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"See, it wasn't that hard was it?" Darcel remarked jokingly as he switched places with Ashley. "Time to heal.." Darcel moaned as he held up his arm. His back began to ripple and the skin began to stretch over the gash. "UAGhh" the boy squealed as he bit his tongue.
Ashley watched Darcel heal himself. Half of her wanted to remark, It'd be a whole lot less painful if you just let yourself heal the natural way, while another part wanted to help him through it somehow.
His skin continuously stretched as he tried to hold in a scream. "UAGH" he bellowed once more. "It's almost healed.. You can survive right?" He thought to himself as he set up his sleeping space.
Joshua was laying the wall and looked at Darcy. " You know I can heal you right?" He said. " You don't have to go through all of that pain." It was a long day. He bowed his head as he said a silent prayer thanking God for everything that happened today and his new family.
Darcel smiled at Joshua, " You don't have to heal me, but... *cough* can you *cough* ". Darcel didn't want to show weakness in front of the new girl and his newer teammates already, but he knew he needed to stop using so much magic.
Joshua walked up to him and place his hand on Darcel's wound. As his hand glowed the wound disappeared leaving smooth pink skin where it was at. "There you go." he said.
" Two brothers." Joshua said. " An older one and a younger one. My older Brother Brandon was a respectable and loving older brother. Then there's Steven a total Asshole. He was the one that turned into the authorities." He took a breath. " As for bets we had three dogs. A female Rottweiler named Skye. She was dangerous very dangerous. She would lick you to death. Then there's our male Australian Cattle dog Jack russle mix Joey. he was an Odd ball But very loveable not to mention he was a bit of a joker. Then there's the air head Pixie A white Great Dane with the bluest eyes you've ever seen." He then looked at Darcy. "What about you Darcy any sibling and pets?"
Ashley laid on the bed, remembering life back at home. How were her parents doing? Her friends? Ashley even wondered how the jerks at school were handling things. One of her friends would probably beat on anyone that decided to talk badly about her. The red-haired teenager smiled, imagining the short girl with curly blond hair and glasses tackling someone. It was possible. And then there were the others. Two of them probably thought that they had no purpose for living right now and were probably plotting a double suicide, and the other was probably just breaking down in tears, being the drama queen of the group.
Darcel sighed, " I had two older sisters once, Elexa and Aline. They hated each other. They would fight everyday until Elexa, the kindest person I ever meet killed Aline. Aline was a drug addict and a psycho. I hated her too, but she was still my sister I still missed her. Elexa was struck with grief and took her own life. For pets, besides my new beast friend, I always had the blood monster that erupted from my back. Its only main purpose was always killing, something I always hated to do." The boy glanced downwards staring at his blood covered hands.
Ken was laying in bed, he then suddenly woke up and got up on his feet." Nice to see you guys are making conversation, well i'm of to collect some junk at the lab before they get taken away for trash day, I'll be back." Ken said as he climbed the ladder.
Dasken awoke with a jolt. He was sweating bullets. "I... I remember what happened..." he shook his head. "I can't..." he slumped against the wall. "Why did you even leave me alive?"
Ashley smiled a little bit. "Because we care. We're human beings, and we mess up every now and then. It's just a fact. Sometimes, you just have to live and let live."
Dasken looked down. His legs were bruised and beaten, and his right arm had locked. His body didn't want to move. "I... I don't understand. I wasn't even human..." He looked at the ceiling.
"Why didn't you try to kill me? Everyone else did."
Ashley remembered the tortured looks that Dask had given her. "You...you seemed like you were in pain. I didn't know what to do. But I didn't want to just kill you."
" Because your one of us Dasken" Joshua said. "Society rejected us we can't reject each other. If we're going to survive this we have to stay together as a family."
Ashley grinned. "Well put," She complimented Joshua. Her own way of saying it sounded so stupid. "You should write speeches." Then she laughed a little. "We could put together an 'Outcast Rebellion'," She joked.
Ken returned to the base and struggled to get something through the entrance. He eventually got through. "Guys, guess what I found. A mattress. can you believe the connivence? It does have a big claw mark on it but it will do, plus it one of those big mattresses so at least two people can fit on it." Ken said excitedly.
Ashley laughed at Ken's over-excitement. "That's great," She said. Then she realized something. Ken had told the group that the beds were intended for an earlier group of Outcasts. "Hey, did you happen to see any of your buddies?" She asked him.
"Well they usually go out, I wouldn't worry about them, they are all very strong. I have a feeling they will return soon enough, I can't wait to introduce you to them." Ken said with a deep tone to Ashley." Now who wants the mattress." Ken regained his goofy tone.
" Go ahead." Joshua said to Darcy. " I'm fine on the floor." He looked over the group. Even if he wasn't their leader he knew he couldn't abandon them. even if that speech of overly corny and dumb. They were the only family he had now and he had to protect them.
"But Josh... I don't want you of all people to be on the floor. I don't want anyone to be on the floor. IF ANYONE DESERVES TO BE ON THE FLOOR IT'S ME!! I have caused nothing but trouble, I've ran away, made everyone carry me, and I attacked Dask! I'm going on the floor!" the boy complained.
Dasken sighed. "I'm on the floor." He looked up with a look of complete determination. "No argument." He put his head back down. "I honestly cannot believe that you didn't try to kill me." He sighed. "I guess you're stuck with me."
" Well you never know when an Explosion might useful." Joshua said. " Besides we need all the help he can against those hell hounds out there. Anyways I think I know how to calm you so we'll be fine." Josh said as moved to the ground. " So I guess that leaves You both Ken and Ash go on lay down. " He said patting the bed before putting both hands underneath his head as he closed his eyes.
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Lyric huffed as tracked the small herd of deer. She smirked as she saw one break off from it to eat and got ready. She aimed her shot up before sending a spike at the creature. She collected her kill and picked it up, heading back in the direction of the base, "Not a bad catch".
Darcel began to wonder around " I need air." the boy whispered as he climbed out of the base. He began to sit on the grass and look at the night sky. He smiled, and with that he fell asleep on the open field.
Ashley sighed, pulled off her jacket and undid her ponytail, and got into the bed. "Night guys," She called out, then finally drifted asleep.
Lyric trudged her way back up towards the base and saw someone in the feilds. She whistled and walked towards them, deer still slung over her shoulders, "do you enjoy sitting in places where wolves could attack? Also do you know where the entrance is? Kind have forgotten".
"Do you not see the deer I'm carrying? It's good for the people staying there," Lyric rolled her eyes and moved the deer to set it infront of the man. She stepped back and crossed her arms, looking at him amused, "why so shocked? Weren't expecting a person to come strolling up"?
Darcel's face became firm, "No I didn't expect a creepo to come out of the woods at night you snob." he whined. Darcel walked over to one of the trees and pulled onto one of the branches revealing the base in the tree stump. " Be careful not to fall down the ladder" Darcel rolled his eyes. The boy suddenly stopped himself, "I'm sorry for how I acted, i'm Darcel, i'm guessing we're teammates now, so I will show you some respect." he spoke as he held out his hand.
Dasken twitched when he saw the newcomer. "Watch your back. One slip-up..." he looked up, a familiar glint in his eye. "Just aks them what just happened."
Ken heard a voice coming from the outside, he quickly jumped toward the entrance and saw a woman climb down." Hey Lyric you're back!" He then looked at Darcel. "Oh so I see you two have met, Blood guy this is Lyric, one of my teammates."
Joshua stood up and looked at the new comer. " I'm Joshua." He said to the new person. He raised his hand towards her. "It's nice to meet you mam." He said being courteous.