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"I'll try not to take long. I'm just going to scout out the area." Zane told Ethan before he headed off into the forest. As he jumped through the trees, he could see an explosion in the distance. "They must be having a blast with those animals." He said to himself as he kept going.
Dasken's face said it all. He grabbed Darcel as quickly as he could, and climbed down into the bunker. He layed Darcel down on the top bunk of the beds in the main bunker, and before he could close the door, he heard a large booming.
"Shit." Was all Dasken had time to say before an enormous gorilla slammed itself into the bunker.
Winter flew above the bunker tears falling from her eyes her hands where claws and her tail was that of a dragons as she flew over once more she turned and shot towards where fae and grace where not knowing she was heading toward them
Dasken gave him an excruciatingly exasperated look before turning to the gorilla. "Oh, god." He turned to Darcel. "I may need ba-" was all he got out before he got punched across the bunker.
Joshua heard noises in the distance. " What's going on." He said out loud. He had to get out of this mess. He took a deep breath and disconnected his arm from his shoulder. He slowly moved the rope off of his hands. He undid his leg ties. He stood up and pushed his arm back into place. He held back all the pain he was feeling and ran towards the noise. He first made it to his campsite. He kept running until he thrown across the site into a tree. " You just had to leave didn't you." Slyer said.
Zane was standing on a tree branch overlooking the bunker. There were animals all over the place. He saw a gorilla ram into it. "They must be putting up one hell of a fight to still be alive." He mumbled to himself as he watched the animals attacking the bunker.
Lyric heard the fightin and charged forward. She saw what looked like to Joshuas and hid in the bushes wanting to see what was happening.
The gorilla was hit by a mass of shadows that originated from a girls hand, the tails on her coat swishing about, "well this doesn't seem like a fair fight".
Winter soon made it to fae and grace on the helicopter and looked at them before she collapsed her body slowly turning into a dragon with the size and staure of a human
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"She refused to follow me because she wanted to be with that speedster." Ethan said to Grace. He looked outside of the helicopter and saw a girl covered in ice. "Who's that?"

As the gorilla hit Dask, a Hippo dug through the bunker wall and spit massive mud balls from the dirt it has consumed at Dask.
Dasken stood up, his face bloodied and his arm dislocated. His clothing was torn, and he was covered in dirt. He was panting, and he let out a bloodcurtling yell that made the gorilla take a step back.
Dasken had a smile on his face.
He stopped panting.
His aura crackled to life yet again.
"Yeah. I got this bastard." Dasken said. He snapped his arm back into place with a loud crack, and showed no sign of feeling any pain. He made a 'come at me' motion at the gorilla. The gorilla was hit by a bolt of shadow, which didn't seem to affect it. Dasken's aura blasted awake, and he cracked his knuckles.
"Let's do this."
He flew the gorilla by it's arm out of the bunker, and spun it in the air with explosions until he used all of the momentum to slam it into the ground. It leapt up at him, and he met it with a massive amount of force and speed, and blew it's right arm clean off. It incinerated from the explosion, and the wound was instantly cauterized. The gorilla ran at him, and Dasken dodged it easily. He flew behind it, and used his momentum to use both feet to smash the gorilla into the earth, which was followed by a flurry of explosive blasts. The gorilla managed to throw him off, only to have him launch full-force into it. The gorilla was now furless, and had many holes in it. With it's final hurrah, it tried to slam Dask into the earth, only for Dask to blow that arm off, too. The gorilla collapsed, dead. Dasken turned around when he felt steam, and saw a hippo shooting mudballs at him. He dashed over to it, and used his elbow to pile-drive the hippo into the ground. He used an explosion to force it further, and broke the hippo's spine. He landed with a flourish, waiting for the next enemy.
"That's winter she might cause some problems," grace informed him as she stood two steps behind him. She looked and saw the Fae had found Ken and a medical kit, trying to stop his wound from killing him.

Lyric was looking between the two confused. Wonder what in the world was happening and why she was seeing double.
" You bastard." Joshua said as he stood up.
" Please I'm trying to save you from the Massacre to come little brother." Syler said before transforming into his true form. A blonde haired mid twenties man. He sported a gotee.
" Brandon?" Joshua said in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he was looking at. This didn't seem like the brother he once knew.
" Surprised." Brandon said.
" Why are you doing this." Joshua asked him
" Because I love killing. And I love gaining powers." Brandon said. " It's an addiction."
" What did you do to Lyric." Joshua said.
" Other than cheat on her with that amazing teleporter."Brandon said with an evil smile "Not much."
" You bastard!" Joshua said as he ran towards Brandon punching him in the face then side.
Darcel sat up and saw Zackery hiding, Darcel looked terrifying with the giant gash across his face, but he still attempted to talk to him. "Be careful little bro, don't watch, don't be afraid." he whispered while the wound healed itself. He walked over towards Dask and put his hand on his shoulder. "Good one Dask, did you do that for Ash." he laughed jokingly.
Dasken gave him a look before the hippo fired another mudball at him. This one hit, and sent him flying into the wall.
"That guy is insane!" Zane said to himself as he pulled out his sword. He had been watching Dask's fight with the gorilla and hippo while he waited for him to weaken. Then he would swoop in a deal the killing blow. 'Hopefully his rage mode or whatever that is ends soon.' He thought to himself, tightening his grip on his sword.
Darcel laughed, "Sorry buddy." He sprinted towards the hippo and knocked it to the ground. His eyes became pure black and he picked up the beast and snapped it in half killing it instantly. "I was tired Dask, but I feel alright now." he spoke. "Oh, you said paralyzed it.. not kill it.." he laughed maniacally.
Lily shook her head. She was in a little bit of a daze. last thing she remembered was her transformation. She heard sounds above the bunker. She ran up and saw what was going on. She ran infront of Dasken and grabbed the hippo throwing It into multiple tree's "Are you alright." She asked.
"Awww. I was gonna pull a Dragonball Z..." Dasken sighed. His aura turned off. He looked around at the totaled bunker, the ceiling blasted off in several areas, most of the furnature inside destroyed.
"Damn, Ken is gonna be POed."
The girl looked to the hippo and dasken. She raised both her hands and tendrils of shadows shot out of the ground, adsorbing the dead creature and waving around like seaweed in water.
Lyric stepped out of her hiding place, looking between the two, "what"?
Fae pressed down on ken's wound, she was frantic and shreiked when a soldier pulled her away and forced her into a cell. Another putting Ken in a different one. Grace walked past Ethan and waved the men away, calling a medic over to patch the speedster up.
"You're right, someone did send them." Zane said as he jumped down from the tree revealing himself to Dasken and the others. "I can tell you who did if you want." He said with a slight grin placing his sword on his shoulder.
Dask , fae, lyric, a-anyone please somebody help me" she begged as her wings became dragonic and spines emerged from her back as blood sprayed everywhere some of it getting on fae
Darcel's face became a little bit more serious, "Oh lord.." he spoke as he looked at Zane. He held out his hand towards him, " Who are you? we could kill you right now if you want." he said while he walked towards him.
( I was writing this and didn't refresh so yeah.)
"I..." She stopped. " I'm Lilly." She said giving her best feminine voice. She grabbed his hand and shacked it." So boys what's going on I kind of zoned out." She said
Joshua looked and saw Lyric. " Hey Lyric." He said.
" Shit." Brandon mouthed. "It's nothing." He said isn't there a battle going on over there."
Dasken's arms crossed, and he shook his head laughing.
"You?" He said, smirking. "Random guess. Lucky guess, too, maybe?" He began walking towards Zane, activating his aura. "The classic villain reveal after the fight?" He got even closer to Zane, so close that Zane could feel the warmth of Dasken's aura, while still being out of attacking range.
"Guess what, bucko? I ain't even close to being done."
The girl in the tail coat walked over and bowed, "helloooo! My name is Miridia and I'm looking for my sister. Her name is Grace, has anyone seen her"?
Fae watched the girl and whimpered the the blood got all over her. She couldn't reach winter because of where she was locked in but Grace moved over and stuck a tranquilizer dart in her neck to get her to calm down.
Lyric straightened her shoulder and growled lowly. She created to crystal spikes in her hands and marched forward, an acceleration glyph forming half way between them, "let him go".
Zane looked at Darcel and Dask. "Come and kill me, but you'll never find out who sent those beasts." Zane said with a grin, feeling Dask's powerful aura. "I dare you, kill me right now."
Darcel looked at Lily, "Oh, not too much.. Besides that you missed a battle." he smiled. He looked back over at Zane, "Just tell us than we'll kill you, deal?" he said jockingly.
"My pleasure." Dasken said. His face grew dark, he gained a cheshire grin, and created the force of ten hand grenades underneath Zane. "I don't give a shit who sent them. I'll just kill them." He grinned wider. "Wanna retry your tactic, or wanna meet up with the others who you sent to hell?"
Winter tried to get up to try and get away from Grace but only fell over from both the blood on the floor of the helicopter, but also from being weak from the change
Dasken just laughed, craning his neck and tilting it in a way to look at Darcel over his shoulder. "Why not kill him now? He's a piece of trash, just like every other one of those bastards. Better off dead." He turned back to Zane. "How about it, bucko? Wanna walk away, or die playing these goddamn games?"
Zane stuck his sword in the ground and let go of it. "Listen, I know you're still high from that previous outburst, but I'm not your enemy. In fact, my boss has taken two of the girls from this group as well as having me kill some speedster. He forced me to do the second part. But you see, I was forced to do that. So what do you say, let's have a few drinks and talk about this in a calmer atmosphere." Zane told them both.
Brandon looked at Lyric unamused. " I wondered you." He said. He turned invisible. He walked away from them. " I'll be back." He said. " I can't wait to kill all of you."
Joshua walked up to Lyric and hugged her.

Lily looked at the man. " I belive him." Lily said. She walked up to him. " Just know if your lying I'll rip you in half."