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Joshua looked Darcel in the eyes then did his best to wipe of the mouth guard before he put it in his mouth. " Do it Darcy." He said.
Darcel closed his eyes. "I'm sorry for this." He whispered. Darcel clenched his fist and focused on Josh. His skin began to stretch and ripple over the cut stopping the blood. Darcel opened his eyes, he had barely any energy left. "Blood... Magic... Is so... Tiring.." Darcel complained.
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Joshua kept his mouth closed as he saw his skin stretch out and go over the gash. when it was over he looked at Darcy. " You did great Darcy." He took out the mouth piece and did his best to clean it out. " Hey Ken where's the peroxide at?" He asked.
Dasken had stayed behind, due to his outburst. Upon hearing the howling, he had bolted towards the sound. If this happened because of me... he thought. He shook it away and picked up speed. When he arrived, he saw the others bruised, bleeding, and cut. He also saw one disemboweled and three dead wolves. He cursed himself, his face growing dark. His eyes were hidden by the darkness enveloping them. His body became surrounded in an orange-ish light. He said no words, only leaned slightly forward, allowing his arms to hang loosely, his eyes glinting orange through the shadow.
Ken caught Josh when he was falling." Gotcha! And don't worry about your wound, I already cleaned it and sewed it up for you." He said while looking at the sewed up wound." If your asking how, Its because i'm fast, Duh!"
He then saw explosion guy in the shadows." Hey explosion! Di you fix the stump? We need to get in like right now."
"If you need anythingcautirized, just ask me," Danny said as he crackled electricity in his hand. He leaned up against the wall and murmered," Is there even Hot chocalate?" Danny stood straight up,"Ken, i found a fatal flaw of your base, No hot choclate."
Dasken twitched. He knew what was said, he recognized the voice, and yet his mind made no connection between the voice and Darcel. His scowl had turned into an eerily wide smile, teeth shown and all. He took a single step forward. He responded with a single word.
His smile grew wider.
"Hey, no need to fight," Danny said as he stepped in. He put his hand on the handle of his sword. He stood firm and said," Your not going to attack him are you." Danny hade fully drawn his sword now
Ken saw Dasken's face and instantly responded." Alright everyone back off from lord explosion here, I have a bad feeling about this." He then jumped back with Josh on one shoulder
Dasken twitched his wrist, creating an explosion that blasted the sword out of Danny's hand. "Maybe," he said. The orange light that enveloped him exploded to life, becoming an orange beacon. He took another step forward.
Ashley looked at Dask. "What happened to you?" She asked, worried. There was something off about him. He looked like he was about to murder someone. Something just wasn't right. If it was those things, I swear I'll kill every last one of them, She thought.
Danny was startled his sword was gone. He picked dasken up by rhe throat and distorted gravity. He rhen threw Dasken. (Keep in mind gravity distirtion) Danny held out his hand and electricity crackled between his fingers.
Ashley gasped at what Danny was doing. She pinned both of them against a wall with her air power. "I'm going to keep you here until we can figure out what exactly is going on," She said, her voice trembling slightly. "I don't know what happened to you, Dask, but we're going to find out."
Dasken's head tilted, as though his neck held no support for his head. "How?" He said. His grin widened, yet again, impossibly. His eyes flashed, then he turned towards Ashley.
He laughed.
He laughed a gut-wrenching, horrifyingly cruel laugh, amplified as though it were said through a megaspeaker. He leaned back, continuing to laugh, his arms still limp at his sides. He stopped suddenly, returning to his hunched forward position. "I am a bit off." He created an explosion around Darcel, one that destroyed the ground beneath his feet and led directly to a 30-foot by 30-foot by 60-foot hole.
He didn't even look at Darcel. His eyes locked with Ashley's, and it became apparent to only Ashley all of his misery, his fear, his rage, his insanity. His entire life and experiences had poured forth for Ashley, along with a single plea.
Help. Me.
He then began to beocme hot in Danny's hands.
Very, very, VERY hot.
Darcel held up his hand, puppetting his body and throwing himself out of the hole. His eyes became black and empty. " Don't touch her, or you'll have to fight me too." The boy whispered as he glanced over at Ashley.
Danny shouted at Ashley," let me go, I can catch darcel before he hits the ground!" He struggled. Elctricity arched between him and the wall."I have to help him, Ashley," Danny pleaded.
Dasken twitched. "Don't make me move." He said. His grin became that of a psychopath. "You will die." He created an explosion around himself, one as strong as five hand grenades, focused around his body. The blast counteracted the wind around him, and he launched himself directly behind Ashley.
"Help." He said, whispering into her ear.
Ashley shuddered. Dask had given her a look of such pain, and she didn't know what to do. What do I do, what do I do?! Do I knock him out, what CAN I do?! Her thoughts and heart were racing. Dask was suffering, and she didn't know how she could stop it. Tears began to well up in her eyes. She had to do something. But what? Something, obviously! Was the first thing that would have came to mind, but this was such a dire situation that it didn't. Ashley knew that something had to be done. She dropped Danny and flew up to Dask. Ashley knew that she would have to explain what she was going to try and do. "Okay, I think I have somewhat of a plan. I'm going to take you somewhere far enough away from here that you won't be able to hurt anyone while I try and figure something out." Without waiting for a response, she flew off, making sure Dask was directly in front of her. "Everyone, stay here!" She shouted back to the others.
Dasken planted his feet into the ground, sending a massive explosion behind him to launch himself against the wind. He stayed in place. "Help. Me." He muttered, grabbing her shoulders, then swinging her around him, using his explosion as leverage. He released her and sent both of them flying towards the cave. He managed to catch himself midair and turn around like a cat. He resumed his hunched stance.
"Like Hell, I'm staying here, he tried to kill me, Prison taught me that i'm supposed to try to kill them back," Danny walked over to his sword and picked it up. He sheated his sword sat down on his rock.
Darcel's eyes twitched, "Ashley, not everyone can be saved." the boy whispered as he sent himself into the air. "What do I do? Do I attack him? He did try to kill me and my friends, but he seems like he's in pain." he thought to himself.
Ashley wondered what was happening to Dask. Okay, rational thought...Has this happened in a situation that you were in before? She questioned herself. Then the answer came to her. Yes! Ashley remembered the time that one of her friends had had an absolute meltdown because of something that someone said. She took a deep breath, trying to regain some of herself. "Okay, Dask. Do you want to...tell me what brought this on?" Ashley asked, trying to sound as least like a psychologist as she could.
Dasken bellowed. It was a guttural, primal yell that would chill anyone to the bone. He created an explosion about half as powerful as Hiroshima, and shot out of sight. He yelled into the sky, "HELP ME!" He landed on top of the mountain, eyeing the unbelievably large crater with a sense of accomplishment. He suddenly felt something clutch at him, gripping his side. He regained his balance.
Danny distored gravity and used his electricity to repel him off the ground he followed Dasken and ashley. He kept a safe distance so je could hear and provide combat support if ashley needed it.
Darcel stared at the crater " ThOSe StUPiD DoGS ARe'Nt OuR OnLY PrOBLem" they boy began to shake. A giant gash began to form on his back, his blood began to form a monster centuple the size of Darcel. The beast screeched and scanned the area.
Ken set down Josh and thought about what may have happened to Dask." Alright let's recap, explosion was here alone when we all returned injured, and before that he seemed to have lost control when he hit me, I think this is one of those classic scene where one would blame himself for something that happened to others, and considering his psychology it seems he lost control again." he started running." I need to get to where Ashley took him."
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Danny landed at the hideout. He walked in and said," almost forgot my sword, oh wait it's on my back, I'm pursuing Ashley and Dasken, anyone want to come?" Danny started to walk away.
Dasken's face lost it's grin. "Help. Me." He recited it, muttered it. He continuously said it, as he held out his arm with a look of disgust on his face. The centipede creature sprouting from Darcel's back was blasted with an explosion similar to that of a semi carrying gasoline crashing into another.
Regulus landed on the ground after seeing the commotion "what in the hell just happened here?" Regulus asked trying to grasp the full situation
Danny landed behind Dasken. He grabbed him from behind and threw him on the ground. He lept of Dasken and confronted Darcel. He drew his sword ready to fight. "Stop Fighting! I escaped from prison to get away from fighting, and what do I get, MORE OF IT!" Danny shouted towards darcel.
Dasken bellowed yet again, then leapt onto Danny. His grip so tight, he made an explosion around himself, almost as though self-destructing. Only after it had gone off did he let go and leap far out of the way.
Danny turned to confront Dasken. Electricity arched from his hand into the ground. Hewas stunned by the explosion, but he fought through it and fired a blot of elextricty into Dasken.