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(OOC: Oh ok)

BIC: Kia woke up from her 'long' nap and she looked around then she got up and she walked outside and she saw smoke quiet far away and she shivered then she looked around "Lyric? " she asked , unknowing that she left then she started to walk around for a bit then she drooped "hmm is she gone?" she asked herself then she started to walk to the smoke.
Grace giggled as she watched one of the soldiers run into a wall after she had set a prank up. She flinched when Fae growled at her and hit the back of her head, "focus".
"I'm trying to but you're make it soooo boring," grace smiled and went invisible when a guard told them about a few people that were heading their way.
" Maybe someday you're find that special person." Joshua said to Akron. He then looked at Winter. " Hey Winter." He said. "Yeah we heard the helicopter and decided to find out what was going on. I prefer to keep the group small just incase this is only a few college kids having a good time."
Grace felt the wave and giggled quietly. She moved close to it, still invisible. Fae smiled when she saw the people that made the wave. She started to sing a haunting tune, hopping to lure them closer.
Akron felt a strange urge to get closer. "This isn't me thinking!" he thought. He stomped his foot once more, creating a giant fissure in the area where the chopper was seen.
Fae narrowed her eyes and the helicopter took off. She stayed and moved further into the camp. Grace saw the boy from earlier with two new friends. She smiled and moved closer to them, walking through the wave. She walked behind them and got close. Using her fingers to make a walking motion up their necks before backing away.
" I agree some warning next time." He said. He looked towards where the camp was. Joshua looked behind him. he thought some had their fingers on his neck" Alright I'm going to go on ahead and get a lay out of the camp. Quake." He said look at Akron. " Stay here and try not to create a new grand cannon here. Snow angle fly above and try to see if anything seems off." He said.
( Guys try and keep the OOC talk to the Discussion thread before and admin starts to complain about it.)
"Ack! What the hell?!" Akron recoiled as he felt a tingling sensation on the back of his neck. "Argh... Whoever you are, show yourself! Winter, here's a warning." Flexing his hands, he caused a powerful earthquake that shook the ground.
Grace dashed loudly as she was caught off guard and tumbled back, falling out of invisibility. She grinned up at the three and smiled, "hi, cutie pies"!
Fae growled and the soldiers got into place. She smiled and walked forward, "why hello there".
" Well fuck." Joshua said. He looked at one of the soldiers and moved the soldiers gun from it's holster. " Hello their ma'am." He said. " Who might you be." He moved the gun so that is was right behind the purple haired woman's head.
"You." Akron muttered at the girl who had fallen. "So, you have invisibility, huh?" He whipped around to face the purple-haired girl. "Soldiers? Seriously?" He flexed his fingers, and a pit appeared under the soldiers, making them fall in. Akron snapped his fingers, and the entire ravine caved in, burying them.
" Well that takes care of them." Joshua said. " How about this." He said. " Leave now and I'll let you live." He said to the purple haired girl.
On it Josh" she said as she flew up above them to see the camp as her eyes narrowed dangerously "oh they are dead" she said as she went to start attacking the solder by air her scythe forming in her hand as she tried to take some of there heads off as a warning
Grace just giggled and teleported behind Joshua, leaping into his back while Fae side stepped and looked at them. She tapped her foot and started to sing softly, twisting the notes to hypnotize Joshua, "we are your friends, they are not".
Akron saw Grace leap onto Josh's back for a split second and aimed a stone pillar that extended right behind Josh's back. "Josh, don't listen to her. That's not you thinking."
" Get off." He stoped as he looked at Fae. He moved the gun away from her and pointed it at Akron. He then lifted Akron of the ground. " You're my friends they are not." He said completely hypnotized.
Joshua saw Winter flying towards him. He put his hand out stopping her. He slowly started to put both of his hands into fists chocking both Winter and Akron.
"I wouldn't hurt me if I was you little snowbird. You don't know how to reverse my effects," Fae looked up at her and smiled. She looked at Grace and the girl teleported away, returning with three collars, "put these on and I'll drop it".
Grace stood beside Fae and looked at everyone. She shook her head a bit and wiped a tiny bit of blood away from under her nose.
Winter started to gasp for air her weapon disappearing from her hand as she had her hands to her throat trying to breathe, she glared up at the two girls growling as she tried to attack them
Felling the collar going around her neck as it did she screamed in pain as her wings tried to deform, but where unable to because of not only the collar but also her being unable to use her powers to deform them
Fae smiled at the snowbird and patted her head as she walked by. She looked at where her soldiers had been buried and shrugged her shoulders, "oh well. Grace! Call home and tell them we need more and the camp needs things".
She nodded and pulled out her phone, calling them.
Winter sobbed in pain as her wings kept tried to deform constantly, as she lay on her side holding her stomach as she tried to reach her wings as tears fell from her eyes
Joshua snapped out of it. " what the hell." He said as he felt a collar around his neck. He tried to move the gun that was behind Fae but he couldn't. "dang." He said. He walked over to winter and put his hand on her. " I'm sorry." he said He then looked at Fae. " You bitch." He said he put his hand into a fist and ran straight towards her. He didn't care if it was a woman. you don't have him turn against his team and get away with it.
Fae pulled out her own gun and grace intercepted Joshua. She teleported into him, arms outstretched to wrap around him. Fae saw the wolf and grinned evilly at Winter, "and such a lovely animal too".
She fired at Kibo not flinching, firing into it shoulder. She didn't want to kill it, just make it behave.
Akron felt weak. He struggled to get the collar off but to no avail. Then, he found a sharp rock from the earthquake he made. Grabbing it, he smashed it against the collar, freeing him. He yelled, "Josh! Winter! Get back!" He parted his arms, and an extremely powerful seismic shock spread through the ground. "Now! RUN!"
"More of them? Grace off and here," Fae snapped her fingers and the girl teleported away, "I don't suggest you try and take those collars off unless you want it to drill into your neck and destroy your spinal cord"!
Grace nodded and waved at winter with a flirty wink. She looked up at the sky when the air became loud again and two more helicopters landed with soldiers.

Lyric woke up to find herself in a tent. She sat up and yawned rubbing her eyes. Slowly she felt the quake and looked to where it came from. She crested a glyph and shot off toward it, "what now"!
Joshua thought for a moment. He had one last move. He lowered himself to the ground. He spat on the dirt to create mud. He packed the mud into his ears muting out the sounds around him. " Guy's." He said to Akron and Winter "I'll come back you both." He said. He quickly ran to the right. he ran in the zig zagging. making sure that he can't be shot.