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Winter looked at the three new comers "you do know I can smell you right slyer I'm a wolf you idiot" she growled as she got up shacking her fur out as she stood up, standing on her back legs
"I won't," she rolled her eyes and scratched the large dogs belly. Her eyes widened when slyer was punched and looked up at them, "um hi"?
She stood up and help slyer steady himself.
Joshua looked at Syler and the teleporting bitch. "Why am I not surprised you both are working together." He looked at the werewolf. " Winter?" He asked.
" So Josh." Lily said. " Who is he?" She said looking at Syler.
" Show her." Joshua said to Syler.
Syler turned into his true form of Brandon.
"Brandon?" Lily said in disbelief.
Grace stepped behind Brandon and wrapped her arms around his waist, placing her head on his shoulder and looking at the siblings, "you know them how"?
She waved and looked at Lilly, "you're the beauty that Fae helped show. A true diamond in the rust".
Um......hi ....Joshua" she muttered hoping he didn't see her as the freak she was she had no control over the change or even when, or if it happened she hated being a shifting angel, it's one of the things she dispized about hersepf
Grace smoked at winter and hummed in thought, "are you hungry, little wolf? I can get you other food if the popcorn wasn't filling enough".
She used one hand to pull hair out of her face and nuzzled into Brandon's neck, kissing it softly.
" Hey." Joshua said as he bent over and petted her. " So snow angle what's been going on." He said.
Syler looked at Joshua. " Well You already know my brother Joshua." He said. " As for this girl I don't know her." He said.
"This was Steven." Joshua said. " Now She's my little sister." He said. " Where's Ken." he said getting to the point.
" Hold on." Lily said Trying to calm Joshua down. " What is going on here?" She asked. " And who has Ken? and please help us." She said. "Friend."
"Ken? Oh you mean Romeo? Um yeah he's probably no longer alive," she shivered at the thought of what Ethan was capable of doing. She had seen it first hand and never wanted to be on the receiving end of it, "Fae took a liking to him and Ethan doesn't like his little siren straying to far from his rules. They are probably at the lab, in the town near your mountains".
" Well your a cute werewolf." Joshua said as he started to pet the back of her ear. He knew that this was where his dogs liked to be petted. So maybe winter would like it also.
Joshua looked at the Teleporting bitch. " Please take us to them. We'll rescue your friend and take care of this Ethan person.
"My name is Grace by the way and you take care of Ethan? That's laughable, not even Fae can do that and she would have him under her thumb if she could. Do you know what he's done to her," grace growled as she remember all of the bruises she had seen her best friend hide over the years. She looked at them and shook her head, "I can give you directions and give you advice but if you fail then he might kill me or worse. And what he would do to Fae"!
" We won't fail." Joshua said. " And thank you for the help." He said,
He then started to pet Winter faster. "So are you in snow puppy." He said to her.
Winter soon realized what she was doing and slapped Josh's hand away "will you stop that I hate it when people do that when I'm like this and no I'm not this is only temporary" she growled at him in warning
Grace smoked and nodded. She called a maid and the woman scurried over. Grace told her what she wanted and the maid scurried off before returning with a gps device. Grace ranked her and held it out, "this should have the coordinates for the lab. Please don't fail".
" Thank you." Joshua said looking at Grace. "We won't fail. You have my word." Him and Lily started to walk away. " Last chance winter are you in or out." He said.
Would it be wise to go with you or should I just stay here? Sorry I just don't know what to do or even what's going on and being as I'm like this I just don't know" she said nervously
Grace smiled and moved around Brendan, wrapping her arms around winters neck, "you have scales under this fur remember. That means you have greater defense then a normal wolf, just a thought". She sat back on her heels and looked up at Brendan with a flirty smile, "you don't mind if she stays right. It's not my house and it's not yours but I want to know if you would mind her company".
"Well obviously not now!" Zane stated. "I meant when that healer is done healing me. Then I could tell you how I'm going to train you." Zane told Dasken. "And why does that woman want me in a corner?"
"Of course you can stay. I'm sorry but I'm not feeling the best but I can give you some of my dresses and teach you about applying make up," grace smiled at Lilly and looked at winter, "you're more then welcomed to stay. Maybe you guys should rest here for abit then go"?
"I just know I'm going to get myself killed doing this! Fine, I'll tell you. But cuz man you please put me somewhere comfortable while I tell you? It's uncomfortable just laying in a corner you know." Zane told Dask.
Ken stood still when Fae called him by his name. "She finally called me Ken." The bear pulled Ken down. "Watch out friend Ken." The soldiers started shooting.

At the room Ethan dragged Fae. Ethan threw Fae on the ground. "Stay here, I'm going to call your father and tell them that the outcast in the forest tried to hurt you. He'll be sure to send his entire military at them!" Ethan held up his arms and laughed manically.
"No! Don't you dare," Fae looked at him and friend to stand but gasped when she noticed that in her fall she had twisted her ankle. She glared up at him snarled, "let us go you insane bastard! Ken! Help"!
She called for the speedster and let out a sad song, trying to twist Ethan's emotions.
Dasken lifted Zane up with one arm, none too gently, and powdered the floor with an explosion. We packed all of the dust together into a bed-shaped pile, packed it with explosive pressure, and layed Zane on the warm pile.
"Better?" Dasken asked briskly.
" Thank you." Lily said to Grace.
Joshua started his journey to the Lab. He wondered what this Ethan was capable of and how he will be able to stop him. "Ken if your alive just hold out a little while longer." He said.
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Ethan laughed. "You seriously think you can control me with you power. I had that immunized when I started dating you. Now stay still." Ethan was about to hit Fae but The bear with ken riding him broke through the wall right before. "I feel like I'm in Russia right now." Ken screamed.
"Yeah, that feels much better." Zane as he laid comfortably on the dust. "Bring me some food as well!" Zane commanded. "I'm joking. Anyways, I'm still thinking about certain parts of what we have to do, so it might not be perfect as I'm still trying to find some loopholes in your system." Zane told Dask as he started to think about the plan.
"Wow what a great one liner," Fae called at him, thankful of his appearance and slowly shifting away from Ethan. Her ankle stung as she hit it and whimpered softly.
Dasken twitched at the joking comment. "You're lucky I don't make you scavenge your own food, punk." He hunkered down until he was kneeling on his feet. "Start explaining before I start forcing you to."
Lilly stepped into the mansion. " So which room is yours." She said to Grace. She liked Grace, They'll be great friends.
"Well." Brandonr said. " I'll be back tomorrow Grace." he said. " I'm going to help out Joshua." He wrapped her arms around her and kissed her.
She kissed him back and giggled, "you got to stop that I'm sick remember"!
She smiled and grabbed Lilly's and motioned for winter to follow her. She walked to her room and wavered a bit at the smell of food which made her stomach flop around.
"How? There were around one hundred soldiers at that place, how in the heck did you survive and unscratched?!" The bear smirked "Your soldiers shoot like Stormstroopers, killed themselves before killing us.
Ken charged at Ethan. "You stop treating Fae like trash!" He punched Ethan in the face. Ethan's head turned from the impact but nothing else, he punched Ken into a wall.
Lily quickly held onto Grace keeping her stable. " You won't joking." She said. She helped grace get to her bedroom.
Brandon caught up to Joshua. " So what's your plan?" He said. "Judging by that we have a good couple of hours before we get there."
Joshua looked at Brandon. " What happened to you." He said.
"When I learned my first ability I started to crave others. It was like a hunger I couldn't clench." Brandon said. " I know how to learn abilities without killing but it just fills more satisfying doing it. Trust me I wish I could stop and live a peaceful life."
Fae watched the two and slowly stood up, wobbling because of her foot. She looked at the bear with a confused look, "oh wow a telepathic bear don't see that every day".
Grace smoked and slowly stood on her feet. She smiled and pulled the girl over to the closest, "it's been like this for a couple days. Go look and see if you find anything you like".