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"Well, we can talk as long as you don't try to kill me.." he spoke "And don't even think about laying a finger on the girls or Dask" he laughed, "Or I'll just paralyze you and slowly sever you legs off. Just kidding, let's go!"
"Ohoho, trying to get the crazy to calm down." Dasken laughed loosely, and then incredibly quickly wrapped up the explosive beneath Zane into a bite-size sphere, pried open his mouth, and held him in the air by the shirt collar. The sphere floated next to his mouth.
"Listen here, you ass. Either you deal with us properly, or you die." He gestured with his head at the explosive. "Equivalent of ten hand grenades. Down your throat. You don't comply, you go boom." He held Zane so close to his face that Zane could smell the sulfur of Dask's blood.
"Got it?" Dasken muttered through clenched teeth.
Lyric dropped her spikes and they disappeared along with the glyph. She hugged him back and pressed her head into his chest, tears welling up in her eyes, "y-you cheated on me. You kissed her and I saw her with marks o-on her neck. Why"?
Miridia watched everyone, sitting on a shadow tendril and sipping tea that another one was serving her.
Grace looked at Ethan then at Winter, "what should we do with her"?
Dasken laughed. He didn't even turn to Darcel. "Remember when I went apeshit? When I still had my out of control outbursts? Yeah. You try and take control of me, and that happens. Not even my choice." His cheshire grin widened. "I've got all the leverage here, bud. So how's about it?"
Winter looked in there direction "g-grace is that y-you" she said putting a hand out trying to reach for her, her eyes no longer there as they where trying to reform into her new eyes
"I didn't say I was going to control you Dask.." Darcel smiled manically, "Or are you just afraid of loosing, so you want to kill this guy? What a wimp." Darcel chuckled as he clenched his fist. "Just put him down. We need him now.." he spoke.
"I've been tied up for the past few days." He said. He cursed at his brother. How could a man who was once an ideal saint turn into a devil. " I swear I would never have cheated on you." He said as he kissed her forehead.
" Boys." Lily said a little irritated. "This isn't a time for a pissing contest. If you want to save your friends we have to trust him."
Zane laughed. "You guys take everything so seriously. Don't you realize, this is all just a game. You still haven't figured out why you were sent here. I'll tell you guys a little secret. I was in the same boat as you guys four years ago. Yes, I have powers too. I understand what you're going through. So can you please let me down? I don't like that smell of your burning blood." He asked them.
Dasken twitched, and the sphere flew into Zane's mouth.
"Oops." Dasken said, posing in a crude way with his legs intertwined and his finger to his lips, dropping Zane.
Grace sighed and pet winters head. She took the girl into a cage and locked her inside with some blankets and water. She stopped at Fae cell and did the same, apologizing for her betrayal. Fae just smiled and said it was ok. She looked at her boyfriend and whined at him, "can the collar come off please. I promise I'll be good".
"DASK! GET THAT THING OUT NOW!" Darcel screamed as he shot the others backwards with his magic, keeping them away from a possible explosion. "Why are you acting like a child! THIS IS BRINGING YOU NO WHERE!" he yelled.
Dsken giggled. "Aw, but I'm a sore loser, aren't I?" He forced the orb down Zane's throat, causing him to gag. Dasken turned to face Darcel. "Who has the power, again? With one thought, he's gone. So is everything in a five hundred yard radius."
Zane watched in the distance as his clone dissipated. "So much for that. I could've easily taken one hostage, but it wasn't worth it. If we're going to do anything about them, we're going to have to get rid of frag boy first. Then we could take them one by one." He said to himself before he arrived at the copter. "You better go now or well you know, we're screwed!" He told the pilot.
"Why are you doing this! No wonder why you are insane, YOU JUST WANT EVERYONE TO SUFFER! Wake up man! Stop being a psycho freak and actually help us! WE ARE NOT YOUR TOYS!" he screamed at Dasken
Dasken's face went from smug and egotistical to furious and raging as the clone dissipated. He yelled another bloodcurtling yell, and took the remaining sphere. He threw it into the air, and it exploded, sending a massive sonic boom into the group.
"I'M GONNA F***ING KICK HIS ASS!" He bellowed, launching off into the distance. He left a wake of destruction in his path, and the ground became pitch black and ashen where he flew.
Lily looked at Darcel as she released Dasken's hand. She walked up to him. " I have to agree with Darcel here." She said. " Your a little unstable Dasken." She said.
"I did. I'm kinda dating Akron now and you. I thought you didn't love me and he helped me through it," Lyric sighed and hid her face from him. She was crying now, unsure what to do about her situation.
Grace sat back in a seat and let her eyes close, sleeping for a bit.
"To think I trusted that guy, that stupid clone maker.." His face was red and angry as he walked over towards Lily, "Are you ok..? Sorry for kinda being harsh. Dask brings out the worse in me." Darcel smiled, letting out an awkward, soft laugh.
"Damn, he's psycho!" Zane exclaimed as he saw the last memories of the clone. It reminded him of his old group, four years ago. "Maybe if he didn't go all crazy, we could've talked it out. I guess I could try again." He said as another clone of his appeared in front of Dasken who was losing his mind. "Hey, you want to talk?"
She then looked over at Darcel or Darcy as Joshua called him. " I'm fine." She said. She looked at Darcel. if she was still Steven he would try not to be thinking about how sexy Darcel looked. but Now as Lily she couldn't help but stare at the boy.
Joshua was in a little bit of shock when Lyric told him about her and Akron. " Well." He said. " I was being a grade A jerk apparently so I don't blame you." He said. He then kissed her like he never kissed her before. " But I will not give up on us just yet."
((OOC: Merry Christmas. :y))
Rufus stood next to Midnight, his eyes scanning the area in front of him, curiously. His nose twitching, he dropped back down onto all fours, keeping his brows narrowed. "... So... You people have been living here all this time?" Rufus said, surprised that he never knew. "I never thought to explore this place whenever I passed by it myself..." Standing back up, he took a cautious step forward.
Lyric kissed him back, pressing against him and nodding. She was blushing and her tears were slowly stopping. She bit her lip and looked back in the direction she left Akron. She stepped back a bit and looked at him, "we have stone houses now. Three if I remember correctly. Akron has one, his door has two axes above his door and mine has a rose symbol. I also have to introduce you to a little kid I'm looking after. I have to admit that I sometimes fell like his mom".
Fae looked at her and whimpered, "you wondered to close while Ethan was upset. I don't know where we are going".
Darcel let out a sweet smile towards Lily, than lost eye contact due to Dasken's yelling. "Oh god.. Another clone?" he let out a sigh than walked over to it. "Can we just kill it now, i'm done with this already.." he spoke elbowing Dasken's arm.
"Ow..." Darcel complained as he swung his body around. "I'm going inside now, i'm done with fighting....want to come with?" he asked Lily while he opened the barely attached door.
"He's my boyfriend and its my fault he is upset. I argued and caused him trouble," Fae sighed and tried to stop as two soldiers forced a collar onto winter. She was still in her cage and moved over closer to Ken. She reached through the bars and grabbed his hand.
"In my anger I wandered into the road and they came over the hill. I panicked and formed a wall. They died and Zack doesn't know. I didn't mean to, I didn't want to but it happened," Lyric sighed and pulled her hair over her shoulder. She smiled at josh sadly and continued on her way.
Ethan heard the screaming. "What was that?" He then saw Zane return. "Hey Zane, get in quickly, were going."

Ken's eyes suddenly opened when he heard the screaming. "Was that Dask?" He then realized Fae was holding his hand. "Whoa there, so what are you doing?"
Darcel climbed onto the top of one of the bunks and made a chunk of deer float towards his face, "Would you like anything to eat now ma'am, you look quite hungry.." He asked the girl as he put his hand out towards her.
"I'm hurting right now and want comfort," Fae immediately built up her 'I don't care' persona. She pointed to the collar that sat around her neck, "it's killing my vocal cords".
She flinched when she heard Ethan, cheek still swollen from where he hit her.