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Cassidy's expression became filled with concern. "Darling, we need you... You have not caused anyone a burden i'm sure of it. Killing.. Killing without mercy.." she gulped, "Can be excused based on the circumstance. Don't worry dear we need you."
Lyric's face warmed but she fell asleep after resting one arm on his crest and turning on her side. She crested a small heat glyph above them to act as an artificial blanket.

Fae stood up and patted on of her trophies's head. The person flinched away and she snapped at him, a bright red mark left on his cheek from where she slapped him.
"Try my son, my family, my friends." her face became cold and expressionless. "You are alright, there is no need to be angry nor upset. We all care." she whispered. She used one hand to heal Winter's wrist while she placed Dasken down with her other arm, opening his mouth with her fingers. "Ashley, can you put water in his mouth?" she questioned the girl
Cassidy pulled her hand back from Dasken. "Ow... Extension." she whispered as her arm grew large enough to grab the water from across the room. "Release." she whispered as she poured the water into Dasken's mouth trying to ignore his aura.
Within ten minutes, the crackling of his aura had intensified to the point where it was constant. Another few seconds, and it dispersed, leaving his eyes to crackle until they, too, became a solid flare and dispersed.
Cassidy's hand was scorched and covered in burns, but she refused to stop healing the two and pushed forward. Her face scrunched up, pain dancing through her eyes. "Dasken can you hear me? Are- Are you ok?" she asked her words full of concern.
After more running, Akron began to grow tired, but he pushed forward with every ounce of energy he had left. Soon, the fatigue took a toll on him, and he fainted onto the ground.
Dasken made no response for a decent period of time.
All of a sudden, his eyes widened, he gasped, and he threw himself into a defensive position with his aura crackling.
Then he felt the pain.
He gripped his sides tightly, hissing in pain. He turned his aura off once seeing the others, and hobbled over so that he could lean against the wall. "I... I think something's broken. Or ripped." He paused.
"Or both."
A girl with red hair, walked around the mountainous forests. Her boss had told her survey the group of peers for her next hunt. She saw one of the people from the files she had been given passed out of the ground, a smiling breaking out on her face. She moved closer and decided to tie the guy to the tree.
Winter sat there holding herself as she watched Cassidy help dasken as she did she sensed something was off around her but what it was she didn't know
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"Yep," the girl smiled and rocked back and forth on her heels, swinging her arms like a little kid. She stopped and looked Akron over with a small grin, "You know your not to bad looking? Not bad at all".
She spun on her heel after giving him a wink and started to stroll off.
"What the hell..?" Akron struggled to get free. Then, having an idea, he summoned a small, sharp stalagmite that cut through the rope that held him to the tree. He dropped to the ground and dusted himself off. Then he ran off to warn the others about the shady girl with red hair.
She reported her findings to her boss, who was already flying on her helicopter to the camp. Fae stepped when once they touched down and dusted herself off, wearing a Lolita purple and gold dress. She walked forward and was greeted by her friend and the two spoke to eachother.
While Akron was running, he noticed a helicopter touching down somewhere. But that didn't matter; he had to warn his friends. When he saw that the girl from earlier wasn't there, he sighed in relief and just decided to sculpt, forming a hunk of rock from the ground.
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Rufus backed away, still in his hunched form. Looking around, he bounded off in a gorrilla-like shuffle, his knuckles keeping himself on upright. Rufus kept his face low to the ground, sniffing around for any trace of others, finding nothing but stale scents. "... Tch... No one else is around..." Standing up, Rufus kept his arms upright in a gorrilla-like manner. "... Perhaps I'm just looking in the wrong places?" He thought, still looking around desperately. Several seemingly fresh scars lined his calfs and forearms.
Midnight had decided to wander the forest, partly because the camp had basically gone to hell, and because he himself needed to get away before he would end up going insane. That was when he heard Rufus. Since he did not know if Rufus was friend or foe, he hid in a bush and watched him
Syler walked out of the bunker and saw a random rock formation near him. " What's going on?" He asked. IF anything changes his plans he might not be so forgiving with these newcomers

Joshua opened his eyes to what sounded like helicopter. He looked at the stars as an object went by him. He then looked at Lyric who was for the most part on him. He gently kissed her trying not to wake her up. He didn't want this moment to end. He decided that he should get something for breakfast for the two of them. He gently lifted Lyric up. He put her in the tent. " I'll be back." He said as he zipped up the tent. And with that he made it to the bunker. He noticed a strange rock formation in front of the bunker. "Akron." Drew said as he walked up to him. " What's going on?"
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Winter frowned the air felt like it was being disturbed even though no-one but the three of them where here, ignoring it for now she went to help Cassidy with dask.
Joshua whistled. " That looks amazing Akron." He said. " Too bad you where taken. You might have missed your calling as an artist." He then looked around. " Hey out of curiosity did you see a helicopter earlier?"
Joshua smirked. " I'm going to let her sleep. I actually came here to get some breakfast for me and her tomorrow." He said. " Besides this is going to be recon only. Last thing we want to do is freak out a couple of rich kids who are just wanting to spend time in a forest." He said.
Joshua laughed at that. " Yeah." He said. He started the journey to the helicopter. 'Hey Akron we barley ever talk and I know nothing about you." Joshua said. " So where are you from?" He asked.
" I'm from Colorado Springs." Joshua said. He thought about Pikes Peak for a few seconds. " It's always great to see sun slowly set over the mountains." He said. " So what did you want to talk about earlier?" He said as he remembered Akron walking up to his tent.
"Oh, that." Akron kept walking. "I was gonna talk to you about how hard it must've been to have your girlfriend leave you. I mean, not trying to say I don't care about you; earlier you were okay with accepting Lyric's leaving the camp and whatnot. So I admire you in that sense. I'm not really one to give up hope for someone."
Rufus then went back down on all fours and kept striding around, his movements bringing up any stray leaves. He sniffed again, this time actually catching onto another foreign scent. "...? So, people still are around these parts now, eh'?" He said, now craning his neck to face the bushes behind him.
"Honestly I don't blame her for leaving." Joshua said. " It's been..." He counts the time on his fingers. " Maybe four days since my group got here. and nearly all of us have almost killed each other how many times now. Part of the reason why I went to the abandon campsite instead of the bunker was because I couldn't stand this shit anymore. Don't get me wrong I'm still going to support the group but I just can't stay there anymore." He took a breath. " Anyways you ever had a girlfriend before... or boyfriend if your into that."
Winter soon left the bunker heading towards the helicopter, seeing rufus, and joshua "hey I'm guessing your heading to see what all the fuss is about huh?" She asked landing beside them folding her wings onto her back her scythe back at the base
(OOC: @Tsu a good deal. Lyric left camp for good, Darcel turned into his dead mom (wut), and Akron and Josh are examining a helicopter that touched down miles away.)

BIC: Akron shrugged. "Honestly, I've never considered a relationship before. Maybe someone likes me? But I wouldn't know."