But (OOC: Goodbye my friends)
Too much... that was what it was... as everything happened, after all the problems, villains, betrayal and death... too much
And midnight had been in the middle of it all, watching yet unable to help, without an end in sight and not a single moment to stop and rest. Watching as his friends, his family, destroy themselves from the inside, being torn apart, and being unable to help. And there was nothing that could be done, nothing! He was just a powerless freak who could only do anything at the one time EVERYONE was asleep, so he sat down, and wrote a note
Dear Friends,
This is Midnight, we are all BLIND! All of this fighting, we are being divided, torn apart, we long passed the point of no return and we will never recover. None of our victories have been without loss, eventually we will stumble, eventually we will fall, but that is not why I am doing this, it's too late for me to change anything, I'm doing this because I'm just in the way of your continued survival, and my death will benefit you all, perhaps it will send a message, perhaps you will be able to see now the mistakes you made and how to fix them, but probably not. Goodbye, you have been te greatest friends I have ever had
But Midnight knew that was a lie, he was doing it because he didn't want to be there when his little family inevitably fell, split apart, how the others could not see, he did not know. But if he could sent a message, if he could make them understand, his life would be worth it. All around him, in the centre of the forest, strange contraptions stood around him, made to amplify the power of the moon, he felt himself begin to glow and float, an artificial full moon, he only hoped he had enough time, in a split second he was at the camp, and dropped off his note, before riding up, crashing through his own artificial moon and into space, he felt himself rising through the atmosphere, all oxygen leaving his lungs, they burned like hell but he continued, it was nothing like what he was going to experience. Like a ball of fire he lit the entire sky up, and set himself on a course for the sun itself.
As he reached its firey surface he smiled as the light enveloped him "goodbye" he whispered