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" Alright." Joshua said. " So you have a crush on our dear speedser huh." He said. sarcasticly. " Anyways. How do you feel about making an alliance with us? We can't really provide anything but it would be nice to have a wealthy person backing us up."
" So." Brandon said. " Do you want to go today or wait until tomorrow?" He asked.
" Hey." Lily said walking up to Brandon and Grace. " What happened?" She asked.
"Winter went wild and chaos happened," grace groaned and looked at Lilly and her brother, "I'm going today, you can stay here though. Get some rest".
"I'll help but I will be building a vacation home nearby," Fae sipped some coffee when a made brought two cups over for them.
Zackery got off the raft and started searching. He gasps and picked up the coin when he found it, "look darcel! It's the treasure"!
"Wow Zack, You found real treasure! Good job buddy!" Darcel giggled as he placed Zack back onto the raft, pushing him to shore. "We gotta go show Lyric, She's going to love it!" he smiled
"Alright." Joshua said as he sipped the coffee. Since the somewhat meeting was out of the way he decided to become a little more friendlier. "So when did you find out about your powers?" He asked.
"I'll come with." Brandon said. " I don't want you to be alone not in the condition your in."
"Malgus? Here?" Akron was bewildered. Then, he saw him. "Brother!" He gasped and ran over to him. "Why are you here?" Akron's tone sounded more confused than angry. "I thought I told you to take care of our parents!" Malgus shook his head. "They're gone. A gunman killed them. They... they told me to find you, that you'd take care of me." Akron dropped to his knees. "It can't be..." He whispered. Akron hung his head in sorrow.
"My dad owns a military development company so he can get heads up on powered people the Feds captured," Fae hummed over her tea, "my power is easy to hide so I'm ok".
"I'm fine really," grace smiled sheepishly at him and started down the hall to get into a car.
"Yeah! She's gonna be so excited," Zackery lept off once they reached shot and put his shirt on, having taken it off so it didn't get wet.
" So was mine." Joshua said. " I just used it at the wrong time. Still though I would like to get to know you better." He said. He realized how that might sound to someone. "It's only on a personal basis. Taken the fact that most of my comrades either don't open up or they just like to destroy things. Besides my bro...sister seems to like you." He said catching himself before he said brother.
Brandon fallowed grace. He used invisibility to keep a close eye on her. ' I hope she get's better.' he thought
Lily walked out to where Josh and Fae where talking.
"Speaking of which." Josh said as he looked at Lily.
"Hello Lilly. Have you found anything in one of the closets you like? If you wish I can call for a semester and have any clothes that you can dream of made for you," Fae waved and offered her the couch seat. A maid asked if she would have liked to have anything.
Grace got into a car and the driver asked where should like to go. She told her that she was heading to the hospital and he nodded driving away.
Lyric wrapped her arms around Akron and hugged him, trying to comfort him, "shh it's ok".
Lily said no to the maid as she sat down. " I did find a few dresses in Grace's closet." She said. "Though I haven't been able to try any of them on yet. Winter came in here and went berserk apparently."
"What!" Joshua said in disbelief.
"It's over now." She said.
Lily then looked over at Fae. " Once again thank you for opening my eye's Fae." She said.
"I- I can't believe it," Akron whispered. Akron's world disappeared around him. "No." Even with Lyric's embrace, Akron couldn't shake the feeling of deep sadness. "Oh God, no." He stood up, his gaze looking at the ground. "Excuse me," He muttered, and ran off into the forest.
"It's no problem darling. It was my honor to help a beautiful being fluke yourself," Fae smiled and finished her coffee. When she heard the news about winter she sighed, "I guess I'll pay for all the funrels and pay for any colleges".
Grace stepped out of the car when they reached the hospital and walked inside. She sat in the waiting room after talking to the receptionist.
Lyric called after him but Zackery burst out of the forest and hugged her before she could give chase.
Malgus's eyes followed Akron's movement and sighed. "I never should have told him."

Fatigue was starting to grow on Akron, but he ignored it and kept running. Finally, he stumbled over some roots and fainted on the path.
"Can you go get him. I have to ready dinner and have to watch Zackery now," Lyric looked at Malgus. She shooed Zackery off to go change into drier clothes and looked at Darcel, "out. Lunch is ready so go change and come eat".
"Will do. You're pretty, by the way." Malgus created an air sphere and zoomed away. He searched for hours but to no avail. He zoomed back to where the girl from earlier was. "No sign of him. You look like you know him pretty well. Where would he go?"
"Probably made himself faint," Lyric sighed and looked at darcel, "there is a Russian telepathic bear inside don't freak out. I'm going to look for Akron".
She then zoomed off, tracking her partner down.
Zackery came out to show his adopted mother his treasure but deflated when he realized he wasn't there, "where did momma go"?
Grace was called into the doctor's office and told them her symptoms and did all of the tests. She was put back in the waiting room and waited for a bit before she was call back in, "well we have good or bad news depending on how you take it".
"No," Zackery ran in after him and grabbed some of the food that was on the counter.
Lyric found Akron and sighed. She pulled him into her lap and rested against a tree. She ran her fingers through her hair and sang a lullaby softly, trying to calm him down.
Akron finally awoke to see himself staring into Lyric's eyes. He chuckled softly. "Well, this is awkward. One time, I expected something to happen where I was in your place and you in mine." He took her hand into his.
"Well maybe if you didn't run away then I will be but lunch is ready and you scared me," Lyric scolded him. She squeezed his hand and leaned down, kissing him quickly.
Zackery shreiked and panicked, shaking his big brother and panicking, "wake up! Darcel! Big brother"!
Zackery let out a cry and struggled to try and wake up Darcel. He had tears streaming down his face and was shaking him. He whimper and yelled for help.
It had been a long time since Rufus had waited for Midnights response, so he curled up beside a nearby tree and slept throughout a majority of the day. It's been 4 years since Rufus had last slept in a proper bed, and so now he just slept in a hunched up bronze ball. He eventually woke up, only to fall back asleep, waiting.
"What's the news," grace hummed as she looked at the doctor. She smiled and handed a file over, "congratulations! Your pregnant"!
Grace froze when she heard the news and dropped the file, "what"!
"Alright, alright. Sorry, by the way." Akron pulled Lyric close to him and gently kissed her on the lips. He stood up, offering his hand to her. "Let's go now. I'll bet the others are waiting."
She nodded with a smile and stood up with his help. She dusted herself off and started back toward the bunker, hoping that lunch hadn't been devoured already, "I'm glad to head you are. Are you upset your brother is staying"?
"No, not at all. My brother is extremely energetic and outgoing. You'll brighten up to him easily." Akron held Lyric's hand as they walked back to base.
Malgus cheered as he saw Akron and the girl from earlier entering the camp. "Akron's back!" Then he squinted and cheered even louder. "They're holding hands!!!"
"Mom! Something is wrong with darcel," Zackery came running out of the bunker and Lyric's face dropped. She let go of Akron's hand and ran into the bunker to see what had happened. She rolled him into his side and made sure he was breathing.
Brandon stood motionless. He looked at Grace though she couldn't see him. Many thoughts ran through his head. He reappeared behind the doctor and looked at grace. His face went from dreadful, to loving, to a look of caution, then to loving. He walked up to Grace and touched her hands and looked into her eyes saying that he was going to be there for her. whatever she decided.
Joshua looked at the time. "I'm going to head back to the bunker." He said. " I actually enjoyed our chat Fae see you around."
"Ms. Fae." Lily said. " Can I stay here tonight?" She asked.
Ken woke up to see Joshua. "Hey Josh how are you doing." He asked. He then turned to Fae with a cheeky grin on his face. "Was I just dreaming or did I hear you say that you think I'm cute."

Boris got out of the bunker and arrived beside Darcel. He scanned him and said. "This man has two soul in conscious, one is fading and other is growing." He said to the others.
"I'm doing fine." Joshua said looking at his friend. " Actually I was on my way to save your ass but looks like you got out of it." He said. There was a bit of respect in his voice. "Anyways it's good to see you on your feet."
"Of course! Just Fae. Only business associates call me that," Fae smiled and sipped her drink again. She glared over her cup at Ken, "Im afraid your mistaken".
Grace teared up and held onto Brendan tightly. She started to hyperventilate and pressed her face into his chest.
Lyric crested a healing glyph and tried to heal the boy on the ground.
"Thank you Fae." Lily said as she hugged friend. "Hey while I'm here can you teach me how to do stuff." She said. She looked over at Josh not wanting to say what infront of her big brother.
" Anyways Ken." Josh said. " I'm heading to the bunker. Want to come with?" He asked
Brandon wrapped his arms around grace as she was hyperventilating. "It'll be alright." he said.
One small cut seemed to heal, but more seemed to appear onto his body. His hair became pure black, and his eyes became a darker blue. The boy sat up and began to laugh, but it wasn't Darcel. It was Seth.