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Akrohn reached into the ground with his feet. Sure enough, two people were coming his way to investigate. He formed a little pyramid to keep him cool and in touch with the earth and wait.
"We are going to see if we can find the source of the shockwave," Lyric nodded and stepped on a glyph she had crested. She shot through the air after putting on down for darcel and tried her best to remember what direction it was coming from. She saw the pyramid and walked over to it. Stopping, she first tapped on the structure to see if she could get a response.
Danny set down the cooler."I got somw damn snacks, something we really needed." Danny sat down and muttered," I also found a handgun and an MP3 player." He popped the cooler open and started minging theough it.
Lyric lept back alittle at the suddenness and looked him over. She looked back towards the base and sighed, "ones on his way. The others are either eating, resting or goofing off. We should get you back to base and get some food into you and make sure that any injuries you have don't turn infected".
"No, I'm fine." Akrohn assured her. "I can get you back to base quicker. If you want to take that opportunity, step on one of the slabs. You too, kid." Akrohn formed three slabs of smooth rock. I stepped on one, and looked at the two. "Well, hurry up."
"I got my on way to travel," Lyric crested a glyph and smirked. She crossed her arms and looked at darcel, "I think we found our shockwave source and should probably get home to make sure no one is killing eachother".
Joshua felt useless in his current situation. He got up and walked around a little bit. it was painful but he had to get out of that bed. He walked around until he found the snow angel. " Hello there," He said to her. " How are you feeling."
"Suit yourself," Akrohn shrugged. With one small step, the rock shifted forward incredibly fast, and he sped off. It wasn't long until he saw the base some miles away. When he arrived, he jumped off and the slab of rock disappeared into the ground. "Whoa, What's with all these injuries?"
Lyric zoomed off after him, she stopped right behind them and pulled out her knife. She sliced of the crystals that as formed. She looked aroun and walked in, calling out her arrival.
After he heard Lyric call out her name he quickly jumped into the bed as if to not upset the Amazon any further. He pulled the blanket over his head to give off the impression that he was asleep.
Winter looked at Joshua in confusion he had just asked her how she was only to jump and head back to the sleeping corders as a girls voice rang from the entrance of the base. she huffed in annoyance and turned to greet them and possibly help them if they needed it, in return for helping her when she needed it.
Danny jumped looked around. He grabed a bag of chips and decided to sleep on the floor."the only reason I got the bes last timewas because I was dieing." He popped ear buds in and closed his eyes.
lyric strode inside and saw Winter and smiled. She folded her arms behind her back and walked over to introduce herself, "hello there.
My name is Lyric, who would you be"?
She looked around the room, planning to clean up once she was done talking, "would you like some stew"?
Lyric smiled and patted her back. She got a bowl of food and handed it over to winter. She started to clean, placing dirty dishes in one pile and organizing everything else. She walked over to the bunks and tapped Joshua's shoulder gently, "how are your wounds"?
She started to eat as she watched lyric go around cleaning the base and making sure everyone was OK and she liked that about the girl. As she finished the stew she got up the clean the bowl .
"It's getting better. Thanks for asking Lyric." He said looking at Lyric. 'Amazon beauty.' He thought. If he did called her that why. He was never really attracted to tom boys let alone those that could literally carry him or might be able to beat him in a fight. So why would he say that to her? He decided not to keep thinking about it. " You know you would make a great doctor." He said to her.
"That's of the government didn't prosecute powered people. Also if I remember correctly you said my bedside manner were lacking earlier. What did you want me to do? Kiss you goodnight," Lyric teased and pulled the pelt down to check on the wounds. She looked over at winter and pointed over to blankets and the mattress, "you will have to share that with some people but it would be best if you got to sleep".
Um alright I guess um if it's no trouble I could go and make some blankets out of silk and cobwebs it's pretty easy if you know how to do it right and I don't mind sleeping in a tree or on the ground actually I much prefer it because well...." She said trailing off
"It gets cold as it gets later. If you what I can kick midnight out of his bunk and you can take it," Lyric argued and looked at her with crossed arms. She looked at the pelts and sighed, "I'm going to build a green house so we can grow warm weather planets like silk but it won't grow around her until then, it is the mountains".
Joshua smirked a little bit. " Well if you want to go right ahead." He said to Lyric regarding the last thing she said to him. He then looked over at Winter. " Just take this bed. I'll be fine on the floor." He stood up The pain in his shoulder was unbearable. He walked over to the opposite wall and sat down.
Winter frowned as she placed a hand on his injured shoulder and ice started to spread across it chilling it to the point of numbess as she past him on her way out the door to look around the area and fly around abit to stretch her wings
Lyric glared at him and brought pelts over to make a bed near the fire. She stirred the stew and got a pot ready to transfer it into storage. She saw winter and josh and smiled at the two. She walked over to the man and crouched infront of her, "atleast go lay on the bed. The fire should get rid of moisture that will just cause stiffness".
Winter was flying around a pair of black goggles on her face hiding her pericing yellow from view and protecting them form the sun, bugs, and other things.
Joshua looked at Lyric and shook his head. He went to an empty bunk and laid down. " Sorry for continually moving around." Joshua said. " I just don't like to feel useless you know." He said.
"You won't be useless if you heal. If you don't heal or hurt yourself more then you'll be useless," Lyric rolled her eyes and got to work cleaning the room. She placed the pots against a wall so that they couldn't get broken easily. She placed the medical supplies in the store room and moved the stew into another pot. She stoked the fire and made sure the room was as clean as she could make it. She hisse don pain and noticed her shoulder wound had opened. She pressed her hand against it and sighed.
Lyric walked over and tilted her head in question. She looked at him and hummed. She took the pressure off her wound and checked it over. It wasn't to bad but would cause pain and bleed, "what can I do for you"?
"Not what you can do for me." He said as he gently place his hand on her wound. His hand glowed for a few seconds. " How do you feel." He asked her.
Winter walked in and grabbed a wooden knife and made one out of ice and went to skin the deer and get what meat,she could from it maybe use it's bones for something?
Lyric rolled her shoulder and grinned at him. She pulled her sleeve down and laughed lightly at it, "wow. That's actually really cool. That you, Joshua".
She saw winter and nodded her head at the cuts she made, "you can put the everything in the store room. I made piles and can probably use those bones for building things".