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Fae grumbled because she had let it go in her surprise. She crossed her arms and sat on her bed, grabbing the mirror and her make up kit. Slowly she applied a foundation, blush, and eyeliner. She finished off her look with a dark scarlet lipstick that she had gotten just before the failed raid.
Joshua laid against a rock. He tried to remember how he ended up in this situation. He remembered him and Alpha's pack fighting off the soilders. when he was resetting the wires he felt a hard object hit the back of his head. He moved his arms around to try and get free to no avail. 'Why did Syler kidnap me.' He thought. ' What is he doing with my name. And what did he do to Lyric?'

Syler disguised as Joshua walked up to Grace. " Hey sweetie." He said wrapping his arms around her. " Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up."

Steven woke up and stretched. He made his way to the kitchen. He wasn't much of a cook but he figured he could try and do something to prove his worth.
Grace smiled and kissed his nose. She pulled away from him and hummed in thought, "It's okey. I'm going to be meeting people and hanging out so if you see me don't worry".
She then turned toward the direction of the bunker and sashayed away from 'Joshua'.
Fae had already been whispering to her about the plan and she was more then happy to agree.
Lyric rolled out of the nest in her new house. She stretched and sighed happily when her bones all woke up. She exited the stone house and started to walk toward her tree house, planning to dissolve it and grab all of her stuff.
Akron woke up and stretched. It had been ages since he had gotten a good sleep. He walked out of his house and saw Lyric. He greeted her and walked to the kitchen where he saw a new face. "Um, hey, I'm Akron. And you are?"
Lyric saw Akron before she left, waving to him. She continued her stroll, relaxed for the first time in a while. She rolled her shoulders and got to her tree, collecting her things and putting them down. She then put all of attention into destroying the crystals and not destroying the tree. She blocked out the world around her and closed her eyes. The crystals slowly started to disappear.
Grace made it to the bunker, walking in and rubbing her shoulder against Akron. She looked at him with a flirty smile and giggled, "sorry".
Grace poutted but made her way over to Steven. She wrapped her arms around his waist and put her head on his shoulder, "what you doing"?
Fae brushed her hair, curling in slightly and rolling it over her shoulder. She did a quick spin in her cell after looking in the mirror. She turned to Ken, "how do I look"?
Grace pouted and let out a small whine. She backed off and sat on one of the old bunks and crossed her arms. She smiled and looked at the entrance to the hall. Fae heard everything and looked at Ken, smirking. She walked close to the bars and crouched down, "why didn't you put the collar back on me and cancel out my powers? Right now if I wanted to I could make one kill another so why"?
As she said this she made a softly tune, an alluring sound made to help people find Grace's advances more appealing. Zackery rolled around and fell out of his bunk. He let it a small cry and sniffled.
Akron heard a faint humming sound, but he already knew what it was. Immediately, he crouched down and spit on the dirt to make some mud. He then crammed it into his ears. "Can't control me now, Song Lady," he thought as he continued cooking.
Seeing nobody outside, Dasken went back inside - only to find Darcel. "On, uh... Hi..." Dasken said, rubbing the back of his neck. He hadn't really ever talked with Darcel before today.
"I had a nightmare," Zackery took his hand and whimpered. He hugged darcel, sniffling.
Fae smiled and increased the songs volume, now stepping back and dancing alongside it. She smirked and swayed.
"Don't worry buddy, you're safe as long as we're here. I'll definitely protect you." Darcel wrapped his arms around the boy. "Would you like me to put you back to bed?" He questioned Zack as he started to pat his head.
Steven looked at the boy and little kid. "Hey." Steven said. " Here's breakfast. It's probably not as good as your use too but it's something."
Ken looked up and put his hands behind his head. "Well one reason I didn't was because I did not have another collar, you gave the one you were wearing to Syler." He said with a cheeky smile. "Also, you look great." Ken then held his hand on his ear. "What's that ringing sound?"
Zackery shook her head and accepted the food. He started to eat quickly, forgetting about the nightmare. He said a quick thank you to darcel and steven, "thank you for the food mam".
Fae smiled and just continued her tune, swaying to her music.
Darcel thanked Steven, "Heh, I haven't eaten sense I was alive.." he chuckled. "too soon?" he thought to himself. "Well Zack, if you need anything, i'm always here." he spoke while he began to eat the food.
Zack nodded and ate. He finished quickly and hugged darcel tightly, "are you what a big brother is like? I've never had a big brother"!
Lyric finalized clearing up her tree house and started to transport her stuff to her new house. She made it about half way and looked out into the camp that was to her left. She shook her head and continued on her way.
Darcel whole face lit up, "I've never had a big brother either.. If you think I have what it takes to be a big brother, I'll be the best brother you'll ever have!" Darcel smiled and hugged the boy. "Thank you." he whispered.
Ken scratched his ears until his head started to hurt. He fell to the ground and screamed. He then got back up and looked at Fae. "I'm guessing this is your doing?" He then looked at his hand wondering why the siren's song is not doing anything to him beside giving him a headache.
He smiled and grinned. When he heard the scream and whimpered, pressing his face into Darcel's chest, "what's going on"?
Fae smirked and crouched infront of him beind the bars. She was smirking and still singing. She reached through them and rested her hand on his chin. Slowly she stopped and smiled, "I don't know but this is a very interesting development. Are you ok, speedster"?
Akron jerked his head up as he heard the scream. "That's Ken! Uh, hey buddy, I'm gonna have to see ya later okay?" He ran to where the sound was coming from. He arrived at the scene to see Ken writhing in pain at the feet of the Siren from before. "You." Akron muttered.
"Oh, hello Akron! This is Zackery, Lyric is watching over him right now." Darcel smiled when he suddenly heard Zackery's whimper. He focused his ears and began to walk over towards the sound, "It sounds like some one is singing... Zack stay here bud." he whispered.
Zack nodded and sat one the bunk again. He pulled a pelt over him and hid underneath of it.
Fae smirked and stood back. She crossed her arms and waved, "hello. What can I do for you"?
Ken looked a Akron. "Go away Arkon, let me deal with this." He looked back at Fae. "And what do you mean by 'interesting development? Also, I told you many time now, call me Ken." He looked at Akron again. "Seriously let me handle this."
Fae smiled and looked at them through the bars of her cell. She wiggled her fingers and backed up. She twirled around, skirt flaring out abit as she danced. She laughed and looked at Ken, "it's simply interesting. My music doesn't effect you like it effects them, that makes you interesting, very interesting".
Fae smirked and leaned against the bars. She laughed and used a finger to get Ken to look at her, "Romeo over here is trying to woo me. I'm guessing he doesn't want anyone moving in to try and steal me away".
Zackery peaked his head out of the room wrapped in the pelt. Fae spotted him and started singing softly, luring him closer to get a better look.
"Wow Ken, you could of told us that you were trying to 'do' something before we came in here.." Darcel chuckled turning away. "Oh, Akron why are you so mad, did you want her too?" he asked.
Ken looked a Fae and smirked. "Oh its not just that, I don't want you to control my friends here and cause even more trouble than you already have. You know, for your alliance with Syler."
"I'm pretty sure she knows," Akron growled. "Ken, you might not be able to handle this on your own, and trust me, I already can deal with this Song Lady. Wait, Slyer? What does this have to do with him?"
Darcel expression turned angry, "I'm done with mind control..." he growled clenching his fist. "I'm done trusting enemy's as well. Why is she here...." He spoke his voice becoming raspy.
Zackery bumped into Darcel, following the humming tune that Fae was making. She stopped and he shook out of it, hugging Darcel's legs. Fae smiled at then all and giggled, "seems like you and your friends are at odds here, speedster".