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'I can relate, I didn't kill my sister but... Anyways, that locket of yours is ever so beautiful. Did you receive it from her?" She asked as her eyes became full of curiosity.
Joshua's eyes opened. He limped out and saw Cassidy. " Ma'am." He said. He walked over to her and hugged her. " Thank you for saving my life." He said to her. He gently kisses her cheek. not anything sexual but how a son would kiss his mother.
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Joshua looked at winter and decided that it would be wise if he did not but in on the this conversation. He looked around. " Hey has anyone seen Lyric?" He asked.
Lyric moved out of her tiny hidden rock fortress. She moved further away and climbed into a cluster of trees. She formed a shelter in there branchers and made sure that it was hidden well. She rolled onto her back and stared up at the sky.
"Really? So people arnt dieing? Their not going to go out and almost get themselves again and then depend on me to just fix them up over and over again? Hmm, I think I'm ok. Have fun patching them up," Lyric waved and sucked back into the trees. She climbed up on to the first platform and sat down, "I'm seriously tired of having to be the one to help people. I tell them to lay low and they go fighting again".
"Has the entire world gone to hell!?" Midnight asked as he wondered through the base, eventually arriving where Cassidy was "apparently yes, yes it has"
"Look, nothing could have stopped what just happened. Trust me, things will work out; just follow me back to camp. Please." Akron held out his hand. "Oh, wait. Don't worry. I'm not flirting. Do you know what Josh would do to me if I did?"
"Oh I can guess. And I'm not going back. They can learn that can't just keep doing what they have been doing the past days without conquences. I'm done healing them or even worried about them. Did you see what they did! They almost made me kill myself," Lyric argued back and poked her head out of the leaves again, looking unamused at Akron.
"Don't you dare," Lyric glared at him and caught herself as she almost slipped out of he tree. She climbed back up to the platform and outed a little bit, "I'm not coming down"!
Midnight, whom was elsewhere in the forest trying to figure why the hell everything was happening, heard Akron's call

He looked through the think undergrowth, pulling it aside as he looked for the source of the noise, seeing Akron and Lyric.
"Lyric? In a tree?" He asked himself quietly. He wanted to go in and help, but Akron had called Josh, who may be able to solve things better than he
Lyric poked her head out of the leaves and was upside down again. She spotted midnight and waved. She crossed her arms and glared at Akron, "I'm not coming down! Oh by the way, hi midnight".
"I'm tired of having to keep patching up wounds and not being listened too. They get hurt, I path them up, they get hurt again! It's a cycle that I hate. So I'm staying here and not coming back," Gale huffed and started to get light head so she sat normal. She crossed her arms and glared at the people below her.
"Come on, don't be like that Lyric." Ken was suddenly behind Lyric on another branch. "We promise to not get hurt as often. Beside, I think we won't be getting much excitement for awhile, except for Darcels incident that is. Please come down." Said Ken trying to get Lyric get off the tree and to go back to the bunker.
"Not happening," Lyric looked at him unamused. She looked at him and raised a brow, "did you even talk with the others? You guys keep talking about it but have you even talked to the others? I'm not going back so leave me and my tree house alone. I will be perfectly happy and I'll visit," Lyric nodded and looked at them.
"Look Lyric" Midnight said firmly "I'm not going to play on any pity, sympathy or guilt that you may or may not have. I'm just going to point out that under your guidance we have done so much. Darcel has finally gotten over a family trauma which has been haunting him forever. Most of us are much happier and more open thanks to you. We even... revived Darcel's mother... kinda..."
"Just let her be." Joshua said to them as he walked towards them. "If she wants to stay out here it's her choice. We can't make her do anything."
Midnight nodded "your right" he sighed, before turning to Akron "Lyric has done so much for us, let her have this bit of peace and quiet, at least for now..."
He turned to lyric and bowed "thank you" he said, before turning around and running away back to the camp
"But technically he's dead, well for all we know," Lyric pointed out and she noticed Joshua. She nodded and motioned to him with her hand, "thank you guys for the support, I just kinda need some space for a bit".
She ran a hand through her hair and stretched. She flopped onto her back and waved at Ken, "will do".
" Take care Amazon." He said waving her goodbye. He walked back to the bunker. When he made it half way there he decided to turn around and head to the abandon campsite. He could barley stand all the suicidal infighting bullshit that seems to plague the group. He decided that it would be best for him to stay away from them.
He made it to the campsite and started a fire. " Guess this place really is abandon." He said noticing that still no one came here. " I guess I have a tent now." He said. He laid down and gazed at the stars.
Josh turned his head and saw Akron tapping on the Tent. " I'm over here Akron." He said. Joshua stood up and looked at the man. " What do you need?"
Cassidy glanced at Winter noticing she was suddenly becoming quiet. "Well dear, that necklace of yours is very nice. Did she give it to you for a gift or am I talking to much?" The woman smiled as she gently rubbed Winter's back.
" Well okay then." Joshua said as he laid back down. He wondered if he could keep going with things how they are. ' It isn't like they need you Josh. Your just another freak to them." He took a deep breath as he howled to the sky. A few seconds later he heard the hounds howl.
Cassidy noticed she wasn't needed, Winter looked hurt enough. She didn't want to bring up her past anymore, she refused to wait for an answer and just simply waved goodbye. She sat outside the bunker, she didn't feel like it was her decision to go to sleep in a stranger's home. She laid back and stared at the stars. The brightest star. "Don't be my darling Darcel... I couldn't live with myself if I was the reason you died..." she whispered. Suddenly, she heard a loud howl in the distance.
Lyric rested in her treefort. She was looking at the sky and when the hounds howled, stood up. She stretched and slowly made her way through the trees. She leaned against one of them when she saw the camp and Joshua, "do you enjoy laying on the ground? You do realize that your an easy target out there"?
After realizing that he had been asleep, Dasken shook off his drowziness. He lazily scrambled up the stairs, and slogged past the tent. Each footstep brought a minor, yet loud and effective, explosion. As he slowly walked, a lotus-pattern of explosions traced where he walked. Trees in his way were blasted away and uprooted; he stopped about 100 feet from the tent, and stood still. His orange aura turned on, and he turned around momentarily.
"I'm training. No-" he caught himself from falling, his knee buckled, and his arms flailed. "No inerruptions..." he meandered slowly through the woods.
" Well look at who decided to get out of her tree." He said with a smile on his face. He then looked back at the sky. " Yeah I do enjoy laying on the ground. Besides the only predators out here are the hounds, And me and the Alpha have a mutual understanding. So I'll be fine." He gazed at the stars. " You know growing up in a city you barley see the stars. but out here you can see so many and the beauty of them." He said. He pated the ground right beside him. " want to Star gaze with me?" He asked.
"I did say I would visit and there's a better view up here. Besides I wanted to talk," Lyric hummed and got out of the tree. She walked over and stood over him with a curious look. She saw dasken and scrunched her eyebrows together, "see what I mean? He should be resting with the problems his powers have been giving him but nope! He's walking around"!
Ashley woke up sprawled out on the base floor. She sat up and rubbed her forehead. "Ow..." She muttered. "How...Why...What?" She asked herself, mostly mumbling. Then she remembered being hit by some flying object in Dask's...moment. Dask! Ashley's eyes widened with realization that her friend could be murdering people for all she knew. She sprang up and ran out of the base, seeing the woman from earlier. "Hi...Have you seen Dask?" She asked. Please don't kill me, please don't kill me...