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Lyric sighed and and waved to Ashley. She shook her head again, trying to clear it. Little doubts about herself kept popping up and she tried to get rid of them but only more seemed to spawn. She soldiered on though and got out of the bunker, telling Zack that she was just going on a walk. She saw Cassidy and Steven but avoided them. She stretched and looked around at the farm, which needed to be weeded. Her green house still wasn't done and neither was the med hut. She glared at it and walked toward the cliff. Grace watched her from her hiding place and lept into action, quietly tracking the other woman.
"Nice to meet you Cassidy." Steven said. He sat on the side of the bed.
Joshua ate the jerky He looked at the green house. He took a breath as he started to work on it.
" I guess I should start from the beginning." Steven said. " A few days ago my brother was outed as an Abnormal. The feds where brought in to take him away. I thought it would be good for him to be with them to get some help., but since we had a Hate- Hate relationship I made it seem like I wanted to get rid of him." He gulped. " I even called him a freak." He whipped a tear from his eye. " Yesterday I found my self at odds with the school bully. He made me so angry that I picked him up like a rag doll and threw him into a locker. He had a broken collar bone. The feds showed up and took me away. Next thing I knew I was looking up at the sky."
Grace stepped out infront of Lyric, who growled and tried to move around her. Grace didn't allow that though and stepped up so they were chest to chest, "aww, what's wrong? Did somebody's boyfriend see that he mess up? That must hurt knowing he found someone so much more pretty, nicer, non freakish".
"Shut up," Lyric growled and squared her shoulders. Grace just giggled,"I can see why he would leave you. I mean having to worry about your love stabbing you, can you even control those things"?
She pointed to the crystals that were slowly sprouting. Lyric let out a growl and punched Grace in the stomach, the girl whimpering in pain. She threw a little jab that wouldn't bruise and Lyric punched her in the stomach again. Grace made it seem like she was going to try and knock her legs out from under her but Lyric threw her into a tree and held her there by the neck. Grace gasped and clawed at her arm, letting out a scream.
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Ashley watched this and ran to Grace, a glare all over her face. "Don't pull that again, otherwise I'll step in. Here, let me give you something to remember this by," She grinned evilly. Her index finger lit on fire, but it was a small one. Ashley touched it to Grace's cheek, leaving a burn. She dragged it down about two inches, then lifted it off, turned away, and made a finger gun and blew her smoldering index out.
Joshua perked up his ears as he heard a woman Scream. He ran towards the voice. He saw Lyric strangling Grace against a tree. And Ashly burning her. " What the hell." he said as he ran towards them. He pulled Lyric away from Grace then pushed Ash away. " What is wrong with you two?" he said to Lyric and Ash. "You both are just harming her for no good reason!"
Cassidy glanced downwards at the shiny object on her finger; a wedding ring. "Oh. Well i'm sorry the men got you." A tear strolled down her cheek. "Have you seen the Banisteriopsis caapi & Psychotria viridis plants? I need them for my magic.." She whispered.
"What the hell is wrong with me? What the he'll is wrong with you! Yeah tell a girl you love her, get her to tell you something that's she's been trying to forget for years, let her trust her then turn around and start making out with this slut," Lyric snarled at him, crystals growing once more. Grace whimpered and pressed her head into Josh's chest.
" I'll look for it." Steven said. He went out of the bunker and looked for the plants. after a bit he found the two. he picked them and walked back to the bunker. "Is this right." He asked her.
Ashley nodded. "When you mess with someone like that, you're bound to make them upset," She said, "What did you expect? For her to just be like, 'Oh, that's fine, you love her more than me, whatever'?!"
Joshua curled his hand into a fist. He glared at Ashley telling her to stay out of it. " Well you know what Amazon Bitch. It wasn't like you tried anything. Hell she forced a kiss on me two times. then when I needed a breath before I was going to be trapped into whatever the hell the Siren was going to put me into. She sat on my lap while we watched the sun rise. Still I know I betrayed you. Hell your one of the reasons I tried to kill my self. Because of the guilt of what happened. Then when you did show back up you only gave me the cold shoulder instead of talking about it." He put his arm around Grace and walked away from Lyric.
" You okay." He asked.

Steven looked at Cassidy. " I'm fourteen mam." He said.
Cassidy's face turned almost purple. "I see; you seem very mature for your age, but you don't have to call me ma'am.." Cassidy attempted to smile. Suddenly, a strike of pain hit her. The woman stood up and held onto her neck, "Ow.. Can.. You .. Get me a band- ARGH" she cried out.
Steven took of his shirt as he pressed it against her neck. " Come on stay with me Ma'am." He said. " Any buddy!" He yelled. "It'll be alright Ma'am."
Steven shook his head as he rushed towards the pants. he grabs a bowl and crushes the plants together. He grabbed the bowl and ran back to her. "Okay now what?" He asked.
He gently rubbed it on her. 'It'll be alright ma'am." he said as he kept rubbing it on her neck. Some of the black blood ended up on Steven's hand.
Lyric growled as they left before spinning on her heel and punching a tree, crystalizing it. The whispers in her head were very loud now. Her eyes dark and angry. She nodded to Ashley before stalking off, slicing the crystals off of her arm.
Grace whimpered and looked at him, nodding, "why did she do that? I was just walking".
He did so making sure that all the blood was on his neck. " now what." he said.
" I don't know." Joshua said as he kissed her head. " You should probably stay away from her for a while."
Steven ran out of the bunker until he saw Ashly standing by a broken tree. " Ms. Ashly." He said. " Ms. Cassidy said to tell you guys that "He's back."" He ran again until he saw Lyric. She looked really pissed. "Ma'am." he said. " Ms. Cassidy says that He's back." He ran away. He then found Joshua. " Josh. Mrs. Cassidy says that He's back."
Joshua looked at him then ran towards the bunker.
" Darcy?" He asked as he saw Cassidy on the ground.
Steven reappeared beside Joshua. " Darcy?" He asked.
Joshua tried to think of how to explain it. " Darcy was one of the guys from my group. He kind of turned into his mother."
Steven looked at him. " You can't be serious." He said.
" Owe I am." Joshua said. " Welcome to the outcasts. Where people try to kill themselves, go insane, and turn into their parents." He said.
Steven started to wonder what he just got himself into.
Ashley ran to where Steven and Josh were standing by Cassidy. "Oh my gosh...What the heck?!" She breathed. "What's going on?" Who's gonna die or transform this time?! She silently added.
Zackery poked his head into the room and looked at everybody curiously. He walked over and tugged on Ashley's sleeves, "what's going on"?
Grace followed and Fae listened from her cell.
Cassidy began to have a seizure, her long hair became short and black when she suddenly opened her eyes. "Tell my son.. I love him." she whispered as her body shrank. Her long white dress turned into a black and red plaid flannel and black jeans, her light blue eyes turned electric blue and freckles appeared across her cheeks.
Zackeryvhid behind the older people in the room and whimpered quietly. Grace scooped him into her arms and cradled him. She cuddled him but Zackery pushed away, a little spooked.
Darcel opened one of his eyes, glancing around the room. He saw new faces, but familiar ones too.The boy sat up and rubbed his head. "W-where am I?" he questioned the crowd.
Thomas walked in and waved, carrying rabbits, "your in the bunker dude. You turned into your mother for a bit it was weirrrrrddd".
He then walked down the hall.
Zackery looked at darcel, "I'm Zackery! Who are you"?
A single tear rolled down his cheek, "My mother.." he smiled and wiped the tear away. He glanced down at the young boy, "Lyric and Josh had a kid? How long was I dead for?" he thought to himself. "I'm Darcel, you are?" He questioned the boy as he held out his hand.
Grace put the boy down and he squirried over to darcel, eyes wide with curiosity, "Zackery. Miss Lyric is looking after me until my parents come get me. I don't know where they went but maybe they found my friend"!
Darcel looked over towards Lyric mouthing "Lyric... You killed them?" He looked away from her and back at the boy. "Zackery, what a nice name! Well, are we going to become friends?" Darcel smiled as he pet the boy's head.
Zackery nodded and then noticed that Lyric had gotten back from her walk, now not angry and calm headed. She smiled sadly and looked at the boy. She picked him and he hugged her tightly. Zackery looked at him, "of course we are gonna be best friends"!
Ken appeared in Fae's cell and was holding a bottle of wine. "Hey, I got this from your camp." He handed it to her. Ken then leaned against a wall. "Also don't try to do anything bad while your here alright, because I'll be keeping and eye on you." Ken said to Fae with a 'I know something' face.