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"Get some sleep Lyric." Joshua said. He kissed her head. Joshua looked outside at all the damage and deceased animals. " Uh guys. What happened while I was gone?"
Fae's head shot up and she looked at him worriedly. She shook her head and her eyes widened as the maid nodded and scurried off to retreave the man, "I'm confused. I don't know what your talking about? There is no need for this".
She still sat in her seat but every fiber in her body was telling her to run. She had never seen Ethan this angry.
Grace looked at the door and spoke with the maid, "Ken. You are wanted. Please follow the maid".
Lyric smiled and kissed Akron on the cheek before retreating into her room and sliding under the covers, falling asleep quickly.
Darcel looked over at Zane and laughed, "Because you're boring.. How much damage did he do to you..?" he asked the man. He glanced over his shoulder when he heard Joshua, "Oh, when you were busy doing who knows what, we where attacked by these beast.. Dasken and I finished them off.. Also these two were fighting like idiots so I have to heal them now." Darcel sighed as he regained his focus and switched back to Dasken.
" Oh so while I was bounded up beasts randomly attacked the bunker?" He asked. He then looked around. " Have any of you seen Ken? I need to talk to him about something?" Joshua then looked at the unkown man. " Hello." He said to the person.
Miridia looked at the new arrival, placing her tea on a table that appeared under it. She stretched and stood up looking around, "I believe your firmed has been kidnapped by the same person who sent the mutated animals. My name is Miridia, sister of Grace".
"I haven't seen Ken in forever.. Last time I saw him was when he was in the prison area with Fae.. Wait, you were tied up?" Darcel looked suprised, "What did I miss when I was dead... Jeez" he mumbled. He suddenly looked over and noticed the new girl, "Oh god.. Another bad guy." he complained.
" What the." He looked at the new arrival. " Where did you come from... Also kidnaped." He looked at the group. " Also who the hell is Grace and Fae. Anyways we should go after them. Who's with me?"
"Grace is a teleporter and Fae is a collector of powered people. I'm here to get my sister back home as my parents are worried about her," Miridia waved and sat back on her shadow vine, sipping her tea and crossing her legs. She made a map appear and unrolled it, "it's a very long journey, they warped and not even I know where it is. The best bet is to go to her mother's mansion".
"Nice to meet to you guys." Zane told the others who had come. He tried to sit up but realized he was still paralyzed. "You can un-paralyze. Without my sword I can't fight." He told Darcen.
"But if I unparalyze you, you can still run." he smirked, "Now where did you get that sword sir?" he questioned as he looked up to Miridia. "Well if you need any help, just cut your arm and I can sense you. I'm a pretty good healer I guess." he spoke.
"I can heal myself darling. It's good to see another magic user though I don't see many of us," Miridia smiled and crossed her arms. She wiggled her foot and sighed happily. She ran a hand through her hair and shook it up, looking at everyone.
Darcel smiled, but then he looked back down at the two men. "Zane sir, you almost have broken all of your bones.. 155, that is 1 bone over 75% of the total amount you have.. Good job?" he laughed as he switched back to healing him.
"Yeah, you're right about that. But I promise I won't run. If I do, you can your psycho friend kill me." Zane said. "About my sword, the Sword of Kenshii is it's name. After I escaped, I went to train and learn the way of the sword or whatever asian people call it. Due to my powers, they believed I could be the one to wield the sword after the previous owner had died. But that guy was already over a hundred years old and wasn't going to die anytime soon, so I killed the owner and stole the sword after spending four years training. Apparently it's part of some stupid legend that the previous owner will always be, without a better term for it, stabbed in the back. I guess fulfilled the prophecy atleast. But unlike the other, I'm not going to be tricked." Zane told Darcel before taking a breath. "Anyways, how long will my recovery be if I only have one bone over seventy-five percent?"
"Nope, that's how much you broke... you only have about 25% operational bones right now." he smiled, "And even if I did unparalyze you, I don't think you would get that far... But why do you not want to be paralyzed? It would hurt the healing process if you move to much." he questioned while he switched back to Dasken.
Ken got up and followed the maid. he got to the kitchen area. "So why am I called here?"
Ethan smiled. "For this." Ethan punched Ken in the stomach causing him to drop and put a collar on him.
Ken was holding his stomach and looked up toward Ethan. "Do everyone carry a selection of power restrain collar on them at all time?"
"Well, better be safe than sorry." Ethan said to Ken with a evil smile. He turned to Fae. "Get changed were going to the lab."
Fae nodded and squirried off. She changed into an shirt and skirt, putting no her hair into a bun and changing into flats. She then made her way to the front door, unsure of what was going to happen. She crossed her arms and waited for Ethan and whoever else was coming with them.
Miridia watched everyone talk, munching on cookies.
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Joshua looked at the group. " Well I'm going to start looking for them." Joshua said. " You do not kidnap someone in my family and get away with it." He said.
"I'll come with." Lily said as she walked out of the bunker.
Joshua looked at the new girl. She seemed almost familiar, not to mention the fact that she looks like a younger version of his mother. then he realized who it was. 'Steven.' he mouthed
Lily shook her head. " Hey Joshua." She said. " So let's get going."

Syler walked through the mansion. do to acquiring Grace's teleportation ability he was able to teleport here. He walked around studying the artifacts and trorphies. " And I thought I was sick." He said
Grace made sure everyone was comfortable before quickly making her way out of the room. She had thought that popcorn was a good idea but the smell had turned her stomach. She gagged a little and whimpered, wondering if she had gotten a virus while they had been in the woods.
"I can't let them go! I have to warn Ethan!" Zane stated as he tried to move but couldn't. "If only I still had energy to spare a clone." Zane said to himself cursing his weakness. Then he looked at Joshua. "If you see Ethan, tell him don't forget he still has to pay me!"
Darcel looked up at Lily and winked at her while he mouthed the words 'Good luck' . He switched his focus back over to Zane, "Is there anything in particular that you would like me to heal first? And this Ethan dude your talking abou,t is he your boss? What did he pay you to exactly do anyway?" Darcel questioned.
Dasken was sitting there, laughing, when all of a sudden he felt a familiar, tingling sensation. His eyes sparked a little bit.
"Hoo boy. You do NOT wanna stay surpressed, do you?" Dasken asked aloud.
Joshua and Lily walked side by side.
"So." Joshua said. "What do I call you."
"Lily." Lily said turning towards Joshua. "How did you figure out it was me."
" you look like a younger version of mom." Joshua said. " So what are you doing here. Unless your also a "freak" now."
"I only turned you in because of the fact that I thought they would help you." Lily said. " Not throw you into some god awful forest. And I called you a freak because of the fact that we always have this hate relationship." She said. She then looked at him. "Wait why don't you remember what my power is?"
" What do you mean?" Joshua said.
" I showed you it earlier." Lily said. Joshua stopped for a few seconds. and looked at her.
" I've been tied up for the past few days." Joshua said. He looked Lily up and down. " So was this a decision you made before or after I left."
"Today actually." Lily said. "Fae forced me to wear a dress. After she was done with me I realized that I liked the way I looked."
Miridia laughed at the interaction between Zane and darcel. She kept an eye on dasken and rolled her eyes, making a see through sphere around him so that his explosions wouldn't cause anymore damage. She smiled at darcel, "continue your healing. You mister explosion, are going to destroy your home if you don't stop".
Dasken looked up at her helplessly. "I can't stop the recharging process. If you did do something, or could do something, to keep me from hurting anyone within a mile radius while this shit goes down, then I would be very grateful."
Darcel laughed a little bit, then started to work again, "this is the most healing I have done ever sense... ever? I just usually heal myself.." he whispered, "So Miridia, why are you helping us..? You don't even know if we're evil or not." he spoke.
Syler continued to walk through the room until he saw Grace running out of one of the rooms. Syler noticed that she looked a little ill. He wanted to confront her but stopped. Their relationship was only to mess with Joshua's and Lyrics not to actually start to care about some flirty bitch. But for some reason he had to fallow her. He shapeshifted into Joshua thinking that She didn't know that it was Slyer. " Grace." He said "Are you alright?"
"Okay okay, I'll tell you. My name is Zane and I'm a mercenary. I get what I want as long as I do the dirty work. And since we have powers, it makes us top of the line. Oh, and don't be suprised, they're other mercenaries who have powers as well. My current employer Ethan, hired me to be his bodyguard and look how that turned out. Now I'm stuck with you, no offense but I'd prefer to be elsewhere." Zane told Darcel as he heard Dask. "Your friend is a nuclear bomb waiting to be set off."
"You could be dead, that's somewhere else right? I could help you achieve that.." he chuckled, "As for my friend here, he is more than just a nuke, he is a damn gamma ray burst." he smirked.
"I've been lookin for my sister as I said earlier and tracked her here. I'm a witch so that's kinda part of my magic. As long as you stay in that sphere it should hold off the explosions but I will need to drop it for you to eat and use the bathroom, "Miridia explained and tapped the sphere making it shimmer as it refreshed.
Grace looked at him and wiped her mouth. She was still leaning against the wall and taking deep breathes, "I'm fine. Also drop the act, Fae told me who you were. I just need..."
She hunched over the toilet and whimpered, "disgusting".
Darcel continuesly laughed, "Dasken, what part of you would you like me to heal first?" he could barely spit out due to his laughter. " I could unparalyze you.. But do I want too?" he spoke jokingly
Ethan led Ken and Fae out to the chopper. He threw Ken into a cell. "Get in, were going." He then turned on the helicopter and flew toward the direction of the lab. "I wonder how my body guard is doing."

Ken sat up and rubbed his head. "Your boy friend really is a dick, why are you still going out with him." He asked Fae.