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"Nice to meet you, darcel. Ken, please be quieter, people are probably trying to sleep," Lyric chuckled and looked at blood guy, with a raised eye brow, "nice to meet you too. Is anyone gonna help me with this catch or is it all on me". She threw the deer over her shoulders again and let out a huff of air as she picked it back up, "nice to meet you Joshua".
Ashley was still asleep on the bed. She obviously wasn't aware that someone had come into the base, so she couldn't introduce herself.
"Oh so I'm a mam now? Jair a few seconds ago you said I wasn't," Lyric smirked and tossed the deer toward him, "catch"!
She looked back and Ken and stretched. Looking around at everyone, curiously, "so I go hunting and I come back to people hanging out. You seem to have had quite the party here, Ken".
Ken looked at Joshua."Oh so your name's Joshua, nice to know." He then walked over to Lyric." Well you know how I got intel of a new deposit of outcasts. Oh and the person on your bed doesn't seem to want to be there so you can probably have it back. And if this really was a party then be glad Midnight isn't here." Ken said jokingly.
Darcel smirked as he caught the deer. " I'm sure Ashley can help cook this, shall we wake her?" he questioned. " By the way Lyric, what are your powers?" he questioned the new girl.
Dasken stood up. He eyed Lyric. "What the hell is she, then?" He turned to Ken. "You have about 5 seconds to explain before I go ape-s*** again." He began to teitch, and the look in his eyes started to return. "If this person has ANY chance of turning on us..."
"True, where'd that guy go anyway," Lyric asked and pulled out her hunting knife to play with. She shrugged off her jacket and wrapped it around her waist. Small and easily cutable crystals formed on her tattoos. She looked at he group and rolled her eyes, "I have more right to be suspicious of you new comer. I don't want to fight but it will".
Placing the blade at the top of her shoulder, she cut down and sliced off the crystals before they could get to big. They fell to the ground and her tattoo was now visible.
"I'm going to go prep that catch so you know it doesn't go bad. We need to figure out a storage system, like I can probably crest a glyph that can lower the temperature but that's a big probably," Lyric grabbed the deer back and walked away from the group abit to start cleaning it and preping the pelt. She grabbed the heart and grinned, turning back to everyone, "who gets it this time"?
"Oh, that's right I never properly introduced myself... I'm Darcel" he smiled as he held out his hand. He then looked back to see Lyric holding the heart "I could use that" He thought to himself. "DIBS" he yelled towards the girl
Lyric nodded and put it on a clean patch of pelt. She pulled it away and looked around for some rope. She looked at Ken and sighed, folding her arms, "were is my hunting gear? My rope, bowls, knives"?
She rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders, "thought I'd be nice to our new roomies".
"You mean these?" Ken suddenly appeared as if teleported beside Lyric with her equipment." You were laying them on the ground everywhere, I just put them in one pile and carried them to one corner of the bunker so no one would trip on them. Plus leaving knives laying on the ground, what were you thinking."
" You don't have to put the heart on anything" the boy sighed as the heart began to float toward him. " I need to know the blood before I can track" he thought to himself as he gripped onto the heart. He walked over towards the corner of the room and sat down. He closed his eyes and placed the heart infront of him. " Shatter " the boy whispered. He clenched his fist and the blood exploded from the heart erupting into a pattern onto the ground. Darcel traced the pattern with his finger, "Aha, I'm familiar with it now, I can sense their presence everywhere." the boy smiled.
Joshua walked up to Lyric. " Excuse me Ma'am but do you need any help. I might not be the best when it comes to hunting or skinning, or anything with dead animals, but I can learn." Some one in their group needed to learn how to do these things so they didn't have to rely on Ken's group.
"I was thinking we weren't getting and guests also Darcel! That was a perfectly good heart! You could have boiled it or cooked it," Lyric frowned at the waist of food and took her stuff back. She moved to her work area again and pulled the new pelt away, "someone might be getting a new blanket or jacket if nobody ruins this one while its tanning".
She swung the rope onto a handle she had carved into the roof and tied the deer to it upside down. She placed her largest bowl under it so that blood wouldn't get everywhere, "sure. Grab a knife and I'll show you how to properly tan".
"That not creepy at all. Also don't go depleting our food source. I hunt only what we need and all left overs can be used for something. Bone for tools and traps, pelts for clothing and bandages, organs for traps and food," Lyric scolded and point her knife at him. She worked hard learning those migration routes and she wasn't just going to let this new guy walk in and tear the food chain to bits, "only take what you need. Nothing more".
Joshua walked over to where the knives where at and grabbed one. He walked back to where she was. He flipped it to where he is touching blade and held out the handle part for the lady. " You know you never told me what your name is." He said.
Ken let out a big yawn." Well welcome back Lyric, I'm going to bed." He took of his coat an hung it on the side of his bed and slipped into his bed's blanket." Good night everyone, and share the mattress will you." Ken then fell asleep.
"Lyric," she hummed and grabbed the knife. She flipped the pelt over to the fur was facing down. She patted the ground next to her after she sat and pressed the blade against it gently and as if she was shaving ones face with the knife, cut some bits of fleshs off. She rolled her eyes at Ken and looked at Joshua, "you sure you want to stay here and watch? Why don't you just go to bed, I got this".
Darcel let out a sigh, "Goodnight Josh, and the other one." The boy laughed and snuggled into a corner "why are you so mean Darcel... Oh.. It's just you Akki. Causing me trouble you stupid monster." The boy thought to himself as he closed his eyes.
"It's alright." He said. "Someone in my group will have to learn about this so we won't have to rely on you guys. no offense." He watched as lyric skinned the deer. it was one of the most disgusting things he's ever seen. But, he had to keep watching if they had any chance of surviving on their own he had to make sue he was able to do this. So he pushed through. " So any exact place a person should start the tanning?" he asked.
"Cut along the stomach first. I suggest removing all the nasty insides. The you slowly peel away the torso, do the same to the legs and head," Lyric kept her focus on her blades work. She got to a more easy part and pulled Joshua closer, so she could let him do it with her guidance. She looked it over and nodded, "try not to hunt females in the spring or fall. Bucks are easier in this time but only take the weaker ones. I'll try and get you some rabbits so we can practice with your knife skills".
He took the knife. It was shaking in his hand. never in a million years did he think he'll have to do this. " Thanks for teaching me Lyric." He said to her. " So don't go after the females in Spring and fall. That's their mating season correct?" He asked. He need to change the subject for a bit. " Anyways what ability do you have?" He asked.
"Glyphs and crystal manipulation. And correct that is their mating season," Lyric steadied his hand and nodded, adjusting the way he was holding it. She noticed his hestitance and took the knife away, "you are not comfortable with this. Why"?
"Just never thought I'd have to do this." He said. " But it's something that needs to be learned and done." He opened his hand as if asking for the knife. " I can do this." He said as confident as possible.
"Then relax, I'm here so the knife won't bite," Lyric teased and gave him back the knife. She stepped away abit and started sorting through her small collections. She unwrapped a simple bone knife that she had carved and sharpened. She rewrap per it in its white rabbit fur and walked back to Joshua. She held it infornt of her and watched him, "I gave you an easy part, all you have to do is follow the curve of the ribs".
Joshua breathed in and out as he started to move the knife fallowing the rib cage. The fur soon fell off. He continued doing it until he finished that part. "What do you think? He asked.
"Not bad. Sloppy but not bad, we can work on this though," Lyric nodded and inspected his work. She patted him on the back and smiled. Looking at the deer, she checked for anything out of the ordinary, "good healthy deer. Also here, it's knife. One of my better ones. Made for tanning, not hunting or fighting".
She offered the rabbit pelt wrapped blade and smiled. She waned and shook her head, "I'm gonna finish this up then head to bed. You can go relax for the night, tomorrow I'll show you how to do other parts".
Ooc:Gasp, i didn't get notifications!
Danny laid in his bed thinking about what he tried to do. He released he has hurt people now. All the people he killed to survive in prison, had feelings, just like him. He lloked down at his tron up shirt and at his bleeding wound. He put his hand to it and cauterized it.
Joshua nodded his head as he took the rabbit pelt. "Thank you once again for showing me this Lyric." He said before heading back to the rest area. He found his spot and laid down on the ground. he kept the pelt close to him as he drifted of into sleep.
Lyric nodded and finished up skinning the deer. She wrapped the pelt up and tucked it beside her stuff, wanting to get it up and in the sun the following morning. She cleaned her knives and made sure there were not stray crystals growing. Cleaning up her work area, she surveyed the people in the room. Deciding that there wasn't a threat she crawled into her bunk and hid her knife under the pillow, passing out quickly.
He looked up at the cealing. He couldn't fall asleep it could be do to the fact that he already fell asleep twice today. So he figured he had no other choice. He got up and made his way out. He took off his shirt and wrapped it around the Rabbit Pelt so the pelt wouldn't get dirty. He walked out of the bunker. he felt cool night air touch his skin. He stretched out his arms and legs. After words he started to run.
Midnight Sun entered the room, where he noticed some familier faces and some unfamiliar ones leave.
"Hey" he said "who were those people?"
Noticing that Lyric was asleep, he turned around and went to bed too
After a two mile run Joshua walked back into the bunker. He had sweat dripping of him. He found his shirt and laid down right beside it. from the corner of his eye he noticed someone new. He shook it off as he allowed sleep to over take him.