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She accepted the bottle and smiled at him, "thank you. Did you happen to see a sparkly purple box by chance or one of my blankets"?
She placed the bottle in the corner and stretched, smiling over her shoulder at him.
Zack giggled and Lyric smiled, twirling him around.
" Well." Joshua said. He still hasn't gotten over how useless he was when Darcy was going up against his farther. " Good to see that you're back." He said before leaving for his camp.
Steven walked up to Darcel. " Hey I'm Steven." He said. He stretched his hand out for the boy.
"The box had my make up in it, not to mention my dresses and shoes," Fae pouted and looked down at her sundress that was ripped and dirty. She frowned and let out a huff of air, "no but I am your prisoner and if you don't want my daddy leveling this place and your friends then you'll treat me nicely".
Ken heard the description of the box. "How big of a box do you have to store all that stuff? Beside, you can't call anybody without these." Ken suddenly had 3 phones in his hands. "I never got why some women carry more than one phone on them at one time."
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Joshua made it back to his camp. It appeared to be getting dark. He laid down as he watched the sun set. He felt the cool wind on his shoulders.
"Well it's more of a crate up still. And I don't need those, the chip on my spine should do that work if I say it's activation word. Also do you feel me up to get those becuase I keep that third one there in my bra sooo," Fae giggled and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
Grace followed Joshua and sat beside him. Watching the sky, "you're acting not yourself is something up"?
"Just more damn infighting." He said. " You have no idea how long it's been like this." He said. He sat up as he looked at the sky. " That's weird." He said.
Ken looked at Fae with a casual face. "So what if I did, you can't blame a man at being a man." Ken sighed. "I'll be right back." He said with a annoyed voice. He was getting tired.
"What is," grace smiled and sat closer to him. She laid a hand on his chest and cuddled, "what are you looking at"?
Lyric started to make some dinner for everyone and animated the crystal rabbit that he still held.
Fae smirked and giggled quietly, rest in her bed.
"Hmmm, back home I have a powered sister. She's known as the witch and trust me, she's a pain. I have a big family and their are pretty wealthy," grace smiled at his, fluttering her eyelashes. She was growing bored with him but knew that if the plan was to work then she would need to woo a few more people and keep him close.
Joshua knew she was using him for whatever plan her and the Siren where working on. He had to make sure that the plan failed. He hoped that eventually he would be able to ask Lyric for forgiveness.
Joshua quickly overpowered Grace putting her on the ground. He stretched out above her. He started to kiss Grace's neck leaving little red mark over it.
Grace let out a surprised noise and her eyes widened. She giggled and wrapped her arms around her neck. She nibbled on his ear and smirked.
Lyric started to serve plates out and made some berry juice for Wings and Zackery. She left a plate out for the bird and smiled when Zack started talking to him.
Ken fazed trough the bunker wall away from the others so he doesn't get seen and fazed into the cell and collapsed on the crate. "Wow, huff, this crate was, huff, really heavy, huff. I need some rest, huff, give awhile." He then passed out on the crate.
Joshua kissed her passionately. He moved his hand across her leg. " Stay with me tonight." He whispered.
Steven grabbed his Plate as he looked at Lyric. "So Ms. lyric. what do you need help with." He said.
"Just handing everything out. Then maybe clean up. After dinner I'm putting Zack to bed so I'll need help cleaning up. Do you mind if he stays here, my tree house isn't big enough," Lyric hummed and smiled at Steven, "just call me Lyric".
Grace nodded, giggling and smirking up at him.
Joshua kissed her again as they spent the night together in a passionate embrace.
"Okay Lyric." He said. " I'll clean up. and I don't mind if little Zach sleeps here." He gave the boy a thumps up sign.
Syler watched everything from the background. His plan was coming together.
Zack did the same back, covered in juice. Lyric facepalmed and sighed, wetting a cloth to clean off his face and hands. She cleaned up what needed to be and stood back eating her own dinner.
Fae rolled her eyes and pushed him off the crate. She pulled out blankets and pillows, making a proper bed, then a curtain for her to change behind. She patted his head and grabbed a blue sundress, changing behind her curtain, "now all I need is a mirror".
"No but I need it to do make up," Fae stepped out, wearing the new dress. She tapped her feet, her black boots changed into grey flats. She put her hands on her hips and leaned over him, "what are you still doing on the floor? Shouldn't you be getting that mirror, speedster? Maybe if you keep up the good work I'll give you a reward".
Akron walked over to Darcel. "Good to have you back, man. But please, don't turn into any other long-lost relative again; this experience kinda scared the living shit out of us."
Zack yawned and Lyric smiled softly at him. She picked him up and pulled out on of her extra shirts that she had left. She gave it to him and he slipped into the clothing. She put him on her old bunk and tucked him under the pelts. He whimpered about a night light and told him that she wouldn't close the door so he could see the fire light. She hummed softly as he fell asleep, walking out to start cleaning up again.
She smiled at him and nodded, "it's fine. It wasn't your fault".
She offered him some of the food she had made. She dusted herself off and looked at everyone, "Akron? I have some ideas for houses and would need you to help make them. That way I could live closer to you all and work on the farm some more".
"Walls and a roof. I what to make a house of stone, you can try put Windows and make a door right. I can make see through crystals for the glass and make a doo but that way we won't be crowded in here," she smiled and grabbed a peice of charcoal, drawing a rough blue print of a L shaped house with two bed rooms and common room. She then remembered and looked at him, "also I know a pond near by. We might be able to change it to a
Bath house? I know a glyph that can warm the water".
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"Got it. But first, let me say the ancient words of wisdom that help me control the god of the earth and land...... YEET!" Akron flexed his fingers, and houses just like the ones on the blueprint emerged out of the ground. "What now. Wow, that was fun." Akron laughed and looked at Lyric, smiling.
Lyric laughed and stretched. She generated Windows that were the same type of crystal that she had made the green house out of. She smiled and with her charcoal marked her house with a rose symbol above the door. She passed the drawing utensil to Akron, "you should grab a house because people might want one".
Akron nodded, but pushed the utensil away. "I can make my own mark." With one stomp, Akron's chosen house rumbled, and a cross-axe crest appeared above his own door. He looked at Lyric. "You know, I always thought you were beautiful, but even to this day your beauty astounds me." He smiled. "Don't worry. Even if you did become my girlfriend, which would be great, I would never leave you with someone else."
Ken looked at Fae. "You don't have to bride me, I'm not that kind of a guy. I have an idea for finding a mirror." Ken got up and dissapeared but reappeared for a second in front of the cell. "Also call me Ken." He then went out to find Lyric. "Hey lyric, could you make me a crystal that act as a mirror? I umm... Wants to see if there's something in my teeths."
Lyric looked at him and nodded. She focused and slowl formed a hand mirror, "like this? Or do you what bigger"?
She looked at Akron and smiled sadly at him and patted his shoulder, kissing his cheek gently, "I think I gonna take a break from dating for a while. Let my wounds heal a bit".
She then walked into her house and started looking around, making door from crystals.
Fae smiled and looked through her trunk. She dug through it, half in half out.
Lyric moved herstuff from her tree house to her new house in the field outside the bunker. She made a bed with crystals and sighed happily, making a nest of pelts and blankets. She set up a small table in the common room/living room. She curled up in the best like bed and slowly fell asleep.
Ken ran back into the bunker and to the cell. "Here's a small mirror, please don't ask for more." He put the mirror inside the bars and sat down next to the cell leaning against a wall. "I'm going to sleep now, goodnight." Ken fell asleep.
Dasken awoke, groggy and sore. He looked around the bunker, but his mind was blank. He couldn't remember what happened, besides...
"Cassidy..." Dasken whispered. He felt himself choke up. He activated his aura and blasted out of the bunker. He stood at the entrance, looking for Cassidy.
Joshua woke up. He felt Grace's warmth. He stood up and got Dressed. He walked to the caves. When he made it there he started a fire.
" So how's your stay going." Joshua said to a figure that was on the ground. The figure had his hands and feet tied. He was speaking but everything was muffled. " What's that." Joshua said moving the torch to the figure. As the light hits the figure it was reveled to be non other than Joshua himself. he had dried blood along his neck . He also still had on the collar. The Joshua that was standing up transformed into Syler.
Syler took off Joshua's gag. "I'm going to kill you!" Joshua said.
" Why your already hated among the women." Syler said. " You betrayed your love after all."
" All that teleporting bitch did was kiss me when I was down." Joshua said looking at Syler.
" Oh believe me." Syler said. " You've done a lot more to her than just be forcefully kissed. Also Lyric hates you now."
He put the gag back on Joshua as he transformed back into him.
" Now then." Fake Joshua said. " It's time I continue my plan."
Fae giggled and leaned through the bars, kissing his cheek. She sat back and looked through her stuff again and grinned evilly when she found a marker. She krept close to him and undid the cap, reading to marker his face.
Grace stretched and hummed, smirking and getting dressed. She tied the ribbon that was around her neck a little higher, ready to make even more people mad for the day.