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In her dream Lyric finally got curious enough and walked toward the farm. As she got closer, their were whisps as her brain tried to remember what it had originally looked like, what it looked like when she last saw it. The people were also whisping, changing features as she tried to remember their appearances. The only one that didn't whisp was a girl that looked exactly like her exempt for a beauty mark under her left eye. She knew this girl vividly as it was almost looking in a mirror, twins would do that. She and the girl stained off and the girl raised her hand to wave goodbye before Lyric was pulled back into the feild and under the tree, men with guns and wearing black having surrounded her.
Danny found a deer who walled wandered under an outcropping of rock and was sleeping. HE distorted gavity and threw the sleeping deer into the rock above it. The deer died almost instantly on contact with the rock. He dragged the corpse back to The hieout and said,' Here, I'm going to get more of these, that was fun," he walked back outside.
Lyric woke up to the sound of the injured animal and almost threw up. She spit the things throat quickly and ran after Danny to grab his shoulder. She glared at him and tugged roughly on his shirt, "that isn't right. Doing something like that! That looked like a spinal injury, it would have died slowly. We don't need anything more. If we hunt like that then we run out of food".
Lyric sighed and followed him, patting his back and rolling her eyes. She stood back and looked around hoping that she hadn't woken up anyone else if they had gone to sleep, "I'm not saying you have to go to sleep. Just try not to over hunt our food supply".
Joshua got out of his bunk. He stretched a little bit before he left the bunker. he felt the cool breeze touch his skin as he started to walk. He wondered what this day brings them. As he kept walking stumbled across a small camp roughly a mile and a half from the bunker. " What the?" He thought as he entered it. " Anyone here?" He asked. Only the wind responded to him. He opened the tent door to reveal nothing except a News Paper. Joshua looked at it couriously. He picked it up " The Copy Cat Killer strikes again." The title read.
Dasken had decided tha the would need to go out and train his newfound strength, before he damaged anything besides e bunker accidentally.
"Anyone wanna go train with me?" Dasken shouted from the bunker.
Akron got up from his bed and yawned. He slowly got up and heard a familiar voice call, "Anyone wanna go train with me?" He walked over to where Dasken was sitting and replied, "Sure. Let's keep it away from the others though."
"Let's try that clearing in the forest," Akron said, pointing northeast. "That should be a safe spot. And," He said, nudging Dasken. "You're gonna have to try extra hard. I don't think you've seen my powers firsthand."
Lyric had went back to bed. Curled up in her pelt and face pressed into the pillow. She looked at the roof of her bunk and slowly her eyes closed, this time no dreams greeted her when she passed out.
Upon reaching a clearing in the woods, Dasken met Arkon's challenge. He willed a single sphere to appear in his hand, the size of a basketball, but wound up summoning ten of them. Dasken grinned. He launched them as hard as he could at Akron.
The spheres moved far faster than he wanted them to.
They shot towards Arkon at around 1000 MPH; they each created a sonic boom as they left Dask's side.
Akron quickly created a shield that blocked each sphere that exploded as they hit. With a flick of Akron's wrist, the shield broke into pieces of sharp stone that hurled at Dasken.
Dasken waved his arm, and a flow of constant explosive power blocked and incinerated each chunk of earth hurdling at him. He also spread it around his entire body momentarily, in case there was a stray piece.
Seth stared into Darcel's eyes smiling, taunting him forward. "Son, i'm surprised you've made it this far without the 'men in black' capturing you. You've become careful after you have committed your crimes huh?" he spoke in a deep monotone voice.
Lyric rolled out of her bunk again and started to make a quick meal for herself and whoever wanted it. She sat down and grabbed some of the charcoal, creating a slab of crystal. She slowly moved the staining substance across the surface and made shapes, drawing the view that could be seen from the cliff.
Darcel barely moved his eyes over towards Ken. "You're right, what should we do for this course of action?" Darcel questioned. "Well, well, boys. If you'd like to talk to each other, speak up." he chuckled as he folded his hands.
Darcel sprinted towards his father, during mid punch he suddenly stopped. Darcel stood in front of Seth and held a fist out at ken. You could see Darcel and Seth speaking at the same time saying the same words, "I am stronger than you are, Darcel is a weak blood monster who's only purpose is to kill. I shall take him out, if you try to fight me 'fast boy' i'll send you to hell with him." Seth spoke in a cold voice as he continuously stared forward.
"Darn it!" Ken let go and ran to the edge of the room. "Hey Akki! Now's a good time to show up!" Ken shouted as he got onto a fighing position, ready to dodge when etiher one attacked.
"You're right boy, Akki shall come... 'summon'" Seth spoke as the demon crawled out of Darcel's back. "SETH! How dare you summon me!" Akki's eyes began to illuminate like a flame. The demon unsheathed his sword staring at the boy's father.
Joshua looked around the deserted campsite. apparently whoever was here left in a hurry. he found a pull out chair that one of the campers had and sat down in it. He opened up the news paper and started to read. He looked at a few of the headlines. " Rising Star in Teen Boxing outed as an Abnornal." One of the head lines read. he decided to skip over that. And proceeded to see if the Rockies won against the Royals.

Slyer watched as the two boys where training. learning all he could from them.
Dasken continued to sling assaults at Akron continued to block, and as Akron attacke,d Dasken blocked. He tried several strategies, the entire five-hour period learning more and more about his newfound power.
But he felt like something just wasn't quite right...
Seth's head jolted around from the kick, but he quickly went back into position. Darcel's body shook around and he began to run at ken. Darcel used his blood bending and created a medium sized gash onto Ken's arm. "Darcel, Stop!" Akki bellowed as his body was being flung around from Darcel's sudden movements. The boy's face turned red, tears flooded down his cheeks even though he was still under control.
Dasken whipped around, looking at the nearby shrubbery and trees. "I think..." he turned back to Akron and whispered, "I think we're being watched, Akron..."
"Gah! My arm!" Ken fell on one knee. "I'm sorry Darcel and forgive me for what I'm about to do Akki." Ken dashed forward and punched Darcel in the chest into a wall, then he zoomed around the room and kneed Seth in the stomach sending him flying back toward another wall. "Take that!"
Akki spoke, "It's alright.. Forgive me Ken." The demon spoke as he stabbed Darcel in the stomach forcing his demon form inside of Darcel.

Seth slammed into the wall a little bit of blood dripping from his mouth. "Fine, I shall stop with this stupid boy's possession, you're next." Seth spoke as he slammed Darcel into the ground. He held out his hand towards Ken. "I shall give you a chance to surrender, If not, I will posses you and make you kill this blood bending freak."
Dasken held a sphere of explosive power in each hand, countless more orbiting around him. "You," he said, "You may have fixed me, but I swear to GOD, if you lay a finger on any of these people..."
Lyric finished up her sketch and sighed. She rubbed the left over charcoal dust on her shorts and placed the crystal on the closest bunk. Standing up she started expanding the room a little bit for maybe a table or something.
Dasken released half of his barrage aimed directly at Syler, not noticing Winter still behind him. The spheres were extraordinarily fast, yet again each creating a sonic boom.
" Wow there fellows." Syler said As he ran away from the explosions. He raised his hands. " Nothing is going on here. I was just watching you guys train." he then pointed towards himself. "I'm not an offensive person. So I like to watch others. Is there anything wrong in that."
It's like you want to die" she said as she jumped up to avoid the blasts as she did so hef scythe fell from her grip "oh no if he gets my weapon then .....oh god" she thought to herself
Dasken caused an explosion underneath Winter's scythe, blasting it right back into her hands. "Take a picture. It lasts longer." Dasken spit on the ground in front of Sylar. "I have a bad feeling about you."
Winter flew over to the two "thanks Dask had he gotten my weapon then there's no telling what could have happened to any of us much less what he would be capable of with it" she said a look of fear flashing through her eyes