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"Sorry I don't trust the bad guy who's boss sent monster's to kill us.. AND the person who tried to kill bomb boy." he stated as he dropped Zane onto a bed. Darcel heard the loud noise and peered out of the base looking at the large sphere. "Oh, no.." Darcel ran up to Miridia and Zane and suddenly teleported them away, but he stayed back. He only had enough energy to save two people.
"He tried to kill me first." Zane before he noticed an orange light coming right at them. "Hey, whatever your name is. Look outside, we're not safe here." Zane told Darcel.
Miridia cast a quick spell, teleporting the explosion and dasken into a pocket dimension. She looked at every one and shrugged, "taken care of. Once he's done I'll let him back".
Grace rolled onto her side and sighed, hating that she had been caught unaware by the illness.
Dasken kneeled in a large, black, perfect-semicircle-shaped, perfectly smooth crater. His clothes were incinerated. He looked at the quickly departing wave of destruction. "God, that won't dissipate for... at least twenty miles..."
"Once I get my sword back I'm definitely going to upgrade it." Zane said to himself as he took a deep breath. "Yeah, that'll work." He murmured to himself as he came up with a plan.
Dasken found himself somewhere new, somewhere that was unusually uncomfortable.
"Where the f*** am I?" Dasken asked aloud. He used the full extent of his willpower, in case anything was here to mess up his perceptions. He noticed the shockwave had gone with him. He sighed with relief. "At least nobody else'll get hurt."
Miridia opened a portal an waved at dasken through it, "you ready to come back"?
Fae quickly followed Ken and Ethan. She strode beside them and watched, worriedly, "what are you going to do"?
Dasken looked at her, and nodded. "I think the shockwave's passed. I, uh... I may or may not have made a three-mile-radius crater that could act as a huge signal flare..." he mumbled as he stepped through the portal.
Dasken walked up to the still-paralyzed Zane. His eyes were still sparking wildly, and Dasken put a finger to Zane's lips.
"Shhhh, my child. My powers are still charging."
"We saw but I fix the damage you have caused," Miridia smiled and closed the petal once he got through. She congured up a wall between the two guys after pulling dasken away, "both of you stop asking like children".
Zane looked at the wall that appeared between him and Dasken. "Thanks woman!" Zane stated. "So now that apparently Explosion Boy is healed, now you can focus your healing on me." Zane told Darcel before he realized he was missing.
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Dasken laughed and straightened up. "Just having a bit of fun, lady." Dasken shrugged. His aura had dissipated. "That aura blast? Yeah, not under my control. Kinda happened when you surpressed my powers. When they recharge AND become unsurpressed, it has a tendency to explode." His eyes continued to spark. "Now, when my EYES are done sparking, I'll have control of my powers."
Miridia noticed they were missing someone and facepalmed. She zoomed off toward the blast point, reading a healing incantation. She searched until she saw darcel, starting to use her magic to heal the blood bender.
Dasken twitched. His heart throbbed for Ashley, and he tried to shake the emotion away, but couldn't. His mind roiled for the rest of the group, and he slowly turned to Zane.
"If you're lying to me or tricking me, nobody will be able to hear you scream."
"I'm not tricking you, I promise. But what I'm saying is that I could potentially find a way for you to control the power you achieve when you lose control. Then again, you would probably kill me after I show you." Zane yelled across the wall.
"How'd you get around this wall? Never mind. What I'm proposing requires a lot of training and you could end up killing me. Let me ask you this. Your power, if I'm correct, they're different stages to it. Like stage 1 through 2 you can control completely. Then the higher the stages go, it gets progressively harder to control I assume. Am I right?" Zane asked as he looked at Dask.
"Oh you'll see." Ethan entered the lab and pushed Ken into a dark room. He then led Fae up some stairs to a control pannel with some other scientist. "Open the gate." Ethan said. A big gate opened and a big bear walked through. "Well, I'm going to die today." ken thought to himself.
Ethan started to laugh like a maniac. "Be proud speedster, you are going to be the first victim of our greatest creation!"
Dasken shook his head. "It's not so many stages. There's a recharging stage, which I'm in right now. It can be the most dangerous, since I have no control over my power. Then there's 'Casual' level, where I diminish my powers in public. They flex according to my emotions. Next up, there's combat level. This is where I release the power I hold back consciously. Then, there's 'Rage Mode', which you experienced first-hand. All of my subconsciously held back power is released for me to use. Also, I just found out about nuclear mode," he said. He sighed. "That's what happens when my power is surpressed and my body decides to recharge my abilities. It becomes a power overload, and I release it with my aura while recharging." He sat down against the wall opposite of Zane. "If I could somehow manage to control that excess of power..." he looked up. "Sufficient enough answer?"
"No. No! Stop he's going to die! He can't use his powers, stop," Fae ordered and slammed her hand into the glass when she noticed no one was going to do anything. She looked at Ethan with worried and scared eyes, "I'll do anything just please so don't kill him. Stop it please"!
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"Oh don't worry, to test out my creation to its limit, I must get a strong test dummy." He pressed a button that released Ken collar.
"Yeah thanks." Ken said with a sarcastic tone. He jumped out of the way when the bear attacked and ran around him at super speed, he then ran to the bear's right and tried to punch it from the side but the bear seem to know exactly where Ken was and tackled him, knocking him back. "How?!" Ken shouted in confusion.
"Ethan please," Fae whimpered as she watched what was happening. She looked at him to make sure he wasn't paying attention to her before humming lightly to disorient the bear. She watched Ken and looked at her boyfriend.
"So if your power is suppressed or drained, you go nuclear mode. I don't know about nuclear mode, but I think I could help you control your rage mode. But we're going to have to find a way for you to keep your nuclear energy away. This is going to sound weird but, do you think we could seal that nuclear power away? Your body thinks that when your power is suppressed, that it needs to recharge. We need your body to believe that when it's suppressed, the power is still there, just not active. If we take away that continuous recharge, your body will only recharge once your power level is at zero." Zane stated. "There's more but what do you think of that first part. After your nuclear power is gone, then I could actually train you to control rage mode. After you control rage mode, then you'll be able to use the continuous recharge to its full power." Zane told Dask.
"We are fine. Now stop talking so I can heal you," Miridia rolled her eyes and formed a calming aura around herself and darcel. She continued her healing incantation.
Syler rubbed Grace's back trying to make her feel better. "it'll be alright." He said. He let out a deep breath. " Hey I've been wondering when you are around me are you just putting on an act or is it how you truly feel." He said. " What I mean is. If you want to can we have an actual romantic relationship. not the flirty sexual one we've been having."
"We can try," grace mumbled turning to look at one. She sighed and smiled at him biting her lip, "I think I would like to try having that relationship".
She sat up and yawned, stretching and looking at slyer, kissing his nose.
"Where are the others.. Was the base destroyed?" Darcel asked as his hand began to glow a light red. " I can heal myself too, it will make my recovery much faster..." he whispered
"I managed to teleport the blast into a dimension before it cause to much damage and I can't fix what ever happened," Miridia backed off abit the let him heal himself. She folded her arms and smiled, the scorched ground slowly raising and becoming grew with wildlife again, "it pays to be a white witch somethings".
Dasken looked at Zane in awe. "How in the HELL are we gonna do that? Keep away the nuclear power?" He shook his head. "It only comes up when my power is surpressed, so I don't know how I could remove that..."
Darcel struggled to smile,"Good job you white witch." he laughed , until his laughter turned into coughing. "Well, are you going to help me out of here, or make me teleport myself with the little energy I have left.. I need to re paralyze Zane again.." he mumbled
Dasken's eyes stopped sparking. "I swear to GOD, if you're lying to me, your ass is grass, and I'm the goddamn lawnmower. Got it?" He came an inch away from Zane's face. "Also, you're gonna be with me when I'm training. If your way of controlling it involves hurting others, even killing others, you're gonna go down with 'em."
"Shut up.. You guys are annoying as hell." he complained, "Zane dear, I don't think you should be walking, let me help you out there." Darcel smirked, and with a snap of his fingers, Zane collapsed to the floor being paralyzed again. Darcel let out a small yell of pain and began to heal himself once more. "Dasken, try not to explode and kill us next time."
"Well obviously I have to be near you for it to work. The only person's life I'm risking is myself just by being near you!" Zane exclaimed. "By the way, where's healer girl? I can't do anything when I'm paralyzed!" He stated.