make pot so much that he didn't notice what happened. He stood up and drew his sword."Well, I may not be able to assist with my powers, but I can still hold my own."
"Hey! We need to get them back to the bunker. It will be safer back then," Lyric looked at Ashely and picked up Joshua and used a glyph to lift the unconscious poacher. She started back toward the bunker, wanting to get people back onto their territory.
Darcel opened his eyes the smallest bit, "I told him not to heal me.." he whispered as he smiled at unconscious Josh. "Remember to tell me not to puppet something I kill" he whispered as he fell asleep.
Lyric looked back at darcel and crested a glyph under him. She motioned for hand forward and it started to move after her like the one carrying the unconscious poacher. She trudged the way to the bunker and hissed in pain when she moved her shoulder wrong.
Joshua opened his eyes and saw the ground moving. He turned his head and saw that Lyric was carrying him. ' Dear god this woman is an amazon.' He thought. He felt really small at the moment. " Lyric." He said. "you can put me down if you want." he said.
"You sure your ok," Lyric hummed and stopped her pace. She lowered her friend to the ground and held onto his shoulders to steady him. She used one hand to check her crystals and sighed at largeness and hardness of them. She pulled out her knife and growled when she cut them off. She ignored the pain and looked at Joshua.
" Yeah I'm okay." He said as he kept her stare. He looked at the crystal in her hand then at where it came from. " That must hurt." He asked her. He wished he could take away the pain but he didn't want to fall into another relapse and have her carry him again.
Darcel woke up, scanning the area. "Joshua, I told you not to try to heal me.... I don't have a "normal" body because of my ... blood magic." The boy stuttered as he moved his hands to his sides feeling the few small gashes. "Possessing something you kill, good job Darcel. You know the effects of that you idiot." he thought to himself
"Let's get back. We need to patch up these guys so let go," Lyric dropped the crystal and looked back at darcel. She turned and dropped the glyph carrying the unconscious poacher, "good to see you're up. Can you walk or do I need to carry you, also what are we should we do with this guy"?
"That was hesitatance. Up on the shoulder you go," Lyric took a step closer to darcel to pick him up like she had done for Joshua. She looked at the poacher, "if we let him go he might warn people not to step on our turf. Also when we get back I'm looking you guys over for any wounds sustain and patching them so no hiding any".
Darcel looked annoyed "You can put me down! Oh wait.. if we let the poacher free, what if he comes back with more guys to hunt us down?" his mind suddenly jumped
Ashley caught up with Lyric, Darcel, and Josh. She still had the unconscious boy slung over her shoulder, and was trying to carry the pottery with her powers. "Can someone help me with these?" She asked.
" Exactly." Joshua said. " Last thing we need is a bunch of Yahoos trying to find us." He walked right beside Lyric. "Maybe we could keep him as a prisoner." Joshua said. " We'll let him live but he has to stay here. That way he won't be able to tell anyone."
Joshua saw Ashley walk up to them with the clay pots. Joshua tilted his finger as a couple of them started to float in the air.
"Fine I could use the help working on that farm. Here you go, never caught your name by the way girl that has floating pottery," Lyric waved and crested a glyph to carry some of the pots. She shook darcel abit and laughed, "when we are safe and have a less likely chance of you passing out I will. Joshua can you grab the poacher"?
Darcel smiled, "Blood magic takes a lot out of me, especially when you puppet someone than accidentally kill them afterwards. Of Josh didn't heal me, I would've died." he looked down at his gashes. "Wait a second.... Why can I see my gashes? Where is my shirt?!" Darcel panicked.
Ken looked as Dask flew of to who knows where. "I have to find him." He ran toward the general direction Dask flew and and started scouting the area and fter a long while found Dask passed out. "Hey there, I never got your name." He then picked him up from the shoulder and put on hand on his neck so dose't get whiplash an ran back toward the base at extreme speed. " The neck is kind of part of the head so I hope he does bot wake up before I arrive."
Joshua took the Poacher and carried the man. " So Lyric." He said looking at the Amazon. " This is personal and you don't have to answer this but, what was your life like before you came here?"
"That's for me to know. Haven't even told Ken that so you're not getting me to spill. Darcel your shirt is soaked with blood and earlier you just grasped your sides, not to mention you were passed out. You are hurt and you can't really hide that dude," Lyric rolled her eyes and checked slightly at Joshua's question. She kept walking toward the bunker and looked at the poacher, "maybe we give him a guard, collar and lead"?
"That might work," Ashley put in, "But you should wait first. You're hurt, and if he attacks you you won't be able to defend yourself all that well," She said, referencing the fact that he had nearly died.
" yeah that should work." Joshua said. He looked over at the amazon. Then at Darcy, then Ash. " I'll take the first shift." He said. " I doubt he'll be able to escape from me."
"I'm sure he wont attack us without a weapon, especially the amazon woman almost killed him." Darcel said as he glanced at Lyric. "Josh don't take the first shift, you passed out too." he complained
"How about I watch him. Also Amazon? Please explain," Lyric chuckled at her companions and carried on she hummed in acknowledgement when they reached the bunker and set darcel down, "I'm still up, just a shot to the shoulder which I can take care of. You guys need to get some rest, sorry about not reaching any of you quicker but the guy had friends".
"The real Amazons were long believed to be purely imaginary. They were the mythical warrior women who were the archenemies of the ancient Greeks. Every Greek hero or champion, from Hercules to Theseus and Achilles, had to prove his mettle by fighting a powerful warrior queen. We learned that in school before I was sent away." Darcel spoke. "There I explained it. Would you like me to heal your wound? Extract the bullet if it's still in there?"
"Never learned that but does that mean you guys are gonna fight me to be Greek heroes," Lyric teased and rolled her injuried shoulder. She thought his offer over before shaking her head, patting his shoulder, "I've lived through worse. Tis merely a flesh wound".
She looked at the poacher and offered to take him off of Joshua hands, "I'll put him further in the bunker and form some bars. The that I caught should be easy enough to find so if you want I suggest making something to eat, help pump up you blood sugars".
" I can pump up your blood sugar, easy! Just kidding I don't know barely any magic spells or whatever." Darcel looked downwards loosing his pride . " I forgot to ask Lyric, but how many crest things do you know?" he asked as he glanced up curiously
Joshua gave her the poacher. " Well I can put up a good fight." He looked at her with a slight smile. " Whenever you want to Amazon I'll take you on."
Lyric grinned and rolled her eyes. She started to walk away so she could get the poacher secure before he woke up, "a few. I kinda have to experiment with creating different glyphs to find new ones. Sure Joshua, I'd like to see you. Try, you could barely skin a deer last night with out your hand fidgeting".
A low groan came from the poacher and he slowly lifted his head. He saw Ashly and winked. He noticed at another woman was carrying him and chuckled, "well haven't I died and gone to heaven! Two beautiful ladies in my presence I must be blessed".