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Ethan heard a slight sound of music in the air, he then checked the tracking device in his pocket. "There's that stupid girl. Zane, put on your protecting headphones, were going in." Ethan said as he looked into his plane. "And if any of you men are too scared to follow us then you can stay here." Ethan's voice had a sinister tone.
Ashley was cherry red. "Wha- N-Nothing!" She said, and rushed out of the base. She saw Fae singing. Thaaaat explains a lot... She thought. "Hey, will you shut your pie hole?" Ashley shouted. She scooped up some mud from the ground and hurled it at the girl, aiming for the mouth.
Dasken continued to try to talk, but couldn't muster up any words. He thought quickly, and decided to show her his affection by creating a small, blue, heart-shaped firework in his hand.
"Yeah, I remember." Zane said as he looked around. 'Hard to believe it's been four years since I escaped.' He thought to himself before he heard a noise. "I don't need headphones. Whatever that noise is trying to do, I'm protected as long as I have my sword." Zane told Ethan. "So kill the survivors I assume."
Ashley grinned a little at this. Y'know what, frick it, She thought, and ran back. She hugged him and felt weird but happy at the same time. My God, I hope he doesn't mind me being insanely awkward, She thought again.
Fae saw it coming and dodged. She smirked and continued her song, focusing a little more on Ashely and dasken. She moved around, dancing to the song.
Grace smirked at him and walked over to Lyric who glared at her and let out a squeak when the other woman kissed her. Grace pulled away and slipped behind the woman, "I didn't see you liking our friend here so I hope you don't mind if I steal her for a bit".
Ethan walked into the forest with Zane following him. He followed his tracking device until he found Fae dancing to her own music. "Hello there darling, why did you go out without telling me? I got worried." Ethan said in a unsettling voice.

Ken heard music coming from inside the forest and his head started to hurt. "Sorry Josh but I need to go somewhere right now." He then ran into the forest looking for Fae. "Oh man, where is she?"
Dasken felt happy for once in his life.
"I... I..." he tried to speak, but yet again, words failed him. He felt another tear fall from his eye, but this time, it was from happiness.
Fae stopped singing and squealed. She turned around and smoked at Ethan, running er to her boyfriend. She hugged him and kissed him, "because I wanted new trophies my love"!
Grace laughed and Lyric blushed when she was handed the heart. She accepted it, looking down to hide her beet red face from Akron's view, "thank you".
Dasken immediately fell back to normal. His face went from blushed to flushed. He realized that he was hugging his crush, and that she was hugging back. He struggled to not tense up, to calm down, but his eyes sparked nervously and rapidly. He closed his eyes and took silent breaths.
Zane watched Fae and Ethan unamused. "So you came back for your girlfriend." He said as he shook his head. Then he reached for his sword. "There's more up ahead."
Ashley, however, didn't go back to her usual self. However, due to the song ending, she began to feel a little embarrassment. Her face began to redden. She kept hugging Dask, though.
Fae snuggled her boyfriend, looking up at him with half lidded eyes, "you were worried. Oh that's so sweet of you, pumpkin. I promise I won't ever do it again".
Lyric looked at the stone heart in her hands and smoothed the outsides with crystals. She shook her head as the music slowly faded and blushed at the creation on her hands, half stone half crystal, "well umm".
Grace made her way through the forest and found darcel and Zack, "oh how cute! Two brothers"!
Dasken blinked away tears. He hadn't felt like this... ever, as far as he knew. His happiness was overwhelming, but so was his anxiety. "Can.... Can I tell you something, Ashley..?"
"I know you always want new trophy but next time tell me before you leave, alright?" Ethan had a sincere smile on his face but his voice was cold and sinister.

Ken found Fae. "Seriously? I leave for a couple of minute and you instantly stir up trouble." He looked at the man he was next to. "Who's that?"

Ethan looked at Ken. "I was going to ask the same question. Fae, Who is this man?"
"I'm Grace! It's nice to meet you," grace smiled and walked closer. She gave him a flirty smile before looking at Zack who was looking at her. She pet the boys hair and he hid behind darcel, "oh sweetie I'm not going to hurt you".
"This speedster is my boyfriend," Fae smiled sheepishly up at Ethan, keeping close to him and hoping he wasn't going to be mad. She wrapped her arms around his waist and turned his face to look at her, "he was going to be one of my troupes and has been keeping me company".
Grace smiled and nodded, waving at the boy who stepped closer to her and shook her hand.
Ashley smiled. "Ditto," She said. The effects of the song were still there, but fading. That said, she did still kind of have a crush on Dask. This was going to be a big deal for a while.
Zane put his sword down when Ethan told him to. "So he got the power of speed." He said to himself as he studied Ken just by looking at him. 'He looks fast.' Zane thought to himself as he held on to his sword knowing that Ken could strike at any time.
Dasken froze. He had not expected to hear that. He took a sharp breath. He began to silently cry, hugging Ashley tighter. "I.... I...." he stammered. The sparking in his eyes left, and all taht remained were happy tears. He looked into Ashley's eyes, and shared how intense his emotions were as best he could through them.
Lyric smiled and stepped forward, kissing Akron on the lips gently. She back up and bit her lip, smiling at him and holding the heart to her chest. She looked at him and tilted her head, "does that answer that"?
Fae watched the men interact, still pressed against Ethan's side. She looked up at him, "did I do something wrong Ethan"?
Ashley nodded and kissed Dask, not wanting this beautiful moment to end. It was the first time she had actually had someone other than her family love her. Well, unless you counted her friend circle. But that wasn't the kind of love that she was experiencing right now. The kind of love that her friends and her shared was a kind of family-protecting-family bond, not a lover-lover bond. If you understand that at all.
Ethan heard Fae. "I see." He then pulled out a tablet, pressed the gorilla icon and pressed call. A gorilla jumped through the bushes and attacked Ken, knocking him into a tree. "But now that I'm here, you don't need him anymore. Lets go." Ethan started to walk back.

Ken hit a tree and grunted, he looked at Fae with a look of disappointment. "I put to much hope into you, I should have know that people like you could never change." He dashed and roundhouse kicked the gorilla but it only got knocked back a little and instanly retaliated knocking Ken into another tree. Ken coughed out blood.
Dasken's eyes widened, surprised at the kiss. He closed his eyes and kissed her back. After they were done, Dasken stumbled a little. "I... I had no idea..."
Fae watched and started to humm a quiet tune, making the gorilla become disoriented. She looked back at Ethan to make sure he wasn't watching and slowly increased the volume of her song, turning her attention to Ken and the gorrilla.
Midnight sighed as he watched all of this take place from the bushes. "Turns out I don't need Rufus' fists" he said to Rufus "I'll introduce you to the others"

Going to the bunker, Midnigjt walked through the door where Aspen and Dasken were "hey guys, found this person, Rufus in the fores- did I intrurrupt something?"
Dasken gestured for Ashley to sit down. "Can I trust you as much as I want to?" He was finally able to look her in the eye. "I need someone to talk to." He took a deep breath. "First, though..." Another deep breath.
"Would you... go out with me?"
Ken realized that the gorilla has stopped for a second and took the chance and vibrated his hand and punching trough it. He saw Fae looking at him, maybe I was wrong about people like her not changing, he though to himself. Ken then fell because of the damage he took.

Ethan saw Fae helping Ken with corner of his eye. "Call your underling and lets get out of this forest." Ethan said without looking at her.
"But he's going to die! And I um want him as a trophy yeah," Fae told her boyfriend and hummed at ins to get the gorilla to go away. Sending back to where it came from. She smiled at her boyfriend and took a step back toward Ken, "I don't have a trophy with his ability"!