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Zane looked at Ethan. "Listen, this copter isn't going to be able to escape that guy who's coming right towards us to blow us all to pieces." He said before jumping off the copter. "Go on without me." Zane said as he pulled out his sword. "I better get payed double if I survive this. Now get out of here!" Zane stated before he walked forward putting his sword in front of him as it started to glow. An aura started to encircle him as he powered up the sword. He could see Dasken coming full speed towards him. "I can't believe I'm using my ultimate attack on this kid." He said to himself as he got ready for the impact.
" Yeah I'm starving." She said. She knew Darcy meet her when she was still Steven. Does he know or is he completely fooled. She thought as she walked with him.
Dasken increased his speed from mach 3 to mach 5. "I'M GONNA F***ING SPIRIT BOMB YOUR ASS!" Dasken bellowed, summoning forth a massive sphere of explosive power, thrice as big as the choppers.
Ken looked around and saw Winter and some ice spikes on the walls. He took one and handed it to Fae. "Here, for that bruise." He then turned his head to look at Winter. "So Winter, when did you get here?"

Ethan looked at Zane. "You know our copter can warp right, but suit yourself." Ethan pressed a button and the copter disappeared.
Darcel closed his eyes and cut the piece of meat with his mind, he took the deer's pelt and put the food on it. "Here.. it's not much but.. That's all we have right now." he smiled at the girl. "When did you get here? Did you come with the other two girls everyone is talking about?" he asked while he ate the small piece of meat.
Fae accepted the ice and sighed happily when the cold object touched her bruised cheek. She sighed, "she was changing and weak and Ethan threw her aboard and some soldiers put a collar on her".
Zackery poked his head out of the bunk room, Frey on his head and his bunny in his arms, "big brother"?
Winter growled in anger as she bit one of the guards arms off in her anger, she fought them as they tried to put the collar on giving the injures and scars, as she did her tail wrapped around one of there legs and throw them at the wall of the cage
Dasken launched the sphere at Zane, and then launched at Zane himself, turning the sphere into his aura. He launched forward, his orange aura giving Zane second-degree burns on various parts of his body, and Dasken's face was pure rage. All of his muscles were tensed, and he came one hundred yards away from Zane, going at mach 5.
Fae saw her and shook her head, "don't! If Ethan finds out hell hurt you even more. You have to stop"!
She tried to reach the other girl to calm her down, the struggle waking up Grace who kicked them out of the way. She glared at them and sat beside winter, trying to calm the girl down, "she's right if this doesn't go on then he might hurt you".
Joshua looked at Lyric. " Well I guess I could be a farther to the little man." He said. " So What's Zack like." He said as he started to fallow her.

Lilly looked at Darcel. " Well I came around the time they showed up." Lilly said. ' He doesn't relies who I am." She thought. ' I could just say that I knew them and that they are close friends which they technically are.' She thought. ' Or I can be truth full with him. He might call me a freak but it'll be for the best. " Actually we met already. You might of known me as Steven." She braced herself for whatever Darcy was going to do next.
Darcel looked confused, but he let out a soft laugh. "I guess we both became woman..." Darcel grabbed Lily's hand and looked into her eyes. "Well if this is who you want to be, I shall support you." He smiled at her, than looked back down at his food.
"He's fun loving, five or six years of age, curios, lovable," Lyric smiled looking over her shoulder at him. She saw the disaster that the animals had caused them camp and sighed. She was happy that none of the new houses or farm but the other damage would need to be repaired. She saw Akron and waved to him, stopping her walk.
Dasken made connection with Zane, and he grabbed onto Zane's shoulders. He went into a steep slope, a 90-degree angle straight into the ground. The resounding noise that followed spread for miles, and the devastating sonic boom could be felt further yet.
" Doing fine man." He said walking up to Akron. " Hey I didn't do or say anything to offend or hurt you did I?" He asked.

Lily looked at Darcel. She couldn't belive he said that. " Thank you." She said. She couldn't take it anymore. She pulled him close to her and gently kissed Darcel's lips. Never in a million years would Steven have thought about kissing another guy. But Lilly wouldn't have thought twice about it.
She broke off the kiss when she saw Zackary. " Hey sweet heart." She said. "Are you hungry?"
Darcel's face turned pure red, his face filled with shock. "Ugh.. Hey Zack.." he said as his hands began to shake. Suddenly, he heard a loud explosion in the distance, "There g-goes Dasken" he mumbled.
"You couldn't have told me that before?!" Zane exclaimed as he clutched his sword. He saw he had only a few seconds before impact as he felt his body being burned. "Motherf...!" Zane exclaimed a few moments before Dask hit. Right as Dask came in front of him, his sword went right through Dask's chest! But Zane was still being pushed back as he felt his skin being peeled off due to the flames. "AARGH!" He yelled as he put all his power into the sword. Then a bright flash then occurred. Either he stopped Dask's power or that side of the Earth would probably be gone due to the force of the collision and Dask's pure power. He could feel his body being destroyed as he was pushed through the Earth. But Dask's power was draining away fast.
Zackery walked out more and nodded his head, still scared. He saw that the cut that had been on his big brothers face was gone. He walked over to them and blinked, "my name is Zackery! Yes I would like food please. Um darcel where did your cut go"?
Lyric looked the tow over before going around and scoping out the damage. She sighed happily when she realized most of it was just down to the forest. She entered her stone house, cleaning the place up and trying to decide what she wanted to put in.
Do I look like I care don't you remember what happened last time that infernal contraption was put on me, I nearly DIED FROM IT" she screehed at the girl her yellow eyes red in anger
Dasken's rage-filled face and spirit refused to give in.
For about sixty seconds.
In that time, the first three layers of Zane's skin were burned away, he pulled the sword out of his chest and threw it god knows how far, burned off all of Zane's hair, cauterized the wound, and made a hole of pure, smooth black material a half mile deep. He stood at the base of it, weak and injured. He kicked the body of his hated enemy, and kneeled. He sent up a signal flare with the last remaining amount of his power, and his resources were dry. The flare created a noise and a sonic boom that could be heard from as far as the base, if not farther, and a light that could be seen from even greater a distance. It was unignorable.
At this point in time, Dasken blacked out.
"Well Zack, I can heal myself with my magic.. It's pretty cool I guess." he smirked while he winked at Lily. "Well we don't have to much to feed you with so.. how about I cook something?" he asked the boy.
Darcel sprung up when he heard the noise again, "Blood shed.. I can feel it now." he whispered. "Lily.. Take care of Zack just in case I don't make it back.. I love you." he spoke before escaping the base. He glanced up at the sky as the flare launched into the air. "Depending on the flare's height... They're pretty low down.. Should I teleport?" he thought to himself. "Screw it, it's for Dask." he sighed as he teleported to him. His body began to burn, as he grabbed onto Dask. "ARGH" he screamed in agony as he teleported them into a random grassy plain.
"I'm going to turn it off. It will look like it's working but really won't be," grace rolled her eyes and pressed the secret button and said the command. She offered it winter and looked at her, "if you don't then he might kill us all".
Zackery nodded and sat down on one of the old bunks. He was petting his rabbit and looked at Lilly, "are you and darcel going to be a mommy and daddy. Mommy told me that only mommies and daddies kiss".
" Well." Joshua said. " I was tied up for maybe the last two to three days. and Syler turned into me and made Lyric think I cheated on her with that teleporting bitch. Which apparently led her into your arms." He looked at Akron. " So how should we settle this. Have a duel at dawn. winner takes the position as Lyric's boyfriend," He said with a smug look on his face. " Or we can let her decide."

" I love you too." She said as Darcy left the bunker. She turned around and picked up Zackery. " Eventually." She said. " So Zackery what's your favorite game?"
Ethan heard the ruckus in the back. He walked into the cargo room. "We'll be getting out of the warp space in a bit, you better brace yourselves." He walked out and back into his seat.
Winter looked at her sceptical but put it on none the less , waiting for the pain after a few minutes she found that it was indeed off as she as she had made a snowball in her claw "grace I have one request, please if you hear me say 'wolves are foxes' it-it means I'm changing again, please for the love of god get the collar off, because for all I know I'll change into something bigger then what I am now ok?" She said looking at her with a pleading and fearful look
"Tag! No hide and seek, but tag is fun too," the child looked at his hands, having a five year old dilemma. He looked at her and smiled, "does that you are going to get visited by the baby stork? Can you ask for ninja skills"!
Fae nodded and grace took a seat aswell. The girl in the cage looked at her boyfriend, "Ethan, can I have my collar off now"?
Grace nodded and understood, "I will".
" I highly doubt the stork is going to visit me." She said with a smile on her face. " Alright." She said putting her down. "hide and I'll count to ten." She closed her eyes. one...
"Alright." Joshua said. "May the best man win."
Zane opened his eyes. 'I must be in hell." He thought to himself as he looked around. He couldn't feel any part of his body. Knowing the power of that blast, his skin was probably all gone. 'Gross.' He thought to himself as he looked at his arm as he moved his head. 'Thank god for clones.' He thought to himself as the rest of his clones that had been scattered around the world had been called back. Each clone contained a tiny bit of life energy that could be used to heal him, or at the very least bring his skin back. Too bad he would lose all spare clones and would no doubt become a prisoner of those outcasts or whatever they called them. As he recieved the last of his clones, his skin had started to grow back, as well as some of his hair. Unfortunately, all his bones were broken and he couldn't move. "Do you know how much work I put into my hair?!" He yelled hoping that Dask could hear him.
Zack giggled and ran into the old cell. He hid inside Fae's crate, laughing quietly.
Lyric formed a solid floor for the room and laid pelts out as carpets. She put the table in the living room and placed pillows around it. She formed a sink to clean things with and pulled in a container for spare things.
Darcel looked annoyed, "Be quiet dude, do you want to be healed or not?" he asked Zane. He switched his attention over towards Dask, his hands began to glow a light red, and Dask was slowly being healed. "Your lucky you didn't kill him, or you would definitely be paralyzed and tortured. " he sighed.
Dasken's mind kick-started itself, and due to reflexes, his leg lashed out in a half-roundhouse kick. Dasken immediately sat up, then hissed through his teeth. His wounds still were not healed.
Ethan looked back at his girlfriend. "you will get your restrain off after we get to the location we're heading for." He said. The copter was reaching the end of the warp space and arrived at the location: Fae's mansion.
"Sorry," he moaned, "It happens when you're stuck on the streets for... your entire life." Dasken made the mistake of looking to his left - and seeing Zane. Dasken's left eye twitched. "Why is he here? Why is he STILL ALIVE?!"
Fae swore under her breathe and shivered. She did not went want to talk to her father or mother but probably would. She looked at Ethan and looked at him pleadingly, "please don't tell me you called my parents".
Grace sighed and was the first to get off when they landed, getting to work setting up rooms and arrangements for her boss's guests.