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Dasken, almost half asleep, began his training. He created an explosion that created a scorched clearing in the midst of the woods, then began to summon explosions of all varieties and in all sizes. They gradually grew weaker, and yet Dasken still trained. He became more and more sore and tired, hungry and thirsty, and yet Dasken still trained. He continued to mutter one phrase over and over again.
"Protect the group. Protect Ashley... Protect the group, protect Ashley..."
"Just let him be." Joshua said as he saw Dask pass by the abandon campsite. " So what did you want to talk about?" He asked as he looked up at Lyric.
Ashley heard the explosions. "Yep, that's him, thanks!" She said, and took off in the direction that the blasts were coming from. "Dask, are you trying to destroy the entire woods?" She shouted, and kept running until she was almost blown off of her feet by one of his explosions. Sweet mother of God! She thought.
Dasken turned around just in time to see Ashley hit by an explosion. His eyes widened, and as though he weren't tired, he dashed at his maximum running speed to reach Ashley. "Are you... are you okay?" Dasken asked. He stood awkwardly, half wanting to check Ashley's wounds, half wanting to run.
"You've been out of it lately. Like you've been acting like your not yourself. What happened to the curious and fun loving guy that I agreed to date, hmm," Lyric flopped down beside him and put her arms behind her head, "it's just seemed likes something was up. Also what's your opinion on Slyer? He almost got beat up earlier today".
Winter sighed and flopped onto her back and looked up at the stars singing 'carry on my wayward son' as she did she didn't notice ice forming a barrier around her
Cassidy's face scrunched up, she smelt something awful lingering through the air. She followed the scent to a small clearing that felt oddly familiar to her. She looked around to see a Willow tree ; something never seen in this forest.
I'm just tired of all the bullshit that's been going on." Joshua said. " One minute everything fine... Then Dask decides to go insane again.. and again... and again. Not to mention Darcy going suicidal every few minutes. and now he literally turned into his mother." He took a breath. " Not to mention all the damn in fighting that's been going on." He took another breath. " As for Slyer I kind of like the guy. Yeah he seems off but I find nothing wrong about him."
He looked at his semi secluded surroundings. " Honestly I don't know how much more I can take. Luckily I found this place. My own private sanctuary."
Ken appeared on a tree beside the ground where Dask was training and saw what happened when Ashley arrive. "Well, seems like another pair is being born." He laid down on a branch. "I've got to get a girlfriend." He whispered to himself.
Ashley sighed. "I could ask you the same thing, Dask," She said, "You kinda-sorta-maybe knocked me out when you went all crazy psycho kill everybody."
"Well it's not very private if I just walked in and dasken just ran through. Yeah. We really need seperate housing, I think people are going crazy with the close proximity," Lyric sighed and ran her hands though her hair. She sat up and formed a crystal, keeping in mind of he growing ones which we still small enough to not count as a threat. She looked at him, "farm is done though so we have a stable food source. Green house still needs things but it's almost done. I'm also building a med hut so we stop doing surgeries in a kitchen pretty much. I'm not sure about him either, slyer I mean".
((OOC: This is gonna be the edgiest post in h i s t o r y.))
Rufus stood hunched over what appeared to be a deers corpse, picking off any bits of meat he could forage from it, eating them. A deep pink color stained the tips of his rough fingers; blood. He was used to this, since he was dropped off here a few years ago. His shirt and shorts were darkened with a light bronze-brown color from his previous meals, fresh from the wild. "... Not as good as I thought it would be..." He snorted, shoving a few other bits of the raw meat into his mouth.
The look in Dasken's eyes when those words left Ashley's mouth was one that was laced, oozing, and pure grief. "I... But..." he began to cry again, lightly. "I thought... Why...?" He looke dup at Ashley. "I... I didn't mean to..." the explosions stopped, and Dasken swayed. "I didn't want that to happen..." his swaying intensified. "I..."
Dasken's face turned from intense sorrow to intense pain.
"I just wanted to control them... so I wouldn't do things like knock others unconscious, or kill Cassi-" he choked up. He tried to reach for a non-existant handhold to balance himself.
"Keep up the good work." Joshua said to Lyric. " Sorry I haven't been around to help." He said. He looked at his sancuaray. " Yeah It might not be private. but it's somewhere I can go to relax, and I'm probably going to start sleeping here." He said. "It'll be better for everyone that way. I know you deflected this question last time but. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself, before you where brought here."
The scent was becoming stronger, she peered through the tree line to see nothing. Absolutely nothing. "Great.. I walked out here to see nothing.." she thought to herself as she marched back towards the camp. She suddenly stopped and saw the girl who attempted to talk to her earlier, and Dasken.
Slyer looked at Winter. He knew he get rid of her now without any of them knowing it. Take her out dispose of the body and turn into her. No one will know the difference. Still it wasn't the right time yet. " So..." He said. " How are you doing."
Ashley immediately knew that she had said something wrong. "I'm sorry," She said quickly. "I didn't mean it like that. Maybe I could...Help you control your power somehow?" She offered.
"It's a really touchy subject," Lyric grumbled and moved to get more comfortable. She stretched and sighed loudly, "I don't know much about you so how about we make a deal. You tell me about you and I'll tell you about me"?

A woman with dyed purple hair sat in her swirly chair, looking over a bunch of files. She looked up and smiled at her large number of trophies that she had collected and giggled.
Cassidy walked over towards Dasken, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Hey dear.. How are you? May I assist you, you look upset.." She spoke in a soft voice while she wiped away his tears.
Ashley felt really, really bad, deeply ashamed. "It's my fault," She said, "I brought it up. The, erm, 'incident', if I can call it that." She ran her hand by her ear, brushing away a loose-hanging strand of red hair.
"Back at the base," Ashley said. Somehow, she had the feeling that she could trust the strange woman in front of her. "By the way, who are you? I mean, are you Darcel, or did something else happen...?"
Cassidy glanced downwards, sadness covered her face. "My son was on the verge of death... He... did a blood transfusion with the blood that was in his jar... My blood. Seth, his father, must of done a soul transplant as well.. That stubborn man, always loved his wife more than his child..." she took a small breath, " I do not know if Darcel can ever return, or if he is actually dead... I.. I am the reason why he would be dead...I don't belong to be breathing in place of my son.." She spoke, the pain clearly intertwined in her voice.
"Alright." Joshua said. " I grew up in Colorado Springs. I have an older half brother who was more like a farther figure to me since we had a ten year age gap between us. He thought me how to fight and be a man. When Mom married Philip I was three. It was obvious that he didn't want anything to do with us. When Steven was born he took all of my mother's attention leaving me and Brandon to fend for ourselves. Brandon taught me how to box after I got into a fight with some bastards who were calling my mother a slut. It turns out I was pretty good at it." Joshua stood up and looked for the News Paper. He found the article about the upcoming boxer who was Outed as an Abnormal. " Yeah that's me." He said. " Any ways after I discovered my powers at the age of ten I decided it would be best if I went into self exile. So I didn't talk to any of my school mates. Then one day Jay Allen a quarter back for our school decided to mix the wrong chemicals together. He started a fire. I used my powers to contain it. Next thing I knew the Men in black where after me. I got home. My Mother and even Philip where trying to stop them. Steven decided he didn't want to live with a freak and helped the Men in Black catch me. and now I'm in a Forrest talking to a beautiful Girl. Can't say it hasn't been too bad."
"Thanks for the compliment. Yeah that's rough, guess I promised to spill. You can tell anyone, I like to some mysteries about me mysteries," Lyric nodded and pointed up at the starts, "Leo right there. I grew up in Saskatchewan, Canada. Live in a farm with my parents, brother and twin sister. Only way you could tell us apart was the beauty mark on her lip. Was pretty happy with me life, not many complaints. I can't remember what fully happened but did you see the glyphs start randomly creating when I started to freak out earlier? Yeah so pretty much a crystallized the farm and everyone on it. I myself almost turned into a statue but the men in black found me and cleared it off. So yeah that's all I'm telling you".
Joshua stood motionless as he looked at her. He wrapped his arms around her. " I'm sorry for your loss." He said. He kissed her forehead.
Dasken began to breathe heavily. His mind was numb, save for grief, sadness, and depression. He poured sweat, and realized that his stomach was empty ad that he was completely dehydrated. "I... I need..." he uttered before collapsing on the ground.
Ashley, though mildly alarmed, was actually a little unsurprised. Huh. Just when I come out after being knocked out, he passes out. Nice. She looked at Cassidy. "Could you help me lift him?" She asked, grabbing Dask's wrists and hoisted him up.
Cassidy glanced downwards and began to freak out. "Oh my..." she whispered as she placed her hands on his chest. A white aura began to form over her hands, "Examine...... Aha.. he needs water... Darling may you go fetch it?" she spoke looking at Ashley.
"No need to bring him back, he is perfectly fine.. But maybe rest shall do..." She said as she hoisted him onto her shoulder. She sprinted keeping her one glowing hand over him, making sure he was safe.
Ashley nodded and used her power to create somewhat of a moving pillar of air supporting him. She chuckled at her own stupidity. "Almost forgot I had powers," She said.
"You don't have to be. Technically you lost yours too," Lyric smiled and looked up at the sky pointing out another three constellations. She yanwed and felt her eyelids grow heavy, "so. About my plans to build a village. I'll need help making building and would you like to help"?
Akron walked through the forest. He felt something he had never felt before: loneliness. Helplessness. He hated seeing his friends in pain and knowing that he could do nothing but make rocks appear. Tears of frustration welling up in his eyes, he dashed off into the dense undergrowth, not bothering to use his powers. Then, he found Josh and Lyric sitting on the ground, staring at the sky. He sighed. At least they were happy. He closed his eyes and kept running, unaware of the sound of snapping twigs and branches that could give him away.
Cassidy's eyes turned black, "I feel it. Blood of a familiar." she spoke. She gripped onto Dasken and suddenly grabbed Ashley. "Transport." she whispered. The area around them blurred for a second until they reached Winter in the bunker. She almost dropped Dasken in the process of running over to Winter. A droplet of sweat glided down her face as she stole the knife from Winter and attempted to heal her bleeding wrist.