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"Grace? You did remember to activate the collars right," Fae turned to glare at her subordinate and Grace shrunk back a little. She nodded and Fae became happy again, "good to here. Now what to do with you two".
She hummed in though then grinned, she started to sing once again. Her tunes dreary and drowsy, trying to put the two to sleep.
Grace backed off and went after Joshua, shifting invisible as she followed him.
Joshua kept running then he stopped. ' They have to have a tracking device in these." He thought. " Why else would they just let me go." He cursed at himself as he did a u turn. He headed towards the cave. He knew that none of his comrades were there. not since they met Ken's group. He could probably be able to take them on if he went there.
Grace continued to follow Joshua, her power allowing her to be a lot more stealthy.
Lyric stopped, trying to find where the quake had come from. She looked around, before zooming off again, making a large trail as she searched.
Joshua looked at Akron. " I thought she was with you." he then got close to Akron. " I think these collars can track us. I want you to run east and I'll run to the old cave. And if the Invisable Woman is watching us she'll only be able to fallow one of us. We can't go back to the bunker." He said before starting to run again.
Grace swore quietly when she heard their plans. She readied herself and teleported behind Akron, dropping her invisibility as she went to knock the guy out.
Lyric zoomed around, past Joshua. she didn't stop and continued til she reached the camp, where she skidded to a stop.
"Run." Joshua said. "I'll hold her off. You some how got that off with out any of the side effects that Siren talked about. Go back to the bunker and warn the group. I'll keep her occupied long enough so you'll be out of her sight."
She teleported out of the way, this time appearing in the air above him. She giggled and teleported away, grinning at both of them. She looked at them with half lidded eyes, "what no kiss goodbye?
Lyric saw soldiers moving winter into a cage and a purple haired woman watching as she drank something. Lyric saw a soldier lining up a shot and lept out of the way. She moved away, shaking her head when it started to fill with a weird music.
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" Well." Joshua said. " If you want a kiss come and get one." He said putting some Bravado into his words. " Now come on baby let me see what you can do."
"Well then I will," grace smiled and slowly her body disappeared. She walked slowly, making sure to not give away her position. Dancing around him to build up uncertainty and a little bit of fear. She thought of using this opportunity to follow after the earth bender but decided against it.
As soon as she disappeared Joshua took a deep breath and looked around. " You know. I don't usually hurt women." He said. "But for you and your friend i'll make an exception." He said as he punched to the left of him.
Grace stood a good few steps away, giggling gently. She moved again so she stood behind him, "I read you file. All of them actually. We have so much dirt on you, know your family, weaknesses in body stance, everything. Your background in boxing doesn't do much, pumpkin. Just gave us all of your flaws".
She moved again so that she stood a little closer and where she could unarm him easily.
Joshua took a breath. ' Okay.' He thought. ' She is either in front of me, to my right, or behind.' He thought. He moved his arms wide apart as he leapt in front of him. Only to feel the hit his face. ' Shit.' He thought. He started to get up.
Grace stepped on his hand and press the other foot to his torso, slowly putting her body weight behind it. She became visible and smiled down at him, "can I have my kiss now"?
She pressed down on the hand a little harder and smiled, "tsk tsk. do you really think I wouldn't notice that little movement there"?
She flopped down onto his chest and kicked the blade away. She grinned cheekily at him.
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Ken ran to were the helicopters landed and stopped next to Lyric. "Hey Lyric, I see a lot of commotion happened. Seriously, I doze of for a moment and this happen, I need to pay more attention to things." He said. "And is it just me or do I feel like my ears are ringing."
"Something is going on," Lyric wobbled and pulled Ken with her. She continued to walk until the music was gone and spotted what looked like Joshua on the ground with a girl sitting comfortable ontop of him.
Grace smiled and leaned down, kissing his lips gently before pulling away and tapping his collar. She grinned and fluttered her eyelashes at him, "have fun".
She smirked and saw the Lyric, seeing her confused face. She leaned down again this time kissing him for a bit longer then teleported away.
Akron saw Lyric and Ken walking somewhere and followed them. He saw the girl who tied him to the tree intensely kissing Joshua and teleporting away. "Um." Akron commented. "Yeah, she flirts with everybody."
Midnight eyed Rufus carefully. "So it saw me..." Midnight didn't know there were still ones in the forest who had not discovered the camp. Knowing the guys back at camp, it was probably half destroyed by now. "Meh, it will he fiiiiiiiiiiiine." He thought

Putting his dark cape over his back, he stood up onto a rock overlooking Rufus, his cape blowing menexingly in the wind. "Who goes there?" He asked
Lyric just stood there really confused and upset, "what? What just happened? Who was she"?
She clenched and unclenched her fists and grit her teeth.
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"Oh, yeah, um. She tied me to a tree and called me nice looking. Next thing you know she's playing tonsil hockey with Josh, I don't even wanna know what she's gonna do with Ken. Trust me, this was against Josh's will."
Josh stood up and saw Lyric. he mentally cursed at himself. "Lyric...." He said. He was trying to find the right way of saying but he couldn't. "Look everyone stay away from me." He said. " Go back to the bunker and secure it. I'm A liability." He said as he ran to the abandon campsite.
Lyric grumbled and crossed her arms, she glared at the boys, "well he certainly looked like he enjoyed it! Wait where are you going"!
She glared at the others and marched away, "I'm going to my tree"!
Fae sat infront of winter's cage. She waved and stood up when Grace landed in the dirt beside her. Blood leaked from her nose quickly and she groaned in pain. Fae just sneered down at her and walked away.
Grace slowly rolled so she sat on her butt. She looked at the girl in the cage and waved at her, "so how's your stay? I'll try and grab you a blanket and pillow, don't need you freezing".
Lyric got back to her tree and formed a dome around herself when she was in its branches.
Joshua walked around the campsite. He picked up the thread from the bunker the prior night. He put the thread around the campsite. He tied a few bells to the thread. each bell had a different ring to them. ' This should take care of the Invisible woman." He thought. ' now what am I going to do for the Siren." He snapped his fingers. " Mud, If I can mute rhythm I might be able to stop her from hypnotizing me." He spat in the ground and put the mud in his ears. He ringed the bells and he could barley make out each one. " Great." He said with a smile. He created a fire. to illuminate the area around. " Alright come at me you bitches." He said. He proceeded to howl. and as if on queue the hounds howled shortly after.
Grace stood up and wandered over to a tent. She grabbed a warm blanket and pillow, throwing it into the cage. She wandered over to a medic and was given something for her for her headache.
Fae spoke with her people and made jokes about how Grace failed her mission.
Winter lay there whizzing in pain the blanket and pillow being thrown on her, as she lay there she waited hoping her friends hadn't abandoned her, she only curled up from the pain and fear
Lyric hummed and slowly fell asleep. She curled into a ball, her dome looking more like a crystal egg.
Fae ordered for a group of soldiers to track Joshua. They went toward the signal and got ready with tranquizers.
" one, two." He said as he punched the air doing Drills. His power was gone for the time being. So he knew he had to have to rely on his physical strength. He heard one of the bells. He looked and saw Alpha looking at him. " Hey boy." Joshua said as he kneeled down as he petted the hound. He heard another bell ring. " Go." He said to Alpha.
He grabbed a spear and went behind a tree waiting for whoever it was to attack.
The soldiers slowly started to move in. Guns ready and moving tactical. Scanning the area as they followed the tracker.
Fae sat in her tent, sipping fine wine and watching two of her trophies fight. She loved watching them scrap it out for her amusement.