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Ask to Join Outcasts

Danny picked up his sword snd sheathed it."I'm the newest outcast and i already feel like family," Danny walked over to The others. His wounds cuaght up to him. He dropped to the ground and started fiercly coughing up blood.
Dasken's tears were quickly intensified with shouts and cries of pain, his nerves finally picking up the damage done to his body. His screams were that of true, pure, unadulturated agony. His body hung loose as he continued to scream, unable to move due to pain and fear.
Danny couldn't stand living anymore. He hade caused pain to himself and Dasken. Dasken's cries intesified Danny's pain. He picked up his sword and put it to his own throat.
"Oh no!" Ken shouted" Hey healer can you heal these two?!" He then suddenly realized that Josh looked weaker after each healing he did "Wait never mind if your too tired." The he looked at Danny." Gravity guy what are you doing!? Stop!!" Ken plead.
Ashley drew her hand back. Her friends were in pain. Serious pain. "Guys..." She muttered, concern in her voice. She might not have physically felt their pain, but she felt utterly helpless to do anything. That was pain enough.
Dasken knew there was only one thing he could do. He mustered up the strength and sent another jolt of his experience into Ashley through his eyes; the pain, regret, and fear that he felt over this entire ordeal.
Dannyvstarted pressin the blade against his throat. He gagged. He couldn't put up with the pain much longer. With each cry of pain Dasken let out, the more Danny wanted to ens it all.
Ashley saw this and shut her eyes. She couldn't handle this. And somehow, she felt somewhat responsible for all of this. I failed, She thought, I failed and I couldn't protect anyone and now look what happened, Danny's attempting suicide! "I'm sorry..." She whispered, barely audible. It wasn't intended for anyone to hear, but she didn't care if it was.
Dasken suddenly stopped. He wiped the tears from his eyes, his face went blank, and he stood. He shrugged off the pain, then walked up to Ashley. With the last bit of his remaining strength, he hugged her, and fainted in her arms. "Don't cry," he murmured, just before blacking out.
Drew pushed the blade out of Danny's grip. " Danny we don't know what you've been through but your here now. And I don't let my family hurt each other or themselves." He procceded to put his hand on Danny's throat healing it. then wrapped his arms around the man.
Danny cried. He dropped his sword. He couldn't breath. He joked," if it's any consalation, i'll take that hot choclate now." He couldn't hold back the tears. They dripped constantly down his cheeks.
"Probabbly won't wait that long." Joshua said as he put his hand of Danny Healing the man's wounds." Joshua then turned his attention to the two that were currently awake. " Guys mind giving me a hand here." He said as he pick up Danny. " I doubt I'll be able to carry both of them.
Ken looked at the healer." Don't worry, Ashley's got explosives here, you just focus on that guy right now." He then turned to Dask who was in Ashley's arms." lucky bastard." He whispered to himself while smirking. "And has anybody seen that guy that controls blood?" Ken asked.
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Darcel eyes turned back to blue, "I'm sorry" the boy whispered as he walked over to Josh. "Would you like any assistance in healing?" he questioned as the gash on his back began to heal itself. The blood monster did one last squeal before it climbed back into his back.
Ashley got up, carrying Dask. "Lead the way," She told Ken. Why did he ask me? The question just came to her mind. But the answer was a complete enigma. She didn't know, and she wondered if Dask would even remember the incident.
"Alright" Ken said as he ran down the mountain too fast and left the others behind. he then ran back" Oops I did it again, I need to pay more attention. Now come on." They got of the mountain and back to the broken stump." Wait a little I have to fix this." as he said that the stump suddenly popped back into place and the ground was also fixed." there we go. Now lets finally go in." Ken climbed down the ladder and flicked a switch turning the light revealing a pretty big underground base with many wood supports." If you're wondering where I get the electricity I set up solar panels and windmills around, and if you're wondering where I got those, as I said there's a lab 5 kilometre away."
"Here you go." Ken suddenly appeared in front of Danny with a cup of hot chocolate." I poured the cocoa dust into water and heated it up by vibrating the air around it, then I ran up into the forest with the cup and ran around the forest to cool it down enough to drink." Ken handed the cup to Danny." I din't spill on drop, but did hit a lot of tree and almost tripped on rocks and roots." Ken said quietly while putting his hand on his nose.
"Finally, HOT CHOCLATE!" Danny shouted with glee. He took the cup from Ken. "Thank you, is there a place where i can sleep until night?" Danny said as he took a sip
Ashley chuckled at Danny's enthusiasm exhaustedly. It had been an increasingly long day, probably for everyone. The sun was beginning to set. "I think we all need somewhere to crash," She said.
Diana's eyes widened when she heard shouting. It was coming from out of the cave. "It must be the others, something happened to them," she muttered, hiding the bars she found in the shadows. Diana didn't feel like she was part of the group at all, but she still wanted to help them. She ran into the forest, following the shouting. Diana didn't know what was going on. Once she got closer, she heard, 'HELP ME!' The voice sounded like Dasken's, the one who could make earthquakes. She kept following the voices until all the shouting stopped. Everything was silent, apart from the tree branches swishing around her and the earth rumbling.
Dasken must be making earthquakes! Diana thought as she followed the rumbling noises. When the rumbling noises stopped as well, Diana didn't need to try to listen to any other sounds. The Outcasts were right in front of her, but something was clearly wrong. The scene in front of her was odd. Ashley was carrying Dasken for some reason, and Danny was. . . drinking hot chocolate?
"Is everything okay? I heard a lot of screaming," Diana asked softly, even though she knew something wasn't okay.
Ken walked over to a hallway to a hallway on the left of the entrance." Here's we have the rest area with two bunk beds, the others in my group seems to not be here so you guys can use them, but i'm using one so yeah." He then heard some one calling from outside the bunker, he climbed up to see a young girls standing there. " Oh hello there, you must be with Ashley, come in." He then saw Darcel, he laughed." Hey blood guy how long will you keep staring, come in already."
Ashley grinned when she saw Diana. "I was wondering where you were," She said, "What happened?" While she was waiting for a response, she put Dask on one of the beds.
Diana went into the bunker. "I stayed at the cave," she answered Ashley. "Then I heard shouting, so I came out and looked for all of you, and here I am." She grinned, happy to be with the other Outcasts and not by herself in the cave. "What happened to Dasken?"
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Ken looked at the group of people." we don't have enough beds, some of you will have to sleep on the floor, you can grab some leave to make the ground softer. Mattresses don't grow in a forest you know." he looked at the more injured people." its better if we leave the beds for the injured, except mine." Ken said while jumping in his bed.
Ashley nodded. That meant that Danny, Dask, and Darcel would get the beds, and she would have to sleep on the floor. Not that she minded at all. They needed it, she didn't.
Diana had to sleep on the floor in her house before she was thrown into the truck because of her mother, so she didn't mind having to sleep on the floor at all. Diana sat down on the floor and tried to make herself comfortable. She rearranged the shadows around her to make the floor warm.
Darcel sat on one of the beds, staring at the others on the floor. " I don't deserve to lay on this bed.. If any of us do it has to be Ashley.." He thought to himself. With that, he stood and walked over to Ashley. "Hey.. uh... you deserve to sleep on the bed more than I do.. the whole time I just tried to fight poor Dask, but you helped him.." He gestured Ashley over to the bed as he sat down next to the newer girl. "You never told me who you are by the way, i'm Darcel.." he whispered as he held out his hand.
Ashley took Darcel's hand. "Don't worry about it, Darcel. You're hurt. I'm fine with spending the night on the floor. Plus, I did kinda explode a little towards the end," She reminded him. Her frustration had escalated so highly that she had totally freaked out. Whole lot of good THAT had done.
Ashley was still stubborn. "C'mon, we both know you're not at your best. Whereas I'm just tired. Don't worry about it, just get some rest. Chances are, if we're gonna survive out here, you're going to need it."
Darcel was starting to get annoyed. "I can heal myself perfectly fine, and I generally heal naturally faster because of my powers, so you deserve the bed." He held out his hand once more.
Ashley could tell that this was going nowhere. She let out a reluctant sigh, blowing a loose-hanging strand of curly red hair. "If it makes you feel any better, I'll take the bed," She said unwillingly.