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Steven dogged the attack barley and pushed her out of the way.
After a few minutes Steven laid Josh down. He ripped the collar off of Joshua.
Joshua opened his eyes and saw Steven. " Steve." He said weakly. " What are you..." He looked and saw the collar broken in half. " I take it you did that." Joshua said.
" Yeah I did." Steven said. "I'm sorry for calling you a freak brother." He said as he hugged Josh. "
Joshua looked at the collar. "It's alright." He said.
Winter screamed out in pain as her powers tried to get out and over power the collar "please let me be able to deform my wings please" she begged the girl as she curled up into a ball from the pain she was in
"Curious," Fae walked over to her cage. She placed her hand on her chin and made Winter look at her. She pressed her earpiece and smiled, "losen power hold on subject 132".
The collar made a clicking noise before it gave her a tiny bit of space to use her powers, only so that non attacks could be used.
Hearing this she deformed her wings and sighed in relief glad the pain has stopped "I won't say I'm grateful but thank you I don't know how much more I could have taken before my body gave out completely" she said still being forced to look at fae
Ashley swore under her breath and sent a small tornado wobbling after Grace, but made sure that it zigzagged and circled around so much that it was impossible to tell where it was coming from. The attack wasn't strong enough to kill, but was strong enough to send a message: Don't hurt the Outcasts.
Joshua stood up and looked around. " We have to hurry Steve." He said as he checked every Direction. "Grace is most likely going to be on our heels at any moment now." He said. " I'm going to need your help." He looked at his brother. For so long they've been at odds but now he knew hey had to work together.
Steven shook his head. " What are we doing." he asked.
"Rescuing a few friends." Joshua said.
"18 now. It helps when your daddy own a military development company," Fae looked at him and smiled crookedly. She looked at Winter and patted her cheek. She pulled back and stretched. She walked so she stood infront of them, firing another dart into Ken, trying to get him out.
Grace hissed at the tornado and moved around it. She turned invisible and moved around.
Lyric got back to the bunker and started to patching the boy up. She tucked him under blankets and made a fire to keep them warm. She pulled out food and started to cook.
Ken caught that last one that was fired. "Will you stop firing these? They get repetitive and boring after a certain amount." Ken said to Fae to try and stop her from constantly firing at him. "Beside, you still haven't told me your name."
Ashley sighed and slowly but steadily climbed out of the tree. She saw Wings flutter down. Oh, it must've gotten lost, She thought. "Hey," Ashley whispered to the little blue jay, "Could you find Josh for me? I'll be back at the base. Here," She ripped some pine needles off of the tree and created a messy A, then tore a few more off and created a shape that tried to be a tornado. This was meant to signify that she had created the thing that had thrown off the person. "Try and lead him here, okay?" Ashley asked. The bird chirped and flew off, carrying the two things in its claws. It saw the person that the people had referred to as 'Josh' or 'Joshua' and flew to him, presenting the items that Ashley had created.
Joshua entered the camp with Steven right beside him. A couple of soldiers saw them. Josh just lifted the soldiers up and threw them to into a tree. " Hey do you still have the collar on him.
" Yeah." Steven said handing Josh the destroyed collar. Joshua turned on the Homing beacon and threw it towards one of the camps. He put mud into his ears then proceeded to put it into Steve's ear.
" Why did you just do that." Steve said in disbelief.
" She can hypnotize people." Joshua said. " We need to stay protected."
Wings let out an agitated twitter and followed Joshua. It landed on his head and tried to get his attention. The bird began to mess around with Josh's hair.
Grace walked up wrong them when she finally caught up. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. She activated two collars, glaring and getting close, "if you had of just been good then this would have been a lot more easy".
The boy shuffled in his sleep and Lyric looked over at him, making sure her was ok.
"And you don't need to know it," Fae looked at him and checked her tranquilizer. She hummed, "maybe if I increase the amount of sedative".
Joshua heard Grace's voice. He saw her and quickly levitated her. " Sorry sweetie not this time." He said. He put one of the collars on her. He then kissed her forehead then knocked her out. He then took the other collar.
" What the." Josh said as he tried to shoe the bird away.
"It must like you." Steven said laughing a little bit.
"Anyways." Joshua said. "I'm going to enter the tent and attack her head on. You go to the back and get a girl named winter out of there." He said.
Steven shook his head and moved.
Joshua walked into the front of the tent.
" Hey there." He said to the Siren.
Wings rolled its beady eyes in annoyance and flew after Josh. It kept chirping, and eventually just put the symbols in his hand. It perched on a nearby bush branch and looked at the boy as if to say "Will you just figure it out already?"
Fae smiled as she was warmed by one of her scouts. She stood by the cages and wa awaiting for them to realize where she was.
Lyric walked over to the boy and made sure he was comfortable. She sat in the bunker, watching over the boy and the food she was cooking.
Grace face planted the ground, invisibility flickering on and off.
Fae looked at her with a darkening grin, "I'm counting on it".
Lyric noticed the boy was scrunching his eyebrows together and let out distressed noises. She pulled him into her lap, making no sure he was safe and comfortable as she watched the fire and bundled him up.
Joshua looked at the needles in his hand then at the bird. " Are you trying to tell me something?" He said to the bird. He then looked at Ken. " When did you get here?" He asked. He then looked at the Siren. " Your 2nd is incompasitated. Most of your men are out of commission. It's game over for you." He said.
" That's so Cheesy." Steven thought.
Joshua walked closer to The Siren. He slowly moved the collar towards the Siren. " Come with us now willingly or be dragged away." he said.
She looked at him and raise a hand. Red dots aimed at his chest and the back of hemis head, "i don't just take fully trophies no no! I take hearts, eyes, arms, finger nails. Did you really think I wouldn't have a back up plan"?
" dang." He said. He looked at Fae. " Then take me out." He said as he put the collar on her. " Steven get them out now." He yelled.
Steven got to Winter's cage and broke it open.
" Hello there." He said to her. "I'm Steven." He tore the collar of off her. "everything will be alright."
Fae fell to her knees and clawed at the collar. She let out a scratched and broke out like static. The didn't fire and Thomas poked his head out of the bushes, "did you miss me? I've just been hanging out at the bunker and followed you guys".
After putting the food off the side and Lyric laid against the wall. She still held the boy to her chest and made sure he was not having nightmares.
Rufus's head snapped back to face the shadowy figure. "... Rufus..." He snorted. "... And you?" He asked, looking up with an anxious look in his eye. "It's about time I found someone." Rufus thought, still looking back at whoever was wearing the cape, his brows narrowed. "Well? It's been about 4 years now, and you're the first person I found here, so might as well introduce yourself." He said, now standing back up in his strange posture.
Wings shook its head and chirped again, flying a little onto Josh's shoulder.
Ashley heard the blast. Y'know what, I'm done trying to THINK my way out of this situation. It's time to actually DO something. She flew to the site of the insanity. "So who do I get to burn?" She asked, looking around. She knew Winter. The kid from earlier seemed to be with Josh. That left the weird lady on the ground. "And who is she?"
" Hey Ash." He said. He then see's Thomas. " Hey Tom." He then looked at Ashley again. " We just took care of it. Meet the woman who probably would have defeated us." He said.
"Soldiers." Joshua said to the remaining ones. "Leave now or I won't show any mercy to you guys." He moved over a little bit. " Steven take The Siren and fallow me." He said. Joshua walked over to Grace and picked her up. He started to walk towards the bunker. " So Ash I take it the bird was yours."
Ashley grinned. "Yup. Did you get the signs?" She asked. "I hope they didn't stink too badly, I didn't do all that good on them." Wings fluttered onto her shoulder and chirped again.
Fae continued to claw at the collar, her voice now quiet and soar. She let out a pathetic whine and glared up at them.
Grace made a noise but stayed unconscious. She shuffled a little but stopped.
Thomas pulled out his knife and nodded to the snipers, "they arnt going to be leaving".
The knife had blood on it.
The soldiers nodded and all scrambled to the helicopters.
" Yeah I got them." Joshua said. " Though I thought the bird was just trying to annoy me." He said.
He looked at Akron. " We won." He said. "Also everyone meet Steven my younger brother."
"Hey." Steven said.
Ashley looked at Thomas. "Wow, did you finally decide to be on our team or am I imagining things?" She asked. The poacher seemed to be a lot more protective of them now. Maybe it was just Ashley getting her hopes up, though.
Thomas waved and cleaned off his blade. She looked around and pulled out an actual gun, "sweet. These supplies are going to be helpful. Looked there is some building supplies. I've decided to stay and kinda still need a place to stay so".
Fae tried to stand but Thomas kissed the back of her knee making her fall again.
Ashley looked at Fae. "Is she the reason that there are cages here, or is that just purely coincidental?" She asked. Air began to swirl around her feet, kicking up a little dust.
"Yeah she was the reason" Joshua said. " For now let's keep them as our guests. Keep the collars on them so they don't try anything funny." He felt Grace move a little bit. He held her tightly. ' Dud what is wrong with you.' He thought. ' you know she was only playing yet you decided to go along with it as well as enjoyed it. Hell Lyric probably want's to break up with you now.'