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"Well, can you 'get to know yourself' after I heal this sword guy.. I don't want to heal other people when you go ape Shit and attack people.*.Cough*, *Cough*, Me ,*Cough*." he spoke.
"Yeah, heal me first and then I'll tell you. Come on, that's a reasonable deal. Oh, and bring some food as well." Zane stated. "It will also give me some time to think the plan through. I don't want to give you false hope with a messed up strategy." He told them.
Ken realized The bears sudden disorientation. "Now's my chance." He charged in. "Help". Ken suddenly heard a voice in his head and stopped, he looked around and saw the bear with a pain expression holding its head. "What? was it you who asked for help?" Ken asked the bear. "Da, there's computer chip on back of neck controlling me, I explain more later". Ken jumped on the bear's back and saw the tiny computer chip. "Hang on." He said as ripped the chip off. The bear roared because of pain. "Thank you comrade." The bear said telepathically.
Fae sighed happily when the beat seemed to relax. She watched from the observation room, pressed against the window. She smiled and watched him with admiration in her eyes, "good job speedster. Good job".
Dasken stood up from his spot. His mind was in a dark place, as was his face. "Darcel. Go get him food." He gave Darcel a look that would easily invoke true terror in anything. "Don't. Ask. Why."
Darcel looked confused more than afraid, "Um.. I'll just drag my burning, blistered covered body around the forest to get you some food? I don't think so, make the witch do it if anything." Darcel sighed, noticing he was kind of being an ass, "Fine. I'll go get you the probably burnt food at the base.." he said as he wondered off.
Dasken gave Zane the same, intensely terrifying look, only he increased it. "Solve it aloud." He stood over Zane, Dasken's eyes locked with his. "No tricks. No deception. No clones."
Darcel turned around, getting one last yell in before he left, "Zane, I'm sure Dask will try to kill you if you leave... So i'm going to unparalyze you now. But if you try one foul move, your dead meat man." he whispered as he snapped his fingers reversing his blood flow back to normal.
"No, get back here and sit down," Lyric was now standing by door and had her arms crossed. She was
Glaring at everyone, "what happened? Why are people hurt"?
She tapped her foot and glared at everyone she saw.
Ethan was furious at what happened. "Piece of trash!" He pressed the speaker button. "All available soldier get to testing room number 4." He then grabbed Fae and dragged her away to another room.

As the soldiers stormed in, the bear explained. "I was cub back in Russia, then science people took me away and gave me powers like this. then they put chip on neck to make me behave. Then I grow and finally met you, you save me and soldiers come in."
"Yea I was right here for that last part, Ready to get out of here big guy?" He then saw Fae getting taken away. "Fae!"
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Darcel turned away once more to see Lyric. "Oh goodness. Momma bear is here now... Oh yeah, Dasken went nuts and tried to kill Zane , then I saved them and healed them a bit, Dask when psycho again, and he almost killed me.. BUT this girl named Marinia saved everything else by teleporting him and his explosion in a new world and whatever.. I am kinda healed now, but I'm in a lot of pain." he complained
Fae struggled against Ethan and tried to pull away. She heard her name being called and saw Ken just as she was pulled into the other room, "Ken"!
"I'll make food then you go lay down and rest or so help me double the pain your feeling. Dasken go calm down," Lyric ordered and glared at Zane, "you will sit in that corner and behave".
She felt a shiver run down her spine but held her ground. She glared at him and a glyph generated behind her, "stand down or so help me I'll glyph your ass".
"Dasken," Lyric warned and relaxed her stance knowing she wasn't going to get anywhere with trying that approach. She walked forward and crossed her arms, "shouldn't you be looking for Ashley? Not to mention I have to start rebuilding everything".
Dasken's eye twitched. "She..." the terrifying look was one replaced with terror, equally as strong, and since he did not break eye contact with Lyric, the exact same feeling was sent into Lyric.
"Go find her," Lyric rolled her eyes and patted him on the back. She then got to work rebuilding walls with a glyph and crystals. Zackery poked his head in and looked aroun, "big brother"?
Lyric. Looked at him and dragged him into a corner. She glared at him, "I'm not their biological mother you idiot I just act like it because I care deeply for my friends and family"!
She then continued, Miridia laughed and sipped more of her drink.
"So you have a living bomb, a witch, a healer, and now a crazy woman believing she's the mother of people around her age. That's it, I've seen it all!" Zane exclaimed as he laid in the corner. "By the way, where's the healer? He needs to finish my healing and un-paralyze me." Zane stated.
Winter whimpered as she was still at the mansion the collar starting to hurt her as she grow bigger, it soon started to choke her and cut into her scales and fleash underneath
Grace stretched and yawned, flopping onto her back. She rubbed her stomach and groaned, rolling around her bed. She looked at Slyer and raised an eyebrow, "is slyer your real name by the way"?
"No." Syler said. " It was one of the many names given to me by the feds." He said. In the beginning he didn't want to kill anyone but once he started killing powered people he couldn't stop doing it. He knew this addiction of his will be his downfall.
" The man I was." He said. " Was named Brandon, and if you want to be technical about it you did sleep with my brother." He said.
"really? Wow ha," grace looked up at the roof and patted the bed beside her. She stretched and looked at him. Pulling a pillow under her head, she sighed, "sorry about you having to look after me. This sickness came out of nowhere".
"It's alright." He said as he laid down beside her. " I'm just glad I'm able to spend some actual time with you." He said. He moved his arm around her and pulled her close to him.
The flirt blushed and struggled for a bit but stopped. Whatever was inflicting her making her tired. She let herself be held but looked at the door as a maid scurried in. The maid squeaked out an apology, "there is a trophy looking for you. She is growing scales"!
Grace nodded and untangled herself. She started down the hall after giving the maid a small kiss on the cheek. She saw winter and shook her head, hitting the release button and taking it away, "hey. Shh it's ok darling".
She soon started gasping for air as the collar was unlocked "hate....those ...thanks with......a bloody....passion" she gasped as fur started to grow over the scales and her claws becoming like that of a wolves "god I hate this form" she muttered as she watched herself change into a werewolf
Grace tilted her head and carressed the girls head. She smiled and sighed, "I know but there is good news. Ethan is out right now meaning you don't have to wear it".
She sat and pulled the girl close, carding her fingers through the fur.
Syler disguised as Joshua walked up too winter " Hey Winter." He said as he looked at winter. " You're alright. We won't let anything happen too..." Before he could say anything he felt a pain surge from his face knocking him back. He looked up to see the Actual Joshua and some blonde looking at him.