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"You seem happy to see me!" He told Dask before he coughed out blood. "Come on healing person, get over here before he goes psycho again and kills both of us. Oh wait, he can't because his power is drained!" He said laughing before coughing out more blood. "Okay, I'm done talking."
" Nine....Ten...." Lily said. " Ready or not hear I come." She walked around the bunker. She entered where Fae was at. She looked around until she looked at the crate. She opened the Crate and found Zack. " There you are sweetie." Lily said. She picked Zack up and kissed his forehead. " I think it's time for you to go to bed. Your a growing boy after all."
Darcel let out a loud sigh, "Shut up before I just let both of you die.." he moaned. He switched his attention over towards Zane, and began healing him as well. he began to mumble, "Why am I helping you guys.."
"Please can I stay up longer! I haven't even seen mommy tonight," Zackery whined but yawned. He struggled for abit but perked up when Lyric walked in. He made grabby hands at her, "mommy"!
She blushed at her new title, smiling and happy that he saw her as that figure. She nodded to Lilly and held out her arms to take him, "thank you for watching him".
"I couldn't really... care less..." Dasken rasped. "Why... why do they keep me around? I'm... I'm like a... a nuke. If... if the government..." he flinched, pain stabbing his heart temporarily, "If the... gov... gets me, then... then they can use.... use me to... kill you all..." He coughed. "I'm sorry... sorry for hitting you... Darcel..."
"Thanks healing person!" He said as his hair grew back. He tried to move his arm and as he did, it still hurt. "How long till I can move again? I kind of have to get out of here before you start getting any ideas on what to do with me!" Damian asked.
"Don't worry Dasken.. We keep you around because you are part of our family now. If the government gets to you, they don't know what there up against." he smiled until he looked over towards Zane. "You are not going anywhere buddy." he laughed as he snapped his fingers making Zane paralyzed too.
"Bye bye aunty lily," Zackery mumbled as he fell asleep on Lyric's shoulder. She mother a thank you to the other woman before walking bald to her house and waving to Akron and Joshua, holding Zack in her arms, "could one of you open the doors, I need to put little man into bed".
" Sure." Joshua said as he walked towards the door. He opened it and looked at the two. " So you must be Zackary huh." He said to the kid.
"Smart healer." Zane said after he was paralyzed. "About your government problem, like I said before, I was once in the same situation as you guys four years ago. We were sent out here to live or die all for the government's amusement and alternate goals." Zane told them.
Ethan looked at Fae, 'Don't worry, your parents are currently out. Now follow me." Ethan led the group into Fae's trophy room. "You said you wanted these people as trophy so I'm going to leave you in your trophy room." He started to walk out. "I'm going to the lab and I want you to stay here until I get back." Ethan walked out and locked the door.

Ken looked around. "You've captured a lot of people Fae." Ken said to Fae.
Zackery made a mumbling noise, half asleep on Lyric's shoulder. She laughed gently and walked in. She put him in his room and tucked him in with the blankets before closing his door slightly and grabbing some tea, warming it with a glyph and sitting at her table, "would you like some, josh"?
Akron followed Josh into the house to see Lyric offering Josh some tea. "Hey." He nodded to the two.
"So, Lyric, have you made up your mind on which of us you want to date?"
Fae's eyes widened and she slammed her fist into the door. She glared at the trophies and they shrunk back at the death stare. She looked st Ken and crossed her arms, "I have a problem ok! There I admitted it. Not to mention kill a few people but I have a problem".
She looked and Ken and marched over to him, "I want you to kiss me. I want to forget about that asshole I have for a boyfriend for a moment and want you to kiss me".
"What? What are you talking about," Lyric looked at Akron confused, making him a cup of tea as well. She placed them down on the table and held up a finger, "be back in a second".
She disappeared into her room and shut the door, pulling off her swimming clothes and slipping into a very large shirt and pj shorts. She then started to clean her room for a bit, needing somethings to do while her tea cooled.
Ken was really surprised about Fae's demand. "Woah now, that was extremely to the point. I know i tried to swoon you but..." Ken though for a second. "Well alright, if it makes you feel better." Ken leaned toward Fae.
"Don't look into this to much," Fae mumbled after wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down quicker. She kissed him slowly, eyes fluttering shut as she let the world around her disappear. She just hoped that Ethan wasn't looking in through the cameras.
Ethan was sitting on a chair eating chips and looking at the cameras. "Knowing Fae, She probably hopes I'm not looking at the cameras at during this period of time." He finished his bag of chips and crushed it. "I'm going to kill that speedster when I go back." Ethan was visibly angry.
Fae smiled against kens lips and pulled back? Resting her forehead against his and smiling stupidly at him. She giggled and kissed under his jaw, "you're not a bad kisser I must admit".
Ken leaned back, his face was slightly red. "Well, this is my first time kissing someone for real, if you don't earlier today. I'm surprised it turned out so well." Ken said with a dumb smile on his face.
Lyric walked out of her room, one shoulder exsposed because of her shirt. She smiled at the men in her living room and sat down, sipping her tea, "now what is this all about? And try to keep it down, I don't want Zackery waking up".
Fae giggled and kissed his nose. She stood back and stretched, a maid scurried in and the two started talking. The maid scurried out and Fae pulled everyone to where her office was. She stepped behind a changing screen and the maid came in. She changed into a scarlet form fitting sleeveless dress. It had slits up the side of the skirt but only reached her thighs. She slipped on heels and made herself look fancy, "I'm going to have to apologize to Ethan and dinner would probably be the best way to do it".
Akron walked over to Lyric and explained what he was talking about earlier. "So Josh and I decided to let you choose which one of us you wanted to be in a relationship with." Akron shrugged. "It was either that or a showdown tomorrow at dawn."
Lyric looked between them and bit her lip. She made it look like she was going to chose but didn't , "is there a third option? What if a liked you both"?
She looked at them and ran her hands through her hair slowly. Pulling it over her exposed shoulder.
" I'm okay with a Polygamy type of relationship." Joshua said. " As long as I'm with the woman I love it'll all be alright. What do you guys say about that." He asked Lyric and Akron
Lyric bit her lip and nodded. She smiled at both of them, happy that nothing had lead to conflict. She took another sip of her tea and yawned, eyes growing heavy with the need for sleep.
"Yes and if any of my people such as maids or of other standing tell you to do something then you do it," Fae looked at them then at herself one last time as the maid scurried off to tell Ethan that Far was asking for a dinner with him.
Ethan was led to the Kitchen by one of Fae's maid. When he got there, he saw Fae in a beautiful dress. "You look wonderful my dear, I"m glad you see the error of your way." He said as he sat down.
Fae nodded and sat down. The servants started to set out food, "yes I have and thank you. By the way, may I ask how your tests been going. Anything interesting"?
She slowly cut into her steak and placed a small peice in her mouth. Her swollen cheek was hid behind make up and she flinched a little bit when she moved her jaw to smil at him, "I am truely sorry. And please excuse my voice at the moment, the collar tends for my vocal cords to become sore".
"Testing are successful so far, the animals released into the forest are obedient and ruthless just as I planed. But one thing I didn't think of is those rejects putting up such a fight." He ate a piece of steak. "Now let me ask a question, what do you see in that speedster you brough back?" Ethan asked in a sinister tone.

Ken was standing on one of the stands. "I'm bored, you girls want to do something?" He asked Grace and Winter.
"Fae has Netflix in her office," grace offered and shrugged her shoulders. She ordered bowls of popcorn and the maids gave it to her. She then gave it to people and turned on the projector.
Fae looked st, trying not to show her worry. She looked down at her plate and shook her head gently, "what are you talking about? You know I only will love you".
Ethan glared at Fae. "Don't act like you don't know." He stood up and looked at one of the maids. "Go bring that man that Fae brought here, he's in the trophy room."

Ken ate popcorn as he watched a movie in Fae's office.