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Boris saw a note drop from the sky. He went over to read it and called everyone else. "Comrade! I found note of a 'midnight', it read like it is suicide note, I think you better read letter." Boris alerted the others.
Seth patched up his wound, "Sorry for mistreating your lady,I had to deal with that once." He sighed and looked over at Darcel. "I can't believe I laid a finger on him.. My son... Well thank you for the bandages, I don't know if i'll ever change, if my son will ever love me again."
Zackery looked at him confused, "what is suicide? Who is midnight? Thank you big brother. Is wings okey now that Darcel made his booboo go away"?
He looked at josh and pushed on his shoulders, trying to wake him up.
Darcel looked over at the bear, "What?" he thought to himself as he stood up. He scanned the note with his eyes, and began to cry. "Damn it! Why did we always have to fight! Someone is dead because of us... Why can't we be normal..!" Darcel screamed as he collapsed to the floor. "Why do we always mess things up.. Maybe everyone is right.. We are just outcasted freaks.."
Zane looked at his sword as he tried to figure out how to teleport. "So I can just teleport to someone with blood if I'm in a tricky situation. Well I am in a tricky situation since I need some good food. I mean that person's food was good, but if I'm going to stay here I can't eat the same thing." Zane said talking to himself. 'You know what I need, some coffee.' Zane thought to himself. He clutched his sword and closed his eyes as he tried to imagine the cashier he saw at Starbucks two weeks ago.
Seth looked up at Akron, "You're right.." he whispered as he grabbed onto the spare clothes."Thanks" he said as he began to change.
Darcel looked over at Zackery, "Y-yeah... The b-birds alright.." he stuttered while tears streamed down his face.
"Why are you crying? Arnt the bad guys gone," Zackery was really confused and was trying to wipe the tears from Darcel's face. He was very confused and wondering why everyone was crying.
Ashley sighed. "A dad that was never home and didn't seem to care, a mom that was way too strict, one demonic little brother, and one okay little brother. That's my family family. My friend family was a lot closer."
Dasken took another breath. He was getting too nervous.
"So... it may be a bit off-topic, but how did you discover your powers?" He clenched a fist under the table. "Please don't ask me how I got mine." His eyes sparked a bit, but he was otherwise fine.
Ashley looked at the moon somewhat wistfully. "Some jerk thought he'd mess with one of my friends. I'm not talking about some little 'Yo, Imma shove you now' kind of thing, he took it way far. On someone that was barely able to defend herself. So, I may have gone a little insane at the moment and used my powers that I didn't realize I had. It wasn't exactly pretty," She finished, looking straight into Dask's eyes. "The day after that, government officials decided to storm my house and put me in that truck."
Dasken's arm twitched, his eyes sparking to life. "A similar thing happened to me. Except take that and... *ffffffhhhhhh*... multiply it by a village..." he said, his eyes blazing to life, this time with a light that matched his eyes; steel grey. His aura began to flicker the same color, but it didn't last long. Dasken crossed his arms on the table. "I'm sorry to hear that..."
"Don't be. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have met you," Ashley said, ripping some cheesy romantic line that she instantly regretted. "I mean, none of this would have happened. I'd probably be back at home right now listening to my parents fight."
Dasken's arms twitched. His aura bursted to life for a moment. "Your parents... fought?" He asked quietly, all too gently and calmly. His face grew dark.
He felt himself slipping, yet still in minor control.
Ken suddenly woke up and wanted to go to the bathroom. He walked around the mansion and eventually found it. "Man this place is big, I had to climb to this really long staircase." He then overheard Grace and Syler's conversation. "Wait what? What's Syler doing here? And Fae's friend is pregnant with him?" He ran to the room Fae was in and fazed through its door. "Sorry to barge in but Fae! I overheard upstairs that your friend, I don't think I caught her name, is pregnant!"
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Ashley nodded. "Not like fistfights fighting, but just arguing. It just made me...really upset, I guess. Powerless, you know? I always wanted to speak my mind about it, find some way to maybe stop it, but they would just send me back to my bedroom like some little kid. There were a lot of other things, too.." Ashley trailed off for a moment, getting lost in thought, remembering her life before her powers tore through everything normal. "I guess being an Outcast isn't all that bad, if you don't count evil people always trying to capture us, the ever-present threat of starvation, and people trying to kill themselves," She said with joking sarcasm.
Dasken twitched. "You... you didn't deserve..." his calm voice cracked into anger and despair. His Aura bursted into a steely grey. His eye sparks blazed brightly. "YOU DIDN'T DESERVE THEM!" He bellowed, his aura blasting a scorching hole into the roof. He took a combative stance, then returned to a slouched position.
Ashley jumped out of her chair. "Dask!" She cried. "Get ahold of yourself before you hurt someone!" She rushed to his side, hoping that she didn't wind up getting hurt. "Don't do it," She told him.
Dasken was able to will his aura to not harm Ashley, but was unable to take the stress. His aura exploded outward, and everything but Ashley was affected. His body shuddered, he yelled, and grit his teeth. He twitched more and more, trying to regain control. His aura whipped about in limb-like formations, exploding anything around him.
Ashley just didn't know what to do. Due to her primal instincts, her powers were beginning to kick in. Wind was howling around them. Ashley hugged Dask tight and shut her eyes tight. Flames were caught in the wind and made a dangerous, flickering display of chaos, amplifying the situation.
Dasken stopped screaming abruptly, and looked at Ashley hugging him. His eye twitched. His aura intensified, and made a protective cocoon around Ashley. He began to yell again, and the resturaunt began to fall apart from the sheer heat and force.
Ashley's powers were beginning to intensify. The speed of the winds grew faster, and the flames grew in size, beginning to merge. The fiery winds closed in around the duo, swirling into a tornado-like form; a fire devil.
Dasken grabbed onto Ashley's hand, and fell silent. He looked at the swirling maelstrom around them.
He grew a cheshire grin.
His aura flared larger than ever, and he yelled, encouraging Ashley to do the same.
Ashley didn't just yell, she screamed. The firestorm seemed to expand until it burst just like some scene from an anime. Now Ashley's eye had a Sans style effect to it, a blue flame. The flames had also turned to blue, signaling that the girl had lost control of her powers. Now, it was more like the powers controlled HER.
Dasken's aura slowly shifted from grey to orange.
He had lost control.
Their hands remained held, though.
Together, Dasken and Ashley walked out of the portal, the resturaunt destroyed and their destructive energy following them.
Zane teleported back to the bunker sipping his coffee as well as carrying a bucket of chicken from KFC with some mashed potatoes and gravy. He was going to live at the bunker so he might as well have some real food instead having to eat food found in the forest or wherever they found their food. He sat down at one of the tables and started to eat.
Joshua woke up. "Jesus." He said. As he woke up. He over did it this time. He decided to stand up. He saw the fire storm in the distance. " Yeah fuck it. I'm tired of this bullshit." He said realizing that it was most likely Dask again. He stood up and made his way to his campsite.
He laid down in the tent and went to sleep.
Brandon sat down beside Grace. He gave her the ice cream. He thought over his life choices. He had to change. Syler had to leave. He needed help with his addiction.
Lily tried to get out of Fae's grasp. but failed. She was having fun. Though she had two brothers neither of them really liked her. She was the legitimate child and was given more than the other two. But She didn't love either of them any less. but now she has a big sister who she loved and she knew the feeling was neutral.
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"What! Grace is pregnant," Fae let Lilly go from her hug and stood up. She was furious, her friend didn't even tell her and she had sent her into a potentially dangerous situation in the woods! How long had Grace been pregnant, she didn't know, all she knew was that she was determined to make sure that baby had everything it could ever want.
Grace smiled up at Brandon and accepted the ice cream. She started to eat it and kissed him on the cheek as she watched Netflix.
Miridia facepalmed and sighed pulling the restaurant into another dimension so they didn't cause to much trouble.
Zackery hugged his brother and smiled up at him brightly, trying to cheer him up.
Lyric work up slowly and got up. She was liked over and picked Zackery up, grinning at him, happy that he was safe. She smirks at darcel and hugged him, "thank you for saving him".
Dasken was the first to step through the portal. Winds ripped through the air, fire incinerated the grass, and the earth was burning away due to their auras combining.
Dasken stopped screaming. He merely stood, his head tilted towards Ashley.
He grinned a cheshire grin, and began to sing.
"Da da da-da. Da da da-da. Da-da da da. Da-da da da." His grin widened.
Darcel looked up Lyric, "I wasn't the only one who helped..." he whispered as he looked over at Josh and Akron. "I'm going to relax for the day, if anyone is injured, I'll help." He said as he began to heal Joshua
Ken waked out of Fae's room. "You know, I wonder how everyone is doing back at base." He decided to quickly run back and instantly returned eyes wide open and hands on his lap. "God damn it Dasken! And now Ashley lost control too!" He ran back into Fae's room. "Sorry to interrupt but Fae, can you come with me to my base with me for a little? I just ran back and there's a REALLY bad problem." His face had a worried expression.
Darcel picked up Joshua, and ran into the base and shoved him under one of the bunks. He ran back outside and stared at Dasken and Ashley, "Can I just take a nap?" he complained. " Lyric, take Zackery somewhere safe! These guys are going insane.." he complained once more
Fae nodded and waved to lily. She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked at him, "well let's go".
Lyric smiled and shook her head. She kissed akron before going to clean up.
Miridia sighed and made a shield bubble around them to keep the destruction to a minimum.
Ken got ready to run. "Hang on tight we're going to be travelling at a hight velocity." He warned Fae as he slowly picked up speed. When they arrive they saw Dask and Ashley in a bubble. "Looks like they have already been slowed down. Fae, could you sing a tune to calm them down a bit?" Ken asked Fae while looking at the bubble.