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Dasken grinned. He created a small sphere of bright white light in his hands. "This is a constant sphere of explosions." He gestured at his lightning. "Think you could link your lightning to this sphere?"
"Alright," Danny shot a chain of electricty that arched across the room and it connected Dask's explosion. Danny was intrigued to see what was going to happen, but that didn't take his mind away from Beatles music.
The ligtning fought the explosion a little bit, but ended up orbiting it like a ring. "Well, whaddya know?" Dasken said. He opened a window and took aim at a nearby tree, ten looked over his shoulder to Danny.
"Whaddya say we see whta this bad boy can do?" He asked, a mischevious grin on his face.
Dasken's grin became cheshire. "Why, put that on, won't you, Danny?" He aimed for the trunk.
"Just as soon as I throw this hunk of fun."
He launched it at the tree, and the resulting impact was tremendous. Not only did it create a sonicboom, but it also simultaneously electrocuted and petrified the wood while shattering the tree. Even the leaves appeared rock-solid.
"Oh. My. God." Dasken said slowly and in awe.
"Damn, That was impressive." Danny stared in awe."try to hit my ball of electricty with an explosion." Danny charged up an electricity ball and fired it towards another tree.
Dasken created his own explosive sphere and launched it at the lightning ball. They both froze in middair, then suddenly expanded and grew ten times their original sizes. They dissipated, leaving a smoking crater around the place where the ball expanded. Dasken turned slowly towards Danny.
"This is so cool," Danny started to grin. " Hey, wanna go raid the high security prison I was sent to." Danny said looking around. "I bet we can get tons of stuff form the uards breakroom!"
Dasken was bobbing up and down. "Let's do it! What've theu ever done for us?" He grinned. "I think, Danny, that this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
"Yep, and almost entirely based on explosions, I distorted Gravity so, flying should be easier for you." Danny lept into the air and looked for the prison as he hovered above the trees.
"Alot, I mean they would be clutching their guns in fear when I came out to eat lunch." Danny said as he set his sights on the prison. He accelrated his flight speed and flew towards the prison.
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Joshua walked out of the bunker. He was sure nobody would notice him gone. He walked about three miles west of the bunker. until he saw something move from the corner of his eye. He looked and saw puppies gathered in one spot. "Shit." He said realizing why the hounds have been attacking them. They were too close to their pups. They were in the Hounds land. He heard growling. He turned and saw two hound closing in on him. their tails were vertical to their bodies. One of them a male one had a scar over it's left eye. They closed in on him.
Lyric gave midnight a tired look before walking off to clean her bunk. The crystals that had just been attached to her arm were scattered on the ground and and she cleaned any of blood that may have gotten on her bunk. She then crawled in it and passed out.
Ashley had decided to take a small walk, after depositing the still unconscious person onto a bed in the base. She heard barking and whipped around, thinking for a second that the source was behind her. It wasn't. That could mean one of two things: Poachers were around, or her friends were in danger. Ashley flew upwards, bursting through the canopy of leaves and pine needles. She looked around, searching for the danger. She saw Josh, hound pups, and two hounds growling and slowly closing in. She flew over to him and lit her hand on fire. This scared the pups and seemed to agitate the adult hounds even more. Sighing, she dimmed it a little. "Looks like we're on their territory," She stated the obvious.
Joshua looked at Ashly then looked at the hounds and saw them snarl. " I think you just pissed them off." He said. " Make a run for it I'll hold them off."
"Alright." Joshua said as he looked at the hounds. He noticed that other than what he presumed was the Alpha and his mate the others just formed a circle around them not attacking but keeping them from leaving. " Alright I'll take on the Male you take on his mate." Joshua said as he moved one way as the Alpha mirrored it. The Alpha jumped into the air to attack Joshua. Joshua kicked it's stomach making it roll on the ground.
Ashley nodded and looked at the hound. It growled, then leapt at her. Ashley sent it flying backwards with a blast of air. The hound crashed against a tree. It got up, though, and snarled at her. Ashley looked at the pups, who seemed terrified. She wondered if maybe they could be trained, but her thoughts were interrupted by a bark from the wolf creature. It rushed her. Ashley blew it against a tree again, but this time it didn't get up.
Lyric got out of bed from her cat nap. She looked at her shoulder and sighed. She pulled out a needle and some thread, cleaned around the wound and pulled her shirt off with a huff. The bullet wound was still bleeding and the bullet was still inside. She crested a small glyph floating above her hand, placing it over the wound. She growled and slowly moved her hand farther away, pulling the bullet out of her shoulder slowly. Once it was out she looked it over then dropped it, getting to work on sewing up the wound.
The alpha jumped onto Joshua bitting his arm. He held back the pain as he pushed the Alpha away. Before Joshua could get up it ran back at him and start bitting his shoulder tearing of a bit of his flesh. Joshua grabbed a rock and hit the beast in the face with it. He stood above the fallen creature. Right as Joshua was going to deliver the killing blow he stopped and looked at the beast. He dropped the rock as he touched the hound. " It'll be okay." He said as he healed the beast. It stood up and looked at him. They both looked at each other for a few minutes. before going their own ways. Joshua walked up to the downed Hound and touched it's torso. He felt a pulse He healed the beast. It looked at him then ran. The rest of the hounds did the same.
" I think we should leave." Joshua said.
"Yeah," Ashley agreed. They had totally wrecked the hounds home. It definetely wasn't the best feeling, knowing that Ashley had almost orphaned some small creatures.
Ken went scavenging again after putting Dask down in the bunker. "Darn nothing good was found." He then heard explosion coming at a certain direction. "Is that explosion guy!? That's the direction to s prison." Then Ken started running in that direction a little worried.
After resting for a bit, Lyric stood up and grabbed some of the meat from store room. She placed it on a clean plate and grabbed fire wood, placing it in the kinda fire pit. She lit it and built something to hold a pot over the fire. She used some of the water the others had retreaved and a large stone bowl. She then grabbed some of the wild carrots and eatable mushrooms, roots been mung grabbed as well. She cleaned everything up and started to make a stew for the group, stirring it every so often.
Joshua slowly limped back to the bunker. He kept one of his hands where the alpha took a chunk out of it. ' It really sucks that I can't heal myself." He thought. " Will I guess this shirt is officially ruined." He said trying to make a joke and help Ashley. " Relax Ash I suspect that those hounds are going to be back there at any moment. besides you didn't kill her." He said referring to the female wolf.
Lyric poked her head out of the bunker and looked around trying to spot and see if anyone was coming. She made sure that the stew was ok and went out, cresting an acceleration glyph and zooming around to find everybody. When she found Ashley and Joshua, she stopped infront of them. She glared and crossed her arms, "what happened"?
" I think the hounds won't be bothering us anytime soon." Joshua said. He then walked passed Lyric and made his way into the base. within a few seconds he fell to the ground do to blood loss.
Lyric grumbled and picked Joshua up again. She glared and hissed when she moved her shoulder wrong and looked at Ashley, cresting an acceleration glyph before her. Lyric carried Joshua back to the bunker and but him on her bunk. She got to work cleaning his wounds and patted his shoulder, "let's try and stop this tradition of me carrying you out battle unconscious".
Joshua did his best to force himself awake. He realized he was on a bunk. For a little bit he couldn't tell if he was asleep or awake. He looked at Lyric. Either do to a light shining on her or something she looked different. and said. " You should see the other guy. Amazon beauty." he said though do to how weak he was. What he said came out very incoherent.
"What? Nevermind your blood sugar is probably low, I'm making no stew. It will be ready soon," Lyric looked at him confused before moving back to check on the food. She stirred up and smiled at the smell. She grabbed some bowls and some crudely made spoons. She poured some of the stew into a bowl and brought it over to Joshua.
Winter looked around the area in fear having been brought here by a truck all by herself why she didn't know but she knew she needed to find shelter and soon the ice and air elemental started to walk north hoping to find some help of any kind
Joshua now being fully conscious used the spoon and ate the stew. "This is delicious." He said to Lyric. " Out of couriousity did I say anything in my somewhat conscious state?" He asked her.
Danny continued to fight with guards and prisoners as he tried to make his way toward the break room. He got tired of fighting and sent a large jolt of electricity into all of his openents. He walked into the breakroom. Their were coachs and a TV. There was mini fringe in the corner along with locker for the guards personal belongings. He walked to the mini fridge and pulled at a Soda. He then layed on the coach and started to fall asleep.
"Something about another guy and Amazon beauty. Then a bunch of nonsense," Lyric smiled and grabbed a bowl for Thomas she started down the hall after speaking her destination, "midnight! There is food in the main room"!
Thomas looked up at her and quickly took the food from her when she offered it. He ate it quickly and raised an eyebrow when she sat infront of the bars, "what do you want"?
"Did you enjoy it in there? Is it warm enough"?
"It's fine".
"Good to hear, I'm will to let you out but you got to stay or we will take you down. We are offering shelter and food".
"Fuck off," Thomas snarled and threw his stew at her. She stood up, now covered in the food. She walked into the main room and sighed, cleaning herself off.
Ashley sighed, and walked in. She was covered in mud and clay and her jacket and jeans had water all over them. "I got some more clay stuff," She said, and brought in an armload of clay goods, ranging from cups to spoons and forks to bowls and plates. "Just figured I'd try and help out a little more," She began to dry herself off, using a small flame to evaporate some of the water from her jacket.
"There is stew in the pot. I think you guys should relax for the next few days," Lyric waved to her. She helped grabbed the pots and started to sort them out. She sighed and looked aroun, "I'm going to have to start construction on new rooms. Get people to start bunking and get people off of the floor".
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Joshua was lost in thought. ' Amazon beauty.' He thought " Why the hell would I say that? Hell I'm pretty sure she knows at me and Darcy call her an Amazon. No she must be messing with me that's it." He took another bite of the stew. It really was delicious. He couldn't stay in this bed. not when things needed to get done. He tried to get out of bed but his wounds were to bad to move. he cursed as he laid back down. Looks like he's going to be out of commission for a while.