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Ken was surprised about Ethan's power. Ethan looked at Ken and laughed. "You can't beat me, I've injected in myself a strength serum and my skeleton has a exoskeleton attached to it." He threw Ken into another wall. "I'm coming to help, friend Ken." The bear lunged at Ethan who redirected his force and threw him into another wall, breaking it and revealing an electric wire that was split in two. An idea came into Ken's head as he saw that.
Winter soon found the solders and howled in anger and pain, as she did so the solders started to shoot at her which only made her angerer as she started to attack them without mercy
Lily looked through the closet. She picked out a few dresses. ranging from simple dresses to ones that she would consider very sexy. though she knew she probably wouldn't be able to pull it off in her current condition. She walked out of the closet with five dresses in hand.
Soon winter was finished with the solders and destroyed the device, as she made her way back to grace and the girl ,lilly she believed was her name as she did she was still in a rage unable to tell friend from foe
Dasken sighed. He allowed his mind to wander. It went directly back to Ashley. His mind began to ripple with worry, doubt, and sorrow. He leaned against the wall, choking up yet again while cursing himself for being weak.
Zane looked at Dasken and noticed something was bothering him. "Hey man, is something wrong?" He asked trying to understand Dasken's personal feelings. Maybe if he learnt about his past and the people he cared about, he could find away to help Dask control his rage.
"What? Do you not want people to care?" Zane asked as he looked at Dask's glowing eyes. "Just tell me what's bothering you. What's the worst that can happen? Maybe if you tell me about you, I could help you with your problem." Zane told Dask, not as afraid of him anymore.
Dasken shook his head. "God, I'm an idiot for saying this." He turned to Zane, his eye flares going out.
"I asked out a girl without getting a response, and shortly thereafter, may or may not have hurt her when several mutated wild animals attacked. I'm afraid I may unintentionally kill her, and that my personality and powers are too much, and..." he hissed through his teeth. His aura flickered and went away. He took a deep breath.
"Well, you're kind of a walking bomb. I would be suprised if she said yes. Besides that, did you atleast try to find her body?" Zane asked as he thought of something. 'That's it!' Zane thought. 'Maybe he could use those emotions as an advantage!'
Dasken shook his head. "Would you want to come into consciousness with an awkward walking bomb hanging over you?" He felt himself choke up again. "I'm just so anxious. I don't think... I don't know if she really loves me... I mean, she said she had a crush on me, too, but something weird was going on." He hissed throuh his teeth again. His eye sparks flared to life momentarily, and he turned them off immediately.
"You really do care for her." Zane said as he watched Dask's eyes spark on and off. "I think I figured it out, but I need to hear more. Tell me more about yourself. Like your past for example. How was your life before this?" Zane asked, prepared to listen to what he had to say.
Dasken's eyes sparked, and he curled onto the floor, trying to stifle his screams. It took him a couple of minutes to calm down. "I... I killed hundreds... Thousands!"
Ashley was lying on the ground. Her head was throbbing. She opened her eyes to see a bedsheet draping down from a destroyed table. She sat up, then grabbed her head because it started aching from moving too fast. What the heck happened here? Ashley thought. She remembered Dask hugging her, the two of them kissing, and then he asked her out...he asked her out! Ashley slowly got to her feet and noticed that a broken bed blocked where the door was supposed to be. She tried to push it with her powers, but it only went a few inches and caused dust to fall to the ground. "Is anyone here?" She asked, hoping that someone else was alive and hopefully able to move the bed. "Someone?"
"Yeah yeah, that's normal." Zane said casually before he processed what Dask said. "Wait, you killed thousands?" Zane asked as he thought about how messed up Dask's mind must be. Having to deal with a power that could wipe out an entire area must really take a toll on the body and mind. "It makes sense. That's probably why you can't control your powers. You fear part of it don't you? No, you fear what you can do with it." Zane stated, finally being serious for a moment.
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Dasken nodded in understanding.
Then, Dasken heard Ashley.
He noted the alarm in her voice and, without a second thought, blasted a hole in the wall. "We'll talk later." He ran over to the bedframe and threw it over his head. He paused, and looked behind him. "How in the..." he turned back around, holding out his hand for Ashley. "You okay?" He asked, worry in his voice.
Ashley smiled at seeing Dask. "I'm okay, I think. Well, other than being out for God knows how long. What happened?" She asked. "I mean, this place looks like a tornado went through it. And I don't think I did it."
Dasken rubbed the back of his neck. "I might have had... something to do with it..." he looked down at Ashley. "Well... I, uh... I did ask..." he paused, flinching at the thought, his eye sparks momentarily flaring to life.
Zane heard a voice crying out for help before Dask left him. "Wait, that's it?!" He asked as he looked up at the ceiling. 'What have I gotten myself into?' He asked himself.
Ashley laughed. "You think I'm going to decline, do you? Well, you'd be wrong on that one," She said happily. The only problem was, they were freaks exiled from society by the government. Where were they going to go on a date?
Dask took a long, deep breath.
Then realized what she said.
"You... you..." he felt his heart beat out of his chest.
"Where... what... why..." his aura flared dangerously, but he hit himself a couple of times, and he snapped out of it. His aura fully dissipated.
"We can talk about it after we get you up and into the 'infirmary'." He picked her up in his arms. "I assume you can't fly there since you don't have your powers, and I refuse to let you strain yourself walking." He walked through the hole, made a similar rubble-cushion, and laid Ashley down.
"This bastard," Dasken noted, "May have a way for me to help me with my powers."
Ashley looked at Zane. "And you are?" She asked him. After the whole Fae kidnapping everyone thing, she wasn't exactly the keenest on new people.
"I'm your boyfriend's new teacher. You can call me Zane." He said with a grin as looked at the girl who had appeared. "Well I hope you guys have a BLAST on your date if you get what I'm saying!" Zane said as he started to laugh before feeling pain. "Ow, I shouldn't be laughing."
"Only if you hope that the place disintegrates," Ashley said. "Have you seen Dask when he's Super-Saiyan-level crazy? It's...Well, he's working on it."
Dasken smirked. "I respect puns." He also blushed. "Why is it that I feel like the woman in the relationship..?" Dasken pondered aloud. He whipped around to face Zane. "No snarky comments!"
"Yeah, I've seen him up close when he's Super-Saiyan-level and trust me, you don't want to see it." Zane stated trying to keep the flashbacks out of his mind. Then he looked at Dask. "Well if I can't even make comments like that, what can I do? And when is that healer coming back?" Zane asked still waiting to be healed.
Dasken sighed. The body count was starting to stack. "Now I feel bad," he said, slouching against the wall. He reached out and held Ashley's hand, his appearing mammoth next to hers, seemingly overheated constantly.
Ashley lifted a brow at the person, but didn't bring up the incident in the cave. She looked back at Dask. "So, any ideas on where we could have a date?" She asked, trying to change the subject.
"Hey, can I ask you to do a favor for me?" Zane asked them both. "Can both of you go pick up my sword? Even though no one can use it, I would still like it near me. On the plus side, you could spend some time alone while you look for it." Zane told them.
Dasken jerked and coughed. He hit the back of his head against the wall, and shook it off. "I, uh..." he began to blush again, trying desperately to think of a place. "Maybe... at the cave that I made..?"
Dasken turned to face Zane. "I do NOT like the idea of leaving you alone here." He turned to Ashley. "But I DO want to spend time alone with you..." he banged his head against the wall. "What to do..."
"Well if she can't walk, then you could carry her." Zane said with a slight grin. "It would be an awkward first date, but still it would be memorable." Zane told Dask. "As long as you get my sword."
Dasken rubbed his eyes with his free hand, then turned to Ashley. "So long as Darcel doesn't heal him, he can't go anywhere." He put on an awkward grin. "Whaddya say?" He asked Ashley.
"Sure," Ashley said. "Sounds good to me!" Despite being out for ages, she was happy to be able to be with Dask. For some reason, she wondered what her father would think of him. Then again, Dask did kind of act like him at times.
Dasken's smile grew bigger, warmer. "I'll see if you can walk outside," he said. He picked her up, and flew out of the bunker. He landed outside, brought her head up to his, and kissed her on the lips.
"So Darcel is that healer's name? Where is he? I didn't know his breaks take so long!" Zane exclaimed. Then he looked at Ashley and Dask who looked like they were going. "Don't forget to get my sword!" He yelled trying to remind them.
Lyric hummed and relaxed into akrons embrace. She smiled and looked at him, "almost everything was caught in a blast that dasken made. I'm rebuilding the walls and that friendly witch over there is ref rowing the plant and animal life".
Miridia waved as she drank her tea watching everything go down. She looked at dasken and Ashley and smirked, wiggling her fingers and summoning two matching flower crowns on them, "well now you're a king and queen".
Grace smiled at Lilly and shooed her off into the bathroom to do a miniature fashion show. She also gave the girl some proper undergarments. She then wobbled and walked back to her bed, fatigue creeping up on her.
Ken charged Ethan but was knocked back, he then ran to the wall with the broken electric wire and lured Ethan with him. "Bear!" The bear looked at Ken and knew exactly what he wanted to do because telepathy. He ran behind Ethan who instantly turned around. "You think you can defeat me with the two of you? Don't make me laugh." At that moment, Ken grabbed the wires and dashed toward Ethan. "He was just distracting you for this!" Ken jammed the wires on his back that sent a shock trough his entire body. "That exoskeleton of yours is going to conduct this electricity across your body!" Ken shouted. After a little time, Ethan finally fainted. Ken walked to Fae. "I've come to save you, Fae."