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Joshua clenched his spear ready to attack. He left his hiding spot and looked at the men. "Sup." He said as he looked at the men. If he was going to go down he was going to down with a bang. Before he could take a step he heard howling. He look behind the soldiers to see Alpha and his pack ready to attack the soldiers. " Well." Joshua thought as the hounds ran straight for the soldiers. Joshua ran straight at them as well. He lifted his spear ready to draw blood.
Huddled behind some bushes, Akron saw the battle from far away. Josh and his hounds were doing pretty well, tearing up flesh like string cheese. Akron ran to Josh's side. "Well, you've been busy."
The soldiers quickly were dispatched, torn to pieces.
Fae heard every over the radio and slammed her hands I tot wh table with a frustrated scream. She smarled and her trophies collapsed to the ground, withering in pain and she electrified them.
Ken arrived at the camp that the invader were in and silently knocked out most the guards around the main tent. He then disappeared to where two people were on the ground and knelt down. "I heard you were a siren, I'm guessing you have these guys under you power but you really should't do these thing to much, they may die at any moment." Ken suddenly said to the woman with purple hair.
Joshua picked up one of the radios.
" If your going to try and take me do it yourself." He said to whoever was on the other line. " I'll be right here waiting for you." He said. He kept the Radio on him. " That was interesting." He said. He looked at Alpha and shook his. " Thank you." He said.
Alpha shook his head and him and his pack left.
He then looked at Akron. " Can you burry what's left of these guys." Joshua said. " They deserve a proper funeral. Afterwards go back to the bunker and keep everyone else safe." He looked at Akron. He barley knew the man but he felt like he could trust him. " I'm going to get captured. Then I'm going to rescue Winter somehow."
Joshua shook his head knowing that Akron wasn't going to leave. " Alright. but stay in the shadows. fallow them after they capture me okay."
Fae relaxed and smiled, twirling around to look at him. She sipped her wine and looked at him, "do you really think I care about their pathetic little lives, speedster? Ha, now that amusing".
Grace was invisible and now stood behind Ken. She held a tranquizer in her hand and waited for her boss's cue. Fae walked closer to Ken and smiled up at him as she was shorter, "how about you take a nap".
Grace fired the dart into his back, slipping the collar onto him quickly.
Drew set his camp back up. " Quake." He said using his Abilitiy nickname for Akron. " Put some mud in your ears. I learned that it blocks out Rhythm. If Siren shows up you'll need it. especially if she notices you."
Ken passed out from the dart but had enough reaction time to slip a small pebble between the gap of the collar with no one noticing making it not close completely. Before passing out he said: "Why so sneaky? Are you that scarred of my power?" He chuckled before passing out.
Fae had him be put in a cage. She smiled and sat back in her chair. Grace out a pillow and blanket in his cage and gave winter some good and pain medication. She was ordered to go on the next raid, turning invisible and stepping over the bells when she was them. She smirked when the sun light lit up the string.
Joshua continued his drills. 'It's been too long.' He thought as he looked around. He didn't hear any of the bells ring. He sat down back against the tent as he unwrapped some jerky. He bit into it. He let out a deep breath as he watched the sun rise.
" Go into the bushes." Joshua said. " And wait for me to be captured." He took another bite. " Hey invisable woman." He yelled "If your out there. Why don't you come sit right beside me and watch the sun rise before we fight." He said. "I'll even give you some food."
Grace heard and saw them. She snuck behind Akton and leapt onto his back, giggling in his ears and kissing his cheek. She got off and the soldiers fired a tranquizer at him.
Joshua watched as Akron fell down. " Well fuck." He said. He took a bite out of the jerky and sipped some water. " So then care to watch the sunrise with me before you take me in?" he asked.
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Ken woke up in his cage and held his head. "At least they're nice enough to give me a blanket and pillow." He then took his collar off and tampered with it breaking it. He then placed it down beside him. "I'm kind of thirsty. Going to get a drink." He then tested his new power out and fazed through the bars. "That felt weird." He then ran into the snack shed. took a soda from the fridge, fazed back into his cage and put his collar on before anyone noticed. He then opened his soda and started to drink it. "This taste great."
Grace giggled and flopped down into his lap. She wrapped his arms against her and snuggled, "sure but I hope you know that if you try anything then my snipers will blow your skull open".
Fae walked out and crouched infront of Ken's cage. She tapped in it and waved, "so speedster, would you like to tell me why why your tracking beacon isn't working"?
" I figured as much." He said. " So I have to ask why do you work with Siren." He gave her his Jerky. he put his head on her shoulder. He kissed her neck.
"We grew up together," grace hummed and accepted the jerky. She bit into it and watched the sunset, "do you to all girls or are you being nice? I have to admit this is quite nice".
She sighed and grinned when she heard something over her ear com.
"I'm being nice." He said. "This is most likely going to be my last free day So I want to enjoy the time I have left." he said. " And if it means spending time with a beautiful woman I'll gladly do it." Though he would of rather spent the time with Lyric he was enjoying this moment with the invisable woman. " You know I never caught your name. What is it?" he asked.
Ashley watched this from the shelter of a nearby pine tree, which was the perfect place to see without being seen. She had her hood up to mask her bright red hair and hopefully blend in with the sky behind her. Wait for it, wait for it, She thought, waiting for the time to strike against the evidently invisible attacker. Ashley knew that she had to choose just exactly the right moment or else she would be hit with whatever the assailant was using to sedate her cohorts.
Ken looked at the woman. "What beacon? I have no Idea what your talking about." He took a sip from his soda. "Call me Ken, and what may be your name milady." Ken asked trying to make conversation.
"Well that can answers my question," Fae smiled and pulled out her tranquizer. She aimed it at him and smiled, "night night".
She fired at him.
Grace hummed and looked forward, "you can call me Grace. What about you? Your name".
She squeezed his hands and kissed his cheek, giggling quietly and smirking.
Lyric had gotten out of her tree and went to the campsite. She tripped the alarm and was standing a ways with her arms crossed. Her eyes were dark and crystals were slowly starting to grow on her arm. She had the crystal fox in her hand and dropped it turning on her heel and marching away.
"Joshua." He said. "It's nice to meet you Grace." He said as he kissed her neck some more. Then her shoulder. He looked and saw the Sunrise up. He gulped a little bit. "Looks like it's time." He said. " Well I enjoyed this moment." He said. He moved her head towards him and kissed her passionately. He knew he betrayed Lyric but he couldn't help it. Even if she was pretending He just felt like he had to.. He broke the kiss as saliva dripped from his mouth. " So What's she going to do to me?"
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Ken lied on the floor of his cage, he suddenly got up and pulled a loaf of bread from the place Fae shot him. "Oh man, I was saving this for later. Well now that its dosed with tranquilizer." Ken blurred out for a second. "There, I put it on a trait from the soldier's breakfast tomorrow. Things will get interesting."
Steven opened his eyes to the sun bearing down on him. Steven got up and looked around. He was in a forest. " Karma's a bitch." he thought as he started to walk. ' I betrayed my brother then I found out I was a freak as well.' He couldn't help but beat himself up for it. He walked atleast a few miles as he saw a girl hidden in trees. " Hello?" He asked her.
Grace nodded and pulled out her tranquizer. She pressed it to his thigh, "as long as you listen to her, you'll be fine, sweetie. She doesn't like her trophies acting out but won't activatily try hurt you if she likes you enough".
She then fired and stood up. Soldiers moved in and she caught sight of a shiny object in the grass. She picked up the crystal fix and put it in her pocket. She then moved to follow them, turning invisible.
Lyric moved further into the trees and further away from everything. She let out a cry of anger and spun a round, punching her crystalized arm into a tree. Where she hit crystals sprouted out like a virus until it was fully engulfed. She did this again and again before heading toward the road that led to civilization. She stepped out into it, trying to cross it but a car came speeding over a hill and she panicked. She formed a wall to block it and caused an accident.
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Ashley looked down from her branch. Seriously?! Why right now, he's gonna get me caught! "Hi," She hissed, "I'm kinda trying to hide right now, so could you go hide...There?" She pointed to a bush.
Akron slowly awoke, getting up groggily. He saw a team of soldiers heading out, leaving a bleeding Josh on the canyon. Fueled by rage, Akron dropped large boulders on the soldiers' skulls. "Grace? I know you're there. Forget about me already?"
"You know." Joshua said as his eyes started to close. " You didn't need to do that." and with that he was out of it
"Sure." Steven said. He looked and saw Joshua being carried away. He seemed a little bit out of it."Josh!" He practically yelled. He grabbed one of the tree's pulling it out by it's roots and threw it at the group of soldiers.
Grace saw the other boy and moved over to stand infront of him. She smiled and leaned in to kiss his nose and move around him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and turned to visible, "now who are you"?
" The guy who's going to make things right." He said. He grabbed the woman picking her up like a paper doll and threw her at the soldiers. He ran and grabbed Josh picking him up and ran away.
"Sell my trophies? Do you think I'm insane," Fae put a hand on her chest and fired at Ken again, aiming for the same spot.
Grace teleported in the air, appearing infornt of Steven and sweeping her leg to take his out, "nice try".
Lyric slowly made the wall go away. She looked at the car and flinched when she saw the blood that covered the windshield. She checked it out and opened the back door. She froze when she saw the boy sleeping in the backseat. He was now clearly knocked out and she picked him up after cutting off his seat belt. She crested a glyph and pushed the car off to the side of the road. Checking the two adults in the front of the car she shook her head. She held the boy close to her and used an acceleration glyph, going to the bunker to user he supplies to help the boy in her arms.