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Ken appeared next to Fae. '' You know, I alway knew you would escape, that's why I stayed. If your thinking of escaping with your helicopter, good luck with that.'' Ken then held his hand and revealed a couple of gears. "Your helicopter can't fly without these can they?" He said with a cheeky smile.
Fae glared up at him and stood up. She dusted herself off and looked around, "you could have given me a nicer room".
Lyric walked over to Ashley after letting Zackery go play with the crystal rabbit. Grace had walked away to go explore and Lyric looked at Ashley, "can I talk to you in private? I just need someone to vent to".
"So you want a nicer room." Ken suddely blured out and the room became much more smooth. "There." He looked at his bruised hands. "I have to remember to wear gloves. Oh I also managed to jam in that mattress over there. It has a claw mark on it but, meh." Ken said pointing at the mattress.
Fae hummed and examined the room. She looked at Kenny and raised an eyebrow at him. Sitting on the mattress with an air of I'm better then you surrounding her. She looked at him, "why are you being so nice? I tried to kidnap and kill you and your friends so why show me mercy".
"Because I don't understand why such a beatifull young lady like you would be so evil. I believe that almost anyone can be befriended if you show them enough kindness." Ken said with a big smile on his face.
Syler hid as he watched the Speedster talk to the Siren. " Hey speedy." He said to the Speedster walking up to him. "That crystal girl was asking for you." he lied.
He needed to talk with the Siren to see if they could come up with a mutual partnership.
"You flatter me sir and know nothing about the outside world if you think like that. But I want to know something else, how were you able to block out my music," Fae looked at him, eyes studying him close. She leaned against the wall, "you wished to know my name earlier yes? It is Fae".
Ken heard Syler. "Oh ok." he fazed through the cage. "Its nice to finally know your name Fae, and I don't know what music you're talking about, when I got to your camp all I heard was rigning in my ears." He walked to the ladder. "I'll be right back." Ken dashed off.
Fae looked at the man through the bars and tilted her head. She stood up and walked to stand infornt of them, "we both know that was a lie so how about you tell me why you're here. He's quick and can be back any second".
Winter soon returned to the base after chasing off the last of the solders, as she landed she sat in one of the trees thinking it was to crowded inside the bunker as it was
Syler waited until the Speedster left the room. " We need to talk." He said. He moved the crystals away as he walked towards her. He put one of his fingers onto her forehead separating her Spirit from her body.
" I could use your help." He said to her.

Steven knelt down and looked at his older brother. " Hey man you know I'm here for you always." He said. " Hell Dad sometimes cares more about you than he ever did about me."
" Bullshit." Joshua said. " Philip never cared about me or Brandon. You're the golden boy of the family. I'm the social outcast, and Brandon was the suregot farther."
" how little you know." Steven said. "Still I won't let you off yourself. Your the only family I have now. we need to stick together."
"Yeah." Joshua said. He reached out with his good hand and Steven took it. He helped Joshua up as they both left the tent.
Standing side by side there was many things similar about them. One of which was their mother's blonde hair.
Lyric was watching over Zackery, animating the crystal rabbit he played with. The boy saw Joshua and Steven and waved at this before tripping. He started to sniffle and Lyric strode over to him. She picked up the boy, calming him down.
Fae's spirit looked at him and wavered a bit, "with what exactly"?
Joshua smiled at the boy as he waved towards him right before the boy fell down. He was going to do something about it but he saw Lyric move towards the kid. Steven noticed. " Do I want to know." He whispered to Drew
"Let's just say were not on the best of terms right now." He said.

Syler looked at the Siren. " Have you ever heard of the Copy Cat Killer." He said with a sinister smile on his face.
"I have. A master killer with a truely beautiful gift," Fae nodded and looked him. She put her arms on her hips and smiled, "but what does he have to do with me"?
Grace went back to the campsite. She walked over to the boys and wrapped her arms around their necks, standing between them, "hello~. What are you looking at"?
Lyric felt like someone was watching her and turned to see Joshua, Steven, and grace. She narrowed her eyes at them and turned her attention back to Zack.
"I." He said bowing a little bit. "Needs you to create discourse among these people." He said. " After I kill them I'll send you their heads as trophies. Though a couple of them are off limits."

Joshua nearly jumped out of his skin when Grace touched him
" Seriously what's your guy's beef." Steven asked seeing how Lyric looked at them.
"It's a long story." Joshua said.
"I accept that deal and grace will be more then willing to help," Fae smirked and looked at him. She hummed and picked up the collar. She handed it to him, "use this if you need to. Just put it to someone's neck and it will actvate".
Grace giggled and kissed both of their cheeks softly. She grinned and looked at Lyric, "who's kid? Don't tell me it's her's"?
Ken heard the entire conversation hidden in another room, arm crossed leaning on a wall, he realized something was fishy when Syler told him Lyric was asking for him, she never asked anyone for help, even if she did ask she would have asked herself. "I knew it, I believe I should tell the others, but maybe I should keep it for myself for the time being. Won't want Syler to get suspicious."
Lyric took Zackery back to the bunker. She walked in and waved to Ken. The boy was sniffling, a scrape on his knee. He looked at Ken curiously and waved, "who are are you sir"?
Lyric sighed and put him down. She grabbed a cloth and cleaned his scrape, "have you seen Akron? I have an idea on how to build houses faster. Unless people want to stay in this cramped bunker".
" I don't think that's her kid." Joshua said. " No he wasn't here when we arrived." He watched Lyric walk away. " Hey Grace can I talk to you for a bit?" He asked.
While Joshua was distracted Steven walked up to Lyric. " Ah mam." He said to her. "What's going on between you and Joshua." He wanted to get to the bottom of whatever was happening.

Syler put the collar into his pocket. " Alright. Pretend that you turned over a new leaf." He said to her. " That way they're let you out of here."
Fae giggled and nodded. She stepped back into the room and laid on the mattress.
Lyric froze and made sure that Zackery was ok before turning to look at Steven. She crossed her arms and her eyes narrowed, "what do you so far about him since you've shown up"?
Grace looked at Steven as he left before nodding and looking at Joshau, "sure".
"I know a lot about him." Steven said matching Lyric's stare with his own. " He's my older brother."
Joshua took Grace by the hand and lead her into the tent for some privacy. "I have to ask." He said "But what's with your continuous flirting and sexual advances on everyone." He said. "I'm just wondering."
"I'm friendly,very friendly," Grace giggled and smirked at him. She sat cross legged, arms resting in her lap.
"We were dating. I told him where I came from, something I even haven't told Ken or anyone else. And he tries to go behind my back with that bitch that can teleport," Lyric hissed out at Steven and braced herself as if she was going to get in a fight.
Steven looked at her while he processed what she just said. Josh the anti social boxer who barley talked to anyone scored not one but two women. What alternate reality has he landed on " I can't belive that." He said his eyes went from stern to sorrowful in a blink of an eye. " Anyway I'm sorry for how it ended up. If you need help with anything let me know."
Joshua looked at Grace. He thought everything over for a few seconds. He took a breath and kissed her. Him and Lyric where done. She made that very clear.
"well you should. I can't believe I loved him," Lyric laughed sourly, eyes starting to sting with tears.
She shook her head and checked on Zack who was playing the rabbit still, "all in the same night, goes from saying he loves me to sucking some orher girl's face".
Grace smoked and kissed him back, everything falling to place in her head. She pulled back and tapped his nose, "slow down cowboy. I want to go meet everybody"!
Fae smirked when she heard everything in the main room. She started to sing whispers, directing them only at Lyric.
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Ashley went up to Lyric and Steven. "Hey, what's up?" She asked, slightly randomly. "You wanted to talk?"
Wings saw Zackery playing with the rabbit. The blue jay flew over to the duo and greeted them amiably.
Zackery let out a squeal and waved to the bird, "hi birdy"!
Lyric sighed and looked at Ashly. She nodded and motioned for her to follow her into one of the bunk rooms for a place that was more private, "I'm start doing something I don't like doing infront of people so I'll talk to you in here".
She sat on one of the bunks and ran a hand through her hair.
Cassidy suddenly sat up gasping for air, she let out a small squeal and suddenly adjusted herself. The woman was so tired, healing Dasken not too long ago made her magic eat up her energy. She tried to glance around but everything was blurred and foggy, she couldn't see to well. "H-hello? Anyone here?" she whispered.
Ashley followed Lyric and sat on the bed next to her. "What do you mean? Is it something to do with your power?" She asked curiously. Ashley knew that a side effect of Lyric's ability was that she had strange crystals growing on her. Could this be getting worse or something?
Wings chirped and began to fly around its new friend happily.
She laughed sadly again and shook her head in denial, "no. It has nothing to do with my power. I just needed to talk to another girl. Josh cheated on me. I saw him making out with another girl and I think he's just trying to make me hurt. She's always hanging off of him when I'm around and it hurts. I told one of mysteries and now I wish I had never even given him that knife".
She let out a small hiccup and wiped some tears that were starting to slob down her cheeks.
Zackery watched the bird and clapped his hands, eyes wide with wonder.
Ashley nodded. Her best friend had gone through a smaller sort of version of that. "I'm sure she'll dump him soon enough. I'm not trying to be insensitive or something, but if he can't treat a girl right then he's gonna find out the hard way how to. One of my friends had a boyfriend who pulled that crap on her. Then he had the nerve to flirt with me. It goes without saying that me and my friends pounded his face to a pulp. I bet he feels pretty bad about it, and, knowing you, if he doesn't then you'll probably make him sorry. Right?" She patted Lyric on the back, hoping that she was helping and not making things worse.
Wings landed on Zackery's shoulder. It was having a great time, and the look on the child's face was priceless in a good way.
Cassidy stumbled around the room trying to find someone, she felt the ladder and slowly made her way up it. She reached the outside and fell onto the grass, pressing her palms against the cold ground. Her light blue eyes became a little bit more darker and tears filled her eyes. She stood up and began to call out for the others, hoping for someone to at least be there.
Steven walked until he saw an older woman in pain. "Mam." he said as he rushed to her side. " Are you okay." He put his arm on one of her shoulders.
"You must think in an idiot huh," Lyric laughed lightly and wiped her eyes again. She looked at Ashley and smiled sadly, "thanks for talking though. I just needed someone to vent too".
Zackery smiled and laughed at the bird happily.
Grace kissed Joshua on the nose before getting out of the tent and going to find the next person for her to flirt with.
" I'm Steven." Steven said. " I'm going to take your hand now." he said. He gently grabbed her hand. and walked her to the bunker.
Joshua frowned. He was a fucking idiot. He wasn't going to be able to change her, and he doubted she actually liked him. He figured it was as good of time as any to go to the bunker and get some food. then come back here and lay down.
"My older brother Joshua." He said. He gently walked her back to the bunker and then into a bunk. " I'll stay right here with you until everything gets better okay." He said. He smiled a little bit.
Joshua made his way back to the bunker. He quickly grabbed a thing of jerky and made his way out before anyone saw him. ' Lyric's probably has everyone against me now.' He thought. ' it would be wise to keep my distance.'
She patted him on the head, "Thank you dear... I know this might be forward, but do you have.. powers? I want to get to know everyone." She spoke cheerfully while she smiled.
" I have super strength." Steven said. He moved his head forewards and kissed her forehead. For some reason she reminded him of his mother.