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"Maybe," Lyric shrugged and put a large peice of venison, placing it down for the bear. She moved back to ready some vegetables ready.
Miridia teleported over to the table and sliver ware, plates and glasses appeared.
"Okay, Lyric. What are we making today?" Akron washed his hands and put on some gloves, making sure not to contaminate the ingredients. He also took out a knife to cut fruits and vegetables.
"I'm planing on frying the venison," Lyric hummed as she cut the venison into strips and added fat into a pan. She made sure the fire was hot enough and sighed. She smiled and looked at Akron, "unless you want something else".
Ken arrived at Fae's mansion, he was tired for running over 2 miles while carrying another person. "Finally here, man I'm tired." He accidentally tripped on himself as he ran up the stairs. He dropped Fae on the carpet and caught himself leaning over Fae. He looked at her and blushed.

Boris looked at the venison. "Thank you lady, I not a eaten in days." He started to munch on it.
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"Call me Lyric," she smiled at the bear and continued her job. She hummed a soft tune and danced a little bit as she cooked.
Fae squeaked and blushed, looking up at him. Her face was bright red and she glared at him for making her embarrassed, "what are you trying to pull speedster"!
"No, I think that's a great idea. We can mix in some veggies too." Akron started chopping up onions, bell peppers, and more, scooping them into the pan. He sprinkled some shredded cheese, salt and pepper and let it fry.
Ken dashed backwards face visibly red. "I swear I just tripped thats all! I'm not trying to do anything!" Ken said as he put his hands in the air.

Boris looked at Lyric. "Alright, I thank you for meal friend Lyric."
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Lyric nodded and put down some carrots from the farm as well for the bear. She scratched behind his ear gently before washing her hands quickly and making sure everything was cooking properly.

Fae scoffed and a maid rushed over. They were cleaning up the blood and the maid filled Fae in. She sighed and motioned for Ken to follow her. She walked to her room and a maid wrapped her ankle.
Zane sat in his cell. His sword was placed outside the cell so he had no way of breaking out. He could smell food being cooked nearby. It was hard to believe that only a week ago, he was relaxing in his house, eating and watching some tv. And now he was stuck in a cell in the middle of a forest with a bunch of people with crazy powers. "Hey, give me some of whatever you're cooking when it's done!" Zane yelled, hoping they could hear him.
"Don't worry! We don't starve people," Lyric called back and gathered plates. She hummed and kissed Akron on the cheek as she reached around him to grab the glasses she had gotten out earlier, "can you go get the water? I need to make more juice for Zack".
Darcel picked up Zach and put him on his shoulders, "You ready matey?" Darcel said in his best stereo typical pirate voice. They made it to the water source, and Darcel placed Zach down and jumped in the water. "Can you swim buddy?" he asked the boy.
"It's still sore but I can deal with it. Are you ok," Fae looked at Ken and wobbled over to a chair. The maid scurried over to Ken and led him to the bed when Fae ordered her to do so, "rest speedster. I think you deserve it".
Zackery nodded and followed his brother into the water. He shivered at how cold it was but soldiered on.
"Can I get you anything to drink while you look the menu over" Miridia hummed and two menus appeared.
Joshua and Brandon made their way back to the mansion after the GPS broke. They walked in and saw the Siren. " Well I guess we wasted a few hours." Joshua said. " So is Ken Okay?" he asked. He was concerened for his speedster friend.
" Better question." Brandon said. " What the hell happened here!?" He said looking around.
Zackery nodded and ran back to shore. He flopped onto the water when he tripped and stood up, pouting.
"He's just tired," Fae looked at them and relaxed in her chair, "I don't know what happened. Maybe go ask Grace where ever she is".
Brandon left to try and find Grace.
"So Siren." Joshua said. "Nice place you have here." He said trying to make casual conversation with her.
"Thank you. My parents like to make sure I have the best, I am their only child," Fae looked at him and motioned for him to take the seat across from her. She was resting her ankle on a pillow.
Grace got up and went out of her room. She was stretching and her illness was creeping up on her again when she smelt the houses workers making lunch.
Zackery nodded and smiled at Darcel widely. Her looked at his brother and sat on the shore waiting for the older.
Joshua looked at her ankle. " What happened." He asked her. While he didn't trust the Siren he wasn't going to see anyone in pain. He sat down where she pointed at.
"Thank you," Lyric smiled and took it. She checked on the food and pulled it off before it burned.
"Yep," Zackery smiled and nodded, waiting with wide eyes.
"My boyfriend happened," Fae sighed and wiped her foundation off, showing the bruise from where he hit her. A maid offered her a wet cloth and she accepted it, removing the rest of her make up.
Malgus walked through the forest until he arrived at some sort of village in a clearing. He walked out, calling, "Hello? Anyone there?"

Akron smiled. "No problem." He started plating the food and poured some fruit into a bowl. "Is that good?"
"Here we go.." Darcel spoke as he closed his eyes. "Absorb, Shatter" he whispered as the tree broke into pieces creating a long,thick, piece of wood;they could make a pirate ship now. Darcel picked up the wood pieces, and set them into the water.He wrapped his shirt around it, so Zack didn't get any splinters. "Would you like to become a pirate there matey?" Darcel joked in his pirate voice.
" Here." Joshua said. he put his right hand on her face and his left on the anckle. He healed both wounds. " How do you feel now." He said."
"Yep," Lyric smiled and heard someone calling. She got out of the bunker and waved to the man, "hello? Who are you"?
"Yeah," Zackery cheered and crawled into the he makeshift raft. He grinned at darcel and giggled.
"Great," Fae sighed and leaned back against her chair. She nodded in thanks and stretched. Grace got into another bathroom and whimpered, throwing up once again.
" So Siren..." Joshua stopped for a second. " What's your name?" he asked. He was quite curious now. " Anyways why do you try and collect us?" He asked.
Brandon kept walking until he saw Grace rush into a bathroom. He stood outside the door and started to talk. " Hey Grace. I take it that the cold's gotten worse?" He asked.
Lily walked out of the bathroom in her peach dress. Since she heard noises she decided to hide. beliving that it'll be best for everyone. She saw the torn rooms."
Ashley smiled. "Water's fine for me too," She told the lady. Her mind was blank about what they'd talk about over whatever they were going to eat. Life back in civilization might bring flashbacks, and pretty much anything that had happened during the time that they were dumped could cause Dask to lose control.
Dasken took a long, deep breath. He wanted to make their first date good. He thought about what to talk about.
"So, uh..." he was taken aback by her sheer beauty. "What're your hobbies?"
Zackery laughed and held on so he wouldn't fall, "we must keep going! The treasure is waiting"!
"My name is Fae. I don't know why I collect you. My dad always collected rare things and when powered people started to show up collected them. I guess it just passed to me," Fae sighed and shrugged her shoulders.
Miridia nodded and served them some water before backing off and snapping her fingers, a band appeared and started to play soft music.
Grace made a pathetic noise and barfed again.
"Akron! Your brother is here," Lyric called into the bunker and waved him closer.
"Alright captain!" Darcel laughed as he grabbed onto the back of the boat. "Captain, we decided to add on some turbo boosters, let's go!" Darcel chuckled as he pushed the boat full speed ahead, towards a giant rock in the middle of the lake
" It's nice to meet you Fae." Joshua said. He looked at her. " So where does this leave our groups. Are you going to try and capture us again or will we have some sort of peace?" He asked.
Brandon pulled back Grace's hair with one hand and gently rubbed her back. " Maybe you should see a doctor. I mean if you have a stomach virus it'll probably be wise to get proper medication for it." He said.
"Drawing and writing," Ashley told him, "And a little bit of music, too. What about yourself?" She missed her friends back home now. They would have little get-togethers where everyone would spend the night and draw or write, and no one would sleep at all.
Grace nodded and made a whimpering noise. She cleaned her mouth and shakily stood up, "thank you Brandon".
"I won't be after you. Ken saved me so I owe him my life," Fae sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Under her breath she mumbled, "not to mention he's cute too".
Zack let out a cry of happiness and held on tightly, "wooooo"!